

Aug 7th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. Command: staff
  3. StaffModePerm: staffmode.use
  4. StaffModePermMessage: &cYou do not have permission!
  5. RandomTPType: blaze rod
  6. RandomTPName: &aRandom Teleport
  7. RandomTPLore: &7(Right Click)
  8. GamemodeChangerType: nether star
  9. GamemodeChangerName: &aChange Gamemode
  10. GamemodeChangerLore: &7(Right Click)
  11. VanishType: light green dye
  12. VanishName: &aVanish
  13. VanishLore: &7(Right Click)
  14. UnvanishType: gray dye
  15. UnvanishName: &aUnvanish
  16. UnvanishLore: &7(Right Click)
  17. StaffModeOnMessage: &aStaff Mode Activated!
  18. StaffModeOffMessage: &cStaff Mode Deactivated!
  19. GamemodeMessage: &cGamemode updated.
  20. VanishMessage: &cYou have Vanished yourself!
  21. UnvanishMessage: &cYou have Unvanished yourself!
  23. command /{@Command} <text>:
  24. permission: {@StaffModePerm}
  25. permission message: {@StaffModePermMessage}
  26. trigger:
  27. if arg-1 is "on":
  28. set {_count} to 0
  29. loop 36 times:
  30. set {inv.%player%.%{_count}%.main} to slot {_count} of player's inventory
  31. add 1 to {_count}
  32. set {inv.%player%.helmet.main} to player's helmet
  33. set {inv.%player%.chest.main} to player's chestplate
  34. set {inv.%player%.legs.main} to player's leggings
  35. set {inv.%player%.feet.main} to player's boots
  36. clear player's inventory
  37. set slot 0 of player's inventory to {@RandomTPType} named "{@RandomTPName}" with lore "{@RandomTPLore}"
  38. set slot 4 of player's inventory to {@GamemodeChangerType} named "{@GamemodeChangerName}" with lore "{@GamemodeChangerLore}"
  39. set slot 8 of player's inventory to {@VanishType} named "{@VanishName}" with lore "{@VanishLore}"
  40. set {staffmode.tools.%player%} to true
  41. send "{@StaffModeOnMessage}"
  42. if arg-1 is "off":
  43. set {_count} to 0
  44. loop 36 times:
  45. set slot {_count} of player's inventory to {inv.%player%.%{_count}%.main}
  46. add 1 to {_count}
  47. set the helmet of player to {inv.%player%.helmet.main}
  48. set the chestplate of player to {inv.%player%.chest.main}
  49. set the leggings of player to {inv.%player%.legs.main}
  50. set the boots of player to {inv.%player%.feet.main}
  51. delete {staffmode.tools.%player%}
  52. send "{@StaffModeOffMessage}"
  53. on rightclick holding a blaze rod:
  54. if {staffmode.tools.%player%} is true:
  55. set {_chosenOne} to a random player out of all players
  56. teleport player to {_chosenOne}
  57. delete {_chosenOne}
  58. on rightclick holding a nether star:
  59. if {staffmode.tools.%player%} is true:
  60. if player's gamemode is survival:
  61. set player's gamemode to creative
  62. send "{@GamemodeMessage}"
  63. else:
  64. set player's gamemode to survival
  65. send "{@GamemodeMessage}"
  66. on rightclick holding a light green dye:
  67. wait 1 tick
  68. if {staffmode.tools.%player%} is true:
  69. hide the player from all players
  70. set slot 8 of player's inventory to {@UnvanishType} named "{@UnvanishName}" with lore "{@UnvanishLore}"
  71. send "{@VanishMessage}"
  72. on rightclick holding a gray dye:
  73. wait 1 tick
  74. if {staffmode.tools.%player%} is true:
  75. reveal the player from all players
  76. set slot 8 of player's inventory to {@VanishType} named "{@VanishName}" with lore "{@VanishLore}"
  77. send "{@UnvanishMessage}"
  78. on quit:
  79. if {staffmode.tools.%player%} is true:
  80. set {_count} to 0
  81. loop 36 times:
  82. set slot {_count} of player's inventory to {inv.%player%.%{_count}%.main}
  83. add 1 to {_count}
  84. set the helmet of player to {inv.%player%.helmet.main}
  85. set the chestplate of player to {inv.%player%.chest.main}
  86. set the leggings of player to {inv.%player%.legs.main}
  87. set the boots of player to {inv.%player%.feet.main}
  88. delete {staffmode.tools.%player%}
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