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- local checkhitbox = {0,11,12,13,14}
- local username = cheat.GetCheatUserName()
- local ideal_yaw
- local right_side
- local left_side
- local dt_charging
- print("" .. username .. " if you have any questions feel free to dm kib1336#1030")
- print("" .. username .. " if you have any suggestion or found any bug feel free to join our discord! :")
- local version = "1643"
- local ffi = require('ffi')
- ffi.cdef[[
- void* CreateFileA(
- const char* lpFileName,
- unsigned long dwDesiredAccess,
- unsigned long dwShareMode,
- unsigned long lpSecurityAttributes,
- unsigned long dwCreationDisposition,
- unsigned long dwFlagsAndAttributes,
- void* hTemplateFile
- );
- bool ReadFile(
- void* hFile,
- char* lpBuffer,
- unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToRead,
- unsigned long* lpNumberOfBytesRead,
- int lpOverlapped
- );
- bool WriteFile(
- void* hFile,
- char* lpBuffer,
- unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
- unsigned long* lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
- int lpOverlapped
- );
- unsigned long GetFileSize(
- void* hFile,
- unsigned long* lpFileSizeHigh
- );
- bool CloseHandle(void* hFile);
- typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR;
- typedef unsigned long DWORD;
- typedef unsigned short WORD;
- typedef struct tagKEYBDINPUT {
- WORD wVk;
- WORD wScan;
- DWORD dwFlags;
- DWORD time;
- ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
- typedef struct tagMOUSEINPUT {
- long dx;
- long dy;
- DWORD mouseData;
- DWORD dwFlags;
- DWORD time;
- ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
- typedef struct tagHARDWAREINPUT {
- DWORD uMsg;
- WORD wParamL;
- WORD wParamH;
- typedef struct tagINPUT {
- DWORD type;
- ]]
- local pfile = ffi.cast("void*", ffi.C.CreateFileA("nl/username.txt", 0xC0000000, 0x00000003, 0, 0x4, 0x80, nil))
- --local cfile = ffi.cast("void*", ffi.C.CreateFileA("nl/settings.txt", 0xC0000000, 0x00000003, 0, 0x4, 0x80, nil))
- cheat.RegisterCallback("destroy", function()
- ffi.C.CloseHandle(pfile)
- --ffi.C.CloseHandle(cfile)
- end)
- local size = ffi.C.GetFileSize(pfile, nil)
- local buff ="char[" ..(size + 1).. "]")
- ffi.C.ReadFile(pfile, buff, size, nil, 0)
- buff = ffi.string(buff)
- local username = buff
- local function initlua()
- menu.Text("Prediction LUA V2", "Hello "..username.."!")
- local vers = http.Get("")
- local ok = ""
- if version == vers then ok = "Version: UP 2 DATE!" else ok = "Version: Outdated!" end
- if ok then
- menu.Text("STATUS", ok)
- else
- menu.Text("STATUS", "ERROR")
- end
- cheat.AddNotify("test lua", "Welcome to test lua.3.0 " .. username .. " ")
- ffi.cdef[[
- typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
- typedef void (__thiscall* UpdateCSA_t)(void*);
- typedef struct { float id; } poses_t;
- typedef struct
- {
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- } Vector_t;
- typedef struct
- {
- float flAnimationTime; //0x00
- float flFadeOut; //0x04
- void* pStudioHdr; //0x08
- int nDispatchedSrc; //0x0C
- int nDispatchedDst; //0x10
- int iOrder; //0x14
- int nSequence; //0x18
- float flPrevCycle; //0x1C
- float flWeight; //0x20
- float flWeightDeltaRate; //0x24
- float flPlaybackRate; //0x28
- float flCycle; //0x2C
- void* pOwner; //0x30
- int nInvalidatePhysicsBits; //0x34
- } animlayer_t;
- typedef struct
- {
- void* pThis;
- char pad2[91];
- void* pBaseEntity; //0x60
- void* pActiveWeapon; //0x64
- void* pLastActiveWeapon; //0x68
- float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime; //0x6C
- int m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount; //0x70
- float m_flEyePitch; //0x74
- float m_flEyeYaw; //0x78
- float m_flPitch; //0x7C
- float m_flGoalFeetYaw; //0x80
- float m_flCurrentFeetYaw; //0x84
- float m_flCurrentTorsoYaw; //0x88
- float m_flUnknownVelocityLean; //0x8C //changes when moving/jumping/hitting ground
- float m_flLeanAmount; //0x90
- char pad4[4]; //NaN
- float m_flFeetCycle; //0x98 0 to 1
- float m_flFeetYawRate; //0x9C 0 to 1
- float m_fUnknown2;
- float m_fDuckAmount; //0xA4
- float m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething; //0xA8
- float m_fUnknown3; //0xAC
- Vector_t m_vOrigin; //0xB0, 0xB4, 0xB8
- Vector_t m_vLastOrigin; //0xBC, 0xC0, 0xC4
- float m_vVelocityX; //0xC8
- float m_vVelocityY; //0xCC
- char pad5[4];
- float m_flUnknownFloat1; //0xD4 Affected by movement and direction
- char pad6[8];
- float m_flUnknownFloat2; //0xE0 //from -1 to 1 when moving and affected by direction
- float m_flUnknownFloat3; //0xE4 //from -1 to 1 when moving and affected by direction
- float m_unknown; //0xE8
- float speed_2d; //0xEC
- float flUpVelocity; //0xF0
- float m_flSpeedNormalized; //0xF4 //from 0 to 1
- float m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; //0xF8 //from 0 to 2. something is 1 when walking, 2.something when running, 0.653 when crouch walking
- float m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways; //0xFC //from 0 to 3. something
- float m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving; //0x100
- float m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving; //0x104
- unsigned char m_bOnGround; //0x108
- unsigned char m_bInHitGroundAnimation; //0x109
- char pad7[10];
- float m_flLastOriginZ; //0x114
- float m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation; //0x118 from 0 to 1, is 1 when standing
