
Unturned Mania 2.2.5 modification

Dec 29th, 2019
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  1. {
  2. Texts.VERSION_ID = "2.2.5";
  3. Texts.TITLE = "Unturned Mania 2.2.5";
  4. Texts.AUTHOR = "por Carlos Dorelli";
  5. Texts.NEWS = "Bem-vindo(a) a versão modificada do Unturned. Nós estamos trabalhando para consertar o jogo.\nSe você encontrar algum bug report para Carlos Dorelli™#2560\nNos visite em:";
  6. Texts.LABEL_NO = "Cancelar";
  7. Texts.LABEL_YES = "Continuar";
  8. Texts.LABEL_GOLD_REQUIRED = "Sorry: Gold Upgrade Required";
  9. Texts.LABEL_REGISTER = "Log In";
  10. Texts.LABEL_PLAY = "Jogar";
  11. Texts.LABEL_CHARACTER = "Personagem";
  12. Texts.LABEL_CONFIGURE = "Opções";
  13. Texts.LABEL_QUIT = "Sair";
  14. Texts.LABEL_WIKI = "Community Wiki";
  15. Texts.LABEL_BUGS = "Reportar bug";
  16. Texts.LABEL_BACK = "Voltar";
  17. Texts.LABEL_TUTORIAL = "Tutorial";
  18. Texts.LABEL_SINGLEPLAYER = "Singleplayer";
  19. Texts.LABEL_CONNECT = "Conectar";
  20. Texts.LABEL_SERVERS = "Servidores";
  21. Texts.LABEL_HOST = "Host";
  22. Texts.LABEL_PLAYSINGLE = "Jogar";
  23. Texts.LABEL_CONNECTING = "Conectar";
  24. Texts.LABEL_MAP = "Mapa: ";
  25. Texts.LABEL_SEARCH = "Pesquisar";
  26. Texts.LABEL_MODE_BOTH = "Qualquer estilo";
  27. Texts.LABEL_MODE_PVP = "PvP";
  28. Texts.LABEL_MODE_PVE = "PvE";
  29. Texts.LABEL_HOST_BOTH = "Qualquer Host";
  30. Texts.LABEL_HOST_DEDICATED = "Dedicado";
  31. Texts.LABEL_HOST_NOTDEDICATED = "Standard";
  32. Texts.LABEL_SAVE_BOTH = "Any Syncing";
  33. Texts.LABEL_SAVE_LOCAL = "No Sync";
  34. Texts.LABEL_SAVE_GLOBAL = "Sync";
  35. Texts.LABEL_PLAYERS_SPACE = "Spare";
  36. Texts.LABEL_PLAYERS_NONE = "Empty";
  37. Texts.LABEL_PLAYERS_ANY = "Any Space";
  38. Texts.LABEL_PING_ANY = "Any Ping";
  39. Texts.LABEL_PING_GOOD = "Good";
  40. Texts.LABEL_NOPASS = "Not Passworded";
  41. Texts.LABEL_YESPASS = "Passworded";
  42. Texts.LABEL_TYPE_ALL = "Any Mode";
  43. Texts.LABEL_TYPE_NORMAL = "Normal";
  44. Texts.LABEL_TYPE_BAMBI = "Easy";
  45. Texts.LABEL_TYPE_HARDCORE = "Hardcore";
  46. Texts.LABEL_TYPE_GOLD = "Gold";
  47. Texts.LABEL_REFRESH = "Refresh";
  48. Texts.LABEL_HOSTING = "Host";
  49. Texts.LABEL_PVP_ON = "PvP";
  50. Texts.LABEL_PVP_OFF = "PvE";
  51. Texts.LABEL_MODE_NORMAL = "Normal";
  52. Texts.LABEL_MODE_BAMBI = "Easy";
  53. Texts.LABEL_MODE_HARD = "Hardcore";
  54. Texts.LABEL_MODE_GOLD = "Gold";
  55. Texts.LABEL_DEDICATED_ON = "Dedicated";
  56. Texts.LABEL_DEDICATED_OFF = "Standard";
  57. Texts.LABEL_LOCALSAVE = "No Sync";
  58. Texts.LABEL_GLOBALSAVE = "Sync";
  59. Texts.LABEL_PUBLIC_ON = "Public";
  60. Texts.LABEL_PUBLIC_OFF = "Private";
  61. Texts.LABEL_HAIR_TAB = "Cabelo";
  62. Texts.LABEL_SKIN_TAB = "Cor";
  63. Texts.LABEL_CLAN_TAB = "Grupo";
  64. Texts.LABEL_NOCLAN = "Sem Grupo";
