

May 22nd, 2019
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  1. >
  2. [Script resumed: mc_mix.cmd]
  3. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1072): [put #echo >$Log Crimson 5/22/2019 06:36:02 PM *** MISSING MATCH IN PUT_IT! ( ***]
  4. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1073): [put #echo >$Log Crimson 5/22/2019 06:36:02 PM PutIt = my waterskin in my banana]
  5. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1074): [put #log 5/22/2019 06:36:02 PM MISSING MATCH IN PUT_IT (]
  6. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1075): [return]
  7. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1190): [return]
  8. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(893): [gosub GET my mixing stick]
  9. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1087): [var Get my mixing stick]
  10. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1088): [var LOCATION GET_1]
  11. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1089): [pause 0.0001]
  12. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1090): [GET_1:]
  13. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1091): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,]
  14. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1092): [matchre WAIT ^You struggle with .* great weight but can't quite lift it\!]
  15. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1093): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  16. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1094): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  17. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1095): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  18. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1096): [matchre HOLD_1 ^But that is already in your inventory\.]
  19. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1097): [matchre RETURN ^You get .*\.]
  20. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1098): [matchre RETURN ^You pick up .*\.]
  21. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1099): [matchre RETURN ^You carefully remove .* from the bundle\.]
  22. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1100): [matchre RETURN ^You are already holding that\.]
  23. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1101): [matchre RETURN ^Get what\?]
  24. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1102): [matchre RETURN ^I could not find what you were referring to\.]
  25. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1103): [matchre RETURN ^What were you referring to\?]
  26. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1104): [matchre RETURN ^You grab .*(?:\.|\!|\?)]
  27. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1105): [matchre RETURN ^As best it can\, .* moves in your direction\.]
  28. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1106): [matchre UNTIE ^You pull at it]
  29. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1107): [send get my mixing stick]
  30. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1108): [matchwait 15]
  31. get my mixing stick
  32. You are already holding that.
  33. >
  34. mc_mix.cmd(235): [return:]
  35. mc_mix.cmd(236): [return]
  36. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(894): [}]
  37. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(895): [return ]
  38. mc_mix.cmd(104): [if "mix" = "crush" then]
  39. mc_mix.cmd(105): [else]
  40. mc_mix.cmd(105): [gosub Action mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick]
  41. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(898): [var command mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick]
  42. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(899): [Action_1:]
  43. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(900): [matchre Action_1 ^\.\.\.wait|type ahead]
  44. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(901): [matchre Analyze ^That tool does not seem suitable for that task\.]
  45. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(902): [matchre RETURN ^Roundtime\:?|^\[Roundtime\:?|^\(Roundtime\:?]
  46. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(903): [send mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick]
  47. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(904): [matchwait 10]
  48. mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick
  50. mc_mix.cmd(26): [var special water]
  51. You need another splash of water to continue crafting an unfinished riolur potion (internal neck wounds). You believe you can pour or put it into the bowl, pot or cauldron and continue mixing the unfinished brew inside.
  53. [Ingredients can be added by putting them with the unfinished item and continuing to craft.]
  54. >
  55. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(905): [return]
  56. mc_mix.cmd(106): [return]
  57. mc_mix.cmd(98): [goto work]
  58. mc_mix.cmd(94): [action (work) on]
  59. mc_mix.cmd(95): [save mix]
  60. mc_mix.cmd(96): [if "mix" = "done" then]
  61. mc_mix.cmd(97): [gosub mix]
  62. mc_mix.cmd(102): [gosub specialcheck]
  63. mc_mix.cmd(167): [if "water" != "NULL" then]
  64. mc_mix.cmd(167): [gosub water]
  65. mc_mix.cmd(129): [if 0 = 1 then]
  66. mc_mix.cmd(130): [gosub ToolCheckLeft water]
  67. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(883): [var tools water]
  68. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(884): [if "Empty" = "Empty" then]
  69. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(885): [{]
  70. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(886): [if (matchre("water", "tongs") && (%worn.tongs = 1)) then]
  71. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(887): [else]
  72. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(887): [gosub GET MY water]
  73. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1087): [var Get MY water]
  74. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1088): [var LOCATION GET_1]
  75. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1089): [pause 0.0001]
  76. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1090): [GET_1:]
  77. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1091): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,]
  78. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1092): [matchre WAIT ^You struggle with .* great weight but can't quite lift it\!]
  79. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1093): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  80. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1094): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  81. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1095): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  82. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1096): [matchre HOLD_1 ^But that is already in your inventory\.]
  83. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1097): [matchre RETURN ^You get .*\.]
  84. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1098): [matchre RETURN ^You pick up .*\.]
  85. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1099): [matchre RETURN ^You carefully remove .* from the bundle\.]
  86. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1100): [matchre RETURN ^You are already holding that\.]
  87. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1101): [matchre RETURN ^Get what\?]
  88. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1102): [matchre RETURN ^I could not find what you were referring to\.]
  89. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1103): [matchre RETURN ^What were you referring to\?]
  90. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1104): [matchre RETURN ^You grab .*(?:\.|\!|\?)]
  91. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1105): [matchre RETURN ^As best it can\, .* moves in your direction\.]
