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- --[[
- Author: Andrew Lalis
- File: train_control.lua
- Version: 1.0
- Last Modified: 19-11-2018
- This script provides simple ways to set target velocities and distances for
- trains from the mod Immersive Engineering. To set it up, place two augments,
- one detector and one controller, on the same rail tie, and connect both to a
- computer.
- This script focuses on two major actions:
- 1. Slowing down the train with brakes.
- 2. Speeding up with the throttle.
- --]]
- local DEBUG = false
- local VERBOSE = false
- --[[
- This function can be implemented by users for added functionality.
- stock - table: The result of
- consist - table: The result of detector.consist()
- controller - augment: The locomotive controller augment.
- --]]
- local function onTrainOverhead(stock, consist, controller)
- controller.horn()
- end
- --[[
- How many decimal points of precision should throttle setting have?
- Set it to a power of 0.1. Note that more precision means MUCH MORE
- computational complexity.
- --]]
- local THROTTLE_PRECISION = 0.001
- local CONFIG_FILE = "ir_speed_control_config"
- -- Only enable OC-specific modules if not in debug.
- local component = nil
- local event = nil
- local fs = nil
- local serialization = nil
- local term = nil
- local detector = nil
- local control = nil
- if (not DEBUG) then
- component = require("component")
- event = require("event")
- fs = require("filesystem")
- serialization = require("serialization")
- term = require("term")
- detector = component.ir_augment_detector
- control = component.ir_augment_control
- end
- local SPEED_RATIO = 20 * 3.6
- local SLIP_CONSTANT = 1.0
- local LOCO_PREFIX = "rolling_stock/locomotives/"
- local function toMetric(v)
- return v * SPEED_RATIO
- end
- local function fromMetric(v)
- return v / SPEED_RATIO
- end
- local function getSlip(v)
- -- TODO: Include weather and biome conditions.
- return 1 - 0.004 * math.abs(v)
- end
- --[[
- Extracts the locomotive's name from a json filename as given by
- id - string: The string identifying the type of locomotive.
- return - string: The name of the locomotive, with common prefixes and postfixes
- removed.
- --]]
- local function getLocoName(id)
- return string.sub(id, #LOCO_PREFIX + 1, -6)
- end
- local function formatMps(v)
- return string.format("%.2f", v * 3.6)
- end
- --[[
- Determines the acceleration needed to go from an initial velocity to a final
- velocity in x distance.
- v_i - float: Initial velocity
- v_f - float: Final velocity
- x - float: Displacement (distance travelled)
- return - float: Acceleration needed to achieve the given final velocity in
- x distance.
- --]]
- local function getAcceleration(v_i, v_f, x)
- return ((v_f * v_f) - (v_i * v_i)) / (2 * x)
- end
- --[[
- Determines the velocity at which static traction becomes greater than applied
- traction. At this point, computations should use the applied traction instead
- of static.
- throttle - float: Throttle setting, between 0 and 1.
- horsepower - float: The horsepower of the locomotive.
- traction - float: The locomotive's static traction.
- return - float: The velocity at which the static friction becomes greater
- than applied friction, in Km/h
- --]]
- local function getTractionIntersect(throttle, horsepower, traction)
- local a = 0.004
- local b = -1
- local c = (1855 * throttle^3 * horsepower) / (1.5 * traction * SLIP_CONSTANT)
- local s1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2 * a)
- local s2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2 * a)
- return s2
- end
- local function getBrake(v_i, v_f, x, rolling_resistance_force, traction, total_weight, loco_weight)
- target_acceleration = getAcceleration(v_i, v_f, x)
- local num = (-total_weight * target_acceleration - rolling_resistance_force) * (v_f - v_i)
- local C = 20
- local C_1 = 0.39
- local denom = C_1 * (traction + 0.27801375 * (total_weight - loco_weight)) * SLIP_CONSTANT * (((v_f * C) - 0.002 * (v_f * C)^2) - ((v_i * C) - 0.002 * (v_i * C)^2))
- return math.sqrt(num / denom)
- end
- --[[
- Slows a train down with a constant target acceleration.
- v_i - float: Initial velocity, in m/s.
- v_f - float: Final velocity, in m/s.
- x - float: The distance, in meters.
- rolling_resistance_force - float: The resistance caused by total weight of the rolling stock.
- traction - float: The total static traction of the locomotive. (This is shown in the GUI).
- total_weight - float: The total weight of the entire consist.
- loco_weight - float: The weight of the locomotive.