  65. Texts.LABEL_FACE = "Face Style";
  66. Texts.LABEL_HAIR = "Hair Style";
  67. Texts.LABEL_SKIN_COLOR = "Skin Color";
  68. Texts.LABEL_HAIR_COLOR = "Hair Color";
  69. Texts.LABEL_ARM_RIGHT = "Right Handed";
  70. Texts.LABEL_ARM_LEFT = "Left Handed";
  71. Texts.LABEL_KEYS = "Controles";
  72. Texts.LABEL_GRAPHICS = "Gráficos";
  73. Texts.LABEL_SETTINGS = "Configurações";
  74. Texts.LABEL_JUMP = "Pular";
  75. Texts.LABEL_SPRINT = "Correr";
  76. Texts.LABEL_PRONE = "Agaixar";
  77. Texts.LABEL_CROUCH = "Crouch";
  78. Texts.LABEL_INVENTORY = "Inventory";
  79. Texts.LABEL_RELOAD = "Reload";
  80. Texts.LABEL_LEANLEFT = "Lean Left";
  81. Texts.LABEL_LEANRIGHT = "Lean Right";
  82. Texts.LABEL_EMOTE = "Emote";
  83. Texts.LABEL_FIREMODE = "Firemode";
  84. Texts.LABEL_ATTACHMENT = "Attachments";
  85. Texts.LABEL_CHAT = "Global Chat";
  86. Texts.LABEL_LOCAL = "Local Chat";
  87. Texts.LABEL_CLAN = "Group Chat";
  88. Texts.LABEL_INTERACT = "Interact";
  89. Texts.LABEL_PLAYERS = "Player List";
  90. Texts.LABEL_VOICE = "Voice";
  91. Texts.LABEL_OTHER = "Other";
  92. Texts.LABEL_UP = "Forwards";
  93. Texts.LABEL_LEFT = "Left";
  94. Texts.LABEL_RIGHT = "Right";
  95. Texts.LABEL_DOWN = "Backwards";
  96. Texts.LABEL_SHOOT = "Primária";
  97. Texts.LABEL_AIM = "Secundária";
  98. Texts.LABEL_HUD = "HUD";
  99. Texts.LABEL_NVG = "Hat";
  100. Texts.LABEL_METRIC_ON = "Metric";
  101. Texts.LABEL_METRIC_OFF = "Imperial";
  102. Texts.LABEL_MUSIC_ON = "Music Enabled";
  103. Texts.LABEL_MUSIC_OFF = "Music Disabled";
  104. Texts.LABEL_INVENTORY_TOGGLE = "Inventory Toggle";
  105. Texts.LABEL_INVENTORY_HOLD = "Inventory Hold";
  106. Texts.LABEL_PRONE_TOGGLE = "Prone Toggle";
  107. Texts.LABEL_PRONE_HOLD = "Prone Hold";
  108. Texts.LABEL_CROUCH_TOGGLE = "Crouch Toggle";
  109. Texts.LABEL_CROUCH_HOLD = "Crouch Hold";
  110. Texts.LABEL_AIM_TOGGLE = "Aim Toggle";
  111. Texts.LABEL_AIM_HOLD = "Aim Hold";
  112. Texts.LABEL_GORE_ON = "Bloody";
  113. Texts.LABEL_GORE_OFF = "Peaceful";
  114. Texts.LABEL_FPS_ON = "FPS Enabled";
  115. Texts.LABEL_FPS_OFF = "FPS Disabled";
  116. Texts.LABEL_VOICE_ON = "Voice Enabled";
  117. Texts.LABEL_VOICE_OFF = "Voice Disabled";
  118. Texts.LABEL_LOOK_INVERT_ON = "Look Inverted";
  119. Texts.LABEL_LOOK_INVERT_OFF = "Look Normal";
  120. Texts.LABEL_FULLSCREEN_ON = "Fullscreen";
  121. Texts.LABEL_FULLSCREEN_OFF = "Windowed";
  122. Texts.LABEL_SHADOWS_LOW = "Shameful Lighting";
  123. Texts.LABEL_SHADOWS_MEDIUM = "Decent Lighting";
  124. Texts.LABEL_SHADOWS_HIGH = "Proud Lighting";
  125. Texts.LABEL_SSAO_ON = "Shading Enabled";
  126. Texts.LABEL_SSAO_OFF = "Shading Disabled";
  127. Texts.LABEL_BLOOM_ON = "Highlights Enabled";
  128. Texts.LABEL_BLOOM_OFF = "Highlights Disabled";
  129. Texts.LABEL_BLUR_ON = "Smoothing Enabled";
