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- #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
- #SingleInstance force
- ; AutoHotkey script to make Path of Exile borderless windowed
- ;###Settings#####################################################################################
- ; Set the desired width and height for the borderless window
- DesiredWidth := A_ScreenWidth ; Change to desirerd width of gaming window, you can use A_ScreenWidth to make it same as monitor
- DesiredHeight := 1100 ; Change to desirerd height of gaming window, you can use A_ScreenHeight to make it same as monitor
- ; Game name, change as necessary
- GameTitle := "Path of Exile"
- ; Game path, chance as necessary
- GamePath := "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile"
- ;###Advanced Settings############################################################################
- ;You should not need to edit these.. they are incase your running on a toaster
- ; How long the script waits for game to start at maximum before giving up (Seconds)
- WinWaitTimeout := 20
- ; How long until the resolution is changed and borders removed after window is detected (Milliseconds)
- DelayBeforeTask := 4000
- ;#############################################################################################
- ; Launchers the game
- run GamePath
- ; Check if the game window is open
- if WinWait(GameTitle, , WinWaitTimeout){
- if WinExist(GameTitle){
- sleep DelayBeforeTask
- ; Remove the borders and title bar
- ; 0xC40000 = WS_BORDER (0x800000) + WS_DLGFRAME (0x400000) + WS_SIZEBOX aka WS_THICKFRAME (0x040000)
- WinSetStyle("-0xC40000", GameTitle)
- ; Resize the window to borderless dimensions
- WinMove 0, 0, DesiredWidth, DesiredHeight, GameTitle
- ExitApp
- }
- else{
- MsgBox "Make sure path to game in script is accurate.", "WinWait Timed Out"
- }
- }
- return
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