  92. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1106): [matchre UNTIE ^You pull at it]
  93. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1107): [send get MY water]
  94. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1108): [matchwait 15]
  95. get MY water
  97. You get a white waterskin embroidered with a crashing wave from inside your silk banana.
  98. >
  99. mc_mix.cmd(235): [return:]
  100. mc_mix.cmd(236): [return]
  101. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(888): [return]
  102. mc_mix.cmd(131): [var tool mix]
  103. mc_mix.cmd(132): [send pour part of my water in my purple bowl]
  104. mc_mix.cmd(133): [pause 0.5]
  105. pour part of my water in my purple bowl
  106. You cannot find a way to add that as an ingredient to the potion.
  107. >
  108. mc_mix.cmd(134): [if !contains("waterskin", "water") then]
  109. mc_mix.cmd(135): [return]
  110. mc_mix.cmd(168): [var special NULL]
  111. mc_mix.cmd(169): [return]
  112. mc_mix.cmd(103): [gosub ToolCheckLeft mixing stick]
  113. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(883): [var tools mixing stick]
  114. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(884): [if "white waterskin" = "Empty" then]
  115. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(889): [}]
  116. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(890): [if !matchre("mixing stick", "waterskin") then]
  117. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(891): [{]
  118. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(892): [gosub STOW_LEFT]
  119. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1178): [if matchre("", "waterskin") then ]
  120. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1188): [}]
  121. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1189): [else]
  122. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1189): [gosub PUT_IT my waterskin in my banana]
  123. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1054): [var PutIt my waterskin in my banana]
  124. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1055): [var LOCATION PUT_IT_1]
  125. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1056): [pause 0.0001]
  126. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1057): [PUT_IT_1:]
  127. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1058): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,]
  128. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1059): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  129. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1060): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  130. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1061): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  131. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1062): [matchre RETURN ^You (?:put|drop) .*\.]
  132. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1063): [matchre RETURN ^Please rephrase that command\.]
  133. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1064): [matchre RETURN ^.* what\?]
  134. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1065): [matchre RETURN ^I could not find what you were referring to\.]
  135. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1066): [matchre RETURN ^What were you referring to\? ]
  136. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1067): [matchre RETURN ^The (\S+) can only hold]
  137. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1068): [matchre BAG_FULL no matter how you arrange it]
  138. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1069): [matchre PUT_IT_1 ^\[Putting an item on the brazier begins the enchanting process]
  139. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1070): [send put my waterskin in my banana]
  140. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1071): [matchwait 15]
  141. put my waterskin in my banana
  143. You put your waterskin in your silk banana.
  144. >
  145. mc_mix.cmd(235): [return:]
  146. mc_mix.cmd(236): [return]
  147. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1190): [return]
  148. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(893): [gosub GET my mixing stick]
  149. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1087): [var Get my mixing stick]
  150. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1088): [var LOCATION GET_1]
  151. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1089): [pause 0.0001]
  152. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1090): [GET_1:]
  153. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1091): [matchre WAIT ^\.\.\.wait|^Sorry\,]
  154. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1092): [matchre WAIT ^You struggle with .* great weight but can't quite lift it\!]
  155. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1093): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that]
  156. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1094): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web]
  157. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1095): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned]
  158. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1096): [matchre HOLD_1 ^But that is already in your inventory\.]
  159. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1097): [matchre RETURN ^You get .*\.]
  160. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1098): [matchre RETURN ^You pick up .*\.]
  161. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1099): [matchre RETURN ^You carefully remove .* from the bundle\.]
  162. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1100): [matchre RETURN ^You are already holding that\.]
  163. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1101): [matchre RETURN ^Get what\?]
  164. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1102): [matchre RETURN ^I could not find what you were referring to\.]
  165. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1103): [matchre RETURN ^What were you referring to\?]
  166. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1104): [matchre RETURN ^You grab .*(?:\.|\!|\?)]
  167. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1105): [matchre RETURN ^As best it can\, .* moves in your direction\.]
  168. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1106): [matchre UNTIE ^You pull at it]
  169. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1107): [send get my mixing stick]
  170. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1108): [matchwait 15]
  171. get my mixing stick
  172. You are already holding that.
  173. >
  174. mc_mix.cmd(235): [return:]
  175. mc_mix.cmd(236): [return]
  176. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(894): [}]
  177. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(895): [return ]
  178. mc_mix.cmd(104): [if "mix" = "crush" then]
  179. mc_mix.cmd(105): [else]
  180. mc_mix.cmd(105): [gosub Action mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick]
  181. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(898): [var command mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick]
  182. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(899): [Action_1:]
  183. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(900): [matchre Action_1 ^\.\.\.wait|type ahead]
  184. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(901): [matchre Analyze ^That tool does not seem suitable for that task\.]
  185. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(902): [matchre RETURN ^Roundtime\:?|^\[Roundtime\:?|^\(Roundtime\:?]
  186. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(903): [send mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick]
  187. mc_mix.cmd, mc_include.cmd(904): [matchwait 10]
  188. mix my purple bowl with my mixing stick
  190. mc_mix.cmd(26): [var special water]
  191. You need another splash of water to continue crafting an unfinished riolur potion (internal neck wounds). You believe you can pour or put it into the bowl, pot or cauldron and continue mixing the unfinished brew inside.
  193. [Ingredients can be added by putting them with the unfinished item and continuing to craft.]
  194. >
  195. [Script paused: mc_mix.cmd]
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