  130. Texts.LABEL_BLUR_OFF = "Smoothing Disabled";
  131. Texts.LABEL_STREAKS_ON = "Rays Enabled";
  132. Texts.LABEL_STREAKS_OFF = "Rays Disabled";
  133. Texts.LABEL_VSYNC_ON = "Buffering Enabled";
  134. Texts.LABEL_VSYNC_OFF = "Buffering Disabled";
  135. Texts.LABEL_FOLIAGE_LOW = "Shameful Foliage";
  136. Texts.LABEL_FOLIAGE_MEDIUM = "Decent Foliage";
  137. Texts.LABEL_FOLIAGE_HIGH = "Proud Foliage";
  138. Texts.LABEL_WATER_LOW = "Shameful Water";
  139. Texts.LABEL_WATER_MEDIUM = "Decent Water";
  140. Texts.LABEL_WATER_HIGH = "Proud Water";
  141. Texts.LABEL_DOF_ON = "Focus Enabled";
  142. Texts.LABEL_DOF_OFF = "Focus Disabled";
  143. Texts.LABEL_EQUIP = "Equip";
  144. Texts.LABEL_DEQUIP = "Dequip";
  145. Texts.LABEL_DROP = "Drop";
  146. Texts.LABEL_CHARACTERTAB = "Apparel";
  147. Texts.LABEL_CRAFTINGTAB = "Crafting";
  148. Texts.LABEL_SKILLSTAB = "Skills";
  149. Texts.LABEL_CRAFT = "Craft";
  150. Texts.LABEL_REVERT = "Revert";
  151. Texts.LABEL_WAVE = "Wave";
  152. Texts.LABEL_POINT = "Point";
  153. Texts.LABEL_SURRENDER = "Surrender";
  154. Texts.LABEL_MAGAZINE = "Ammo";
  155. Texts.LABEL_TACTICAL = "Tactical";
  156. Texts.LABEL_BARREL = "Barrel";
  157. Texts.LABEL_SIGHT = "Sight";
  158. Texts.LABEL_SAFETY = "Safety";
  159. Texts.LABEL_SINGLE = "Semi";
  160. Texts.LABEL_AUTO = "Auto";
  161. Texts.LABEL_BED = "Home";
  162. Texts.LABEL_RESPAWN = "Respawn";
  163. Texts.LABEL_LEAVE = "Disconnect";
  164. Texts.LABEL_RESET = "Suicide";
  165. Texts.LABEL_END = "End";
  166. Texts.LABEL_KICK = "Kick";
  167. Texts.LABEL_BAN = "Ban";
  168. Texts.INFO_CONNECTING = "Connecting...";
  169. Texts.INFO_LOGGING = "Waiting...";
  170. Texts.ERROR_MAXP = "Sorry: Server Full";
  171. Texts.ERROR_TIMED_OUT = "Sorry: Timed Out";
  172. Texts.ERROR_PASSWORD = "Sorry: Wrong Password";
  173. Texts.ERROR_NO_NAME = "Sorry: Missing Name";
  174. Texts.ERROR_NO_DESCRIPTION = "Sorry: Missing Description";
  175. Texts.ERROR_INVALID_LOGIN = "Sorry: Invalid Login";
  176. Texts.ERROR_BANNED = "Sorry: Account Banned";
  177. Texts.ERROR_STEAMWORKS = "Sorry: Steam Not Found";
  178. Texts.ERROR_SUSPICION = "Sorry: Account Suspected";
  179. Texts.ERROR_NO_SPACE = "Sorry: No Space";
  180. Texts.ERROR_NO_WEIGHT = "Sorry: Cannot Lift";
  181. Texts.ERROR_INTERNET = "Sorry: No Internet";
  182. Texts.ERROR_FULL = "Sorry: Server Full";
  183. Texts.ERROR_NEEDPASS = "Sorry: Server Protected";
  184. Texts.ERROR_GOLD = "Sorry: No Gold";
  185. Texts.ERROR_LEVEL = "Sorry: Maxed Out";
  186. Texts.ERROR_COST = "Sorry: Inexperienced";
  187. Texts.ERROR_BLUEPRINT = "Sorry: Unknown Recipe";
  188. Texts.ERROR_GENUINE = "Sorry: No Integrity";
  189. Texts.ALERT_ITEM_ADDED = "Item Added";
  190. Texts.HINT_USER = "Username";
  191. Texts.HINT_PASS = "Password";
  192. Texts.HINT_IP = "IP";
