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- /*
- BlipBlopMenu 2 - Compatible with EN Yellow ONLY
- Description
- BlipBlopMenu 2 allows the TimOS selector to be accessed simply by pressing the Select button while in the overworld.
- This eliminates the need to use a glitch item and restores the functionality of the Daycare.
- In addition, three scripts are installed, providing the following effects:
- #3. Repeller: When active, it permanently avoids any wild battle.
- #4. Trespasser: By holding B button, all collisions are disabled.
- #5. Motorbike: New! By holding A button, super speed is activated.
- Prerequirements
- - TimoVM's gen 1 ACE setup with a clean TimOS installation from:
- Instructions
- 1) - Installation on actual hardware or emulator: You can use TimoVM's NicknameConverter and NicknameWriter from the above page.
- - Installation on emulator with debugging features: Just copy and paste the HEX code into address $d8b4.
- 2) Run the code from NicknameWriter.
- 3) While in overworld, by pressing Select button TimOS selector pops up.
- 4) Confirm that everything works correctly by testing the three new scripts and then save the game.
- Attention! Activating Trespasser and walking outside the game's borders will guarantee a crash. Proceed with caution!
- Code:
- 3e 02 cd 99 3e 01 41 00 11 57
- c8 21 69 d6 e5 cd b1 00 0e 85
- d1 21 fb d8 cd b1 00 0e 12 11
- 9c d4 cd b1 00 0e 18 1e 7a cd
- b1 00 0e 4c 11 11 bb cd b1 00
- 0e 08 11 bd c7 cd b1 00 0e 19
- 11 98 c8 cd b1 00 3e 05 ea e9
- c6 fa 5c df fe 7c 28 2e f3 3e
- 02 cd 99 3e 01 04 00 11 80 ff
- 21 11 bb cd b1 00 0e 48 11 15
- df cd b1 00 cd a9 3e 21 5d d3
- 7e fe 0b 20 08 36 76 21 83 5c
- cd 17 39 fb cd 15 df c3 b0 00
- 21 6e d3 11 a3 d6 7a be 28 1a
- 01 5d d3 0a fe 76 20 09 fa 57
- d3 a7 20 0c 3e 0b 02 3a 12 1b
- 7e 12 3e 69 22 72 21 ed d6 cb
- 46 28 04 7d ea 3b d1 cb 4e 28
- 03 cd 9c d4 cb 56 28 0a 2e ff
- af be 20 01 34 cd 7a d4 0e 46
- 3e c3 c9 00 fa 2f d7 a7 c0 f0
- b4 cb 4f 3e 00 28 01 3c ea 38
- cd c9 fa 5d d3 fe 1c c8 f0 b4
- cb 47 c8 fa c4 cf fe 07 d0 a7
- c8 cd 7f 0b 18 f3 cd a4 d6 e2
- f0 b3 cb 57 c8 f0 b8 f5 cd 2d
- df 21 27 df e5 cd d8 28 f1 e0
- b8 c3 6b 21 cd 0f 37 21 90 cf
- 36 94 af ea 93 cf cd 33 22 0e
- 1f 3e 9d cd 11 22 21 39 6f cd
- 17 39 3e 1c cd 92 3e 06 03 21
- 53 ba 11 e8 c6 e5 d5 c5 d5 cd
- 58 7c 57 c8 a1 c8 98 c8 ad c8
- 06 02 21 ed d6 7e a8 77 c9 06
- 01 cd 9a c8 a0 c0 af ea 3b d1
- c9 06 04 18 e9
- Total Bytes: 355
- Extra Scripts for BlipBlopMenu 2 for Pokemon Yellow EN also available here:
- For directly patching your .sav file just use the patcher from the link below:
- ************ Logic ************
- Part 1 - Installer ($d8b4-$da16)
- After the code is written and executed, installer manages to transfer:
- - NicknameWriter from unused WRAM ($d669) to TimOS area ($c857).
- - Main payload (MSP Manipulator and OAM payloads) to unused memory ($d669).
- - Script payloads to unused memory ($d47a and $d49c).
