

Mar 15th, 2021
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  1. /*CSS BEGINS*/
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  12. /* TABLE */
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  53. /* FOOTER */
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  73. .footer{color: lightgoldenrodyellow;}
  75. /* Booking BUTTON */
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  117. .content p{
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  120. word-spacing: 2px;
  121. font-size: 18px;
  122. }
  124. /* BOOK TABLE */
  125. #customers {
  126. font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  127. border-collapse: collapse;
  128. width: 400px;
  129. text-align: center;
  130. }
  132. #customers td, #customers th {
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  134. padding: 8px;
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  137. #customers th {
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  139. padding-bottom: 12px;
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  142. color: white;
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  145. /* CONTACT */
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  156. input[type=email], input[type=number] {
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  178. input[type=reset]:hover {
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  180. }
  182. /* SELECT TAG*/
  183. select{
  184. width: 180px;
  185. padding: 5px;
  186. border-radius: 5px;
  187. }
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