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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @CloneTrooper1019, 2015-2016
- -- CoreScript Command Bar
- -- Allows you to use members that are normally locked down to RobloxScriptSecurity (ROBLOX STUDIO ONLY)
- -- Will probably get patched at some point, do not abuse :<
- -- Go to the file directory for Roblox Studio
- -- Open content/scripts/StarterScript.lua
- -- Paste the contents of this script into there.
- -- (Protip: Use my Roblox Studio Mod Manager and you won't have to worry about updating this everytime Roblox Studio updates:
- --
- -- Press the ~ key to toggle the command bar
- -- Scroll up and down on the command bar to scroll through your history of command executions (current session only)
- -- Handy resource:
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Preload Default StarterScript
- -- (just to make sure we aren't behind or anything)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local enabledState = http.HttpEnabled
- http.HttpEnabled = true
- local starterScript = http:GetAsync("")
- http.HttpEnabled = enabledState
- -- The github repository may not be the version that is actually on production.
- -- Because of this, it may attempt to load CoreScripts that don't actually exist.
- -- To fix this, I'm just wrapping all invokes of that function into a pcall.
- starterScript = [[local function pspawn(func,...)
- local b ="BindableEvent")
- b.Event:connect(function (...)
- pcall(func,...)
- end)
- b:Fire(...)
- end
- ]]..starterScript:gsub("scriptContext:AddCoreScriptLocal%(","pspawn(scriptContext.AddCoreScriptLocal,scriptContext,")
- loadstring(starterScript)()
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Setup
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local coreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
- local robloxGui = coreGui:WaitForChild("RobloxGui")
- local userInput = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local guiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
- local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
- local history = {}
- spawn(function ()
- local controlFrame = robloxGui:WaitForChild("ControlFrame",5)
- if controlFrame then
- local toggleDevConsole ="BindableFunction")
- toggleDevConsole.Name = "ToggleDevConsole"
- toggleDevConsole.Parent = controlFrame
- end
- end)
- local cmd ="TextBox",robloxGui)
- cmd.Name = "Cmd"
- cmd.Size =,0,0,29)
- cmd.Position =,0,1,0)
- cmd.TextXAlignment = "Left"
- cmd.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size28
- cmd.Font = "SourceSans"
- cmd.Text = ""
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Input and Tweening
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local inset = 0
- local goalInset = 0
- local isActive = false
- local function moveTowards(value,goal,rate)
- if value < goal then
- return math.min(goal,value + rate)
- elseif value > goal then
- return math.max(goal,value - rate)
- else
- return goal
- end
- end
- local function renderUpdate()
- if inset ~= goalInset then
- local yOffset = 0
- if robloxGui:FindFirstChild("TopBarContainer") then
- yOffset = robloxGui.TopBarContainer.Size.Y.Offset
- end
- inset = moveTowards(inset,goalInset,6)
- guiService:SetGlobalGuiInset(0,yOffset,0,inset)
- end
- end
- local function setActive(active)
- isActive = active
- if isActive then
- goalInset = 30
- cmd:CaptureFocus()
- else
- goalInset = 0
- cmd:ReleaseFocus()
- cmd.Text = ""
- end
- end
- local function onInputBegan(input)
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backquote then
- setActive(not isActive)
- end
- end
- spawn(function ()
- local topBar = robloxGui:WaitForChild("TopBarContainer",5)
- if topBar then
- inset = inset - 1 -- bump the inset
- end
- end)
- rs:BindToRenderStep(http:GenerateGUID(),0,renderUpdate)
- userInput.InputBegan:connect(onInputBegan)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Syntax Highlighting
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local primitivesRaw = "and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while"
- local operators = "+ - * / %% ^ # = ~ < > %( %) { } %[ %] ; : , %."