- float m_flStopToFullRunningFraction; //0x11C from 0 to 1, doesnt change when walking or crouching, only running
- char pad8[4]; //NaN
- float m_flUnknownFraction; //0x124 affected while jumping and running, or when just jumping, 0 to 1
- char pad9[4]; //NaN
- float m_flUnknown3;
- char pad10[528];
- } CCSGOPlayerAnimationState_534535_t;
- ]]
- local hitboxesused = {18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,0}
- local hitboxes = {
- "Head",
- "Upper Chest",
- "Chest",
- "Body",
- "Stomach",
- "Pelvis",
- "Legs & Feet",
- "Arms"
- }
- local types = {
- "2D Filled Circle",
- "2D Circle"
- }
- --VARS
- local miss_counter = 0
- local menu_invert_side = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Inverter")
- local menu_left_limit = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Left Limit")
- local menu_fake_options = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "LBY Mode")
- local menu_right_limit = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Right Limit")
- local menu_leg_movement = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Leg Movement")
- local menu_fakelag_limit = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Limit")
- local menu_fakelag_enable = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag")
- local menu_fakelag_triggers = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Triggers")
- local menu_safe_point = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Accuracy", "Safe Points")
- local menu_fakeduck = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Fake Duck")
- local menu_antiaim_manual = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Base")
- local var_arrow_fonts = g_Render:InitFont("Verdana",55)
- --VARS END--
- menu.Text("Anti-Aim", "Anti Bruteforce Customization")
- local c_menu_anti_brute = menu.Switch("Anti-Aim", "Anti Brute", false, "Will enable Lua Script Anti-BruteForce!")
- local c_menu_anti_brute_fov_slider = menu.SliderFloat("Anti-Aim", "Anti Brute FOV", 175.0, 50.0, 250.0, "Limit FOV between bullet and your modelll (Recomended Default Value)")
- local c_menu_anti_brute_debug_mode = menu.Switch("Anti-Aim", "Debug Mode", false, "Will print on console which angle has been overrided etc...")
- local c_menu_anti_brute_1stshot = menu.SliderInt("Anti-Aim", "1st shot angle", 45, 0, 60, "Fake Limit for 1st enemy shot (Recomended using default values if you don't know what you're doing!)")
- local c_menu_anti_brute_2ndshot = menu.SliderInt("Anti-Aim", "2nd shot angle", 45, 0, 60, "Fake Limit for 2nd enemy shot (Recomended using default values if you don't know what you're doing!)")
- local c_menu_anti_brute_3rdshot = menu.SliderInt("Anti-Aim", "3rd shot angle", 5, 0, 60, "Fake Limit for 3rd enemy shot (Recomended using default values if you don't know what you're doing!)")
- menu.Text("Anti-Aim", "Body Lean Customization")
- local c_menu_custom_body_lean = menu.Switch("Anti-Aim", "Custom Bodylean", false, "Will enable customized BodyLean can be modified using the sliders below!")
- local c_menu_body_lean_left = menu.SliderFloat("Anti-Aim", "Body Lean Left", 16.4, -180.0, 180.0, "Adjusts your BodyLean")
- local c_menu_body_lean_right = menu.SliderFloat("Anti-Aim", "Body Lean Right", -20.0, -180.0, 180.0, "Adjusts your BodyLean")
- menu.Text("FakeLags", "FakeLags Customization")
- local c_menu_custom_fakelag = menu.Switch("FakeLags", "Custom Fakelag", false, "Will enable customized Fakelags")
- local c_menu_fakelag_modes = menu.Combo("FakeLags", "Modes", {"Adaptive", "Fluctuate"}, 0, "Multiple Fakelag modes!")
- local c_menu_fakelag_fluctuate_timing = menu.SliderFloat("FakeLags", "Fluctuate Timing", 12.9, 0.0, 20.0, "Fluctuate timing (Recomended Default values!)!")
- menu.Text("Exploits", "Exploits Customization")
- local c_menu_doubletap = menu.Switch("Exploits", "Customized Doubletap", true, "")
- local c_menu_doubletap_clockcr = menu.Switch("Exploits", "Disable Correction", false, "Will make your DoubleTap innacurate but faster!")
- local c_menu_doubletap_modes = menu.Combo("Exploits", "Modes", {"Instant", "Fast", "Slow", "Sonic"}, 0, "Multiple DoubleTap speed modes!")
- local c_menu_doubletap_debug_mode = menu.Switch("Exploits", "Debug Mode", false, "Will print info about doubletap, ticks etc...")
- local c_menu_doubletap_instant_recharge = menu.Switch("Exploits", "Instant Recharge", false, "Will recharge doubletap as soon as possible (Not recommended tho!)!")
- local c_menu_exploits_legs = menu.Switch("Exploits", "Smart Legs", false, "Will swap your model legs between normal/sliding asap!")
- local c_menu_air_stuck = menu.Switch("Exploits", "Airstuck", false, "")
- menu.Text("Visuals", "Visuals Customization")
- local c_menu_text_indicators = menu.Switch("Visuals", "Enable text indicators", false, "Draw Text indicators (Use the multicombo tho!)!")
- local c_menu_x = menu.SliderFloat("Visuals", "Text x position", 973.0, 0.0, 2000.0, "x pos")
- local c_menu_y = menu.SliderFloat("Visuals", "Text y position", 484.0, 0.0, 2000.0, "y pos")
- local c_menu_arrows = menu.Switch("Visuals", "Anti-Aim Arrows", false, "Draw AntiAim direction arrows!")
- local c_menu_arrow_color = menu.ColorEdit("Visuals", "Arrow color",,1,1,1), "")
- local c_menu_arrows_type = menu.Combo("Visuals", "Arrow Type", {")", ">", "Triangles", "Circle"}, 0, "Multiple Arrow types!")
