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- UI.Label("-------Aoe_Spell_Target-------"):setColor("#FFA500")
- addTextEdit("AoeSpell", storage.aoeSpell, function(widget, text)
- storage.aoeSpell = text
- end)
- local singleSpell = "exori hur"
- macro(100, "Safe UE TARGET", function()
- if not g_game.isAttacking() then
- return
- end
- if getMonsters(7, false) ~= 0 and getPlayers(7, false) == 0 then
- say(storage.aoeSpell)
- elseif getPlayers(7, false) ~= 0 then
- say(singleSpell)
- end
- end)
- macro(100, "Spam UE TARGET", function()
- if not g_game.isAttacking() then
- return
- end
- if getMonsters(7, false) ~= 0 then
- say(storage.aoeSpell)
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("-------Aoe_Spell_Spam-------"):setColor("#FFA500")
- addTextEdit("AoeSpellSpam", storage.AoeSpellSpam, function(widget, text)
- storage.AoeSpellSpam = text
- end)
- macro(100, "Spam UE - NO TARGET", function()
- if getMonsters(4, false) ~= 0 then
- say(storage.AoeSpellSpam)
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("-------------BASIC-------------"):setColor("#FFA500")
- UI.Label("----------MP %----------"):setColor("#00FF00")
- addTextEdit("manaPercent", storage.manaPercent, function(widget, text)
- storage.manaPercent = text
- end)
- macro(100, "Manas", function()
- local level = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getLevel()
- local manaPotion = 268
- if (manapercent() <= tonumber(storage.manaPercent)) then
- usewith(manaPotion, player)
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- macro(100, "Healing", function()
- local level = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getLevel()
- local healingSpellLowLevel = "exura"
- local healingSpellHighLevel = "exana mort"
- local strongHealthPotion = 236
- local greatHealthPotion = 239
- local ultimateHealthPotion = 7643
- local hpPercentSpell = 96
- local hpPercentPotion = 67
- if (hppercent() <= hpPercentSpell and level > 8 and level < 30) then
- say(healingSpellLowLevel)
- elseif (hppercent() <= hpPercentSpell and level > 35) then
- say(healingSpellHighLevel)
- end
- if (hppercent() <= hpPercentPotion and level >= 50 and level < 200 ) then
- usewith(strongHealthPotion, player)
- elseif (hppercent() <= hpPercentPotion and level >= 200 and level < 400 ) then
- usewith(greatHealthPotion, player)
- elseif (hppercent() <= hpPercentPotion and level >= 400 ) then
- usewith(ultimateHealthPotion, player)
- end
- end)
- macro(100, "Haste", function()
- local level = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getLevel()
- local hasteLowLevel = "utani hur"
- local hasteHighLevel = "mega hur"
- if (not hasHaste() and level > 20 and level < 200) then
- say(hasteLowLevel)
- elseif (not hasHaste() and level > 200) then
- say(hasteHighLevel)
- end
- end)
- local wait = false
- macro(100, "Task Commands", function()
- if wait then return end
- say("!task maxpoints")
- schedule(10000, function()
- say("!task level")
- end)
- schedule(20000, function()
- wait = false
- end)
- wait = true
- end)
- local targetID = nil
- -- escape when attacking will reset hold target
- onKeyPress(function(keys)
- if keys == "Escape" and targetID then
- targetID = nil
- end
- end)
- macro(100, "ReAttack", function()
- -- if attacking then save it as target, but check pos z in case of marking by mistake on other floor
- if target() and target():getPosition().z == posz() and not target():isNpc() then
- targetID = target():getId()
- elseif not target() then
- -- there is no saved data, do nothing
- if not targetID then return end
- -- look for target
- for i, spec in ipairs(getSpectators()) do
- local sameFloor = spec:getPosition().z == posz()
- local oldTarget = spec:getId() == targetID
- if sameFloor and oldTarget then
- attack(spec)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- macro(100, "ExoriHurSpam", function()
- if not g_game.isAttacking() then
- return
- end
- say("exori hur")
- end)
- -- Wymiana platinum na crystal oraz golden ingot
- local moneyIds = { 3035, 3043 } -- platinium coin, crystal coin
- macro(500, "Wymiana monet", function()
- local containers = g_game.getContainers()
- for index, container in pairs(containers) do
- if not container.lootContainer then
- for i, item in ipairs(container:getItems()) do
- if item:getCount() == 100 then