- local env = getfenv()
- local studio = settings().Studio
- local primitives = {}
- for primitive in primitivesRaw:gmatch("[^ ]+") do
- primitives[primitive] = true
- end
- local deprecatedBuiltInKeywords =
- {
- Game = true;
- PluginManager = true;
- settings = true;
- Workspace = true;
- }
- local function isPrimitiveKeyword(keyword,s)
- return primitives[keyword]
- end
- local function isBuiltInKeyword(keyword)
- return (env[keyword] ~= nil and rawget(env,keyword) == nil and not deprecatedBuiltInKeywords[keyword])
- end
- local function indexGmatch(str,pattern)
- local indexAt = 1
- return function ()
- local startIndex,endIndex = str:find(pattern,indexAt)
- if startIndex and endIndex and startIndex <= endIndex then
- indexAt = endIndex + 1
- return startIndex,endIndex,str:sub(startIndex,endIndex)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Main --
- local blankC3 =
- local function syntaxHighlight(str,fontSize)
- -- Update colors
- local backgroundColor = studio["Background Color"]
- local builtInFunctionColor = studio["Built-in Function Color"]
- local commentColor = studio["Comment Color"]
- local keywordColor = studio["Keyword Color"]
- local numberColor = studio["Number Color"]
- local operatorColor = studio["Operator Color"]
- local stringColor = studio["String Color"]
- local textColor = studio["Text Color"]
- cmd.BackgroundColor3 = backgroundColor
- cmd.BorderColor3 = blankC3:lerp(,1-backgroundColor.g,1-backgroundColor.b),0.4)
- cmd.TextColor3 = cmd.BorderColor3
- -- Build the individual characters
- local fontHeight = tonumber(fontSize.Name:match("%d+$"))
- local charMap = {}
- local activeWidth = 0
- for _,v in pairs(cmd:GetChildren()) do
- if tonumber(v.Name) then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for char in str:gmatch(".") do
- local label ="TextLabel",cmd)
- label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- label.FontSize = fontSize
- label.Font = "SourceSans"
- label.Text = ((char == "\n" or char == "\t") and " " or char)
- label.TextColor3 = textColor
- label.ZIndex = 2
- local bounds = label.TextBounds
- label.Size =,bounds.X,0,bounds.Y)
- label.Position =,activeWidth-1,0,1)
- activeWidth = activeWidth + bounds.X
- table.insert(charMap,{
- Character = char;
- Label = label;
- })
- label.Name = #charMap
- end
- local function markCharMap(tag,color,startIndex,endIndex,setBold)
- for i = startIndex,endIndex do
- local char = charMap[i]
- char[tag] = true
- char.Label.TextColor3 = color
- if setBold ~= nil then
- if setBold then
- char.Label.Font = "SourceSansBold"
- else
- char.Label.Font = "SourceSans"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Process Numbers
- for startIndex,endIndex in indexGmatch(str,"%d+") do
- local canMark = true
- if startIndex-1 > 0 then
- local charToLeft = str:sub(startIndex-1,startIndex-1)
- if charToLeft:match("%w") then
- canMark = false
- end
- end
- if canMark then
- while endIndex < #str do
- local n = endIndex + 1
- if str:sub(n,n):match("[%s%)%}%]]") then
- break
- else
- endIndex = n
- end
- end
- markCharMap("Number",numberColor,startIndex,endIndex)
- end
- end
- -- Process built-in functions and primitives.
- for startIndex,endIndex,keyword in indexGmatch(str,"%w+") do
- if #keyword > 1 then
- if isPrimitiveKeyword(keyword) then
- markCharMap("Primitive",keywordColor,startIndex,endIndex,true)
- elseif isBuiltInKeyword(keyword) then
- local canMark = true
- if startIndex-1 > 0 then
- local char = str:sub(startIndex-1,startIndex-1)
- if char == "." or char == ":" then
- canMark = false
- end
- end
- if canMark then
- markCharMap("BuiltIn",builtInFunctionColor,startIndex,endIndex,true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Process basic strings
- local i = 1
- local readingStr = false
- local activeChar = ""
- while i <= #str do
- local char = str:sub(i,i)
- if char == '"' or char == "'" then
- markCharMap("String",stringColor,i,i,false)
- if not readingStr then
- readingStr = true
- activeChar = char
- elseif activeChar == char then
- readingStr = false
- end
- end
- if readingStr then
- markCharMap("String",stringColor,i,i,false)
- if char == "\\" then
- -- Mark the next character as a string and skip it.
