
q3map2 traps gpi

Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. [illwieckz@gollum:~/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir] map-part(+37/-409)* 2 ± urcheon build -c -mp final
  2. Notice: build from: .
  3. Common ReadMe File found, will copy file.
  4. XMLDump.xml: unknown file found, will keep file.
  5. about/metro.txt: Common Text File found, will copy file.
  6. env/metro/KOsAD_Nuages.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  7. env/metro/sky_bk.png: Skybox found, will convert to lossy webp format.
  8. env/metro/sky_dn.png: Skybox found, will convert to lossy webp format.
  9. env/metro/sky_ft.png: Skybox found, will convert to lossy webp format.
  10. env/metro/sky_lf.png: Skybox found, will convert to lossy webp format.
  11. env/metro/sky_rt.png: Skybox found, will convert to lossy webp format.
  12. env/metro/sky_up.png: Skybox found, will convert to lossy webp format.
  13. maps/ Map found, will compile to bsp format.
  14. meta/metro/metro.arena: Arena file found, will copy file.
  15. meta/metro/metro.jpg: LevelShot found, will convert to jpg format.
  16. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/baton/bark33.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  17. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/baton/baton.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  18. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/Metal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  19. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/Metal2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  20. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/bonbonne.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  21. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/bonbonne2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  22. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/ocre.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  23. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/rust07c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  24. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/KOsAD_Bougie2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  25. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/KOsAD_Bougie3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  26. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/KOsAD_FlammeBougie.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  27. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/Lumiere.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  28. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/Noir.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  29. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/bougie1.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  30. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/bougie2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  31. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/bouteille2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  32. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/grey1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  33. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/gris.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  34. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/tour-du-roc.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  35. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/verre.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  36. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/Metal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  37. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/Pneu.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  38. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/PneuR.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  39. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/brouette.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  40. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust07b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  41. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust07c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  42. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust10b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  43. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust18b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  44. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/chandelier/chandelier_mural.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  45. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/chandelier/metal019.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  46. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/Metal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  47. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/Pneu.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  48. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/PneuR.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  49. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/barril.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  50. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/barril2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  51. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/betonneuse.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  52. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/bleu.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  53. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite1.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  54. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  55. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite3.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  56. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite3_p.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  57. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/door048b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  58. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/door048c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  59. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/etagere.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  60. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/metal022.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  61. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/object023_3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  62. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/object023_3_p.jpg: Editor preview image found, will copy file.
  63. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/planks02.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  64. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poub1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  65. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poub5.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  66. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poub6.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  67. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poubelle2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  68. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rouge.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  69. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust06b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  70. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust06d.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  71. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust06e.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  72. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust11b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  73. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/vert.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  74. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/KOsAD_Bougie2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  75. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/KOsAD_Cuivre.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  76. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/KOsAD_FlammeBougie.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  77. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/LumiereDiffuse32.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  78. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/LumiereDiffuse8.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  79. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/LumiereSoft.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  80. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/Noir.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  81. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/glass03.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  82. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/lanterne1Mur.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  83. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/lanterne1Sol.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  84. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/lanterne2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  85. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/metal019.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  86. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/dore.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  87. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/glass03.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  88. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/lampe1.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  89. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/luminaire.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  90. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/ocre2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  91. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/rust07c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  92. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/fireflameparticle.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  93. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/flame1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  94. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/lustre.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  95. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/metal019.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  96. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/wood1toplit.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  97. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/sac/grey104.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  98. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/sac/paper011.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  99. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/sac/sac1.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  100. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/sac/sac2.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  101. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/voute/e7brickfloor01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  102. models/mapobjects/KOsAD/voute/voute.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  103. models/mapobjects/plant_life/fern_leaf.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  104. models/mapobjects/plant_life/ferns.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  105. models/mapobjects/plant_life/palm_leaf.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  106. models/mapobjects/plant_life/palms.md3: Model File found, will copy file.
  107. scripts/metro.particle: Script found, will copy file.
  108. scripts/metro.trail: Script found, will copy file.
  109. scripts/shaderlist.txt: Common Text File found, will copy file.