- --]]
- local function slowDown(v_i, v_f, x, rolling_resistance_force, traction, total_weight, loco_weight)
- target_acceleration = getAcceleration(v_i, v_f, x)
- local num = (-total_weight * target_acceleration - rolling_resistance_force) * (v_f - v_i)
- local denom = (traction + 0.27801375 * (total_weight - loco_weight)) * SLIP_CONSTANT * (((v_f * 3.6) - 0.002 * (v_f * 3.6)^2) - ((v_i * 3.6) - 0.002 * (v_i * 3.6)^2))
- local brake = getBrake(
- v_i,
- v_f,
- x,
- rolling_resistance_force,
- traction,
- total_weight,
- loco_weight
- )
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print(" Estimated brake required: " .. brake)
- end
- if (not DEBUG) then
- control.setThrottle(0)
- control.setBrake(brake)
- print("[-] " .. formatMps(v_i) .. " Km/h -> " .. formatMps(v_f) .. " Km/h, Brakes set to " .. string.format("%.3f", brake))
- if (brake > 1) then
- print(" ! [WARNING] ! Not enough braking power.")
- end
- end
- end
- local function speedUp(v_i, v_f, target_acceleration, rolling_resistance_force, traction, total_weight, loco_weight, horsepower, half_velocity)
- local required_tractive_effort = target_acceleration * total_weight + rolling_resistance_force
- local integral_force = (v_f - v_i) * required_tractive_effort
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print(" Ft = " .. required_tractive_effort .. " N")
- print(" Integral of Ft = " .. integral_force)
- print()
- end
- local iteration_count = 0
- local step_size = 0.1
- local t = 0
- -- Repeat until desired precision is reached.
- while (step_size >= THROTTLE_PRECISION) do
- t = t + step_size
- local v_half = getTractionIntersect(t, horsepower, traction) / 3.6
- -- The static friction can be ignored completely.
- local function integrate_applied(t, h, v_i, v_f)
- return 1855 * (t^3) * h * (math.log(v_f) - math.log(v_i))
- end
- local function integrate_static(traction, v_i, v_f)
- return 1.5 * traction * SLIP_CONSTANT * ((v_f - 0.002 * (v_f^2)) - (v_i - 0.002 * (v_i^2)))
- end
- local integral_static = 1.5 * traction * SLIP_CONSTANT * ((v_half - 0.002 * (v_half^2)) - (v_i - 0.002 * (v_i^2)))
- local integral_applied = 1855 * (t^3) * horsepower * (math.log(v_f) - math.log(v_half))
- local proposed_integral_force = 0
- if (v_half <= v_i) then
- -- If the intersection is below the speed range, use only applied.
- proposed_integral_force = integrate_applied(t, horsepower, v_i, v_f)
- elseif (v_half >= v_f) then
- -- If the intersection is above the speed range, use only static.
- proposed_integral_force = integrate_static(t, horsepower, v_i, v_f)
- else
- -- The intersection sits between v_i and v_f, so use both.
- proposed_integral_force = integrate_static(traction, v_i, v_half) + integrate_applied(t, horsepower, v_half, v_f)
- end
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print("->| (" .. iteration_count .. ") t = " .. t .. " :")
- print(" | V(1/2) = " .. v_half .. " m/s")
- print(" | Fs + Fa integral = " .. proposed_integral_force)
- end
- -- Check if we've overshot the target force, and go back and increase the precision.
- if (proposed_integral_force > integral_force) then
- t = t - step_size
- step_size = step_size / 10
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print(" | Too much! Increasing precision to " .. step_size)
- end
- end
- iteration_count = iteration_count + 1
- end
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print()
- print("Found target throttle of: " .. t)
- print()
- end
- -- Once the throttle has been computed, then actually set the controls on the locomotive.
- if (not DEBUG) then
- control.setBrake(0)
- control.setThrottle(t)
- print("[+] " .. formatMps(v_i) .. " Km/h -> " .. formatMps(v_f) .. " Km/h, Throttle set to " .. t)
- if (t >= 1.0) then
- print(" ! [WARNING] ! Throttle set to MAX, likely insufficient power.")
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- Sets the locomotive to either speed up or slow down to attain a specified final
- velocity at a distance of x meters(blocks) away.
- v_i - float: Initial velocity in Km/h
- v_f - float: Final velocity in Km/h
- x - float: The distance over which velocity should change, in m.
- stock - table: A table of information about the locomotive itself.
- consist - table: A table of information about the train as a whole.
- --]]
- local function setFinalVelocityAtDistance(v_i, v_f, x, stock, consist)
- -- Convert from km/h to m/s
- v_i = v_i / 3.6
- v_f = v_f / 3.6
- -- Physics computations.
- local total_weight = consist.weight_kg
- local average_velocity = v_i + (v_f - v_i) / 2
- local target_acceleration = getAcceleration(v_i, v_f, x)
- local time = (v_f - v_i) / target_acceleration
- local half_velocity = math.sqrt(v_i^2 + (2 * target_acceleration * (x / 2)))
- local rolling_resistance_force = total_weight * 0.01471
- local resting_acceleration = -rolling_resistance_force / total_weight
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print("[DEBUG-INFO]:")
- print("Vi = " .. v_i .. " m/s")
- print("Vf = " .. v_f .. " m/s")
- print("dX = " .. x .. " m")
- print("Total weight = " .. total_weight .. " Kg")
- print("a = " .. target_acceleration .. " m/s^2, dT = " .. time .. " s")
- print("V(1/2) = " .. half_velocity .. " m/s")
- print("Resting acceleration: " .. resting_acceleration .. " m/s^2")
- print()
- end
- -- Locomotive constants.
