
Advanced Laravel 9 • for Beginner to Expert (2022-08)

Aug 5th, 2022
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  1. Advanced Laravel 9 • for Beginner to Expert
  2. 14 sections • 44 lectures • 6h 42m total length
  3. 2022-08 | e-Learning | English | HTML, MP4, ZIP | 2.01 GB
  5. In this course, you will learn the complete Laravel 9 from scratch. This course is for beginner to advanced.
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  19. What you'll learn
  20. - Composer installation and usage
  21. - Using package in Laravel 9
  22. - MVC (Model, View, Controller) Pattern in Laravel
  23. - Laravel File and Folder Structure
  24. - About the .env file
  25. - Basic Laravel Routing
  26. - Route Parameters, middleware, prefix, named route
  27. - Registering and using middleware
  28. - Normal and Resource Controller
  29. - View and blade files
  30. - Seeder and Faker in Laravel 9
  31. - Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) System from Scratch
  32. - Image CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) System from Scratch
  33. - Image Intervention System
  34. - Laravel Basic Authentication using Laravel UI - Registration, Email Verification, Forget and Reset Password
  36. Requirements
  37. - Basic PHP Knowledge
  38. - Basic HTML, CSS Knowledge
  39. - Experience to work with a code editor
  40. - Basic Bootstrap Knowledge
  41. - Knowledge about local server. For example, xampp, wampp or any
  42. - Basic of OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  44. Description
  46. You know the latest laravel version is now Laravel 9. So we have created a very complete course on Laravel 9.
  47. If you are new to Laravel or beginner to Laravel, you will be able to learn it in advanced level from this course.
  49. Here we have taught the students:
  50. - Composer - Installing composer in local machine, installing package using composer
  51. - MVC (Model, View, Controller) - How it works and details about this
  52. - Laravel 9 Installation - Installation process, directory structure and about the .env file
  53. - Route - Basic route, route parameter, route group, prefix etc.
  54. - Middleware - How it works, types of middleware, registering etc.
  55. - Controller - Basic controller, partial and resource controller
  56. - View - view features (extends, include, yield, section), conditions, loop
  57. - Working with Database - Connection, model, migration, seeder, fakers etc.
  58. - Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system in Laravel 9 - Environment setup, validation, store data, show, edit, delete data from database
  59. - Image CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system in Laravel 9 - Environment setup, validation, store data, show, edit, delete image from database
  60. - Using Image Intervention in Laravel 9 - Image crud with intervention image, environment setup, store, delete, edit and show the data
  61. - Complete Authentication System with Laravel 9 UI - Create project, user registration, email verification, login and logout in authentication, forget password system, reset password system
  63. Who this course is for:
  64. - Those who want to be a Laravel developer
  65. - Students who want to learn laravel for their university projects
  66. - Experts who want to get a job in laravel
  67. - Those who want to increase their knowledge in programming
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