  110. scripts/metro_surfaces.shader: Script found, will copy file.
  111. scripts/metro.shader: Script found, will copy file.
  112. sound/metro/Erdie_Rubbing_metal01.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  113. sound/metro/Halleck_JacobsLadderSingle2.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  114. sound/metro/Marec_metro.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  115. sound/metro/adllto_escalator_rhythm1.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  116. sound/metro/andriala_open_and_close_a_door.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  117. sound/metro/ashassin_take_porte.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  118. sound/metro/billy_magnum_drip.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  119. sound/metro/dobroide_metal01.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  120. sound/metro/dobroide_parking_door_bin-1to2.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  121. sound/metro/dobroide_parking_door_bin-Pos2.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  122. sound/metro/emmanuel_monaco_street_ambiance.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  123. sound/metro/emmanuel_monaco_street_ambiance_1.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  124. sound/metro/fractal_dimension_Low_freq_rumble.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  125. sound/metro/homejrande_water_swimming_pool_pipe.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  126. sound/metro/klangfabrik_stereowind01.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  127. sound/metro/kollege_laundry_1.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  128. sound/metro/kollege_laundry_2.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  129. sound/metro/kollege_laundry_3.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  130. sound/metro/kollege_laundry_4.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  131. sound/metro/kollege_laundry_5.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  132. sound/metro/metro_message_pickpocket.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  133. sound/metro/mikehirst_Garage_Door_opening_.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  134. sound/metro/paris_notre_dame_02.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  135. sound/metro/paris_plein_police.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  136. sound/metro/randomroutine_neon.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  137. sound/metro/reinsamba_chimney_fire.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  138. sound/metro/thedapperdan_sewer_drain-B.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  139. sound/metro/thedapperdan_sewer_drain.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  140. sound/player/gurp1.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  141. sound/player/gurp2.wav: Sound File found, will convert to opus format.
  142. textures/metro/003metal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  143. textures/metro/40c_e.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  144. textures/metro/Alumb_t.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  145. textures/metro/Alumb_t_h.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  146. textures/metro/Blualum_g.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  147. textures/metro/Coffre_cote.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  148. textures/metro/Coffre_face.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  149. textures/metro/DOOR_UTIL1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  150. textures/metro/DOOR_UTIL1D.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  151. textures/metro/DOOR_UTIL2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  152. textures/metro/GROUND_008.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  153. textures/metro/KOsAD_Banniere.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  154. textures/metro/KOsAD_Barre.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  155. textures/metro/KOsAD_Blanc.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  156. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bougie2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  157. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bougie3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  158. textures/metro/KOsAD_Brique1b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  159. textures/metro/KOsAD_Brique1c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  160. textures/metro/KOsAD_Brique2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  161. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  162. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  163. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  164. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit4.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  165. textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit5.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  166. textures/metro/KOsAD_Cable3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  167. textures/metro/KOsAD_Chaine.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  168. textures/metro/KOsAD_Cuivre.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  169. textures/metro/KOsAD_EiffelTop.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  170. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie0.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  171. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  172. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  173. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  174. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie4.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  175. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie5.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  176. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie6.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  177. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie7.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  178. textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie8.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  179. textures/metro/KOsAD_Grey1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  180. textures/metro/KOsAD_Grey2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  181. textures/metro/KOsAD_Grey3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  182. textures/metro/KOsAD_MarcheFace.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  183. textures/metro/KOsAD_MarcheTop2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  184. textures/metro/KOsAD_MetalLampe.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  185. textures/metro/KOsAD_Neon.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  186. textures/metro/KOsAD_NeonOrange_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  187. textures/metro/KOsAD_Neon_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  188. textures/metro/KOsAD_Noir.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  189. textures/metro/KOsAD_Noir2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  190. textures/metro/KOsAD_Ossements3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  191. textures/metro/KOsAD_Panel.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  192. textures/metro/KOsAD_Pipes3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  193. textures/metro/KOsAD_Sortie.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  194. textures/metro/KOsAD_SortiePicto.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  195. textures/metro/KOsAD_Sortie_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  196. textures/metro/KOsAD_Vert1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  197. textures/metro/KOsAD_Window.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  198. textures/metro/KOsAD_fog.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  199. textures/metro/KOsAD_mere-lefauteuil.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  200. textures/metro/KOsAD_miroir.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  201. textures/metro/KOsAD_miroir_blend.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  202. textures/metro/KOsAD_passage_interdit.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  203. textures/metro/KOsAD_skip.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  204. textures/metro/KOsAD_turquoise.