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- @echo off
- color 87
- title BCDEdit Tweaks Manager
- mode con: cols=70 lines=25
- :menu
- cls
- echo ===============================================================
- echo BCDEdit Tweaks Manager
- echo ===============================================================
- echo.
- echo Please choose an option:
- echo [1] Apply All BCDEdit Tweaks (Performance + Compatibility)
- echo [2] Apply Safe BCDEdit Tweaks (Zero Security Risk)
- echo [3] Reset All Settings to Default
- echo [4] Exit
- echo.
- echo Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on your choice and press Enter.
- set /p choice="Answer: "
- if "%choice%"=="1" (
- goto applyAllTweaks
- ) else if "%choice%"=="2" (
- goto applySafeTweaks
- ) else if "%choice%"=="3" (
- goto resetToDefault
- ) else if "%choice%"=="4" (
- exit
- ) else (
- echo.
- echo Invalid choice. Please try again.
- timeout /t 2 >nul
- goto menu
- )
- :applyAllTweaks
- cls
- echo ===============================================================
- echo Applying All BCDEdit Tweaks...
- echo ===============================================================
- echo.
- echo [SAFE] Applying disabledynamictick...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes"
- echo [SAFE] Applying useplatformtick...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set useplatformtick yes"
- echo Applying usefirmwarepcisettings...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set usefirmwarepcisettings no"
- echo [SAFE] Applying tscsyncpolicy...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy enhanced"
- echo [SAFE] Applying uselegacyapicmode...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set uselegacyapicmode no"
- echo [SAFE] Applying usephysicaldestination...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set usephysicaldestination no"
- echo Applying tpmbootentropy...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set tpmbootentropy ForceDisable"
- echo Applying bootux...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set bootux Disabled"
- echo Applying loadoptions...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS"
- echo Applying nointegritychecks...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set nointegritychecks Yes"
- echo Applying testsigning...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set testsigning No"
- echo [SAFE] Applying hypervisorlaunchtype...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off"
- echo Applying nx...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set nx AlwaysOff"
- echo.
- echo All tweaks applied successfully.
- echo NOTE: Some tweaks have security implications. Use with caution.
- echo.
- echo A system restart is required for changes to take effect.
- goto end
- :applySafeTweaks
- cls
- echo ===============================================================
- echo Applying Safe BCDEdit Tweaks...
- echo ===============================================================
- echo.
- echo [SAFE] Applying disabledynamictick...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes"
- echo [SAFE] Applying useplatformtick...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set useplatformtick yes"
- echo [SAFE] Applying tscsyncpolicy...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy enhanced"
- echo [SAFE] Applying uselegacyapicmode...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set uselegacyapicmode no"
- echo [SAFE] Applying usephysicaldestination...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set usephysicaldestination no"
- echo [SAFE] Applying hypervisorlaunchtype...
- call :applyTweak "bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off"
- echo.
- echo All safe tweaks applied successfully.
- echo These tweaks pose zero security risk to your system.
- echo.
- echo A system restart is required for changes to take effect.
- goto end
- :resetToDefault
- cls
- echo ===============================================================
- echo Restoring BCDEdit Parameters to Default...
- echo ===============================================================
- echo.
- echo Restoring disabledynamictick...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue disabledynamictick"
- echo Restoring useplatformtick...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformtick"
- echo Restoring usefirmwarepcisettings...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue usefirmwarepcisettings"
- echo Restoring tscsyncpolicy...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue tscsyncpolicy"
- echo Restoring uselegacyapicmode...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue uselegacyapicmode"
- echo Restoring usephysicaldestination...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue usephysicaldestination"
- echo Restoring tpmbootentropy...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue tpmbootentropy"
- echo Restoring bootux...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue bootux"
- echo Restoring loadoptions...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue loadoptions"
- echo Restoring nointegritychecks...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue nointegritychecks"
- echo Restoring testsigning...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue testsigning"
- echo Restoring hypervisorlaunchtype...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /deletevalue hypervisorlaunchtype"
- echo Restoring nx to OptIn...
- call :restoreDefault "bcdedit /set nx OptIn"
- echo.
- echo All parameters restored to default values.
- echo.
- echo A system restart is required for changes to take effect.
- goto end
- :applyTweak
- %~1 >nul 2>&1
- if errorlevel 1 (
- echo Failed: %~1
- ) else (
- echo Success!
- )
- goto:eof
- :restoreDefault
- %~1 >nul 2>&1
- if errorlevel 1 (
- echo Failed: %~1
- ) else (
- echo Success!
- )
- goto:eof
- :end
- echo.
- echo ===============================================================
- echo Press any key to return to the menu...
- pause >nul
- goto menu
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