
Ok then, still doesn't get it... W/E

Oct 28th, 2016
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  1. [Thu 21:08:57] <DJohe> <censored> yourself!!! <censored>
  2. [Thu 21:09:03] * <Out DJohe ( "Broken pipe" >
  3. [Thu 21:46:39] <Blizzardo1> Nah, take your broken pipe and go fuck yourself
  4. [Thu 21:49:23] <neoQuebec> thats mirc
  5. [Thu 21:49:44] <Blizzardo1> meh
  6. [Thu 21:49:44] <neoQuebec> pos irc app
  7. [Thu 21:49:52] <Blizzardo1> not an App, a Program
  8. [Thu 21:50:07] <neoQuebec> app program sametin
  9. [Thu 21:50:15] <Blizzardo1> Huge difference, and I like my 25 year old program
  10. [Thu 21:50:37] <Blizzardo1> App is defined as a Web Application or a Device Application
  11. [Thu 21:50:58] <Blizzardo1> Program or Prog, or Application, is designed for Desktop environments
  12. [Thu 21:51:26] <Blizzardo1> So no, not the same thing ;)
  13. [Thu 21:51:46] <neoQuebec> device can be also defined as usb key.. usb key is not as app its a pc connection
  14. [Thu 21:54:10] <neoQuebec> device is not automatically application
  15. [Thu 21:54:54] <neoQuebec> device is hardware conection outside pc
  16. [Thu 21:55:04] <Blizzardo1> Clarification: Smart Tablet, Smart Phone, Windows 8-esque tablet device
  17. [Thu 21:55:34] <Blizzardo1> Hardware is also an object within the computer itself
  18. [Thu 21:55:44] <Blizzardo1> Everything is based on object
  19. [Thu 21:56:29] <Blizzardo1> With the right manipulation, the base (Atom) can be changed.
  20. [Thu 21:56:39] <Blizzardo1> Just like in programming
  21. [Thu 21:56:54] <Blizzardo1> so shh
  22. [Thu 21:57:00] <neoQuebec> appl is used ex: in usb key wich will can contain 100 apps in it to be use in a pc or mac.. device IS NOT appl :P
  23. [Thu 21:57:18] <Blizzardo1> Apple
  24. [Thu 21:57:33] <Blizzardo1> Or Applications
  25. [Thu 21:58:01] <Blizzardo1> If you're going to define a desktop application, at least call it a desktop app
  26. [Thu 21:58:02] <neoQuebec> were u goin with this atom??
  27. [Thu 21:58:28] <Blizzardo1> Naming Conventions saves lives
  28. [Thu 21:58:44] <Blizzardo1> Computer, an Object
  29. [Thu 21:59:07] <Blizzardo1> Computer is an Array of Objects, which is an Object
  30. [Thu 21:59:41] <Blizzardo1> Those objects in the array can also have an array of object, which is an object
  31. [Thu 22:00:12] <Blizzardo1> The arrayness of objects will not stop until you hit the atom
  32. [Thu 22:00:20] <Blizzardo1> the atom is the base object of any object
  33. [Thu 22:01:11] <Blizzardo1> Even the atom has the possibility of containing an array of object
  34. [Thu 22:01:26] <Blizzardo1> it's possible that there's an object beyond the atom
  35. [Thu 22:01:31] <Blizzardo1> And beyond that
  36. [Thu 22:01:37] <neoQuebec> ur one a** weirdo of just a dam bot
  37. [Thu 22:01:48] <Blizzardo1> everything in this world is binary
  38. [Thu 22:01:52] <neoQuebec> ur one a** weirdo or just a dam bot
  39. [Thu 22:01:59] <Blizzardo1> I'm no bot
  40. [Thu 22:02:20] <neoQuebec> lol
  41. [Thu 22:02:22] <neoQuebec> u shure
  42. [Thu 22:02:23] <Blizzardo1> I'm just an intelligent geek who speaks truth and corrects people who use terrible grammar
  43. [Thu 22:02:26] <Blizzardo1> sure*
  44. [Thu 22:04:25] <Blizzardo1> You're welcome by-the-way
  45. [Thu 22:04:46] <neoQuebec> welcome for what
  46. [Thu 22:05:02] <Blizzardo1> In time, my child, you will understand
  47. [Thu 22:09:51] <neoQuebec> sorry to breaks our big illumated head from mars but its just mirc ..
  48. [Thu 22:10:02] <neoQuebec> sorry to breaks your big illumated head from mars but its just mirc ..
  49. [Thu 22:10:23] <Blizzardo1> I'm sorry, but I cannot parse your last 2 messages
  50. [Thu 22:10:41] <Blizzardo1> hmm, I might have to do a reload on my English Dictionary
  51. [Thu 22:10:51] <%ian> o.o
  52. [Thu 22:11:00] <Blizzardo1> Languages::GetCurrentLanguageAs("English")->Reload();
  53. [Thu 22:11:13] <Blizzardo1> Nope, still can't parse that message
  54. [Thu 22:11:14] <Blizzardo1> Weird
  55. [Thu 22:11:31] <Blizzardo1> hmm, I'll have to take it in for further analysis
  56. [Thu 22:12:39] <Blizzardo1> Sorry, not even my greatest scientists could decipher that. I'm terribly sorry. :/
  57. [Thu 22:13:18] <%ian> it was worth a shot
  58. [Thu 22:13:26] <neoQuebec> go ahead obiwan go back to starwars u still have aloy to learn my young apprentice
  59. [Thu 22:13:41] * Blizzardo1 is now known as GeneralKenobi
  60. [Thu 22:13:47] <GeneralKenobi> How did you know it was me! o.O
  61. [Thu 22:14:04] <GeneralKenobi> And my, you have much to learn, my young apprentice
  62. [Thu 22:14:06] <neoQuebec> this si funny
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