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  205. textures/metro/M77-Roue-cote.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  206. textures/metro/M77-Roue-face.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  207. textures/metro/M77-Roue.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  208. textures/metro/M77-blanc.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  209. textures/metro/M77-cote-vide.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  210. textures/metro/M77-cote.alpha.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  211. textures/metro/M77-cote.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  212. textures/metro/M77-cote3.alpha.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  213. textures/metro/M77-cote3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  214. textures/metro/M77-ft.alpha.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  215. textures/metro/M77-ft.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  216. textures/metro/M77-ft_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  217. textures/metro/M77-top.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  218. textures/metro/PasBien.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  219. textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  220. textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme1_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  221. textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  222. textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme2_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  223. textures/metro/RFSP-Paris02a.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  224. textures/metro/RFSP-Paris02b.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  225. textures/metro/RFSP-Paris03a.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  226. textures/metro/RFSP-Paris03b.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  227. textures/metro/RFSP-Porte1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  228. textures/metro/RFSP-Porte2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  229. textures/metro/RFSP-STEX5.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  230. textures/metro/RFSP-STEX5b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  231. textures/metro/RFSP-acleantrack1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  232. textures/metro/ROCK_003.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  233. textures/metro/ROCK_005.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  234. textures/metro/ROCK_008.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  235. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_1_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  236. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_1_dir.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  237. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_1la.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  238. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_1ld.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  239. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  240. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2_dir.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  241. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2a_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  242. textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2b_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  243. textures/metro/SmallLeafTree01_256.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  244. textures/metro/Tempgryl.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  245. textures/metro/Vents_011M.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  246. textures/metro/Wood01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  247. textures/metro/Wood02.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  248. textures/metro/alarme.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  249. textures/metro/b11grounds009Edit2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  250. textures/metro/big-blue-cement.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  251. textures/metro/cement_1_clean.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  252. textures/metro/cement_1_gunky.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  253. textures/metro/door007.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  254. textures/metro/door009.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  255. textures/metro/door009b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  256. textures/metro/door044.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  257. textures/metro/door048.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  258. textures/metro/door048b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  259. textures/metro/door052.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  260. textures/metro/door052b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  261. textures/metro/door068.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  262. textures/metro/door070b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  263. textures/metro/door070c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  264. textures/metro/door070d.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  265. textures/metro/door076.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  266. textures/metro/drock074.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  267. textures/metro/e6bsegrtflr128.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  268. textures/metro/e6drstmetal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  269. textures/metro/e6grtflr2bl.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  270. textures/metro/e6horzlight.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  271. textures/metro/e6horzlight_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  272. textures/metro/e6metalfan.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  273. textures/metro/e6metalfan_blade.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  274. textures/metro/e6smallgrtflr2bl.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  275. textures/metro/e6v_light_sm.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  276. textures/metro/e6v_light_sm_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  277. textures/metro/e7bmtrim.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  278. textures/metro/e7brickfloor01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  279. textures/metro/e7bricks01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  280. textures/metro/e7mlight.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  281. textures/metro/e7mlight_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  282. textures/metro/e7sbrickfloor.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  283. textures/metro/e7sbrickfloorbig.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  284. textures/metro/e7slight.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  285. textures/metro/e7slight_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  286. textures/metro/e7stepborder.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  287. textures/metro/e7stepborder2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  288. textures/metro/e8_btrim01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  289. textures/metro/e8beam01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  290. textures/metro/e8beam01b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  291. textures/metro/e8bgrate01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  292. textures/metro/e8bolttrimb.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  293. textures/metro/e8cretefloor01c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  294. textures/metro/e8mtltrim1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  295. textures/metro/eX_floor_grate03_d.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  296. textures/metro/eXmetalrib01_h.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  297. textures/metro/flame1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  298. textures/metro/flame2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  299. textures/metro/flame3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  300. textures/metro/flame4.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  301. textures/metro/flame5.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  302. textures/metro/flame6.