- for m, moneyId in ipairs(moneyIds) do
- if item:getId() == moneyId then
- return g_game.use(item)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("---------------EXP--------------"):setColor("#FFA500")
- macro(100, "Mana on Friends", function()
- local friends = string.split(storage.friendNameh, "\n")
- for i, spec in pairs(getSpectators()) do
- if table.contains(friends, spec:getName(), true) then
- if (manapercent() >= 30) and getDistanceBetween(pos(), spec:getPosition()) < 2 and spec:getManaPercent() < 60 then
- useWith(tonumber(storage.manauh), spec)
- delay(tonumber(storage.delaymana))
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- UI.Button("Friend List Mana Potion", function(newText)
- UI.MultilineEditorWindow(storage.friendNameh or "", {title="Friend List ManaUH", description="Friend list UH\nExample:\nPlayer1\nPlayer2\nPlayer3"}, function(text)
- storage.friendNameh = text
- end)
- end)
- UI.Label("Potion ID")
- UI.TextEdit(storage.manauh or "238", function(widget, text)
- storage.manauh = text
- end)
- UI.Label("Potion Use Delay")
- UI.TextEdit(storage.delaymana or "1000", function(widget, text)
- storage.delaymana = text
- end)
- onTalk(function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos)
- if name == player:getName() then return end
- if mode ~= 1 then return end
- local friend = getPlayerByName(name)
- if string.find(text, "pt") and friend then
- g_game.partyInvite(friend:getId())
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- macro(4000, "Exeta Res", function()
- say("exeta res")
- end)
- macro(5000, "Odnowa VestiaBoots", function()
- if getFeet():getId() == 9020 then
- usewith(676, getFeet())
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- macro(100, "EnableSharedExp", function()
- if player:getShield() == 4 then
- g_game.partyShareExperience(not player:isPartySharedExperienceActive())
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("------NICK GRACZA:------"):setColor("#00FF00")
- addTextEdit("friendName", storage.friendName, function(widget, text)
- storage.friendName = text
- end)
- onScreen= macro(100,"Stop WP - Lost friend", function()
- local spectators = getSpectators(pos(), false)
- for i, spec in pairs(spectators) do
- if (spec:getName() == storage.friendName) then
- if getDistanceBetween(pos(), spec:getPosition()) < 5 then
- return CaveBot.setOn()
- end
- end
- end
- return CaveBot.setOff()
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("------MIN::------"):setColor("#00FF00")
- addTextEdit("minMonsters", storage.minMonsters, function(widget, text)
- storage.minMonsters = text
- end)
- UI.Label("------MAX::------"):setColor("#00FF00")
- addTextEdit("maxMonsters", storage.maxMonsters, function(widget, text)
- storage.maxMonsters = text
- end)
- macro(10, "Lure Monsters", function()
- if getMonsters(6) >= tonumber(storage.maxMonsters) then
- TargetBot.setOn()
- else
- if getMonsters(4) <= tonumber(storage.minMonsters) then
- TargetBot.setOff()
- end
- end
- end)
- macro(10, "OFF TARGET <= 1 MOB", function()
- if getMonsters(6) <= 1 then
- TargetBot.setOff()
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("------------INNE------------"):setColor("#FFA500")
- singlehotkey("delete", "SwitchCaveBot", function()
- if CaveBot.isOff() or TargetBot.isOff() then
- CaveBot.setOn()
- TargetBot.setOn()
- elseif CaveBot.isOn() or TargetBot.isOn() then
- CaveBot.setOff()
- TargetBot.setOff()
- end
- end)
- local hardcodedItems = {3031, 3035}
- macro(100, "AntyPush" ,function()
- local tile = g_map.getTile(player:getPosition())
- if not tile then return end
- local topItem = tile:getTopUseThing()
- if topItem and topItem:isStackable() then
- topItem = topItem:getId()
- else
- topItem = 0
- end
- local candidates = {}
- for _, item in pairs(hardcodedItems) do
- if item >= 100 and item ~= topItem and findItem(item) then
- table.insert(candidates, item)
- end
- end
- if #candidates == 0 then return end
- local lastItem = storage.lastAntiPushItem or 1
- if lastItem > #candidates then
- lastItem = 1
- end
- local item = findItem(candidates[lastItem])
- g_game.move(item, player:getPosition(), 2)
- storage.lastAntiPushItem = lastItem + 1
- end)
- local fragtext = "Wejscie na Tron Event zostalo otwarte! Czekamy na 6 graczy. Teleport do eventu jest na 1 pietrze depo!"