  193. Texts.HINT_PORT = "Port";
  194. Texts.HINT_SEARCHNAME = "Server Name";
  195. Texts.HINT_PLAYERS = "Max Players";
  196. Texts.HINT_NAME = "Server Name";
  197. Texts.HINT_CLAN = "Group";
  198. Texts.HINT_NICKNAME = "Nickname";
  199. Texts.HINT_RESOLUTION = "Resolution";
  200. Texts.HINT_DISTANCE = "Draw Distance";
  201. Texts.HINT_FOV = "Field of View";
  202. Texts.HINT_SENSITIVITY = "Mouse Sensitivity";
  203. Texts.HINT_VOLUME = "Volume";
  204. Texts.HINT_CHAT = "Global";
  205. Texts.HINT_LOCAL = "Local";
  206. Texts.HINT_FRIEND = "Friend";
  207. Texts.HINT_SERVER = "Server";
  208. Texts.TOOLTIP_LAG_0 = "Minimal lag.";
  209. Texts.TOOLTIP_LAG_1 = "Low lag.";
  210. Texts.TOOLTIP_LAG_2 = "Medium lag.";
  211. Texts.TOOLTIP_LAG_3 = "High lag.";
  212. Texts.TOOLTIP_LAG_4 = "Insane lag.";
  213. Texts.TOOLTIP_FPS_ON = "Top right frames per second counter.";
  214. Texts.TOOLTIP_FPS_OFF = "No frames per second counter.";
  215. Texts.TOOLTIP_METRIC_ON = "Metric measurement units.";
  216. Texts.TOOLTIP_METRIC_OFF = "Imperial measurement units.";
  217. Texts.TOOLTIP_MUSIC_ON = "Awesome menu music plays.";
  218. Texts.TOOLTIP_MUSIC_OFF = "No awesome menu music.";
  219. Texts.TOOLTIP_INVENTORYTOGGLE_ON = "Press once to open inventory.";
  220. Texts.TOOLTIP_INVENTORYTOGGLE_OFF = "Hold to open the inventory.";
  221. Texts.TOOLTIP_PRONETOGGLE_ON = "Press once to crawl.";
  222. Texts.TOOLTIP_PRONETOGGLE_OFF = "Hold to crawl.";
  223. Texts.TOOLTIP_CROUCHTOGGLE_ON = "Press once to crouch.";
  224. Texts.TOOLTIP_CROUCHTOGGLE_OFF = "Hold to crouch.";
  225. Texts.TOOLTIP_AIMTOGGLE_ON = "Press once to aim.";
  226. Texts.TOOLTIP_AIMTOGGLE_OFF = "Hold to aim.";
  227. Texts.TOOLTIP_GORE_ON = "Rated M for mature.";
  228. Texts.TOOLTIP_GORE_OFF = "Rated E for everyone.";
  229. Texts.TOOLTIP_VOICE_ON = "Microphone enabled.";
  230. Texts.TOOLTIP_VOICE_OFF = "Microphone disabled.";
  231. Texts.TOOLTIP_LOOK_INVERT_ON = "Insanity upside downey.";
  232. Texts.TOOLTIP_LOOK_INVERT_OFF = "Logical look movement.";
  233. Texts.TOOLTIP_MODE_PVP = "Player killing allowed.";
  234. Texts.TOOLTIP_MODE_PVE = "Player killing disallowed.";
  235. Texts.TOOLTIP_MODE_NORMAL = "Default game experience.";
  236. Texts.TOOLTIP_MODE_BAMBI = "Easier for new players.";
  237. Texts.TOOLTIP_MODE_HARDCORE = "Much more challenging.";
  238. Texts.TOOLTIP_MODE_GOLD = "Extra buffs for Gold members.";
  239. Texts.TOOLTIP_DEDICATED = "Moderate the server.";
  240. Texts.TOOLTIP_NOTDEDICATED = "Play on the server.";
  241. Texts.TOOLTIP_LOCALSAVE = "Per server savedata.";
  242. Texts.TOOLTIP_GLOBALSAVE = "Between server savedata.";
  243. Texts.TOOLTIP_PUBLIC = "On the server list.";
  244. Texts.TOOLTIP_PRIVATE = "Not on the server list.";
  245. }
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