
95 Exit, No Cape Route

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. 95 Exit, No Cape
  2. Dots Route (Early Special)
  4. YI2
  5. YI3
  6. YI4
  7. #1C stay small if you want to do dsh fast, big for ds1 dboost, fire for dsh dboost
  8. DP1* use yoshi to get up to the key
  9. DS1
  10. DS1*
  11. DSH* try to stay big at least, not the end of the world if you don't
  12. SW1 technically faster to do this after SW2 normal exit, but doing both SW1 lets you grab a backup mushroom to feed yoshi
  13. SW1* get mushroom if you were small at the end of DSH*
  14. SW2* feed blue yoshi at the key
  15. SW3
  16. SW3* dismount, throw block, remount. there's a consistant strat to do this quickly
  17. SW4
  18. SW4*
  19. SW5
  20. SW5*
  21. SP1 wings are easier than room 2, heh
  22. SP2 wings maybe
  23. SP3 wings duh
  24. SP4
  25. SP5
  26. SP6 (puke)
  27. SP7 (puke)
  28. SP8
  29. YI1
  30. YSP
  31. DP1
  32. DP2*
  33. GSP
  34. DP2
  35. DGH
  36. DP3
  37. DP4 grab fire from roulette block
  38. #2C
  39. VD1 wings
  40. VD2* easy backup fire here
  41. RSP
  42. VD2 easy backup fire here
  43. VGH
  44. VD3 get yoshi
  45. VD4
  46. #3C
  47. CBA wings, don't ditch yoshi!
  48. CM
  49. CBA* use yoshi to get under the goal
  50. SL
  51. SW2 feed yoshi with your backup fire, SW1 next if you skipped it earlier
  52. DSH
  53. DS2
  54. VD1* easy backup fire
  55. VS1*
  56. VS1
  57. VS2
  58. VS3
  59. VF
  60. BB1
  61. BB2
  62. #4C
  63. FoI1*
  64. FGH first door
  65. FoI4*
  66. FSA hopefully you still have blue yoshi or you're losing 1:30
  67. FF
  68. FoI4
  69. FoI2 hard clip ditch yoshi
  70. FoI3
  71. FGH*
  72. FoI1 get yoshi
  73. FoI2* hard clip ditch yoshi
  74. BSP
  75. FoI3*
  76. #5C hopefully you have backup powerup to do the spike dboost
  77. CI1 fire = mushroom from this point on
  78. CGH
  79. CI2*
  80. CS
  81. CI2 get yoshi
  82. CI3
  83. CI3*
  84. CF dboost strat if you are willing; if you go for fast VGH*, stay small
  85. CI4
  86. CI5
  87. #6C
  88. SGS
  89. VoB1
  90. VoB2 wings
  91. VoBGH* fast strat for small mario
  92. VoBGH
  93. VoB3
  94. VoB4*
  95. VoB4 ditch yoshi at end
  96. #7C
  97. VoB2* sandbar no cape is free
  98. VoBF
  99. BD
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