- local tronEvent = macro(100, "JoinTronEvent", function() end)
- onTextMessage(function(mode, text)
- if tronEvent.isOff() then return end
- if text:lower():find(fragtext) then
- walk(0)
- end
- end)
- macro(10000, "ExpTokeny", function()
- useWith(11455, player)
- end)
- macro(100, "Spam MR - Aczek", function()
- local level = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getLevel()
- local manarune = 3157
- if (manapercent() <= 100) then
- usewith (manarune, player)
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Separator()
- onTextMessage(function(mode,text)
- if mode~=20 then return end
- local itemName = {"Magician's Legs", "magician"}
- if string.find(text, "Loot of") then
- for _, lootName in pairs(itemName) do
- if string.find(text, lootName) then
- playAlarm()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- followName = "Name"
- if not storage[followName] then storage[followName] = { player = 'name'} end
- local toFollowPos = {}
- UI.Label("Auto Follow")
- followTE = UI.TextEdit(storage[followName].player or "name", function(widget, newText)
- storage[followName].player = newText
- end)
- local followChange = macro(200, "Follow Change", function() end)
- local followMacro = macro(20, "Follow", function()
- local target = getCreatureByName(storage[followName].player)
- if target then
- local tpos = target:getPosition()
- toFollowPos[tpos.z] = tpos
- end
- if player:isWalking() then
- return
- end
- local p = toFollowPos[posz()]
- if not p then
- return
- end
- if autoWalk(p, 20, { ignoreNonPathable = true, precision = 1 }) then
- delay(10)
- end
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Separator()
- onPlayerPositionChange(function(newPos, oldPos)
- if followChange:isOff() then return end
- if g_game.isFollowing() then
- local tfollow = g_game.getFollowingCreature()
- if tfollow and tfollow:getName() ~= storage[followName].player then
- followTE:setText(tfollow:getName())
- storage[followName].player = tfollow:getName()
- end
- end
- end)
- onCreaturePositionChange(function(creature, newPos, oldPos)
- if creature:getName() == storage[followName].player and newPos then
- toFollowPos[newPos.z] = newPos
- end
- end)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local panelName = "ssa"
- if not storage[panelName] then
- storage[panelName] = {
- checkBox1 = false,
- checkBox2 = false
- }
- end
- local ui = setupUI([[
- TestPanel < UIWidget
- image-source: /images/ui/window_headless
- image-border: 5
- padding: 3
- height: 45
- CheckBox
- id: check1
- anchors.left: parent.left
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 5
- UIWidget
- anchors.left: check1.right
- !text: tr('ssa: 0-Spam, 1-LowMana')
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 4
- CheckBox
- id: check2
- prev.bottom
- anchors.left: parent.left
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 5
- margin-bottom: 5
- UIWidget
- anchors.left: check2.right
- !text: tr('mr: 0-Spam, 1-LowMana')
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 20
- Panel
- id: test
- height: 35
- padding: 3
- ]])
- local label = UI.createWidget("TestPanel", ui.test)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- label.check1:setChecked(storage[panelName].checkBox1)
- label.check2:setChecked(storage[panelName].checkBox2)
- label.check1.onClick = function(widget)
- storage[panelName].checkBox1 = not storage[panelName].checkBox1
- widget:setChecked(storage[panelName].checkBox1)
- end
- label.check2.onClick = function(widget)
- storage[panelName].checkBox2 = not storage[panelName].checkBox2
- widget:setChecked(storage[panelName].checkBox2)
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- macro(100, "SSA", function()
- if manapercent() <= 30 and label.check1:isChecked() then
- moveToSlot(3081, SlotNeck)
- return true
- elseif manapercent() > 50 and label.check1:isChecked() then
- moveToSlot(3013, SlotNeck)