- -- Don't even ask questions.
- i = i + 1
- if i <= #str then
- markCharMap("String",stringColor,i,i,false)
- end
- elseif char == "\n" then
- -- Code execution will result in an error, but stop reading anyway.
- readingStr = false
- activeChar = ""
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- Process Blocks
- local i = 1
- local startBlock = ""
- local inBlock = false
- while i <= #str do
- local char = str:sub(i,i)
- if char == "[" then
- local startedAt = i
- local invalid = false
- startBlock = "["
- while true do
- i = i + 1
- if i > #str then
- break
- end
- local nextChar = str:sub(i,i)
- startBlock = startBlock .. nextChar
- if nextChar == "[" then
- break
- elseif nextChar ~= "=" then
- invalid = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not invalid and #startBlock > 1 then
- local endBlock = startBlock:gsub("%[","%]")
- local endedAt = #str
- local ebStart,ebEnd = str:find(endBlock,startedAt)
- if ebStart and ebEnd and ebStart < ebEnd then
- endedAt = ebEnd
- i = ebEnd
- end
- markCharMap("Block",stringColor,startedAt,endedAt,false)
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- Process Comments
- local inBlock = false
- for startIndex,endIndex,comment in indexGmatch(str,"%-%-") do
- if not charMap[startIndex].Block then
- while endIndex < #str do
- endIndex = endIndex + 1
- local char = charMap[endIndex].Character
- if charMap[endIndex].Block then
- inBlock = true
- elseif inBlock or char == "\n" then
- break
- end
- end
- markCharMap("Comment",commentColor,startIndex,endIndex,false)
- end
- end
- -- Process Operators
- for operator in operators:gmatch("[^ ]+") do
- for startIndex,endIndex in indexGmatch(str,operator) do
- local m = charMap[startIndex]
- if not m.Comment and not m.Block and not m.String and not m.Number then
- markCharMap("Operator",operatorColor,startIndex,endIndex)
- end
- end
- end
- lastCharTyped = tick()
- end
- local function onChanged(property)
- if property == "Text" or pcall(function () return studio[property] end) then
- syntaxHighlight(cmd.Text,cmd.FontSize)
- end
- end
- onChanged("Text")
- cmd.Changed:connect(onChanged)
- studio.Changed:connect(onChanged)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Command Execution
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local historyIndex = -1
- local function onMouseWheelBackward()
- if isActive then
- if historyIndex == -1 then
- historyIndex = 1
- else
- historyIndex = math.min(#history,historyIndex+1)
- end
- if history[historyIndex] then
- cmd.Text = history[historyIndex]
- end
- end
- end
- local function onMouseWheelForward()
- if isActive then
- if historyIndex == -1 then
- historyIndex = #history
- else
- historyIndex = math.max(1,historyIndex-1)
- end
- if history[historyIndex] then
- cmd.Text = history[historyIndex]
- end
- end
- end
- local function onFocusLost(enterPressed)
- if enterPressed then
- historyIndex = -1
- local text = cmd.Text
- if #text > 0 then
- table.insert(history,text)
- warn(">",text)
- spawn(function ()
- local func,errorMsg = loadstring(text)
- if func then
- func()
- else
- error("Error in script: "..errorMsg)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- if historyIndex == -1 then
- setActive(false)
- end
- end
- cmd.FocusLost:connect(onFocusLost)
- cmd.MouseWheelBackward:connect(onMouseWheelBackward)
- cmd.MouseWheelForward:connect(onMouseWheelForward)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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