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  303. textures/metro/flame7.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  304. textures/metro/flame8.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  305. textures/metro/flameball.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  306. textures/metro/flare_02.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  307. textures/metro/glass03.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  308. textures/metro/glassblock1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  309. textures/metro/grey073.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  310. textures/metro/hedge_small.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  311. textures/metro/imageafter-b19wall031.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  312. textures/metro/invisible.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  313. textures/metro/lgrey040.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  314. textures/metro/marble50b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  315. textures/metro/metal-tan-rivets.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  316. textures/metro/metal018.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  317. textures/metro/metal019.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  318. textures/metro/metal030.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  319. textures/metro/metal033.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  320. textures/metro/metal042.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  321. textures/metro/metal_panels.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  322. textures/metro/mirror.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  323. textures/metro/misc018.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  324. textures/metro/navily-ns_bleu.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  325. textures/metro/navily-passge_interdit.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  326. textures/metro/navily-porte.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  327. textures/metro/navily-tv.alpha.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  328. textures/metro/navily-tv.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  329. textures/metro/object004.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  330. textures/metro/object023_3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  331. textures/metro/ocre.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  332. textures/metro/ornam11b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  333. textures/metro/ornam11b2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  334. textures/metro/pancarte.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  335. textures/metro/panel01a.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  336. textures/metro/panel20b.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  337. textures/metro/panel30a.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  338. textures/metro/panel30d.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  339. textures/metro/panel40a.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  340. textures/metro/panel40d.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  341. textures/metro/plaster20.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  342. textures/metro/red_particle.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  343. textures/metro/road02_01.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  344. textures/metro/road02_01c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  345. textures/metro/road02_01t.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  346. textures/metro/road02_03.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  347. textures/metro/rock10c.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  348. textures/metro/rock29t.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  349. textures/metro/rockwall1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  350. textures/metro/rust06e.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  351. textures/metro/rust_1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  352. textures/metro/rust_2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  353. textures/metro/seriouslyfuckedmetal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  354. textures/metro/sign_25.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  355. textures/metro/sign_A.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  356. textures/metro/sign_Z.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  357. textures/metro/sign_rouge.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  358. textures/metro/sign_vert.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  359. textures/metro/sparkstreak.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  360. textures/metro/ss191.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  361. textures/metro/stannum_escalatorside.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  362. textures/metro/stannum_escalatortop.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  363. textures/metro/sttp13-Danger1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  364. textures/metro/sttp13-Danger2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  365. textures/metro/sttp13-Danger3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  366. textures/metro/sttp13-Danger3Blanc.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  367. textures/metro/sttp13-Extincteur1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  368. textures/metro/sttp13-Extincteur2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  369. textures/metro/sttp13-Extincteur3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  370. textures/metro/sttp13-Fumer.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  371. textures/metro/sttp13-Regul.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  372. textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  373. textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  374. textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  375. textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  376. textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta4.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  377. textures/metro/sttp13-Signal.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  378. textures/metro/sttp13-plan1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  379. textures/metro/sttp13-plan2.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  380. textures/metro/sttp13-plan3.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  381. textures/metro/sttp13-plan4.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  382. textures/metro/sttp13-plan5.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  383. textures/metro/sttp13-plan6.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  384. textures/metro/sttp13-plan7.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  385. textures/metro/sttp13-poubelle-cote.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  386. textures/metro/sttp13-poubelle-face.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  387. textures/metro/tfloor4plain.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  388. textures/metro/wal11st1.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  389. textures/metro/water014.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  390. textures/metro/water024.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  391. textures/metro/wood1glow.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  392. textures/metro/wood1toplit.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  393. textures/metro/zinc_ed.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  394. textures/metro/ads/light3_blend.jpg: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  395. textures/metro/cars/2cv.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  396. textures/metro/cars/austin.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  397. textures/metro/cars/clio.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  398. textures/metro/cars/espace.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  399. textures/metro/cars/jumper.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  400. textures/metro/cars/kangoo.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  401. textures/metro/cars/twingo.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  402. textures/metro/cars/xsara-picasso.png: Texture found, will convert to crn format.