- elseif not label.check1:isChecked() then
- moveToSlot(3081, SlotNeck)
- return true
- end
- end)
- macro(100, "MRing", function()
- if manapercent() <= 25 and label.check2:isChecked() then
- moveToSlot(3048, SlotFinger)
- return true
- elseif manapercent() > 50 and label.check2:isChecked() then
- moveToSlot(6539, SlotFinger)
- elseif not label.check2:isChecked() then
- moveToSlot(3048, SlotFinger)
- return true
- end
- end)
- -- Lista potworów do sprawdzania
- local targetMonsters = {"strong cannibal", "epic cannibal", "godly cannibal"}
- -- Id przedmiotów
- local ringBattle = 3048
- local ringDefault = 6539
- local amuletSsa = 3081
- local amuletJohns = 9802
- -- Nazwy plecaków, gdzie mają trafić przedmioty
- local amuletBpName = "backpack" -- Plecak na amulet
- local ringBpName = "backpack" -- Plecak na ring
- -- Funkcja do sprawdzania, czy na ekranie jest potwór z listy
- local function isMonsterNearby(monsterList)
- for _, creature in ipairs(getSpectators() or {}) do
- if creature and creature:isMonster() then
- if table.contains(monsterList, creature:getName():lower()) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- -- Funkcja do liczenia liczby potworów w odległości <= 2 kratek od gracza
- local function countMonstersNearbyWithinDistance(maxDistance)
- local count = 0
- for _, creature in ipairs(getSpectators() or {}) do
- if creature and creature:isMonster() and getDistanceBetween(pos(), creature:getPosition()) <= maxDistance then
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- return count
- end
- local function equipRing(id)
- if not getFinger() or getFinger():getId() ~= id then
- moveToSlot(id, SlotFinger)
- end
- end
- local function equipSsa()
- local currentAmulet = getNeck()
- if not currentAmulet or currentAmulet:getId() ~= amuletSsa then
- local amulet = findItem(amuletSsa)
- if amulet then
- moveToSlot(amulet, SlotNeck)
- end
- end
- end
- local function equipJohns()
- local currentAmulet = getNeck()
- if not currentAmulet or currentAmulet:getId() ~= amuletJohns then
- local amulet = findItem(amuletJohns)
- if amulet then
- moveToSlot(amulet, SlotNeck)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Makro do automatycznego zakładania i zdejmowania przedmiotów
- macro(100, "Auto Equip Amulet & Ring", function()
- local monsterNearby = isMonsterNearby(targetMonsters)
- local monsterCount = countMonstersNearbyWithinDistance(2) -- Sprawdzamy tylko w odległości <= 2 kratek
- if monsterNearby or monsterCount > 6 then
- equipSsa()
- equipRing(ringBattle)
- else
- equipJohns()
- equipRing(ringDefault)
- end
- end)
- --
- local ui = setupUI([[
- Panel
- width: 300
- height:300
- Label
- id: targetLabel
- x: 205
- y: 110
- font: verdana-11px-rounded
- Label
- id: caveLabel
- x: 205
- y: 125
- font: verdana-11px-rounded
- ]], g_ui.getRootWidget())
- local function getTargetBotStatus()
- return TargetBot.isOn() and "ON" or TargetBot.isOff() and "OFF"
- end
- local function getCaveBotStatus()
- return CaveBot.isOn() and "ON" or CaveBot.isOff() and "OFF"
- end
- local function getColorFromStatus(status)
- return status == "ON" and "green" or status == "OFF" and "red"
- end
- macro(100, function()
- local targetStatus = getTargetBotStatus()
- local caveStatus = getCaveBotStatus()
- local targetColor = getColorFromStatus(targetStatus)
- local caveColor = getColorFromStatus(caveStatus)
- ui.targetLabel:setColoredText({"Target: ", "white", targetStatus, targetColor})
- ui.caveLabel:setColoredText({"Cavebot: ", "white", caveStatus, caveColor})
- end)
- setDefaultTab("Main")
- local mkPanelname = "monsterKill"
- if not storage[mkPanelname] then storage[mkPanelname] = { min = false, lastKills = 0 } end
- local monsterKill = setupUI([[
- Panel
- margin-top:2
- height: 135
- Button
- id: resetList
- anchors.left: parent.left
- width: 20
- height: 17
- margin-top: 2
- margin-left: 3
- text: !