- - OAM DMA hijack and TimOS Loader splitted payload to SRAM Bank 2 ($bb11)
- - Script pointers in TimOS selector ($c7bd).
- - Script enablers inside TimOS area ($c898).
- Part 2 - Map Script payload ($d669-$d6a3)
- After installation and every time the game starts, MSP targets custom MSP payload.
- - MSP payload checks for active TimOS payload ($df5c).
- - If stack corrupts payload or OAM is not hijacked, it sets up the hijack ($ff80) and copies TimOS Loader payload at the top of the stack ($df15).
- - After setting up OAM hijack, current active room is checked. If unused room $0b is detected, manual map reset is performed to get out of HoF.
- - TimOS Loader payload's check is executed ($df15).
- - Jump to original MSP happens and the game continues to its normal state.
- Part 3 - OAM DMA payloads ($d6a4-$d6ed)
- After OAM DMA hijack is set, the following routine is executed in every frame.
- - MapScriptPointer manipulator payload is executed, which checks if MSP is hijacked.
- - If not, current room is checked. If HoF is detected, it waits for the active dialogs to close and replaces room id with an unused one.
- - Afterwards, original MSP is copied to the end of this routine, and a custom one replaces it.
- - OAM DMA payloads are execuded, according to the payload bits set from TimOS.
- - Proper registers are set and OAM DMA routine continues its normal execution.
- Part 4 - TimOS Loader payload ($df15)
- - In every non moving overworld frame, Select button is checked (hJoyPressed - $ffb3).
- - If the above checks are true, TimOS Loader is triggered, setting up some environment values and launching TimOS payload.
- - After TimOS closes, execution continues from a payload closer to the top of the stack, so to avoid any potential crash caused by a stack overflow.
- - In case stack overflows and destrys TimOS payload, the check in MS payload rebuilts it during the next overworld frame.
- ************ Memory map ************
- bb11-bb14: OAM DMA hijack payload
- bb15-bb5c: TimOS Loader
- d47a-d491: Motorbike payload
- d49c-d4ad: Trespasser payload
- d669-d6a1: MSP payload
- d6a2-d6a3: MSP backup address
- d6a4-d6ec: OAM DMA payloads
- d6ed: OAM DMA payload flags
- df15-df5c: TimOS loader copied from SRAM2 $bb15
- ff80-ff83: OAM DMA hijack, copies from $bb11
- Source is compiled with QuickRGBDS
- */
- DEF CopyData EQU $00b1
- SECTION "BlipBlopMenu2Y", ROM0
- start:
- LOAD "Installer", WRAMX[$D8B4]
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Installer payload ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Installer:
- ld a, $02
- call $3e99 ; Open SRAM2
- ; move NicknameWriter into TimOS
- ld bc, $0041 ; 65 bytes
- ld de, $c857 ; destination
- ld hl, MSPhijack ; origin
- push hl
- call CopyData
- ; move main payload in unused memory $d669
- ld c, DMAhijack.end - MSPhijack ; 133 bytes
- pop de
- ld hl, .end ; origin = $d8fb
- call CopyData ; CopyData
- ; move scripts in unused memory
- ; copy trespassing to d49c
- ld c, $12 ; 18 bytes
- ld de, $d49c ; to unused memory
- call CopyData ; CopyData - due to previous copyData, de points correctly
- ; copy motorbike to d47a
- ld c, $18 ; 24 bytes
- ld e, $7a ; to unused memory
- call CopyData ; CopyData - due to previous copyData, de points correctly
- ; move OAM hijack + TimOS Loader into SRAM Bank 2
- ld c, $4c ; 76 bytes
- ld de, $bb11 ; destination
- call CopyData ; CopyData
- ; move TimOS pointer
- ld c, $08 ; 8 bytes
- ld de, $c7bd ; destination
- call CopyData ; CopyData
- ; move TimOS enablers
- ld c, $19 ; 25 bytes
- ld de, timospayloads ; destination
- call CopyData ; CopyData
- ld a, $05 ; set no of scripts
- ld [$c6e9], a
- .end
- LOAD "MSP_hijack", WRAMX[$d669]
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Executed by MSP hijack ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- MSPhijack:
- ; $d669 - executed by MapScript after loading the game
- ; it checks if TimOS Loader payload is present
- ld a, [$df5c] ; last byte of TimOS payload, so if it gets corrupted to be rebuilt together with OAM DMA hijack
- cp a, $7c
- jr z, .timoscheck
- ; if DMA is unset
- di
- ; opens SRAM2
- ld a, $02
- call $3e99 ; OpenSRAM to bank 02
- ; copy 4 bytes to hijack dma
- ld bc, $0004 ; 4 bytes to be copied to ff80 earlier set to de
- ld de, $ff80 ; destination
- ld hl, $bb11 ; from SRAM 2
- call CopyData ; CopyData - the stored version of .OAMDMApayload.