- local c_menu_custom_impacts = menu.Switch("Visuals", "Custom Bullet Impacts", false, "")
- local c_menu_visuals_impacts = menu.SliderInt("Visuals", "Bullet Impacts size", 5, 1, 50, "")
- local c_menu_visuals_beam_color = menu.ColorEdit("Visuals", "Beam Color",,1,1,1), "")
- local c_menu_visuals_impact_color = menu.ColorEdit("Visuals", "Impacts Color",,1,1,1), "")
- local c_menu_watermarker = menu.Switch("Visuals", "Watermarker", false, "Enables simple Watermarker!")
- menu.Text("Misc", "Miscellaneous")
- local c_menu_kill_say = menu.Switch("Misc", "Custom Kill Say", false, "Says something on the chat once you kill someone (Words can be edited on the textbox below!)!")
- local c_menu_kill_say_words = menu.TextBox("Misc", "Kill Say Words", 64, "Say something...", "Says something on the chat once you kill someone (If Kill Say checkbox is enabled!)!")
- local c_menu_hurt_say = menu.Switch("Misc", "Custom Hurt Say", false, "Says something on the chat once you hurt someone (Words can be edited on the textbox below!)!")
- local c_menu_hurt_say_words = menu.TextBox("Misc", "Hurt Say Words", 64, "Say something...", "Says something on the chat once you hurt someone (If Hurt Say checkbox is enabled!)!")
- menu.Text("Aimbot", "Advanced Aimbot")
- local c_menu_safepoint_hitboxes = menu.MultiCombo("Aimbot", "Safe point Hitboxes", hitboxes, 0, "")
- local c_menu_draw_only_priority_hitboxe = menu.SwitchColor("Aimbot", "Draw only priority hitbox", false,,1.0,1.0,1.0), "")
- local c_menu_circle_customization = menu.Combo("Aimbot", "Circle Customization", types, 0, "")
- local c_menu_scale_circle = menu.SliderFloat("Aimbot", "Scale circle", 1, 0, 20, "")
- local c_menu_hitboxes_color = menu.ColorEdit("Aimbot", "Intersacted points Color",,1,1,1), "")
- local c_menu_anti_aim_helpers = menu.Switch("Anti-Aim", "Auto direction", false, "")
- local c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_types = menu.Combo("Anti-Aim", "Auto direction Types", {"Peek with Fake", "Peek with Real"}, 0, "Multiple Auto direction types!")
- local c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_desync = menu.Switch("Anti-Aim", "Desync Modifications", false, "")
- local c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_desync_mod = menu.Combo("Anti-Aim", "Desync Mods", {"Smart", "Prefer Low Delta", "Multiple"}, 0, "Multiple Auto direction types!")
- local menu_freestand_desync = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Freestanding Desync")
- local menu_fake_option = g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Fake Options")
- local function antiaim_helpers()
- if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers:GetBool()) then
- if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_types:GetInt() == 0) then --Peek fake
- menu_freestand_desync:SetInt(1)
- else if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_types:GetInt() == 1) then --Peek real
- menu_freestand_desync:SetInt(2)
- end
- end
- end
- local local_idx = g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer()
- local local_entity = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(local_idx)
- if local_entity == nil then
- return
- end
- local local_player = local_entity:GetPlayer();
- local speed_x = local_player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")
- local speed_y = local_player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[1]")
- local speed = math.sqrt(speed_x * speed_x + speed_y * speed_y)
- local speed_per_tick = math.sqrt(speed_x * speed_x + speed_y * speed_y) * g_GlobalVars.interval_per_tick
- if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_desync:GetBool()) then
- if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_desync_mod:GetInt() == 0) then --smart
- menu_fake_option:SetInt(1)
- menu_freestand_desync:SetInt(2)
- antiaim.OverrideLimit(math.random(45, 80))
- menu_left_limit:SetInt(math.random(30, 80))
- menu_right_limit:SetInt(math.random(30, 80))
- end
- if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_desync_mod:GetInt() == 2) then --Multiple
- menu_fake_option:SetInt(utils.RandomInt(2, 3))
- menu_fake_options:SetInt(utils.RandomInt(1, 2))
- menu_left_limit:SetInt(utils.RandomInt(35, 60))
- menu_right_limit:SetInt(utils.RandomInt(35, 60))
- end
- if (c_menu_anti_aim_helpers_desync_mod:GetInt() == 1) then --prefer low delta
- menu_fake_option:SetInt(1)
- menu_freestand_desync:SetInt(2)
- antiaim.OverrideLimit(math.random(15, 15))
- menu_left_limit:SetInt(math.random(15, 35))
- menu_right_limit:SetInt(math.random(15, 35))
- end
- end
- end
- local safety_hitboxes = {}
- local best_hitbox = {}
- local best_damage = {}
- local predict_ticks = 7
- local force_off = false
- local force_off_tick = 0
- local function normalizeangles(ang)
- if(ang.pitch > 180.0) then ang.pitch = ang.pitch - 360.0 end
- if(ang.yaw > 180.0) then ang.yaw = ang.yaw - 360.0 end
- return ang
- end
- local function calcangle(src, dst)
- local vecdelta = - src.x, dst.y - src.y, dst.z - src.z)
- local angles =, vecdelta:Length2D()) * 180.0 / math.pi, (math.atan2(vecdelta.y, vecdelta.x) * 180.0 / math.pi), 0.0)
- angles = normalizeangles(angles)
- return angles
- end
- local function canseeentity(localplayer, entity)
- if not entity or not localplayer then return false end
- local canhit = false
- for k,v in pairs(checkhitbox) do
- local damage = cheat.FireBullet(localplayer, localplayer:GetEyePosition(), entity:GetPlayer():GetHitboxCenter(v))
- if damage > 0 then
- canhit = true
- break
- end
- end
- return canhit
- end
- cheat.RegisterCallback("events", function(event)
- if event:GetName() == "player_death" then
- if true then
- for i = 1, 64 do
- best_hitbox[i] = -1
- best_damage[i] = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local lines = {}
- local results = {}
- local function impacts_events(event)