- color: red
- tooltip: Reset Data
- Button
- id: showList
- anchors.right: parent.right
- width: 20
- height: 17
- margin-top: 2
- margin-right: 3
- text: -
- color: red
- Label
- id: title
- text: Monster Kills
- text-align: center
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- height: 20
- Label
- id: lastKillLabel
- text: Last 10 min kills: 0
- text-align: center
- title.bottom
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- height: 15
- margin-top: 3
- color: yellow
- ScrollablePanel
- id: content
- image-source: /images/ui/menubox
- image-border: 4
- image-border-top: 17
- lastKillLabel.bottom
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- margin-top: 5
- height: 88
- padding: 3
- vertical-scrollbar: mkScroll
- layout:
- type: verticalBox
- BotSmallScrollBar
- id: mkScroll
- anchors.bottom: content.bottom
- anchors.right: content.right
- margin-top: 2
- margin-bottom: 5
- margin-right: 5
- ]], parent)
- monsterKill:setId(mkPanelname)
- killList = {}
- local lbls = {}
- local function toggleWin(load)
- if load then
- monsterKill:setHeight(40)
- monsterKill.showList:setText("+")
- monsterKill.showList:setColor("green")
- else
- monsterKill:setHeight(135)
- monsterKill.showList:setText("-")
- monsterKill.showList:setColor("red")
- end
- end
- function refreshMK()
- if #lbls > 0 and (#killList == #lbls) then
- local i = 1
- for k, v in pairs(killList) do
- lbls[i].name:setText(k .. ':')
- lbls[i].count:setText("x"..v)
- i = i + 1
- end
- else
- for _, child in pairs(monsterKill.content:getChildren()) do
- child:destroy()
- end
- for k, v in pairs(killList) do
- lbls[k] = g_ui.loadUIFromString([[
- Panel
- height: 16
- margin-left: 2
- Label
- id: name
- text:
- anchors.left: parent.left
- margin-top: 2
- text-auto-resize: true
- font: verdana-11px-bold
- Label
- id: count
- text:
- anchors.right: parent.right
- margin-right: 15
- text-auto-resize: true
- color: orange
- font: verdana-11px-bold
- ]], monsterKill.content)
- if lbls[k] then
- lbls[k].name:setText(k .. ':')
- lbls[k].count:setText("x"..v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- refreshMK()
- toggleWin(storage[mkPanelname].min)
- monsterKill.showList.onClick = function(widget)
- storage[mkPanelname].min = (monsterKill:getHeight() == 135)
- toggleWin(storage[mkPanelname].min)
- end
- -- Funkcja do resetowania licznika i zapisywania ostatniej sumy
- local function resetCounter()
- local totalKills = 0
- for _, count in pairs(killList) do
- totalKills = totalKills + count
- end
- storage[mkPanelname].lastKills = totalKills -- Zapisujemy sume
- monsterKill.lastKillLabel:setText("Last 10 min kills: " .. totalKills)
- killList = {}
- refreshMK()
- warn("Licznik zresetowany. Zabite w ostatnich 10 minutach: " .. totalKills)
- end
- monsterKill.resetList.onClick = function(widget)
- resetCounter()
- end
- -- Automatyczne resetowanie co 10 minut (600 sekund)
- macro(600000, "Reset Monster Kill Counter", function()
- resetCounter()
- end)
- function checkKill(mode, text)
- local mobName = nil
- local reg = { "Loot of a (.*):", "Loot of an (.*):", "Loot of the (.*):","Loot of (.*):" }
- for x = 1, #reg do
- _, _, mobName = string.find(text, reg[x])
- if mobName then
- if killList[mobName] then
- killList[mobName] = killList[mobName] + 1
- else
- killList[mobName] = 1
- end
- refreshMK()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- onTalk(function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos)