- ; copy timos loader to df15
- ld c, $48 ; 72 bytes
- ld de, $df15 ; to the top of the stack
- call CopyData ; due to previous copyData, de points towards TimOS loader payload
- ; closes SRAM
- call $3ea9 ; CloseSRAM
- ; checks and initialises map if unused room is detected in place of HoF
- ld hl, $d35d ; wCurMap: 00=Pallet town, 76=HoF room, 0b=unused
- ld a, [hl]
- cp a, $0b ; if unused room is detected
- jr nz, .endcp
- ld [hl], $76 ; set room back to HoF
- ld hl, $5c83 ; run MainMenu.pressedA, as it is intended by the game
- call $3917 ; Bankswitch with preset bank 1
- .endcp
- ei
- .timoscheck
- call timosloader ; TimOS loader checks - $df15
- .curmsp
- jp $00b0 ; a safe jump address to be replaced automatically by msp manipulator
- .end
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Executed by OAM DMA hijack ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- DMAhijack:
- ; $d6a3
- ; MSP Manipulator - It checks and sets Map Script Pointer after backing up the original one
- ; Preload addresses
- ld hl, $d36e ; wCurMapScriptPtr+1
- ld de, MSPhijack.curmsp+2 ; Original MSP backup address+1 - $d6a3
- ; checks if MSP is hijacked
- ld a, d ; Custom wCurMapScriptPtr high byte check
- cp a, [hl] ; Compares current to custom pointer
- jr z, .payload1
- ; room checking to bypass HoF reset
- ld bc, $d35d ; wCurMap: 00=Pallet town, 76=HoF room, 0b=unused
- ld a, [bc]
- cp a, $76 ; if wCurMap = HoF
- jr nz, .backup
- ld a, [$d357] ; wLetterPrintingDelayFlags
- and a ; check if text is active
- jr nz, .payload1 ; if 0 do following
- ld a, $0b ; set wCurMap to unused id
- ld [bc], a
- ; hijacks MSP
- .backup
- ld a, [hl-]
- ld [de], a
- dec de
- ld a, [hl]
- ld [de], a
- ld a, $69
- ld [hl+], a
- ld [hl], d ; d669
- ; if scriptflag's bit0=0, skip leavemealone script
- .payload1 ; Always ignore encounters
- ld hl, DMAhijack.bits ; $d6ed
- bit 0, [hl]
- jr z, .payload2
- ld a, l ; a!=0
- ld [$d13b], a ; wNumberOfNoRandomBattleStepsLeft
- ; if scriptflag's bit1=0, skip trespassing script
- .payload2
- bit 1, [hl]
- jr z, .payload3
- call trespass ; trespassing script
- ; if scriptstate's bit2=0, skip parkour script
- .payload3
- bit 2, [hl]
- jr z, .endoam
- ; if walking activates bike
- ld l, $ff ; hl = d6ff [wWalkBikeSurfState]
- xor a
- cp a, [hl]
- jr nz, .checkb
- inc [hl]
- .checkb
- call motorbike ; Motorbike script
- ; setting return values for OAM DMA routine
- .endoam
- ld c, $46
- ld a, $c3
- ret
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Temporary data ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- .bits
- db $00 ; Flags initialisation
- .end
- LOAD "payloads1", WRAMX[$d49c]
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trespassing payload ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; -> d49c - 18 bytes
- trespass:
- ld a, [$d72f] ; spin check
- and a
- ret nz
- ldh a, [$b4] ; If Pressed
- bit 1, a ; B Button
- ld a, $00 ; we cannot use xor a, since it will reset z
- jr z, .skip
- inc a
- .skip
- ld [$cd38], a ; Loads Walk Type
- ret
- LOAD "payload2s", WRAMX[$d47a]
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Splitted Motorbike payload ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; -> d47a - 24 bytes
- ; checks for cycling road
- motorbike:
- ld a, [$d35d]
- cp a, $1c
- ret z
