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- 0
- rlPath
- pluginPath
- pluginName
- pluginExt
- contextOnExit
- rlMode
- rlTitle
- rlVersion
- rlAuthor
- rlURL
- langFile
- primMonitor
- frontendPID
- frontendPath
- frontendExe
- frontendExt
- frontendName
- frontendDrive
- exitEmulatorKey
- restoreFE
- exitScriptKey
- toggleCursorKey
- emuFullPath
- emuPath
- emuName
- emuExt
- baseRomPath
- romPath
- romPathFromIni
- romExtension
- romExtensionOrig
- romExtensions
- executable
- systemDbName
- systemName
- dbPath
- dbName
- dbExt
- romFoundByExt
- romName
- romMapPath
- romMappingEnabled
- romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled
- romMappingFirstMatchingExt
- romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive
- romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen
- romMappingHideParent
- romMappingMenuWidth
- romMappingMenuMargin
- romMappingTextFont
- romMappingTextOptions
- romMappingDisabledTextColor
- romMappingTextSizeDifference
- romMappingTextMargin
- romMappingTitleTextFont
- romMappingTitleTextOptions
- romMappingTitle2TextFont
- romMappingTitle2TextOptions
- romMappingGameInfoTextFont
- romMappingGameInfoTextOptions
- romMappingGameNameTextFont
- romMappingGameNameTextOptions
- romMappingBackgroundBrush
- romMappingColumnBrush
- romMappingButtonBrush1
- romMappingButtonBrush2
- romMappingBackgroundAlign
- romMappingMenuFlagWidth
- romMappingMenuFlagSeparation
- romMappingDefaultMenuList
- romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch
- altArchiveNameOnly
- altRomNameOnly
- altArchiveAndRomName
- altArchiveAndManyRomNames
- altRomNamesOnly
- romMapScenario
- skipchecks
- romMatchExt
- blockInputTime
- blockInputFile
- errorLevelReporting
- lockLaunch
- lockLaunchGame
- screenRotationAngle
- screenRotationAngleGame
- setResolution
- logFile
- logLabel
- logLevel
- logShowDebugConsole
- logShowCommandWindow
- logCommandWindow
- logIncludeModule
- logIncludeFileProperties
- logIncludeDLLLogs
- errorSounds
- rlDebugConsoleStdout
- sysLang
- sysType
- broadcastWindowTitle
- navUpKey
- navDownKey
- navLeftKey
- navRightKey
- navSelectKey
- navP2UpKey
- navP2DownKey
- navP2LeftKey
- navP2RightKey
- navP2SelectKey
- originalWidth
- originalHeight
- vdEnabled
- vdFullPath
- vdUseSCSI
- vdDriveLetter
- vdDriveLetterScsi
- vdAddDrive
- demulShooterPath
- servoStikEnabled
- servoStikExitMode
- ledblinkyEnabled
- ledblinkySystemName
- ledblinkyFullPath
- ledblinkyProfilePath
- ledblinkyRLProfile
- winIPACFullPath
- ultraMapEnabled
- ultraMapFullPath
- emuIdleShutdown
- launchPasswordHash
- cursorSize
- hideCursor
- hideEmu
- hideFE
- suspendFE
- fadeIn
- fadeInDuration
- fadeInTransitionAnimation
- fadeInDelay
- fadeInExitDelay
- fadeOutExitDelay
- fadeOut
- fadeOutExtraScreen
- fadeOutDuration
- fadeOutTransitionAnimation
- fadeOutDelay
- fadeLyrInterpolation
- fadeMuteEmulator
- fadeUseBackgrounds
- fadeClickThrough
- fadeSounds
- fade7zProgressMode
- fadeWidthBaseRes
- fadeHeightBaseRes
- fadeLyr1Color
- fadeLyr1AlignImage
- fadeLyr2Pos
- fadeLyr2X
- fadeLyr2Y
- fadeLyr2W
- fadeLyr2H
- fadeLyr2Adjust
- fadeLyr2PicPad
- fadeLyr2Prefix
- fadeLyr3Pos
- fadeLyr3X
- fadeLyr3Y
- fadeLyr3W
- fadeLyr3H
- fadeLyr3Adjust
- fadeLyr3PicPad
- fadeLyr3Speed
- fadeLyr3Animation
- fadeLyr37zAnimation
- fadeLyr3Type
- fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress
- fadeLyr3Repeat
- fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency
- fadeLyr3StaticPos
- fadeLyr3StaticX
- fadeLyr3StaticY
- fadeLyr3StaticW
- fadeLyr3StaticH
- fadeLyr3StaticAdjust
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPad
- fadeLyr3StaticPrefix
- fadeLyr4Adjust
- fadeLyr4X
- fadeLyr4Y
- fadeLyr4W
- fadeLyr4H
- fadeLyr4Pos
- fadeLyr4FPS
- fadeLyr4PicPad
- fadeTranspGifColor
- fadeBarWindow
