
ETS2/ATS Trip Exporter (csv) Rev 2

Aug 31st, 2018
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C++ 20.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <string>
  3. #include <fstream>
  4. #include <exception>
  5. #include <cstdio>
  6. #include <windows.h>
  7. #include <ShellApi.h>
  8. #include <vector>
  9. #include <sstream>
  10. using namespace std;
  12. bool Decrypt();
  13. bool Read();
  14. bool CSVExport();
  15. bool IsDecryptorHere();
  16. bool isFileHere(const char* path);
  18. //Data Structure
  19. struct trip
  20. {
  21.     string sourceCity;
  22.     string sourceCompany;
  23.     string destinationCity;
  24.     string destinationCompany;
  25.     string cargo ;
  26.     string gainedXP;
  27.     string income;
  28.     string fines;
  29.     string distance;
  30.     string damage;
  31.     string truck;
  32.     string typeContract;
  33. };
  36. //Global variables
  37. vector<trip> tripList; //List of saved trips
  39. /*
  40.     Main. Calls more specific functions and checks for correct execution.
  41.     If execution fails, it will try to call again the function, for a maximum of 3 tries.
  42. */
  43. int main()
  44. {
  45.     //Number of tries made to call a function - Counter
  46.     int nRetries = 0;
  47.     //Boolean checking result of function execution - true = success / false = failure
  48.     bool success = false;
  49.     do
  50.     {
  51.         try
  52.         {
  53.             //Counter update
  54.             nRetries++;
  55.             //Calls function that returns either true or false
  56.             success = Decrypt(); //Decrypt will execute SII Decrypt and create a .txt file. It returns true if everything went right or false if something failed.
  57.             if(success == false)
  58.                 cout << "Error. Retrying." << endl;
  59.         }
  60.         catch(exception& e) //In case of an exception it will terminate the process
  61.         {
  62.             terminate();
  63.         }
  64.     }
  65.     while(nRetries < 3 && success == false);
  66.     //If it didn't work after 3 times the program will exit - Should never be triggered
  67.     if(success == false)
  68.     {
  69.         cout << "Too many errors. The program will now terminate. Press enter to continue..." << endl;
  70.         getchar();
  71.         return 0;
  72.     }
  73.     //if it worked resets counter and status
  74.     else
  75.     {
  76.         nRetries = 0;
  77.         success = false;
  78.         do
  79.         {
  80.             try
  81.             {
  82.                 //Counter update
  83.                 nRetries++;
  84.                 //Calls function that returns either true or false
  85.                 success = Read(); //Read will read the .txt file created in Decrypt function and format all the data.
  86.                 if(success == false)
  87.                     cout << "Error. Retrying." << endl;
  88.             }
  89.             catch(exception& e) //In case of an exception it will terminate the process - Should never be triggered
  90.             {
  91.                 terminate();
  92.             }
  93.         }
  94.         while(nRetries < 3 && success == false);
  95.         //If it didn't work after 3 times the program will exit
  96.         if(success == false)
  97.         {
  98.             cout << "Too many errors. The program will now terminate. Press enter to continue..." << endl;
  99.             getchar();
  100.             return 0;
  101.         }
  102.         //if it worked resets counter and status
  103.         else
  104.         {
  105.             nRetries = 0;
  106.             success = false;
  107.             do
  108.             {
  109.                 try
  110.                 {
  111.                     //Counter update
  112.                     nRetries++;
  113.                     //Calls function that returns either true or false
  114.                     success = CSVExport(); //CSVExport will create a .csv excel file with all the data obtained in Read().
  115.                     if(success == false)
  116.                         cout << "Error. Retrying." << endl;
  117.                 }
  118.                 catch(exception& e) //In case of an exception it will terminate the process - Should never be triggered
  119.                 {
  120.                     terminate();
  121.                 }
  122.             }
  123.             while(nRetries < 3 && success == false);
  124.             //If it didn't work after 3 times the program will exit
  125.             if(success == false)
  126.             {
  127.                 cout << "Too many errors. The program will now terminate. Press enter to continue..." << endl;
  128.                 getchar();
  129.                 return 0;
  130.             }
  131.             //Program executed correctly so no point in leaving it open. :P
  132.             else
  133.             {
  134.                 cout << "Thanks for using this tool. Press enter to continue..." << endl;
  135.                 getchar();
  136.                 return 0;
  137.             }
  138.         }
  139.     }
  140. }
  142. /*
  143.     Decrypt. Cheks for SII_Decrypt.exe. Asks user for game.sii directory. Checks input and decrypts file to game.txt.
