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- # memoization using array
- class Solution:
- def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
- # DP with memoization
- # state: 0 - unvisited
- # state: 1 - visited but not finished
- # state: 2 - visited and finished
- visit = [0]*numCourses
- from collections import defaultdict
- mapping = defaultdict(list)
- for (crs, prereq) in prerequisites:
- mapping[crs].append(prereq)
- result = []
- def dfs(course):
- if visit[course] == 1:
- return False
- if visit[course] == 2:
- return True
- visit[course] = 1
- for neighbour in mapping[course]:
- run = dfs(neighbour)
- if run is False:
- return False
- visit[course] = 2
- result.append(course)
- return True
- for crs in range(numCourses):
- run = dfs(crs)
- if run is False:
- return []
- return result
- # memoization using set
- class Solution:
- def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
- prereq_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
- for crs, prereq in prerequisites:
- prereq_map[crs].append(prereq)
- output = []
- visit, cycle = set(), set()
- # visit counter takes care of whether a node has been added to output
- # cycle counter takes care of whether a node is already part of the "current" cycle
- # once you are at ending point of a possible cycle, you return
- def dfs(crs):
- if crs in cycle:
- return False
- if crs in visit:
- return True
- cycle.add(crs)
- for pre in prereq_map[crs]:
- if dfs(pre) == False:
- return False
- cycle.remove(crs)
- visit.add(crs)
- output.append(crs)
- return True
- for c in range(numCourses):
- if dfs(c) == False:
- return []
- return output
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