- fadeBarWindowX
- fadeBarWindowY
- fadeBarWindowW
- fadeBarWindowH
- fadeBarWindowR
- fadeBarWindowM
- fadeBarWindowHatchStyle
- fadeBar
- fadeProgressDuration
- fadeBarBack
- fadeBarBackColor
- fadeBarH
- fadeBarR
- fadeBarColor
- fadeBarHatchStyle
- fadeBarPercentageText
- fadeBarInfoText
- fadeBarXOffset
- fadeBarYOffset
- fadeRomInfoDescription
- fadeRomInfoSystemName
- fadeRomInfoYear
- fadeRomInfoDeveloper
- fadeRomInfoPublisher
- fadeRomInfoGenre
- fadeRomInfoRating
- fadeRomInfoOrder
- fadeRomInfoTextPlacement
- fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- fadeRomInfoText1Options
- fadeRomInfoText2Options
- fadeRomInfoText3Options
- fadeRomInfoText4Options
- fadeRomInfoText5Options
- fadeRomInfoText6Options
- fadeRomInfoText7Options
- fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played
- fadeStats_Last_Time_Played
- fadeStats_Average_Time_Played
- fadeStats_Total_Time_Played
- fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time
- fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time
- fadeStatsInfoOrder
- fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement
- fadeStatsInfoTextMargin
- fadeStatsInfoText1Options
- fadeStatsInfoText2Options
- fadeStatsInfoText3Options
- fadeStatsInfoText4Options
- fadeStatsInfoText5Options
- fadeStatsInfoText6Options
- fadeText1X
- fadeText1Y
- fadeText1Options
- fadeText1
- fadeText2X
- fadeText2Y
- fadeText2Options
- fadeText2
- fadeText3
- fadeText4
- fadeFont
- fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly
- fadeExtractionTime
- fadeExtractionTimeTextX
- fadeExtractionTimeTextY
- fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions
- fadeInterruptKey
- detectFadeErrorEnabled
- fadeImgPath
- RLDataPath
- RLMediaPath
- RLErrSoundPath
- modulesPath
- moduleFullName
- moduleName
- modulePath
- moduleExtension
- moduleExtensionsPath
- libPath
- sevenZEnabled
- sevenZPath
- sevenZDllPath
- sevenZExtractPath
- sevenZExtractPathOrig
- sevenZAttachSystemName
- sevenZDelTemp
- sevenZFormats
- sevenZFormatsNoP
- sevenZFormatsRegEx
- sevenZGamesToKeep
- sevenZDeletePerSystem
- sevenZExtensions
- ; Being phased out but here for convenience as many modules still use it until they can all be refactored
- 7zExtractPath
- mgEnabled
- mgKey
- mgBackgroundColor
- mgSidePadding
- mgWidthBaseRes
- mgHeightBaseRes
- mgYOffset
- mgFont
- mgText1Options
- mgText1Text
- mgText2Options
- mgText2Offset
- mgUseSound
- mgSoundfreq
- mgExitEffect
- mgSelectedEffect
- mgUseGameArt
- mgCandidate
- mgValidTypes
- mgOnLaunch
- pauseEnabled
- pauseKey
- pauseBackToMenuBarKey
- pauseZoomInKey
- pauseZoomOutKey
- pauseScreenshotKey
- pauseHiToTextPath
- pauseSaveStateKeyCodes
- pauseLoadStateKeyCodes
- keyboardEncoder
- keyboardEncoderEnabled
- keymapperEnabled
- keymapperAHKMethod
- keymapper
- xpadderFullPath
- joyToKeyFullPath
- profilePath
- keymapperProfilePath
- keymapperFrontEndProfileName
- keymapperFrontEndProfile
- keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled
- joyIDsEnabled
- joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal
- joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem
- joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit
- CustomJoyNamesEnabled
- CustomJoyNames
- rotateMethod
- FEProfile
- defaultProfile
- systemProfile
- xPadderSystemProfile
- emuProfile
- romProfile
- RocketLauncherProfile
- blankProfile
- ahkFEProfile
- ahkDefaultProfile
- ahkSystemProfile
- ahkEmuProfile
- ahkRomProfile
- ahkRocketLauncherProfile
- bezelEnabled
- bezelICEnabled
- shaderName
- shaderColor
- shaderTransparency
- statisticsEnabled
- pressDuration
- emuVolume
- dxwndIni
- dxwndFullPath
- qResFullPath
- mon1O
- pacDrivedllFile
- userFadeAnimIniFile
- testFile
- testDuration
- initialErrorMode
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