  144.     In case of errors function terminates back to main.
  145. */
  146. bool Decrypt()
  147. {
  148.     string path = "";
  149.     cout << endl << "---- Step 1 of 3: Decrypt save data ----" << endl;
  150.     cout << "Trying to find SII_Decrypt.exe..." << endl;
  151.     //Checks if SII_Decrypt.exe is available
  152.     bool fileFound = IsDecryptorHere();
  153.     if(fileFound == false)
  154.     {
  155.         //If not returns an error end exits Decrypt() function
  156.         cout << "Error: SII_Decrypt.exe not found." << endl << endl;
  157.         return false;
  158.     }
  159.     else
  160.     {
  161.         //Else asks for game.sii path
  162.         cout << "SII_Decrypt.exe found." << endl << endl;
  163.         do
  164.         {
  165.             cout << "Input required. Please write game.sii directory. Refer to readme.txt about how to get it." << endl << "Your input: ";
  166.             getline(cin,path);
  167.         }
  168.         while(path.empty());
  169.         path = path + "\\game.sii";
  170.         cout << endl << "Checking input..." << endl;
  171.         fileFound = isFileHere(path.c_str()); //Checks if game.sii is there
  172.         if(fileFound == false)
  173.         {
  174.             //If not returns an error end exits Decrypt() function
  175.             cout << "Error: game.sii not found." << endl << endl;
  176.             return false;
  177.         }
  178.         else
  179.         {
  180.             cout << "game.sii found." << endl << endl;
  181.             cout << "Decrypting... please wait until the other console closes itself, and then press enter." << endl;
  182.             string variables = "\"" + path + "\" game.txt";
  183.             ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "SII_Decrypt.exe", variables.c_str(), NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
  184.             getchar();
  185.             fileFound = isFileHere("game.txt"); //Checks if game.txt exists and therefore if the decrypt process worked fine
  186.             if(fileFound == false)
  187.             {
  188.                 //If not returns an error end exits Decrypt() function
  189.                 cout << "Error: Something went wrong with decryption." << endl << endl;
  190.                 return false;
  191.             }
  192.             else
  193.             {
  194.                 cout << "File decrypted. Step completed. Press enter to continue." << endl << endl;
  195.                 getchar();
  196.                 return true;
  197.             }
  198.         }
  199.     }
  201. }
  203. /*
  204.     Reads, formats and stores all the data.
  205. */
  206. bool Read()
  207. {
  208.     cout << endl << "---- Step 2 of 3: Read and format data ----" << endl;
  209.     string deliverylog = "";
  210.     ifstream game;
  211.     string temp = "";
  212.     int line1 = 0;
  213.     bool found = false;
  214.     //Open File
  216.     while(getline(game, temp))
  217.     {
  218.         line1++;
  219.         //Find ID
  220.         if(temp.find("delivery_log:", 0) != string::npos )
  221.         {
  222.             deliverylog =  temp;
  223.             cout << "Delivery Log ID found: " << deliverylog << " - Line " << line1 << "." << endl;
  224.             found = true;
  225.             break;
  226.         }
  227.     }
  228.     game.close();
  229.     if(found == false) //Error while finding id. It's not possible to get this error (I think).
  230.     {
  231.         cout << "Error. Could not find Delivery Log ID. This should't be possible so it's probably a bug. Please retry. If it doesn't work, send me an email." << endl;
  232.         return false;
  233.     }
  234.     else //Formatting ID and saving array
  235.     {
  236.         //Since the found string is like delivery_log: _nameless.24f.4266.54d0 we have to get the string from the second _ so the program cuts the string twice
  237.         size_t position = deliverylog.find("_");
  238.         deliverylog = deliverylog.substr(position+1);
  239.         position = deliverylog.find("_");
  240.         deliverylog = deliverylog.substr(position);
  241.         cout << "Formatted ID is: " << deliverylog << endl;
  243.         found = false; //Check
  244.         string parameter = "delivery_log : " + deliverylog;
  246.         //Now the list of the jobs is needed so we must obtain the array from the file. Since it's variable it will be saved in a string vector
  247.         vector<string> jobsIDS;
  249.         string formatted = "";
  250.         int line2 = 0;
  252.         while(getline(game, temp))
  253.         {
  254.             line2++;
  255.             //Find array
  256.             if(temp.find(parameter, 0) != string::npos && line2 > line1)
  257.             {
  258.                 cout << "Array Found." << endl;
  260.                 getline(game, temp); //version, no need so skip
  261.                 getline(game, temp); //entries, more useful
  262.                 if(temp == "entries: 0")
  263.                 {
  264.                     cout << "No trips found." << endl;
  265.                     break;
  266.                 }
  267.                 else
  268.                 {
  269.                     while(getline(game, temp))
  270.                     {
  271.                         if(temp.find("entries[", 0) != string::npos)
  272.                         {
  273.                             position = temp.find("_");
  274.                             formatted = temp.substr(position); //String is like entries[0]: _nameless.24f.4150.fa80 so the program cuts the whole thing from _ to the end of the line
  275.                             cout << "Found: " << formatted << " - Saving!"<< endl;
  276.                             jobsIDS.push_back(formatted); //Save array entry inside vector
  277.                             found = true; //Check
  278.                         }
  279.                     }
  280.                     break;
  281.                 }
  282.             }
  283.         }
  284.         game.close();
  285.         if(found == false)
  286.         {
  287.             return false;
  288.         }
  291.         bool done = false; //Checks if a job's data is saved
  292.         //After obtaining job ids we have to record their data. as always, it's variable so vector it is!