- if event:GetName() == "bullet_impact" and event:GetInt("userid") == g_EngineClient:GetPlayerInfo(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer()).userId then
- local localplayer = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- if localplayer then localplayer = localplayer:GetPlayer() else return end
- local position = localplayer:GetEyePosition()
- local destination ="x"), event:GetFloat("y"), event:GetFloat("z"))
- table.insert(lines, {pos = position, destination = destination, time = 250, curtime = g_GlobalVars.curtime})
- end
- if event:GetName() == "player_hurt" then
- if event:GetInt("attacker") == g_EngineClient:GetPlayerInfo(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer()).userId then
- for k,v in pairs(lines) do
- if v.curtime == g_GlobalVars.curtime then
- table.insert(results, lines[k])
- table.remove(lines, k)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function draw_impacts()
- local localplayer = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- if localplayer then localplayer = localplayer:GetPlayer() else return end
- local position = localplayer:GetEyePosition()
- for k,v in pairs(results) do
- v.time = v.time - 1
- if g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.pos).x ~= g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination).x and g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.pos).y ~= g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination).y then
- if g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.pos).x ~= g_Render:ScreenPosition(position).x and g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.pos).y ~= g_Render:ScreenPosition(position).y then
- g_Render:Line(g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.pos), g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination), c_menu_visuals_beam_color:GetColor())
- end
- end
- if v.time == 0 then table.remove(results, k) end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(results) do
- for i = 1,c_menu_visuals_impacts:GetInt() do
- local position1 = g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination)
- local position2 = g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination)
- local position3 = g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination)
- local position4 = g_Render:ScreenPosition(v.destination)
- position1.x = position1.x+i
- position2.x = position2.x-i
- position3.y = position3.y+i
- position4.y = position4.y-i
- g_Render:Box(position1, position2, c_menu_visuals_impact_color:GetColor())
- g_Render:Box(position3, position4, c_menu_visuals_impact_color:GetColor())
- end
- end
- end
- function C_BaseEntity:m_iHealth()
- return self:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth")
- end
- function C_BaseEntity:m_vecVelocity()
- return self:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity")
- end
- local ENTITY_LIST_POINTER = ffi.cast("void***", utils.CreateInterface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003")) or error("Failed to find VClientEntityList003!")
- local GET_CLIENT_ENTITY_FN = ffi.cast("GetClientEntity_4242425_t", ENTITY_LIST_POINTER[0][3])
- local UpdateClientSideAnims = ffi.cast("UpdateCSA_t", utils.PatternScan("client.dll", "55 8B EC 51 56 8B F1 80 BE ? ? ? ? 00 74 ? 8B 06 FF"))
- local ffi_helpers = {
- get_animstate_offset = function()
- return 14612
- end,
- get_entity_address = function(entity_index)
- local addr = GET_CLIENT_ENTITY_FN(ENTITY_LIST_POINTER, entity_index)
- return addr
- end
- }
- local original_goal_feet_yaw = {}
- local function aimbot(cmd)
- local localplayer = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- local oldlocalplayer = localplayer
- if localplayer then
- --local entity_animation_state = ffi.cast("int**", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(2) + 45952)[0]
- --entity_animation_state = 100
- localplayer = localplayer:GetPlayer()
- else
- return
- end
- safety_hitboxes = {}
- for i = 0,10 do
- if c_menu_safepoint_hitboxes:GetBool(i) then
- if i == 0 then table.insert( safety_hitboxes, 0 )
- elseif i == 1 then table.insert( safety_hitboxes, 6 )
- elseif i == 2 then table.insert( safety_hitboxes, 5 )
- elseif i == 3 then table.insert( safety_hitboxes, 4 )
- elseif i == 4 then table.insert( safety_hitboxes, 3 )
- elseif i == 5 then table.insert( safety_hitboxes, 2 )
- elseif i == 6 then
- for i = 7,12 do
- table.insert( safety_hitboxes, i )
- end
- elseif i == 7 then
- for i = 13,18 do
- table.insert( safety_hitboxes, i )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1,64 do
- local entity = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(i)
- if not entity then break end
- if entity and entity:GetPlayer():m_iHealth() > 0 and not entity:GetPlayer():IsTeamMate() and canseeentity(localplayer:GetPlayer(), entity:GetPlayer()) then
- --UpdateClientSideAnims(ffi.cast("void***", ffi_helpers.get_entity_address(entity:EntIndex())))
- for k,v in pairs(safety_hitboxes) do
- ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety(entity:EntIndex(), v)
- end
- local biggestdamage = 0
- local health = entity:GetPlayer():m_iHealth()
- local besthitboxfound = -1
- for k,v in pairs(hitboxesused) do
- local damage = cheat.FireBullet(localplayer, localplayer:GetEyePosition(), entity:GetPlayer():GetHitboxCenter(v))
- if damage > biggestdamage then
- biggestdamage = damage
- besthitboxfound = v
- end
- if damage >= health then
- biggestdamage = damage
- besthitboxfound = v
- break
- end
- end
- best_hitbox[entity:EntIndex()] = besthitboxfound
- best_damage[entity:EntIndex()] = biggestdamage
- for i = 1, 18 do
- ragebot.SetHitboxPriority(entity:EntIndex(), i, 1)
- end
- ragebot.SetHitboxPriority(entity:EntIndex(), besthitboxfound, 10000)
- else
- best_damage[entity:EntIndex()] = 0
- best_hitbox[entity:EntIndex()] = -1
- end
- end
- --peeking:handle()
- end
- function toint(n)
- local s = tostring(n)
- local i, j = s:find('%.')
