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- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
- using System.IO;
- using UnityEngine;
- using UnityEngine.UI;
- /*This script serializes a binary file for saving data. For Vita use, dataPath should be formatted as ux0:/data/someDirectoryName/ in the Inspector.
- You should also define savePrefix in some fashion, otherwise youre saves will just be based on the number of the slot you've selected*/
- public class SaveSerial : MonoBehaviour {
- public GameObject saveManager;
- public string dataPath;
- public string savePrefix;
- public string saveFileName;
- public bool hasLoaded;
- public int slotSelector;
- // Set up the data we are saving to the file
- public string levelToSave;
- public GameObject player;
- public List<GameObject> medList;
- public List <GameObject> battList;
- public List<GameObject> lwList;
- public List<GameObject> hwList;
- void Start() {
- SetScenes.sceneToLoad = "LoadScreen";
- levelToSave = this.GetComponent<SceneLoadTrigger>().currentScene;
- //ignore this if we are in the editor
- //create directory on the Vita for our save files if it doesn't exist
- if(!Directory.Exists(dataPath)){
- Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath);
- }
- }
- void Update()
- {
- slotSelector = SetScenes.currentScene == "Title" ? saveManager.GetComponent<LoadManager_Inputs>().selectedSlot : saveManager.GetComponent<SaveManager_Inputs>().selectedSlot;
- //set save file name based on the slot selected so we know which file we are loading/saving
- saveFileName = (savePrefix + slotSelector + ".sav");
- }
- //this is the class we are using to store our data we want to save
- [System.Serializable]
- public class SaveData
- {
- public string savedLevel;
- public float[] playerPosition = new float [3];
- public float[] playerRotation = new float [3];
- public int playerMedkits;
- public int playerStimulants;
- public int playerBatteries;
- public float playerHealth;
- public List<int> collectedMeds = new List<int>();
- public List<int> collectedBattery = new List<int>();
- public List<int> collectedLightWep = new List<int>();
- public List<int> collectedHvyWep = new List<int>();
- }
- //create a binary file, copy our data from the game to a SaveData instance
- public void Save()
- {
- //data prep
- medList.Clear();
- medList.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Meds"));
- battList.Clear();
- battList.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Battery"));
- hwList.Clear();
- hwList.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Heavy"));
- lwList.Clear();
- lwList.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Light"));
- var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
- var file = File.Create(dataPath + saveFileName);
- var position = player.transform.position;
- var rotation = player.transform.rotation;
- var data = new SaveData();
- //data needed for reloading on game load
- data.savedLevel = levelToSave;
- data.playerPosition[0] = position.x;
- data.playerPosition[1] = position.y;
- data.playerPosition[2] = position.z;
- data.playerRotation[0] = rotation.eulerAngles.x;
- data.playerRotation[1] = rotation.eulerAngles.y;
- data.playerRotation[2] = rotation.eulerAngles.z;
- data.playerBatteries = InventoryManager.batteryCount;
- data.playerMedkits = InventoryManager.medCount;
- data.playerStimulants = InventoryManager.stimCount;
- data.playerHealth = player.GetComponent<PlayerController>().health;
- // //spin through list data to store identifiers
- //meds
- for (var i = 0; i < medList.Count; i++){
- data.collectedMeds.Add(medList[i].gameObject.GetComponent<Item_Enumerator>().identifier);
- }
- //batteries
- for (var i = 0; i < battList.Count; i++){
- data.collectedBattery.Add(battList[i].gameObject.GetComponent<Item_Enumerator>().identifier);
- }
- //light weapons
- for (var i = 0; i < lwList.Count; i++){
- data.collectedLightWep.Add(lwList[i].gameObject.GetComponent<Item_Enumerator>().identifier);
- }
- //heavy weapons
- for (var i = 0; i < hwList.Count; i++){
- data.collectedHvyWep.Add(hwList[i].gameObject.GetComponent<Item_Enumerator>().identifier);
- }
- bf.Serialize(file, data);
- PlayerPrefs.SetInt("haveSavedGame", 1);
- PlayerPrefs.Save();
- Debug.Log(data.savedLevel + " saved!");
- file.Close();
- }
- //checks if the file exists, if so load the data from it and copy it back to our game
- public void Load()
- {
- if (File.Exists(dataPath + saveFileName))
- {
- var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
- var file = File.Open(dataPath + saveFileName, FileMode.Open);
- var data = (SaveData)bf.Deserialize(file);
- file.Close();
- levelToSave = data.savedLevel;
- Debug.Log (levelToSave);
- hasLoaded = true;
- SetScenes.nextScene = levelToSave;
- SetScenes.playerPosition = new Vector3( data.playerPosition[0],
- data.playerPosition[1],
- data.playerPosition[2] );
- SetScenes.playerRotation = Quaternion.Euler( data.playerRotation[0],
- data.playerRotation[1],
- data.playerRotation[2] );
- SetScenes.playerBatteries = data.playerBatteries;
- SetScenes.playerHealth = data.playerHealth;
- SetScenes.playerMedkits = data.playerMedkits;
- SetScenes.playerStimulants = data.playerStimulants;
- SetScenes.MedsRemaining = data.collectedMeds;
- SetScenes.BatteryRemaining = data.collectedBattery;
- SetScenes.LightWepRemaining = data.collectedLightWep;
- SetScenes.HvyWepRemaining = data.collectedHvyWep;
- PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hasLoadedFile",1);
- PlayerPrefs.Save();
- }
- else Debug.Log("No Save File Exists to Load!");
- }
- //checks if the file exists, if it does, delete the file and reset our game variables
- public void Reset()
- {
- if (File.Exists(dataPath + saveFileName))
- {
- File.Delete(dataPath + saveFileName);
- levelToSave = "";
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