- loco_name = getLocoName(
- weight_loco_kg = stock.weight
- loco_traction = stock.traction
- horsepower = stock.horsepower
- print("[i] " .. loco_name .. " passed overhead.")
- -- Use the throttle to accelerate.
- if (target_acceleration > resting_acceleration) then
- speedUp(
- v_i,
- v_f,
- target_acceleration,
- rolling_resistance_force,
- loco_traction,
- total_weight,
- weight_loco_kg,
- horsepower,
- half_velocity
- )
- else
- -- Use brakes to slow the train over time.
- slowDown(
- v_i,
- v_f,
- x,
- rolling_resistance_force,
- loco_traction,
- total_weight,
- weight_loco_kg
- )
- end
- if (VERBOSE) then
- print("[END]")
- print()
- end
- end
- local function handleEvent(augment_type, stock_uuid, params)
- local stock =
- if (augment_type == "LOCO_CONTROL" and stock ~= nil and stock.horsepower ~= nil) then
- -- Assume that the detector and the controller are at the same point.
- local consist = detector.consist()
- setFinalVelocityAtDistance(
- consist.speed_km,
- params.final_velocity,
- params.distance,
- stock,
- consist
- )
- -- Call user-defined function after all speed-dependent logic is done.
- onTrainOverhead(stock, consist, control)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Saves the given table of parameters to a configuration file.
- params - table: A table of parameters.
- --]]
- local function saveParameters(params)
- if (fs ~= nil) then
- local f =, "w")
- f:write(serialization.serialize(params))
- f:close()
- end
- end
- --[[
- Reads parameters from a configuration file.
- return - table: A table of parameters.
- --]]
- local function readParameters()
- local f =, "r")
- local params = serialization.unserialize(f:read("*a"))
- f:close()
- return params
- end
- --[[
- Using configuration files and command line arguments, get all needed
- parameters for the program.
- args - table: Command line arguments.
- return - float, float: VF and X
- --]]
- local function getParameters(args)
- local params = {
- final_velocity = 0,
- distance = 100
- }
- -- Attempt to get arguments from command line, if given.
- if (#args == 2) then
- params.final_velocity = tonumber(args[1])
- params.distance = tonumber(args[2])
- saveParameters(params)
- print("[i] Saved config to file.")
- elseif (fs ~= nil) then
- for k,v in pairs(readParameters()) do
- params[k] = v
- end
- print("[i] Loaded config from file.")
- end
- return params
- end
- local function testRun(v_i, v_f, x, b_e, stock, consist)
- b_a = getBrake(
- v_i / 3.6,
- v_f / 3.6,
- x,
- consist.weight_kg * 0.01471,
- consist.weight_kg,
- stock.traction,
- stock.weight
- )
- local actual = b_a
- local expected = b_e
- local difference = b_a - b_e
- local ratio = b_a / b_e
- print("Test Run:")
- print(" v_i = " .. v_i .. " km/h")
- print(" v_f = " .. v_f .. " km/h")
- print(" x = " .. x .. " m")
- print("Results:")
- print(" expected = " .. b_e)
- print(" actual = " .. b_a)
- print(" diff = " .. difference)
- print(" ratio = " .. ratio)
- print()
- end
- --------------------------------------------------|
- -- ACTUAL SCRIPT: This is the program entry point.|
- --------------------------------------------------|
- if (not DEBUG) then
- local params = getParameters({...})
- os.sleep(1)
- term.clear()
- print("--------------------------------------")
- print("Immersive Railroading Speed Controller")
- print("--------------------------------------")
- print("| Target Velocity: " .. params.final_velocity .. " Km/h")
- print("| Distance: " .. params.distance .. " m")
- print("--------------------------------------")
- while (true) do
- event_name, address, augment_type, stock_uuid = event.pull("ir_train_overhead")
- handleEvent(augment_type, stock_uuid, params)
- end
- else
- local stock = {-- Stock
- id = "rolling_stock/locomotives/DEBUG.json",
- weight = 181436,
- traction = 631648,
- horsepower = 4400
- }
- local consist = {-- Consist
- weight_kg = 778204,
- speed_km = 10
- }
- testRun(11.75, 0, 55, 0.054, stock, consist)
- testRun(20.25, 0, 100, 0.123, stock, consist)
- testRun(27.13, 0, 152, 0.143, stock, consist)
- testRun(38.96, 0, 195, 0.211, stock, consist)
- end
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