- if i then
- return tonumber(s:sub(1, i-1))
- else
- return n
- end
- end
- local function aimbot_draw()
- local localplayer = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- if localplayer then
- localplayer = localplayer:GetPlayer()
- else
- return
- end
- if localplayer:m_iHealth() < 1 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1,64 do
- local entity = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(i)
- local nentity = entity
- if entity then
- entity = entity:GetPlayer()
- end
- if entity and entity:m_iHealth() > 0 and not entity:IsTeamMate() and not entity:IsDormant() then
- for k,v in pairs(hitboxesused) do
- local color =,0,0,1)
- local red = false
- if best_hitbox[nentity:EntIndex()] == v then
- color = c_menu_draw_only_priority_hitboxe:GetColor()
- else
- color = c_menu_hitboxes_color:GetColor()
- red = true
- end
- if c_menu_draw_only_priority_hitboxe:GetBool() and not red then
- if c_menu_circle_customization:GetInt() == 1 then
- g_Render:Circle(g_Render:ScreenPosition(, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).y, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).z)), toint(7*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()), toint(58*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()/4), color)
- elseif c_menu_circle_customization:GetInt() == 0 then
- g_Render:CircleFilled(g_Render:ScreenPosition(, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).y, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).z)), toint(7*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()), toint(58*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()/4), color)
- end
- elseif not c_menu_draw_only_priority_hitboxe:GetBool() then
- if c_menu_circle_customization:GetInt() == 1 then
- g_Render:Circle(g_Render:ScreenPosition(, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).y, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).z)), toint(7*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()), toint(58*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()/4), color)
- elseif c_menu_circle_customization:GetInt() == 0 then
- g_Render:CircleFilled(g_Render:ScreenPosition(, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).y, entity:GetHitboxCenter(v).z)), toint(7*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()), toint(58*c_menu_scale_circle:GetFloat()/4), color)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function body_lean()
- local r_right = c_menu_body_lean_right:GetFloat()
- local r_left = c_menu_body_lean_left:GetFloat()
- if (c_menu_custom_body_lean:GetBool()) then
- if (menu_invert_side:GetBool()) then
- antiaim.OverrideYawOffset(r_right)
- else
- antiaim.OverrideYawOffset(r_left)
- end
- end
- end
- local function instant_recharge()
- if (c_menu_doubletap_instant_recharge:GetBool()) then
- exploits.ForceCharge()
- end
- end
- local function exploits_func()
- --Speed modes
- local instant = 15
- local fast = 14
- local default = 13
- --Preserve modes
- local insecure = 0
- local secure = 1
- local safe = 2
- local cl_clock_correction = g_CVar:FindVar("cl_clock_correction") --clock correction OOPS: I think soufiw already manages with this but whatever...
- local sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks = g_CVar:FindVar("sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks") --sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks
- if (c_menu_doubletap_clockcr:GetBool()) then
- g_CVar:FindVar("cl_clock_correction"):SetInt(0)
- g_CVar:FindVar("cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount"):SetInt(450)
- end
- if (c_menu_doubletap_modes:GetInt() == 0) then --Instant mode
- exploits.OverrideDoubleTapSpeed(instant)
- if (c_menu_doubletap_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- end
- else if (c_menu_doubletap_modes:GetInt() == 1) then --Fast mode
- exploits.OverrideDoubleTapSpeed(fast)
- if (c_menu_doubletap_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- end
- else if (c_menu_doubletap_modes:GetInt() == 2) then --Slow mode
- exploits.OverrideDoubleTapSpeed(default)
- if (c_menu_doubletap_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- end
- else if (c_menu_doubletap_modes:GetInt() == 3) then --Sonic mode
- local localplayer = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- local getplayer = localplayer:GetPlayer()
- local active_weapon = getplayer:GetActiveWeapon()
- exploits.OverrideDoubleTapSpeed(14)
- g_CVar:FindVar("cl_clock_correction"):SetInt(0)
- g_CVar:FindVar("cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount"):SetInt(450)
- if active_weapon:GetProp("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex") == 38 or active_weapon:GetProp("DT_BaseAttributableItem", "m_iItemDefinitionIndex") == 11 then
- if g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Exploits", "Double Tap"):GetBool() then g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag"):SetBool(false) else g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag"):SetBool(true) end
- else
- g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag"):SetBool(true)
- end
- g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag"):SetBool(true)
- if (c_menu_doubletap_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- end
- else
- g_Config:FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag"):SetBool(true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function air_stuck(cmd)
- if c_menu_air_stuck:GetBool() then --Air stuck xDDD