  295.         string sourceCity, sourceCompany, destinationCity, destinationCompany, cargo, XP, income, km, damage, fines, truck, type;
  296.         while(getline(game, temp) && jobsIDS.size() > 0)
  297.         {
  298.             if(temp.find("delivery_log_entry : " +, 0) != string::npos)
  299.             {
  300.                 //After finding the log entry just select things that are needed
  302.                 getline(game, temp); // params: 23, useless, so skip
  303.                 while(getline(game, temp))
  304.                 {
  305.                     if(temp.find("params[1]", 0) != string::npos) //Source data
  306.                     {
  307.                         position = temp.find("\"");
  308.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);                     //String is like params[1]: "company.volatile.exomar.roma" so the program cuts from p to " inculded
  310.                         //Remove company
  311.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  312.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  313.                         position = formatted.find("\"");
  314.                         formatted = formatted.substr(0,position); //Remove final "
  317.                         //remove second entry
  318.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  319.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  321.                         sourceCompany = formatted; //Save company
  323.                         //remove third entry
  324.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  325.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  326.                         //Uppercase first letter
  327.                         formatted[0] = toupper(formatted[0]);
  329.                         sourceCity = formatted; //Save city
  331.                         cout << "Src. comp.: " << sourceCompany << " - Src. city: " << sourceCity << endl;
  334.                     }
  335.                     if(temp.find("params[2]", 0) != string::npos) //Destination data
  336.                     {
  337.                         position = temp.find("\"");
  338.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1); //String is like params[1]: "company.volatile.exomar.roma" so the program cuts the whole thing from p to "
  340.                         //Remove company
  341.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  342.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  343.                         position = formatted.find("\"");
  344.                         formatted = formatted.substr(0,position); //Remove final "
  346.                         //remove second entry
  347.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  348.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  350.                         destinationCompany = formatted; //Save company
  352.                         //remove third entry
  353.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  354.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  356.                         //Uppercase first letter
  357.                         formatted[0] = toupper(formatted[0]);
  359.                         destinationCity =  formatted; //Save city
  361.                         cout << "Dest. comp.: " << destinationCompany << " - Dest. city: " << destinationCity << endl;
  363.                     }
  364.                     if(temp.find("params[3]", 0) != string::npos) //Cargo
  365.                     {
  366.                         position = temp.find("\"");
  367.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  369.                         //Remove cargo
  370.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  371.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  372.                         position = formatted.find("\"");
  373.                         formatted = formatted.substr(0,position); //Remove final "
  374.                         cargo = formatted;
  375.                         cout << "Cargo: " << cargo << endl;
  377.                     }
  378.                     if(temp.find("params[4]", 0) != string::npos) //XP
  379.                     {
  380.                         position = temp.find(": ");
  381.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  382.                         XP = formatted;
  383.                         cout << "XP: " << XP << endl;
  384.                     }
  385.                     if(temp.find("params[5]", 0) != string::npos) //Income
  386.                     {
  387.                         position = temp.find(": ");
  388.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  389.                         income = formatted;
  390.                         cout << "Income: " << income << endl;
  391.                     }
  392.                     if(temp.find("params[6]", 0) != string::npos) //Distance
  393.                     {
  394.                         position = temp.find(": ");
  395.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  396.                         km = formatted;
  397.                         cout << "Distance: " << km << endl;
  398.                     }
  399.                     if(temp.find("params[7]", 0) != string::npos) //Cargo damage
  400.                     {
  401.                         position = temp.find("\"");
  402.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  403.                         position = formatted.find("\"");
