
RocketLauncher variables

Jan 8th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. 0
  2. rlPath
  3. pluginPath
  4. pluginName
  5. pluginExt
  6. contextOnExit
  7. rlMode
  8. rlTitle
  9. rlVersion
  10. rlAuthor
  11. rlURL
  12. langFile
  13. primMonitor
  14. frontendPID
  15. frontendPath
  16. frontendExe
  17. frontendExt
  18. frontendName
  19. frontendDrive
  20. exitEmulatorKey
  21. restoreFE
  22. exitScriptKey
  23. toggleCursorKey
  24. emuFullPath
  25. emuPath
  26. emuName
  27. emuExt
  28. baseRomPath
  29. romPath
  30. romPathFromIni
  31. romExtension
  32. romExtensionOrig
  33. romExtensions
  34. executable
  35. systemDbName
  36. systemName
  37. dbPath
  38. dbName
  39. dbExt
  40. romFoundByExt
  41. romName
  42. romMapPath
  43. romMappingEnabled
  44. romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled
  45. romMappingFirstMatchingExt
  46. romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive
  47. romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen
  48. romMappingHideParent
  49. romMappingMenuWidth
  50. romMappingMenuMargin
  51. romMappingTextFont
  52. romMappingTextOptions
  53. romMappingDisabledTextColor
  54. romMappingTextSizeDifference
  55. romMappingTextMargin
  56. romMappingTitleTextFont
  57. romMappingTitleTextOptions
  58. romMappingTitle2TextFont
  59. romMappingTitle2TextOptions
  60. romMappingGameInfoTextFont
  61. romMappingGameInfoTextOptions
  62. romMappingGameNameTextFont
  63. romMappingGameNameTextOptions
  64. romMappingBackgroundBrush
  65. romMappingColumnBrush
  66. romMappingButtonBrush1
  67. romMappingButtonBrush2
  68. romMappingBackgroundAlign
  69. romMappingMenuFlagWidth
  70. romMappingMenuFlagSeparation
  71. romMappingDefaultMenuList
  72. romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch
  73. altArchiveNameOnly
  74. altRomNameOnly
  75. altArchiveAndRomName
  76. altArchiveAndManyRomNames
  77. altRomNamesOnly
  78. romMapScenario
  79. skipchecks
  80. romMatchExt
  81. blockInputTime
  82. blockInputFile
  83. errorLevelReporting
  84. lockLaunch
  85. lockLaunchGame
  86. screenRotationAngle
  87. screenRotationAngleGame
  88. setResolution
  89. logFile
  90. logLabel
  91. logLevel
  92. logShowDebugConsole
  93. logShowCommandWindow
  94. logCommandWindow
  95. logIncludeModule
  96. logIncludeFileProperties
  97. logIncludeDLLLogs
  98. errorSounds
  99. rlDebugConsoleStdout
  100. sysLang
  101. sysType
  102. broadcastWindowTitle
  103. navUpKey
  104. navDownKey
  105. navLeftKey
  106. navRightKey
  107. navSelectKey
  108. navP2UpKey
  109. navP2DownKey
  110. navP2LeftKey
  111. navP2RightKey
  112. navP2SelectKey
  113. originalWidth
  114. originalHeight
  115. vdEnabled
  116. vdFullPath
  117. vdUseSCSI
  118. vdDriveLetter
  119. vdDriveLetterScsi
  120. vdAddDrive
  121. demulShooterPath
  122. servoStikEnabled
  123. servoStikExitMode
  124. ledblinkyEnabled
  125. ledblinkySystemName
  126. ledblinkyFullPath
  127. ledblinkyProfilePath
  128. ledblinkyRLProfile
  129. winIPACFullPath
  130. ultraMapEnabled
  131. ultraMapFullPath
  132. emuIdleShutdown
  133. launchPasswordHash
  134. cursorSize
  135. hideCursor
  136. hideEmu
  137. hideFE
  138. suspendFE
  139. fadeIn
  140. fadeInDuration
  141. fadeInTransitionAnimation
  142. fadeInDelay
  143. fadeInExitDelay
  144. fadeOutExitDelay
  145. fadeOut
  146. fadeOutExtraScreen
  147. fadeOutDuration
  148. fadeOutTransitionAnimation
  149. fadeOutDelay
  150. fadeLyrInterpolation
  151. fadeMuteEmulator
  152. fadeUseBackgrounds
  153. fadeClickThrough
  154. fadeSounds
  155. fade7zProgressMode
  156. fadeWidthBaseRes
  157. fadeHeightBaseRes
  158. fadeLyr1Color
  159. fadeLyr1AlignImage
  160. fadeLyr2Pos
  161. fadeLyr2X
  162. fadeLyr2Y
  163. fadeLyr2W
  164. fadeLyr2H
  165. fadeLyr2Adjust
  166. fadeLyr2PicPad
  167. fadeLyr2Prefix
  168. fadeLyr3Pos
  169. fadeLyr3X
  170. fadeLyr3Y
  171. fadeLyr3W
  172. fadeLyr3H
  173. fadeLyr3Adjust
  174. fadeLyr3PicPad
  175. fadeLyr3Speed
  176. fadeLyr3Animation
  177. fadeLyr37zAnimation
  178. fadeLyr3Type
  179. fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress
  180. fadeLyr3Repeat
  181. fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency
  182. fadeLyr3StaticPos
  183. fadeLyr3StaticX
  184. fadeLyr3StaticY
  185. fadeLyr3StaticW
  186. fadeLyr3StaticH
  187. fadeLyr3StaticAdjust
  188. fadeLyr3StaticPicPad
  189. fadeLyr3StaticPrefix
  190. fadeLyr4Adjust
  191. fadeLyr4X
  192. fadeLyr4Y
  193. fadeLyr4W
  194. fadeLyr4H
  195. fadeLyr4Pos
  196. fadeLyr4FPS
  197. fadeLyr4PicPad
  198. fadeTranspGifColor