- cmd.tick_count = 0x7FFFFFFF
- cmd.command_number = 0x7FFFFFFF
- end
- end
- local function adaptive_fakelag()
- local local_idx = g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer()
- local local_entity = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(local_idx)
- local sent_packets_num = fakelag.SentPackets()
- local oldOrigin
- if local_entity == nil then
- return
- end
- local is_key_pressed = cheat.IsKeyDown(0x45)
- local local_player = local_entity:GetPlayer();
- local wish_ticks = 0
- local adaptive_ticks = 2
- local speed_x = local_player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]")
- local GetAbsOrigin = local_player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecAbsOrigin")
- local speed_y = local_player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[1]")
- local speed_per_tick = math.sqrt(speed_x * speed_x + speed_y * speed_y) * g_GlobalVars.interval_per_tick
- while (wish_ticks * speed_per_tick) <= 68.0 do
- if (((adaptive_ticks - 1) * speed_per_tick) > 68.0) then
- wish_ticks = wish_ticks + 1;
- break
- end
- if ((adaptive_ticks * speed_per_tick) > 68.0) then
- wish_ticks = wish_ticks + 2;
- break
- end
- if ((adaptive_ticks + 1) * speed_per_tick) > 68.0 then
- wish_ticks = wish_ticks + 3;
- break
- end
- if ((adaptive_ticks + 2) * speed_per_tick) > 68.0 then
- wish_ticks = wish_ticks + 4;
- break
- end
- adaptive_ticks = adaptive_ticks + 5;
- wish_ticks = wish_ticks + 5;
- if adaptive_ticks > 15 then
- break
- end
- end
- local weapon = local_player:GetActiveWeapon();
- if weapon ~= nil then
- if weapon:GetWeaponID() == 64 then
- if wish_ticks > 15 then
- wish_ticks = 15
- end
- end
- end
- if is_key_pressed then
- fakelag.SetState(false)
- end
- if g_ClientState.m_choked_commands < wish_ticks then
- fakelag.SetState(false)
- end
- end
- local function fluctuate_fakelag()
- local random1 = 0
- local random2 = 0
- local used = false
- if used then
- random1 = math.random(1, c_menu_fakelag_fluctuate_timing:GetFloat())
- used = false
- else
- random1 = math.random(1, c_menu_fakelag_fluctuate_timing:GetFloat())
- used = true
- end
- if random1 == 1 then
- menu_fakelag_limit:SetInt(0)
- else
- menu_fakelag_limit:SetInt(15)
- end
- end
- local last = 0
- local state = true
- local function leg_fucker()
- local cur = g_GlobalVars.curtime
- local local_player = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- local player = local_player:GetPlayer()
- if (c_menu_exploits_legs:GetBool()) then
- menu_leg_movement:SetInt(utils.RandomInt(1, 2))
- end
- end
- local function fake_lag()
- local local_idx = g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer()
- local local_entity = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(local_idx)
- local local_player = local_entity:GetPlayer();
- if (c_menu_fakelag_modes:GetInt()) == 0 and dt_charging == false then --adaptive fakelag (AIMWARE_PASTED)
- adaptive_fakelag()
- else if (c_menu_fakelag_modes:GetInt()) == 1 then --fluctuate fakelag
- fluctuate_fakelag()
- end
- end
- end
- local font1 = g_Render:InitFont("Verdana", 55)
- local get_screen = g_EngineClient:GetScreenSize()
- local FPLx = /2) - 54, (get_screen.y /2) + 30)
- local FPLy = /2) - 30, (get_screen.y /2) + 56)
- local FPLz = /2) - 51, (get_screen.y /2) + 55)
- local FPRx = /2) + 54, (get_screen.y /2) + 30)
- local FPRy = /2) + 30, (get_screen.y /2) + 56)
- local FPRz = /2) + 51, (get_screen.y /2) + 55)
- local FPLxx = /2) - 56, (get_screen.y /2) + 29)
- local FPLyy = /2) - 32, (get_screen.y /2) + 55)
- local FPLzz = /2) - 53, (get_screen.y /2) + 54)
- local FPRxx = /2) + 53, (get_screen.y /2) + 29)
- local FPRyy = /2) + 29, (get_screen.y /2) + 55)
- local FPRzz = /2) + 50, (get_screen.y /2) + 54)
- local LPx = /2) - 43, (get_screen.y /2) + 13)
- local LPy = /2) - 43, (get_screen.y /2) - 7)
- local LPz = /2) - 63, (get_screen.y /2) + 3)
- local RPx = /2) + 42, (get_screen.y /2) + 13)
- local RPy = /2) + 42, (get_screen.y /2) - 7)
- local RPz = /2) + 62, (get_screen.y /2) + 3)
- local LPxx = /2) - 42, (get_screen.y /2) + 14)
- local LPyy = /2) - 42, (get_screen.y /2) - 6)
- local LPzz = /2) - 62, (get_screen.y /2) + 4)
- local RPxx = /2) + 42, (get_screen.y /2) + 14)
- local RPyy = /2) + 42, (get_screen.y /2) - 6)
- local RPzz = /2) + 62, (get_screen.y /2) + 4)
- local BPx = /2) + 9, (get_screen.y /2) + 47)
- local BPy = /2) - 11, (get_screen.y /2) + 47)
- local BPz = /2) - 1, (get_screen.y /2) + 67)
- local BPxx = /2) + 10, (get_screen.y /2) + 48)
- local BPyy = /2) - 10, (get_screen.y /2) + 48)
- local BPzz = /2), (get_screen.y /2) + 68)
- local function indicators_visuals()
- local color_inactive2 = / 255, 0 / 255 ,0 / 255, 150 / 255)
- local get_screen = g_EngineClient:GetScreenSize()
- local pos_start =,get_screen.y - 558)
- local text_size = 35
- local pos_add =, text_size)
- local cur_pos = 0
- local pos_start1 =,get_screen.y - 558)
- local cur_pos1 = 0
- if (c_menu_arrows_type:GetInt() == 2 and c_menu_arrows:GetBool()) then
- g_Render:PolyFilled(color_inactive2, LPxx, LPyy, LPzz)
- g_Render:PolyFilled(color_inactive2, RPxx, RPyy, RPzz)
- g_Render:PolyFilled(color_inactive2, BPxx, BPyy, BPzz)
- if (menu_invert_side:GetBool()) then
- g_Render:PolyFilled(c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), FPRxx, FPRyy, FPRzz)
- end
- if (not menu_invert_side:GetBool()) then
- g_Render:PolyFilled(c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), FPLxx, FPLyy, FPLzz)
