
what the hell is this copypasta

Apr 26th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. Sit down and fall through several ceilings and break your nasty ass back. You have no power here so shut up and let some one crush a house on you and turn you into a puddle of pig's blood. You probably can't even produce kids anyway with the blanks you probably shoot out of your tiny ass dick no woman would ever want in their pussy. HA! You're such a disappointment, and even more stupid to make this stupid comment to me like I wasn't going to fire back at you. And boy I wish I had fire to literally shoot at you. Now shut up and smell defeat. I just roasted your ass to the extreme so you dare to fuck with me some more? I got more than where this came from sonny! BRING IT! You are a worthless, idiotic, and disgusting human specimen I have ever came across. Are you a morphine addict just born stupid from a stupid family who all need to be locked away in cages in some mental asylum that's filthy and decrepit? How about you look in the mirror and get yourself baptized You're an embarrassment to yourselves, especially when you're trying to make me look bad. Oh HELL TO THE NO. You made a big mistake there coming to scum your aids onto me you load of athlete's foot fungus that needs to be stapled with cocaine. You buzzard of bucket piss lizard semen mixed with monkey air need to shut the hell down you pathetic little tramps who's been knocked up by mutilated garbage pail aliens and gave anal birth to idiotic creatures hybrid between a damn monkey and a lizard coughing up wrinkled old people's bums all dirty and smelly that they kill off a whole harvest population and animals and leave your town starving to death. You think you can take me on? SIT DOWN and break your damn backs while doing so too. I REPEAT YOUR DAMN ELEPHANT HUNCHBACK WHILE DOING SO!!! FUCKER!!! You're no match for me and don't have the guts to fight me. I'll tear you open like a pillow and piss, crap, bleed, vomit, AND throw my boogers on YOUR grave. See how you like THEM apples you disgusting dil pickles with hairs so sharp they stab at your neck every time you speak. 4Kids meant no harm and it's now time for me to punish you into seeing that! 4KIDS HATING MOTHERFUCKER!!! NOW DIE!!! You've just earned your ass an insult message buddy so congratulations you retarded freak that needs to commit suicide already. You FUCKING you mentally unstable can of rotten fish guts and tuna. You've done it now because you now are about to earn the insult message of your lifetime. You want to be a 4Kids hating bitch huh? What ever culture you're part of, you are a disgrace to it and they ought to burn you alive like they did with those who were accused to be witches back in the 1600s. SUCK ON LEMONS AND DIE FROM THEM! You motherfucking waste of sperm and egg mutated bitch. Everyone does not hate 4Kids and they have lots of good fans out there. You're the shit ball here buddy so clean your dirty ass up. Some of us actually enjoy their dubs that your sorry ass can't even grasp because you want to be such a bitch. Now get raped. You fucking bitch. You know, If I knew where you lived I would so track you down and kill your bitch ass you here me? And then hire some guys to rape you and leave that pretty face of yours looking like the woman's a few years ago that got beaten by that chimpanzee. It's 4Kids haters and 4Kids dub bashing bitches like you that don't deserve to be part of this world. Seriously, get shot the fuck up you pale skin jar of mayonnaise. I wouldn't think so considering you're a stupid mentally unstable breeding whore who is too fat and lazy to educate themselves and get a decent job. You live on scraps and bodily fluids for your meals and drinks and reply on pennies for your paychecks. You are a waste of sperm and egg that should have been miscarried in the womb and not have even made it to birth. It's a shame you did because if I was the doctor that delivered you, I would have snapped your ugly, deformed, mutant head off and threw you in the garbage. Go get yourself sterilized ya trashy slut. Bitch, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory. Your parents must have laughed hysterically when they first seen you born. Dont get it twisted bitch because its the truth. You are we weak as a baby's head so I'm sure a baby can even whoop the retard out of you and make you smart. You are a bastard moron that came from the ass of some old woman who can't keep herself clean and used you so wipe her ass with. That's why you stink so much being covered in her smelly shit that could kill some one. You think you're so good? Bitch please. Keep talking all that trash puta because thats all you are good for. Your mouth is. Only good for sucking dick. I guess you have to make money somehow since your skank ass cant handle a 9-5. I hear you would take twinkies as payment for your cock sucking. Well good for you herpes infested ho! Now crawl back under the rock you came from and get crushed by it. NOW TAKE THAT YOU 4KIDS HATING BITCH!!! You are an ugly sasquatch who got ran over by a car on it's ugly mutant deformed face and came out of an ugly black lagoon filled with shit and piss. The Health department called and they want you to get some sterilization shots because the world can't handle any more dumb people. Also the welfare office called and your check is gonna be late. You need to go and take a shower because you reek of pathetic actions you dirty underwear sucking PEDOPHILE!! Get off your lazy fat mass and do something with your life. I feel so sorry for your parents. The look of disappointment when you were born. You waste of sperm and egg that should have been aborted and tossed in a waste bin. Grow up and get a life you pathetic trash! You are just an sensitive marshmallow. GROW A BACKBONE YOU 4KIDS HATING BITCH!!! Go crawl under a rock and get crushed by it and then do drown in a barrel of sewage water scum!!! NOW TAKE THAT YOU 4KIDS HATING BITCH!!! 4KIDS IS NOT CRAP YOU SORRY ASS MOTHERFUCKER!!! 4KIDS CENSOR THINGS FOR A REASON AND IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE YOU PIECE OF ALIEN SHIT!!! YOU DISGUISING NASTY RAPING INCEST BABY THAT CAME BETWEEN YOUR BROTHER AND SISTER!!!! 4KIDS MEANT NO HARM WHEN THEY WERE MAKING THEIR DUBS SO STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH AND REALIZE THAT YOU PIECE OF ELEPHANT SHIT AND DONKEY TESTICLES!!!! You are the scum that come off of as the scum that come from the bottom of people's shows, the poison from snakes, the rabies from dogs, and the shit from ass. YOU ARE A FUCKING 4KIDS HATER BITCH!!! THAT'S WHY MOTHERFUCKER!!! YOU SUCK YOU ROTTEN EGG THAT'S BEEN SITTING OUT IN THE DAMN GARBAGE FOR TOO LONG AND NEEDS TO BE FUCKING EXTERMINATED!!! YOU NEED TO BE ROBBED, STABBED, BEATEN, LYNCHED, AND HANGED BY CHAINS FROM YOUR LITTLE ASS NIPPLES AND NEED TO BE WATCHED RIPPING OFF FROM THEM DUE TO YOUR FAT UGLY DEFORMED TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE ASS PUNK ASS SON OF A BITCH, BASTARD, WHORE, SLUT, AND ANY OTHER DISGUSTING DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING OUT THERE TO EXIST!!!! You're a weakling you hear me? A WEAKLING. A idiotic one at that. You fucking slime ball bigot. You need to receive the lethal injection and raped by both men and women. Your whole family needs to be killed which includes you bastard father, whore of a mother, slutty sisters, and braggy bitchy brothers if you have any. If you have younger siblings, they need to shot dead and their bodies used to be sold on the drug market. You pathetic little infested drug addicting incest rapist's baby that should have been aborted a long time ago neglected abused bastard. Why don't you do me a favor and crawl under and rock and get crushed by it? Go get caught in a fire in burn to death? Fall off a cliff and break every bone in your body. Fall in some water and drown. Do that for me and make me happy and all the other 4Kids likers that don't like your sorry ass. NOW DISAPPEAR BITCH.
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