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- from __future__ import print_function
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import csv
- from io import StringIO
- from itertools import cycle
- from collections import namedtuple
- from vcScript import *
- import vcVector
- import vcMatrix
- INIT = False
- def printVec(vec):
- """
- Usefull utility function for printing matrix value
- """
- fmt = "{:<6.3f}\t{:<6.3f}\t{:<6.3f}\t{:<6.3f}"
- print(fmt.format(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z, vec.W))
- def printMatrix(mat):
- """
- Usefull utility function for printing matrix value
- """
- print(' X\t Y\t Z\t W')
- for Vec in [mat.N, mat.O, mat.A, mat.P]:
- printVec(Vec)
- class Action(object):
- wp = 'WP'
- stop = 'STOP'
- class vcShuttle(object):
- def __init__(self):
- global INIT
- vehicle = getComponent().findBehaviour('Vehicle')
- vehicle.clearMove()
- vehicle.detachAllWagons()
- vehicle.Acceleration = 1000
- vehicle.Deceleration = 1000
- vehicle.MaxSpeed = 2000
- vehicle.Interpolation = 0.13
- if not INIT:
- INIT = True
- vehicle.OnFinalDestinationReached = self.target_reached
- self.vehicle = vehicle
- self.trigger = None
- def add(self, position):
- self.vehicle.addControlPoint(position)
- def clear(self):
- self.vehicle.clearMove()
- def target_reached(self, comp, duration):
- print(comp.Name, 'reached in', round(duration, 1), 's')
- if self.trigger:
- print('Trigger:', self.trigger.Name)
- def trigger_target(self, comp_name, frame_name):
- app = getApplication()
- comp = app.findComponent(comp_name)
- frame = comp.findFeature(frame_name)
- station = app.findComponent(frame.Name)
- self.trigger = station
- class Shuttle(object):
- sid = 0
- @classmethod
- def _enumerate(cls):
- cls.sid += 10
- return cls.sid
- def __init__(self, paths, sid=None):
- self.sid = sid or self._enumerate()
- self.paths = paths
- self.vcShuttle = vcShuttle()
- self.trigger()
- def trigger(self, *args):
- self.vcShuttle.clear()
- for position in self.paths:
- self.vcShuttle.add(position)
- last = self.paths.last
- self.vcShuttle.trigger_target(*last)
- class Path(object):
- def __init__(self, comp, frame, action):
- self.comp_name = comp
- self.frame_name = frame
- comp = getApplication().findComponent(comp)
- frame = comp.getFeature(frame)
- npm = frame.NodePositionMatrix
- self.frame = frame
- #self.position = wpm * frame.PositionMatrix.P
- self.position = npm.P
- self.action = action
- class Paths(object):
- def __init__(self, paths, initial=0):
- if not any([p.action == Action.stop for p in paths]):
- last_path = paths[-1]
- last_path.action = Action.stop
- paths[-1] = last_path
- self._paths = iter(cycle(paths))
- self._last = None
- [next(self._paths) for _ in range(initial)]
- @classmethod
- def from_csv(cls, input_string):
- fake_fd = StringIO(input_string)
- reader = csv.reader(fake_fd)
- next(reader)
- positions = []
- for comp, frame, action in reader:
- path = Path(comp, frame, action)
- positions.append(path)
- return cls(positions)
- def __iter__(self):
- for path in self._paths:
- yield path.position
- self._last = (path.comp_name, path.frame_name)
- if path.action == Action.stop:
- break
- @property
- def last(self):
- return self._last
- def OnSignal(signal):
- print('Got signal', signal.Name if signal else None)
- if signal and signal.Value:
- global_context['Shuttle'].trigger()
- def OnRun():
- paths = Paths.from_csv(csv_data)
- shuttle = Shuttle(paths)
- global_context['Shuttle'] = shuttle
- comp = getComponent()
- start_button = comp.getProperty('Start')
- start_signal = comp.getBehaviour('Start')
- start_button.OnChanged = start_signal.signal
- global_context = {'Shuttle': None}
- csv_data = """
- comp,frame,action
- Transfersystem,B60,WP
- Transfersystem,B61,WP
- Transfersystem,B62,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 10,STOP
- Transfersystem,Station 20,STOP
- Transfersystem,B1,WP
- Transfersystem,E1,WP
- Transfersystem,B2,WP
- Transfersystem,G1,WP
- Transfersystem,B3,WP
- Transfersystem,E2,WP
- Transfersystem,B4,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 30,STOP
- Transfersystem,Station 40,STOP
- Transfersystem,B5,WP
- Transfersystem,E3,WP
- Transfersystem,B6,WP
- Transfersystem,B7,WP
- Transfersystem,E4,WP
- Transfersystem,B8,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 50,STOP
- Transfersystem,Station 60,STOP
- Transfersystem,B9,WP
- Transfersystem,E5,WP
- Transfersystem,B51,WP
- Transfersystem,B52,WP
- Transfersystem,E6,WP
- Transfersystem,B10,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 70,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 80,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 80,WP
- Transfersystem,B20,WP
- Transfersystem,B21,WP
- Transfersystem,B22,WP
- Transfersystem,B23,WP
- Transfersystem,B24,WP
- Transfersystem,B25,WP
- Transfersystem,Station 90,STOP
- Transfersystem,B30,WP
- Transfersystem,B31,WP
- Transfersystem,B32,WP
- Transfersystem,B33,WP
- Transfersystem,B34,WP
- Transfersystem,B35,WP
- Transfersystem,Hochregallager 1,STOP
- Transfersystem,Hochregallager 2,STOP
- Transfersystem,B40,WP
- Transfersystem,B41,WP
- Transfersystem,B42,WP
- """.strip()
- #def getPath(comp_name, owp_name):
- # comp = getApplication().findComponent(comp_name)
- # if comp:
- # owp = comp.findBehaviour(owp_name)
- # if owp:
- # return owp.Path
- # return []
- #def getPositions(comp_name, owp_name):
- # return [pos.PositionMatrix.P for pos in getPath(comp_name, owp_name)]
- #pos = getPositions('Transfersystem', 'OneWayPath')
- #print(pos)
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