  199. fadeBarWindow
  200. fadeBarWindowX
  201. fadeBarWindowY
  202. fadeBarWindowW
  203. fadeBarWindowH
  204. fadeBarWindowR
  205. fadeBarWindowM
  206. fadeBarWindowHatchStyle
  207. fadeBar
  208. fadeProgressDuration
  209. fadeBarBack
  210. fadeBarBackColor
  211. fadeBarH
  212. fadeBarR
  213. fadeBarColor
  214. fadeBarHatchStyle
  215. fadeBarPercentageText
  216. fadeBarInfoText
  217. fadeBarXOffset
  218. fadeBarYOffset
  219. fadeRomInfoDescription
  220. fadeRomInfoSystemName
  221. fadeRomInfoYear
  222. fadeRomInfoDeveloper
  223. fadeRomInfoPublisher
  224. fadeRomInfoGenre
  225. fadeRomInfoRating
  226. fadeRomInfoOrder
  227. fadeRomInfoTextPlacement
  228. fadeRomInfoTextMargin
  229. fadeRomInfoText1Options
  230. fadeRomInfoText2Options
  231. fadeRomInfoText3Options
  232. fadeRomInfoText4Options
  233. fadeRomInfoText5Options
  234. fadeRomInfoText6Options
  235. fadeRomInfoText7Options
  236. fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played
  237. fadeStats_Last_Time_Played
  238. fadeStats_Average_Time_Played
  239. fadeStats_Total_Time_Played
  240. fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time
  241. fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time
  242. fadeStatsInfoOrder
  243. fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement
  244. fadeStatsInfoTextMargin
  245. fadeStatsInfoText1Options
  246. fadeStatsInfoText2Options
  247. fadeStatsInfoText3Options
  248. fadeStatsInfoText4Options
  249. fadeStatsInfoText5Options
  250. fadeStatsInfoText6Options
  251. fadeText1X
  252. fadeText1Y
  253. fadeText1Options
  254. fadeText1
  255. fadeText2X
  256. fadeText2Y
  257. fadeText2Options
  258. fadeText2
  259. fadeText3
  260. fadeText4
  261. fadeFont
  262. fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly
  263. fadeExtractionTime
  264. fadeExtractionTimeTextX
  265. fadeExtractionTimeTextY
  266. fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions
  267. fadeInterruptKey
  268. detectFadeErrorEnabled
  269. fadeImgPath
  270. RLDataPath
  271. RLMediaPath
  272. RLErrSoundPath
  273. modulesPath
  274. moduleFullName
  275. moduleName
  276. modulePath
  277. moduleExtension
  278. moduleExtensionsPath
  279. libPath
  280. sevenZEnabled
  281. sevenZPath
  282. sevenZDllPath
  283. sevenZExtractPath
  284. sevenZExtractPathOrig
  285. sevenZAttachSystemName
  286. sevenZDelTemp
  287. sevenZFormats
  288. sevenZFormatsNoP
  289. sevenZFormatsRegEx
  290. sevenZGamesToKeep
  291. sevenZDeletePerSystem
  292. sevenZExtensions
  294. ; Being phased out but here for convenience as many modules still use it until they can all be refactored
  295. 7zExtractPath
  297. mgEnabled
  298. mgKey
  299. mgBackgroundColor
  300. mgSidePadding
  301. mgWidthBaseRes
  302. mgHeightBaseRes
  303. mgYOffset
  304. mgFont
  305. mgText1Options
  306. mgText1Text
  307. mgText2Options
  308. mgText2Offset
  309. mgUseSound
  310. mgSoundfreq
  311. mgExitEffect
  312. mgSelectedEffect
  313. mgUseGameArt
  314. mgCandidate
  315. mgValidTypes
  316. mgOnLaunch
  317. pauseEnabled
  318. pauseKey
  319. pauseBackToMenuBarKey
  320. pauseZoomInKey
  321. pauseZoomOutKey
  322. pauseScreenshotKey
  323. pauseHiToTextPath
  324. pauseSaveStateKeyCodes
  325. pauseLoadStateKeyCodes
  326. keyboardEncoder
  327. keyboardEncoderEnabled
  328. keymapperEnabled
  329. keymapperAHKMethod
  330. keymapper
  331. xpadderFullPath
  332. joyToKeyFullPath
  333. profilePath
  334. keymapperProfilePath
  335. keymapperFrontEndProfileName
  336. keymapperFrontEndProfile
  337. keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled
  338. joyIDsEnabled
  339. joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal
  340. joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem
  341. joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit
  342. CustomJoyNamesEnabled
  343. CustomJoyNames
  344. rotateMethod
  345. FEProfile
  346. defaultProfile
  347. systemProfile
  348. xPadderSystemProfile
  349. emuProfile
  350. romProfile
  351. RocketLauncherProfile
  352. blankProfile
  353. ahkFEProfile
  354. ahkDefaultProfile
  355. ahkSystemProfile
  356. ahkEmuProfile
  357. ahkRomProfile
  358. ahkRocketLauncherProfile
  359. bezelEnabled
  360. bezelICEnabled
  361. shaderName
  362. shaderColor
  363. shaderTransparency
  364. statisticsEnabled
  365. pressDuration
  366. emuVolume
  367. dxwndIni
  368. dxwndFullPath
  369. qResFullPath
  370. mon1O
  371. pacDrivedllFile
  372. userFadeAnimIniFile
  373. testFile
  374. testDuration
  375. initialErrorMode
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