

Mar 11th, 2024
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  1. Currently possible steps in a platform definition file:
  3. Click element
  4. Send keystroke
  5. Get element list when ID contains
  6. Send keystroke when attribute of element in element list contains
  7. Process reCaptchaV2
  8. Wait until element is invisible
  9. Switch to new window/tab
  10. Switch to default window
  11. Switch to iframe
  12. Find in source
  13. Locate image captcha
  14. Locate text captcha
  15. Wait
  18. Example steps of the XenForo platform definition file. Each step can either return "OK" when successful or an error "ERROR: ...."
  20. 1. Click element
  21. 2. Get element list when ID contains
  22. 3. Send keystroke when attribute of element in element list contains
  23. 4. Send keystroke when attribute of element in element list contains
  24. 5. Send keystroke when attribute of element in element list contains
  25. 6. Click element
  26. 7. Process reCaptchaV2
  27. 8. Wait until element is invisible
  28. 9. Click element
  29. 10. Find in source
  30. 11. Find in source
  31. 12. Switch to new window/tab
  32. 13. Find in source
  33. 14. Find in source
  35. When not in the platform defintiion file, where will the code get information about what to do after the execution of each step?
  37. Example:
  39. #10 (Find in source) is sucessful, the text we seach for was found, and it shall stop further processing
  40. #13 (Find in source) is successful, the text we search for was found, and it shall NOT stop further processing but instead retry with new data (username is use for example)
  42. So when they cannot set in the platform def that #10 shall stop further processing, or that #13 shall retry with new data, where do they set that?
  44. If they would create settings files for various situations, there must be somehow a reference to the step in the platform definition file, like "What to do when #10 is successful" and such.
  45. I just cant explain it better, I only hope you know what I mean.
  46. If not, just give me an idea about how you would do that.
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