

Dec 21st, 2020
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  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger reunites with the 'Kindergarten Cop' kids for 30th anniversary (exclusive)
  3. You never forget your kindergarten teacher... especially when that teacher was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thirty years ago, the Austrian muscleman took a time-out from action favorites like The Terminator and Commando to star in Kindergarten Cop, a high-concept comedy about L.A. cop John Kimble, whose latest assignment requires him to go undercover as a small-town Oregon kindergarten teacher. Directed by Ivan Reitman, the film introduced Schwarzenegger to his most formidable opponents yet: a classroom filled with rowdy 6-year-old kids. Flash-forward three decades, and Schwarzenegger Zoom-bombed a half-dozen of those now-grown kids in a 30th anniversary Kindergarten Cop virtual reunion organized by Yahoo Entertainment. We’ll let their shocked reactions to this surprise appearance tell the story. (Watch the video above.)
  5. Released in theaters on Dec. 21, 1990, Kindergarten Cop quickly became a ’90s favorite, grossing more than $200 million worldwide and launching an entire genre of “big dudes hanging out with little kids” comedies. (See also: Vin Diesel in The Pacifier, Dwayne Johnson in The Tooth Fairy and Dave Bautista in My Spy.) But few of those imitators measure up to the original, and Schwarzenegger gives the credit for Kindergarten Cop’s longevity to the young cast. “Without any doubt, it was the performance of you kids that really made this movie,” Mr. Kimble told his former pupils with obvious pride. “That’s what made it endearing, that’s what made it successful, and people wanted to watch it over and over again.”
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