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- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- =begin
- Labyrinth Copyright (C) 2018 Grathium Sofwares <>
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
- This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
- conditions.
- =end
- require 'net/http'
- require 'webrick'
- require 'webrick/https'
- require 'securerandom'
- class Encryptor
- $end_file=''
- $websiteKey = SecureRandom.hex
- def cipher(rotation)
- characters = (' '..'z').to_a
- offset_characters = characters.rotate(rotation)
- pairs =
- Hash[pairs]
- end
- def encrypt_letter(letter,rotation)
- cipher_for_rotation = cipher(rotation)
- cipher_for_rotation[letter]
- end
- def encrypt(string,rotation)
- letters = string.split('')
- results = letters.collect do |letter|
- encrypted_letter = encrypt_letter(letter, rotation)
- end
- results.join
- end
- def decrypt(string, rotation)
- rotation = -(rotation)
- letters = string.split('')
- results = letters.collect do |letter|
- encrypted_letter = encrypt_letter(letter, rotation)
- end
- results.join
- results = results.to_s
- results.delete! '[]""'
- results.gsub! 'nil', ''
- return results
- end
- def decrypt_file(filename, rotation)
- # Create the file handle to the encrypted file
- message =, "r")
- # Read the encrypted text
- read_message =
- # Decrypt the text by passing in the text and rotation
- decrypted_message = decrypt(read_message, rotation)
- # Create a name for the decrypted file
- decrypted_filename = filename.gsub("encrypted", "decrypted")
- # Create an output file handle
- output_message =, "w")
- # Write out the text
- output_message.write(decrypted_message)
- # Close the file
- output_message.close
- end
- def get_lambda(char)
- val = char.sum
- dynamicvar = $c
- if (dynamicvar=="" || dynamicvar==nil)
- dynamicvar = 1
- else
- if (dynamicvar==0)
- dynamicvar = 1
- end
- end
- #$c = (dynamicvar * val)/2*(1-(dynamicvar * val)/2)/((dynamicvar * dynamicvar) *2)
- decrypted_char = decrypt(char, $c)
- return decrypted_char
- end
- def read_file(filename)
- clear = #open the file and set it as a variable
- cleartxt =
- #read the file letter by letter and get the corrosponding lambda
- i = 0
- while i <= cleartxt.size
- encchar = cleartxt[i..i]
- $end_file = $end_file + get_lambda(encchar)
- system "cls"
- puts "#$end_file"
- i+=1
- end
- clear.close
- end
- end
- class Webbrowser
- def local_server(sitename)
- cert_name = [
- %w[CN localhost],
- ]
- server =
- :Port => 8443,
- :SSLEnable => true,
- :SSLCertName => cert_name
- )
- server.mount_proc '/' + $websiteKey + '.lab' do |req, res|
- res.body = $end_file
- end
- system "cls"
- puts "Client Ready!"
- system 'start chrome.exe --incognito "https://localhost:8443/' + $websiteKey + '.lab"'
- server.start
- end
- end
- $end_file=''
- w =
- e =
- #this gets what the website should be saved as
- file_name = SecureRandom.hex + ".lab"
- puts "
- Hidden key identifier?"
- print "> "
- file_to_decrypt = gets.chomp
- puts "
- Secure File Password,"
- print "> "
- $c = gets.chomp.sum.to_i
- source = Net::HTTP.get('', '/raw/' + file_to_decrypt)
- encrypt_source =, "w")
- encrypt_source.write(source)
- encrypt_source.close
- #decrypt the source file
- e.read_file(file_name)
- sleep(1)
- w.local_server(file_name)
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