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- //Unpacks a string into special abilities
- //The formatting should be "Spell Ready Level\n"
- //IE: 0 1 15 (acid cloud, ready, level 15)
- int NWNX_Magic_UnpackSpecialAbilityString( object oCreature, string sData );
- //Packs the spelllike ability list of oCreature
- //The string is formatted as "Spell Ready Level\n"
- //And can be directly used with NWNX_Magic_UnpackSpecialAbilityString
- string NWNX_Magic_PackSpecialAbilityString( object oCreature );
- //Returns the spell-like ability from nIndex
- //The string is formatted as "Spell Ready Level"
- //Returns an empty string on failure
- string NWNX_Magic_GetSpellLikeAbility( object oCreature, int nIndex );
- //Get the length of the spell-like ability array
- int NWNX_Magic_GetSpellLikeLength( object oCreature );
- //Removes the data located in nIndex
- //Returns true/false
- int NWNX_Magic_RemoveSpellLikeAbility( object oCreature, int nIndex );
- //Adds a memorized spell to oCreature
- //This will create additional spellslots if neasesary
- //Use with caution
- //Formatting: "classindex spelllevel spellid ready metamagic domain"
- //Class index should be 0, 1 or 2
- int NWNX_Magic_AddMemorizedSpell( object oCreature, string sData );
- //Modify the amount of spellslots avaiable for oCreature
- //This function only covers memorization spell-slots
- //If nSpellslots = -1 the function will return the number of spellslots available instead
- int NWNX_Magic_SetNumberOfSpellslots( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSpellSlots );
- //This modifies spells per day data (relevant for sorcs etc)
- //nClassIndex must be 0-2
- //nType: 0=bonus spells 1=spells left 2=spells max
- //if nSpells is -1 the function will return the current number
- int NWNX_Magic_ModifySpellsPerDay( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nType, int nSpells );
- //Sets a memorized spell to oCreature
- //This will create additional spellslots if neasesary
- //Use with caution
- //Formatting: "classindex spelllevel spellslots spellid ready metamagic domain"
- //Class index should be 0, 1 or 2
- //If spellid, ready, metamagic, domain is 0 the spellslot will be removed (unmemorized)
- int NWNX_Magic_SetMemorizedSpell( object oCreature, string sData );
- //Get memorized spelldata from oCreature
- //nClass has to be within 0-2 range
- //returns "spellid ready metamagic domain"
- //returns "0 0 0 0" if the slot is empty
- string NWNX_Magic_GetMemorizedSpell( object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel, int nSlot );
- //Packs a spellevel into a string
- //nClassIndex must be between 0-2
- string NWNX_Magic_PackSpellLevelIntoString( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel );
- //Unpacks a spellevel from a string unto oCreature
- //This does not add spellslots if they're missing
- //Returns the number of spells unpacked
- //nClassIndex must be between 0-2
- int NWNX_Magic_UnPackSpellLevelString( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, string sData );
- //Removes all memorized spells from nSpellLevel
- //nClassIndex must be between 0-2
- //if nSetSpellsUnReady = 1 the spells are kept, but set to un-ready (used up)
- void NWNX_Magic_EmptySpellLevel( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSetSpellsUnReady );
- //Adds a known spell to oCreature at nSpellevel
- //ClassIndex must be between 0-2
- void NWNX_Magic_AddKnownSpell( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSpellToAdd );
- //Get a known spell from oCreature
- //classindex must be between 0-2
- //returns -1 if there is no known spell in nIndex (end of the array)
- int NWNX_Magic_GetKnownSpell( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nIndex );
- //Attempts to remove a known spell from oCreature
- //classindex must be between 0-2
- //Returns true/false depending on success
- int NWNX_Magic_RemoveKnownSpell( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSpell );
- int NWNX_Magic_RemoveKnownSpell( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSpell ){
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!RemoveKnownSpell", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nSpell ) );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!RemoveKnownSpell" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!RemoveKnownSpell" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_GetKnownSpell( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nIndex ){
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetKnownSpell", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nIndex ) );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetKnownSpell" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetKnownSpell" );
- return nRet;
- }
- void NWNX_Magic_AddKnownSpell( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSpellToAdd ){
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddKnownSpell", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nSpellToAdd ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddKnownSpell" );
- }
- void NWNX_Magic_EmptySpellLevel( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSetSpellsUnReady ){
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!EmptySpellBook", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nSetSpellsUnReady ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!EmptySpellBook" );
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_UnPackSpellLevelString( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, string sData ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return -1;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!UnPackSpellLevelString", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+sData );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!UnPackSpellLevelString" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!UnPackSpellLevelString" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string NWNX_Magic_PackSpellLevelIntoString( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return "";
- //16*32 memoryspace
- string sString;
- int n;
- for( n=0;n<32;n++ ){
- sString+=" ";
- }
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!PackSpellLevelIntoString", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+"~"+sString );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!PackSpellLevelIntoString" );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!PackSpellLevelIntoString" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string NWNX_Magic_GetMemorizedSpell( object oCreature, int nClass, int nSpellLevel, int nSlot ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return "";
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetMemorizedSpell", IntToString( nClass )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nSlot )+"~ " );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetMemorizedSpell" );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetMemorizedSpell" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_ModifySpellsPerDay( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nType, int nSpells ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return 0;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!ModifySpellsPerDay", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nType )+" "+IntToString( nSpells ) );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!ModifySpellsPerDay" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!ModifySpellsPerDay" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_SetNumberOfSpellslots( object oCreature, int nClassIndex, int nSpellLevel, int nSpellSlots ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return 0;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!SetNumberOfSpellslots", IntToString( nClassIndex )+" "+IntToString( nSpellLevel )+" "+IntToString( nSpellSlots ) );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!SetNumberOfSpellslots" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!SetNumberOfSpellslots" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_SetMemorizedSpell( object oCreature, string sData ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return 0;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddMemorizedSpell", sData );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddMemorizedSpell" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddMemorizedSpell" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_AddMemorizedSpell( object oCreature, string sData ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return 0;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddMemorizedSpell", sData );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddMemorizedSpell" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddMemorizedSpell" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_GetSpellLikeLength( object oCreature ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return 0;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetSpellLikeLength", "~ " );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetSpellLikeLength" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetSpellLikeLength" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_UnpackSpecialAbilityString( object oCreature, string sData ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return -1;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddSpellLikeAbility", sData );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddSpellLikeAbility" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!AddSpellLikeAbility" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string NWNX_Magic_PackSpecialAbilityString( object oCreature ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return "";
- //16*32 memoryspace
- string sString;
- int n;
- for( n=0;n<32;n++ ){
- sString+=" ";
- }
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!PackSpellLikeAbilities", "~"+sString );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!PackSpellLikeAbilities" );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!PackSpellLikeAbilities" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string NWNX_Magic_GetSpellLikeAbility( object oCreature, int nIndex ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return "";
- //16*2 memoryspace
- string sString;
- int n;
- for( n=0;n<2;n++ ){
- sString+=" ";
- }
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetSpellLikeAbility", IntToString( nIndex )+"~"+sString );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetSpellLikeAbility" );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!GetSpellLikeAbility" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int NWNX_Magic_RemoveSpellLikeAbility( object oCreature, int nIndex ){
- if( GetObjectType( oCreature ) != OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE )
- return -1;
- SetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!RemoveSpellLikeAbility", IntToString( nIndex ) );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!RemoveSpellLikeAbility" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( oCreature, "NWNX!MAGIC!RemoveSpellLikeAbility" );
- return nRet;
- }
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