  404.                         formatted = formatted.substr(0,position); //Remove final "
  405.                         //Damage formatting
  406.                         float temp1 = stof(formatted); //converts string to float 0.061
  407.                         temp1 = temp1 * 100; //6.1
  408.                         ostringstream convert;
  409.                         convert << temp1;
  411.                         formatted = convert.str(); //Puts back into string
  413.                         damage = formatted + "%"; //Final formatting
  414.                         cout << "Cargo damage: " << damage << endl;
  415.                     }
  416.                     if(temp.find("params[14]", 0) != string::npos) //Fines
  417.                     {
  418.                         position = temp.find(": ");
  419.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  420.                         fines = formatted;
  421.                         cout << "Total fines: " << fines << endl;
  422.                     }
  423.                     if(temp.find("params[16]", 0) != string::npos) //Truck
  424.                     {
  425.                         position = temp.find("\"");
  426.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1, temp.length()-1); //String is like params[1]: "" so the program cuts the whole thing from v to s
  428.                         //Remove vehicle
  429.                         position = formatted.find(".");
  430.                         formatted = formatted.substr(position+1);
  431.                         position = formatted.find("\"");
  432.                         formatted = formatted.substr(0,position); //Remove final "
  434.                         truck = formatted;
  436.                         cout << "truck: " << truck << endl;
  438.                     }
  439.                     if(temp.find("params[18]", 0) != string::npos) //Cargo Type
  440.                     {
  441.                         position = temp.find(": ");
  442.                         formatted = temp.substr(position+1);
  444.                         if(formatted == " quick")
  445.                         {
  446.                             formatted = "Quick Job";
  447.                         }
  448.                         if(formatted == " compn")
  449.                         {
  450.                             formatted = "Freight Market";
  451.                         }
  452.                         if(formatted == " on_compn")
  453.                         {
  454.                             formatted = "External Contract (World of Trucks)";
  455.                         }
  456.                         if(formatted == " freerm")
  457.                         {
  458.                             formatted = "Free Roam";
  459.                             sourceCompany = "Free Roam";
  460.                             sourceCity = "Free Roam";
  461.                             destinationCity = "Free Roam";
  462.                             destinationCompany = "Free Roam";
  463.                             damage = "0%"; //Bugged better set it to 0%
  464.                             truck = "Free Roam";
  465.                         }
  467.                         type = formatted;
  468.                         cout << "Cargo Type: " << type << endl;
  470.                         //Other ways crashed so yay
  471.                         trip temporary = (trip)
  472.                         {
  473.                             sourceCity, sourceCompany, destinationCity, destinationCompany, cargo, XP, income, fines, km, damage, truck, type
  474.                         };
  475.                         tripList.push_back(temporary);
  476.                         done = true;
  477.                     }
  478.                     if(done == true) //Checks if it's done with a job
  479.                     {
  480.                         break;
  481.                     }
  482.                 }
  483.                 jobsIDS.erase(jobsIDS.begin());
  484.                 done = false;
  485.             }
  486.         }
  487.         game.close();
  488.     }
  489.     return true;
  490. }
  492. /*
  493.     The data is written in a .csv file
  494. */
  495. bool CSVExport()
  496. {
  497.     cout << endl << "---- Step 3 of 3: Export data to CSV ----" << endl;
  498.     ofstream csv;
  500.     cout << "Writing data..." << endl;
  501.     csv << "Source City; Source Company; Destination City; Destination Company; Cargo; Cargo Damage; Gained XP; Income; Fines; Distance; Truck; Cargo Type;\n";
  502.     csv << "\n";
  503.     while(tripList.size() > 0)
  504.     {
  505.         csv << << ";" << << ";" << << ";" << << ";" <<  << ";" << << ";" << << ";" << << ";" << << ";" << << ";" << << ";" << << ";\n";
  506.         tripList.erase(tripList.begin());
  507.     }
  509.     cout << "Done." << endl;
  510.     csv.close();
  511.     return true;
  512. }
  514. /*
  515.     Checks if SII_Decrypt.exe is in this program's folder
  516. */
  517. bool IsDecryptorHere()
  518. {
  519.     ifstream decryptor("SII_Decrypt.exe");
  520.     return decryptor.good();
  521. }
  523. /*
  524.     Checks if file exists
  525. */
  526. bool isFileHere(const char* path)
  527. {
  528.     ifstream file(path);
  529.     return file.good();
  530. }
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