- end
- if menu_antiaim_manual:GetInt()==1 then
- g_Render:PolyFilled(c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), BPx, BPy, BPz) -- backwards
- elseif menu_antiaim_manual:GetInt()==2 then
- g_Render:PolyFilled(c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), RPx, RPy, RPz) -- right
- elseif menu_antiaim_manual:GetInt()==3 then
- g_Render:PolyFilled(c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), LPx, LPy, LPz) -- left
- end
- end
- if (c_menu_arrows_type:GetInt() == 3 and c_menu_arrows:GetBool()) then
- g_Render:CirclePart(, 541), 20.0, 58,, 0, 0, 100 / 255), math.rad(0), math.rad(360), 5.0)
- if (menu_invert_side:GetBool()) then
- g_Render:CirclePart(, 541), 20.0, 58, c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), math.rad(810.3), math.rad(630.3), 5.0)
- end
- if (not menu_invert_side:GetBool()) then
- g_Render:CirclePart(, 541), 20.0, 58, c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor(), math.rad(90), math.rad(270), 5.0)
- end
- end
- local function GetColorFromBoolArrow(val)
- return val and c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor() or c_menu_arrow_color:GetColor()
- end
- local function arrow(str, val)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos, GetColorFromBoolArrow(val), text_size, font1)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - pos_add
- end
- local function arrow2(str, val)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos1, GetColorFromBoolArrow(val), text_size, font1)
- cur_pos1 = cur_pos1 - pos_add
- end
- cur_pos = pos_start
- cur_pos1 = pos_start1
- if (c_menu_arrows_type:GetInt() == 0) then
- if c_menu_arrows:GetBool() and menu_invert_side:GetBool() then
- arrow(")", c_menu_arrows:GetBool() )
- end
- if c_menu_arrows:GetBool() and not menu_invert_side:GetBool() then
- arrow2("(", c_menu_arrows:GetBool() )
- end
- end
- if (c_menu_arrows_type:GetInt() == 1) then
- if c_menu_arrows:GetBool() and menu_invert_side:GetBool() then
- arrow(">", c_menu_arrows:GetBool() )
- end
- if c_menu_arrows:GetBool() and not menu_invert_side:GetBool() then
- arrow2("<", c_menu_arrows:GetBool() )
- end
- end
- end
- --MISC
- local function kill_say_function(event)
- local words_kill = c_menu_kill_say_words:GetString()
- local words_hurt = c_menu_hurt_say_words:GetString()
- if event:GetName() == "player_death" then
- local victim = g_EngineClient:GetPlayerForUserId(event:GetInt("userid"))
- local attacker = g_EngineClient:GetPlayerForUserId( event:GetInt("attacker"))
- if victim ~= attacker and attacker == g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer() and c_menu_kill_say:GetBool() then
- g_EngineClient:ExecuteClientCmd('say ' .. words_kill)
- end
- else if event:GetName() == "player_hurt" then
- local victim = g_EngineClient:GetPlayerForUserId(event:GetInt("userid"))
- local attacker = g_EngineClient:GetPlayerForUserId( event:GetInt("attacker"))
- if victim ~= attacker and attacker == g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer() and c_menu_hurt_say:GetBool() then
- g_EngineClient:ExecuteClientCmd('say ' .. words_hurt)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --MISC
- local function vec_distance(vec_one, vec_two)
- local delta_x, delta_y, delta_z = vec_one.x - vec_two.x, vec_one.y - vec_two.y
- return math.sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y)
- end
- local function get_closest_enemy()
- local best_dist = c_menu_anti_brute_fov_slider:GetFloat()
- local best_enemy = nil
- local local_player = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- local local_origin = local_player:GetProp("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin")
- local local_screen_orig = g_Render:ScreenPosition(local_origin)
- local screen = g_EngineClient:GetScreenSize()
- for idx = 1, g_GlobalVars.maxClients + 1 do
- local ent = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(idx)
- if ent and ent:IsPlayer() then
- local player = ent:GetPlayer()
- local health = player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth")
- if not player:IsTeamMate() and health > 0 and not player:IsDormant() then
- local origin = ent:GetProp("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecOrigin")
- local screen_orig = g_Render:ScreenPosition(origin)
- local temp_dist = vec_distance( / 2, screen.y / 2), screen_orig)
- if(temp_dist < best_dist) then
- best_dist = temp_dist
- best_enemy = ent
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return best_enemy
- end
- local function AA_Anti_Brute_Force(e)
- if e:GetName() == "weapon_fire" and c_menu_anti_brute:GetBool() then --Weapon Fire event later we run FOV check so we can make sure the bullet is on our direction!
- local user_id = e:GetInt("userid", -1)
- local user = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetPlayerForUserId(user_id)) --Get Enemy Entity
- local local_player = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer()) --Get Local Entity
- local player = local_player:GetPlayer()
- local health = player:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer", "m_iHealth")
- if(health > 0) then -- if our local player is alive we run the AntiBrute Logic!
- local closest_enemy = get_closest_enemy() --Get Closest enemy based on distance
- if(closest_enemy ~= nil and user:EntIndex() == closest_enemy:EntIndex()) then
- miss_counter = miss_counter + 1 --Basic so we calculate missed shots of enemy also some checks so if we get hit don't run the code!