- if channelId == 11 then checkKill(mode, text) end
- end)
- onTextMessage(function(mode, text)
- checkKill(mode, text)
- end)
- function getKills(mobName)
- if killList[mobName] then
- return killList[mobName]
- end
- return nil
- end
- function getDumpAllKills()
- for k, v in pairs(killList) do
- warn(v .. "x " .. k)
- end
- end
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("-------COMBO LEADER-------")
- setDefaultTab("Main")
- local panelName = "CL"
- if not storage[panelName] then
- storage[panelName] = {
- checkBoxSD = false,
- checkBoxSpell = false
- }
- end
- local ui = setupUI([[
- CLPANEL < UIWidget
- image-source: /images/ui/window_headless
- image-border: 5
- padding: 3
- height: 45
- CheckBox
- id: checkSD
- anchors.left: parent.left
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 5
- UIWidget
- anchors.left: checkSD.right
- !text: tr('SD')
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 4
- CheckBox
- id: checkSpell
- prev.bottom
- anchors.left: parent.left
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 5
- margin-bottom: 5
- UIWidget
- anchors.left: checkSpell.right
- !text: tr('SPELL')
- margin-left: 5
- margin-top: 20
- Panel
- id: CL
- height: 35
- padding: 3
- ]])
- local label = UI.createWidget("CLPANEL", ui.CL)
- UI.Separator()
- UI.Label("Spell:"):setColor("#FFA500")
- addTextEdit("SpellCL", storage.spellCL, function(widget, text)
- storage.spellCL = text
- end)
- UI.Separator()
- -- Synchronizacja z przechowywanymi wartoociami
- label:getChildById("checkSD"):setChecked(storage[panelName].checkBoxSD)
- label:getChildById("checkSpell"):setChecked(storage[panelName].checkBoxSpell)
- -- Obs3uga zdarzen dla checkboxów
- label:getChildById("checkSD").onClick = function(widget)
- local state = not widget:isChecked()
- widget:setChecked(state)
- storage[panelName].checkBoxSD = state
- if state then
- label:getChildById("checkSpell"):setChecked(false)
- storage[panelName].checkBoxSpell = false
- end
- end
- label:getChildById("checkSpell").onClick = function(widget)
- local state = not widget:isChecked()
- widget:setChecked(state)
- storage[panelName].checkBoxSpell = state
- if state then
- label:getChildById("checkSD"):setChecked(false)
- storage[panelName].checkBoxSD = false
- end
- end
- UI.Label("Leader:"):setColor("#c934eb")
- addTextEdit("leader", storage.comboLeader or "Player name", function(widget, text)
- storage.comboLeader = text
- end)
- addSeparator()
- -- Makro i logika
- local m = macro(1000, "Enable combo", function() end)
- onMissle(function(missle)
- if m.isOff() then return end
- local src = missle:getSource()
- if src.z ~= posz() then return end
- local from = g_map.getTile(src)
- local to = g_map.getTile(missle:getDestination())
- if not from or not to then return end
- local fromCreatures = from:getCreatures()
- local toCreatures = to:getCreatures()
- if #fromCreatures ~= 1 or #toCreatures ~= 1 then
- return
- end
- local c1 = fromCreatures[1]
- local t1 = toCreatures[1]
- if c1:getName():lower() == storage.comboLeader:lower() then
- if label:getChildById("checkSD"):isChecked() then
- if not g_game.isAttacking() then
- g_game.attack(t1)
- end
- useWith(3155, t1)
- elseif label:getChildById("checkSpell"):isChecked() then
- if not g_game.isAttacking() then
- g_game.attack(t1)
- end
- say(storage.spellCL)
- end
- end
- end)
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