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- $nomention
- $c[ Information ]
- $c[ Economy code 💰 ]
- $c[ 1 command only!]
- $c[ By thePurplewha#7872 ]
- $var[version;1.0.1]
- $c[ ------------------------------------ ]
- $c[ Customizable Variables (MUST CHANGE) ]
- $var[currencyIcon;$]
- $var[walletIcon;💵]
- $var[bankIcon;💳]
- $var[embedThumbnail;$authorAvatar]
- $var[failColor;ff0000]
- $var[successColor;00a8ff]
- $var[normalColor;$random[1000;9999]]
- $var[moneyVariable;Money]
- $var[bankVariable;Bank]
- $var[enableRob;true]
- $var[enableBeg;true]
- $var[enableWork;true]
- $var[balanceTrigger;bal]
- $var[robTrigger;rob]
- $var[begTrigger;beg]
- $var[workTrigger;work]
- $var[workText;$randomText[You work as a mechanic and get;You work as a cook and get;You work as a bartender and get;You work as a waiter and get]]
- $var[begTitle;$randomText[your mom;a ghost;some random person;Will Smith;Rick Astley;your mind;The Rock]]
- $var[begText;$randomText[sure, here's;yeah, take some;take this;why not, take some of]]
- $var[walletTitle;Money]
- $var[bankTitle;Credit Card]
- $var[begCooldown;30s]
- $var[workCooldown;1h]
- $var[robCooldown;3h]
- $var[workCooldownError;You must wait %time% before working again]
- $var[begCooldownError;You must wait %time% before begging again]
- $var[robCooldownError;You must wait %time% before robbing again]
- $var[workGainRate;$random[400;700]]
- $var[begGainRate;$random[100;200]]
- $c[ ------------------------------------ ]
- $c[ Main code ]
- $httpGet[]
- $eval[$httpResult]
- $c[ ------------------------------------ ]
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