- if (miss_counter % 3 == 0) then --Logic 1
- menu_left_limit:SetInt(c_menu_anti_brute_1stshot:GetInt())
- menu_invert_side:SetBool(true)
- left_side = true
- if (c_menu_anti_brute_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- print("[ANTI-BRUTE] Angle overrided to (" .. c_menu_anti_brute_1stshot:GetInt() .. ") [INFO: PASST 3RD SIDE | NEXT ANGLE = (" .. c_menu_anti_brute_2ndshot:GetInt() ..") INVERTER:TRUE]" )
- end
- else if (miss_counter % 3 == 1) then --Logic 2
- menu_right_limit:SetInt(c_menu_anti_brute_2ndshot:GetInt())
- menu_invert_side:SetBool(false)
- right_side = true
- if (c_menu_anti_brute_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- print("[ANTI-BRUTE] Angle overrided to (" .. c_menu_anti_brute_2ndshot:GetInt() .. ") [INFO: PASST 1ST SIDE | NEXT ANGLE = (" .. c_menu_anti_brute_3rdshot:GetInt() ..") INVERTER:FALSE]" )
- end
- else if (miss_counter % 3 == 2) then --Logic 3
- menu_right_limit:SetInt(c_menu_anti_brute_3rdshot:GetInt())
- menu_left_limit:SetInt(c_menu_anti_brute_3rdshot:GetInt())
- ideal_yaw = true
- if (c_menu_anti_brute_debug_mode:GetBool()) then
- print("[ANTI-BRUTE] Angle overrided to (" .. c_menu_anti_brute_3rdshot:GetInt() .. ") [INFO: PASST 2ND SIDE | NEXT ANGLE = (" .. c_menu_anti_brute_1stshot:GetInt() ..") INVERTER:TRUE]" )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --IND
- local function text_indicators()
- local clr_green =, 255.1, 36.1, 0.9)
- local clr_orange =, 183.1, 0.1, 0.9)
- local clr_red =, 0, 0)
- local clr_blue =, 164.1, 255.1, 255.9)
- local screen = g_EngineClient:GetScreenSize()
- local pos_start =,screen.y - c_menu_y:GetFloat())
- local text_size = 13
- local pos_add =, text_size)
- local cur_pos =, 0) -- current frame
- -------------------------------------------------------------FAKEDUCK
- local function GetColorFromBool(val)
- return val and clr_green or clr_red
- end
- local function RenderIndicator(str, val)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos, GetColorFromBool(val), text_size, true)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - pos_add
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------DOUBLETAP
- local function dtchargeind(str, r,g,b)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos,,g,b),text_size, true)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - pos_add
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local ideal_ind_clr = / 255, 184 / 255, 0 / 255, 0.9)
- local function ideal_indclr(val)
- return val and ideal_ind_clr or ideal_ind_clr
- end
- local function ideal_ind(str, val)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos, ideal_indclr(val), text_size, true)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - pos_add
- end
- local function GetColorFromBool1(val)
- return val and clr_red or clr_red
- end
- local function RenderIndicator1(str, val)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos, GetColorFromBool1(val), text_size, true)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - pos_add
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- local prefer_color = / 255, 187 / 255, 252 / 255, 0.9)
- local function prefersafebool(val)
- return val and prefer_color or prefer_color
- end
- local function prefersafe(str, val)
- g_Render:Text(str, cur_pos, prefersafebool(val), text_size)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - pos_add
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cur_pos = pos_start
- if c_menu_text_indicators:GetBool() then
- if exploits.GetCharge() ~= 1 then
- dt_charging = false
- dtchargeind("DT", 255, 0,0)
- else
- dt_charging = true
- dtchargeind("DT", 146 / 255, 255 / 255, 36 / 255, 0.9)
- end
- if menu_fakeduck:GetBool() then --FD
- RenderIndicator("FD", menu_fakeduck:GetBool() )
- end
- if (ideal_yaw == true) then
- ideal_ind("IDEAL YAW")
- end
- prefersafe("PREDICTION")
- if (menu_safe_point:GetInt() > 0) then
- prefersafe("SAFETY")
- end
- if not menu_invert_side:GetBool() then
- RenderIndicator1("LEFT")
- end
- if (menu_invert_side:GetBool()) then
- RenderIndicator1("RIGHT")
- end
- end
- end
- --IND
- local function watermarker()
- g_Render:GradientBoxFilled(, 30.0),, 2.0),, 0, 0, 2 / 255),, 0, 0, 255 / 255),, 0, 0, 2 / 255),, 0, 0, 255 / 255))
- g_Render:Text("test lua",, 9.0),, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 13, false)
- g_Render:Text("Welcome " .. username,, 9.0),, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 14, false)
- g_Render:Text("[ALPHA BUILD] ",, 9.0),, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 14, false)
- end
- local function draw()
- local localplayer = g_EntityList:GetClientEntity(g_EngineClient:GetLocalPlayer())
- if localplayer then
- localplayer = localplayer:GetPlayer()
- else
- return
- end
- if (g_EngineClient:IsConnected()) then
- if (c_menu_watermarker:GetBool()) then
- watermarker()
- end
- end
- if localplayer:m_iHealth() > 0 then
- aimbot_draw()
- indicators_visuals()
- text_indicators()
- if (c_menu_custom_impacts:GetBool()) then
- draw_impacts()
- end
- end
- end
- local function pre_prediction(cmd)
- air_stuck(cmd)
- aimbot(cmd)
- instant_recharge()
- fake_lag()
- end
- local function prediction()
- body_lean()
- end
- local function createmove()
- antiaim_helpers()
- exploits_func()
- leg_fucker()
- end
- local function events(e)
- kill_say_function(e)
- AA_Anti_Brute_Force(e)
- impacts_events(e)
- end
- cheat.RegisterCallback("draw", draw)
- cheat.RegisterCallback("pre_prediction", pre_prediction)
- cheat.RegisterCallback("prediction", prediction)
- cheat.RegisterCallback("createmove", createmove)
- cheat.RegisterCallback("events", events)
- end
- if buff == "" then
- local textbox = menu.TextBox("Init", "Username", 64, "", "What username do you want to use?")
- local button = menu.Button("Init", "Confirm")
- --local done
- button:RegisterCallback(function()
- --if done == true then return end
- --done = true
- ffi.C.WriteFile(pfile, ffi.cast("char*", textbox:GetString()), #textbox:GetString(), nil, 0)
- username = textbox:GetString()
- menu.DestroyItem(textbox)
- menu.DestroyItem(button)
- initlua()
- end)
- else
- local textbox = menu.TextBox("Init", "Username", 64, "", "What username do you want to use?")
- local button = menu.Button("Init", "Confirm")
- menu.DestroyItem(textbox)
- menu.DestroyItem(button)
- initlua()
- end
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