- ; checks button A pressed
- ldh a, [$b4]
- bit 0, a
- ret z
- ; script activates at 6th moving frame and loops until it hits 0
- .loop
- ld a, [$cfc4] ; wWalkCounter
- cp a, $07
- ret nc
- and a
- ret z
- call $0b7f ; AdvancePlayerSprite
- jr .loop
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; OAM hijack payload ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- call DMAhijack ; if initial payload changes, change address acordingly
- ld [c], a ; setup to trigger stock OAM payload
- LOAD "timos_loader", WRAMX[$df15]
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; TimOS Loader payload ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; timos loader - 74
- ; Loaded from $bb15 to $df15 automatically with map script pointer
- timosloader:
- ; Read select button state - It automatically skips false positives like it happens in start menu
- ldh a, [$b3] ; Read buttons [hJoyPressed]
- bit 2, a ; Compare to select button [bit2]
- ret z ; If select not pressed, stop executing
- ldh a, [$b8] ; Saves hLoadedROMBank
- push af
- call tempdata ; .tempdata
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; After TimOS loader ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; safedata - this part should not be overwritten while timos is active, otherwise it will crash
- ld hl, hljump ; We set hl to static address to continue execution after CloseTextDisplay
- push hl
- call $28d8 ; CloseTextDisplay
- hljump:
- pop af ; Restores saved rom bank
- ldh [$b8], a
- jp $216b ; PlayDefaultMusic
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; TimOS loader ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; tempdata ($df32) - - this part can be overwritten safely while timos is active
- tempdata:
- call $370f ; SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
- ld hl, $cf90 ; wCurPartySpecies
- ld [hl], $94 ; Change nickname pokemon to Abra, so we avoid random missigno names crashing the game
- xor a
- ld [$cf93], a ; wListMenuID
- call $2233 ; StopMusic
- ld c, $1f ; Bank with sound
- ld a, $9d ; BlipBlop sound
- call $2211 ; PlayMusic
- ld hl, $6f39 ; To execute DisplayTextIDInit.drawTextBoxBorder after bankswitch
- call $3917 ; Bankswitch hardcoded to bank 1
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; TimOS payload ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; timos - 20 bytes
- ld a, $1c ; ROM bank number
- call $3e92 ; Bankswitch+14
- ld b, $03 ; SRAM bank number
- ld hl, $ba53 ; Origin/destination
- ld de, $c6e8 ; Destination/origin
- push hl
- push de
- push bc
- push de
- call $7c58 ; CopyBoxToOrFromSRAM+1
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Payload pointers ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- db $57, $c8, $a1, $c8, $98, $c8, $ad, $c8
- LOAD "timos_payloads", WRAM0[$c898]
- timospayloads:
- ;;;;;;;;;;;; Bit Enablers pointers ;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; Trespasser - 2 bytes
- ld b, $02
- ; common function - 7 bytes
- common:
- ld hl, DMAhijack.bits ; $d6ed
- ld a, [hl]
- xor a, b
- ld [hl], a
- ret
- ; Repeller - 12 bytes
- ld b, $01
- call common ; .common
- and a, b
- ret nz
- xor a
- ld [$d13b], a ; wNumberOfNoRandomBattleStepsLeft
- ret
- ; Motorbike - 4 bytes
- ld b, $04
- jr common ; .common
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