  403. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level3upg.navMesh
  404. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level3.navMesh
  405. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level4.navMesh
  406. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level1upg.navMesh
  407. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level2upg.navMesh
  408. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level2.navMesh
  409. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level1.navMesh
  410. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-level0.navMesh
  411. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-human_naked.navMesh
  412. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-human_bsuit.navMesh
  413. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro-builder.navMesh
  414. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro.bsp
  415. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/
  416. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro/lm_0005.webp
  417. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro/lm_0004.webp
  418. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro/lm_0003.webp
  419. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro/lm_0002.webp
  420. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro/lm_0001.webp
  421. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/maps/tinymetro/lm_0000.webp
  422. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/minimaps/tinymetro.minimap
  423. clean: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/build/test/map-tinymetro_test.dpkdir/minimaps/tinymetro.crn
  424. Unmodified file, do nothing:
  425. Unmodified file, do nothing: about/metro.txt
  426. Unmodified file, do nothing: meta/metro/metro.arena
  427. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/baton/baton.md3
  428. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/bonbonne2.md3
  429. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/bougie1.md3
  430. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/bougie2.md3
  431. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/bonbonne.md3
  432. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/bouteille2.md3
  433. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/chandelier/chandelier_mural.md3
  434. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/brouette.md3
  435. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/barril.md3
  436. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/barril2.md3
  437. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/betonneuse.md3
  438. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite1.md3
  439. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite2.md3
  440. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite3.md3
  441. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/etagere.md3
  442. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/object023_3_p.jpg
  443. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/boite3_p.md3
  444. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poubelle2.md3
  445. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/lanterne1Mur.md3
  446. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/lanterne2.md3
  447. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/lanterne1Sol.md3
  448. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/lampe1.md3
  449. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/luminaire.md3
  450. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/lustre.md3
  451. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/sac/sac1.md3
  452. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/sac/sac2.md3
  453. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/plant_life/ferns.md3
  454. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/voute/voute.md3
  455. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/plant_life/palms.md3
  456. Unmodified file, do nothing: scripts/metro.particle
  457. Unmodified file, do nothing: scripts/metro.trail
  458. Unmodified file, do nothing: scripts/shaderlist.txt
  459. Copy: scripts/metro_surfaces.shader
  460. Copy: scripts/metro.shader
  461. Unmodified file, do nothing: meta/metro/metro.jpg
  462. Unmodified file, do nothing: env/metro/KOsAD_Nuages.jpg
  463. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/baton/bark33.jpg
  464. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/Metal.jpg
  465. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/ocre.jpg
  466. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/Metal2.jpg
  467. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bonbonne/rust07c.jpg
  468. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/KOsAD_Bougie2.jpg
  469. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/KOsAD_Bougie3.jpg
  470. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/Lumiere.jpg
  471. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/KOsAD_FlammeBougie.jpg
  472. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bougie/Noir.jpg
  473. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/grey1.jpg
  474. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/gris.jpg
  475. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/verre.jpg
  476. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/bouteille/tour-du-roc.jpg
  477. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/Pneu.jpg
  478. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/PneuR.jpg
  479. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/Metal.jpg
  480. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust07c.jpg
  481. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust07b.jpg
  482. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust10b.jpg
  483. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/brouette/rust18b.jpg
  484. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/chandelier/metal019.jpg
  485. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/Metal.jpg
  486. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/Pneu.jpg
  487. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/PneuR.jpg
  488. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/bleu.jpg
  489. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/door048b.jpg
  490. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/door048c.jpg
  491. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/metal022.jpg
  492. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/object023_3.jpg
  493. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/planks02.jpg
  494. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poub1.jpg
  495. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poub6.jpg
  496. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/poub5.jpg
  497. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rouge.jpg
  498. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust06d.jpg
  499. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust06e.jpg
  500. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust06b.jpg
  501. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/rust11b.jpg
  502. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/conteneur/vert.jpg
  503. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/KOsAD_Bougie2.jpg
  504. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/KOsAD_Cuivre.jpg
  505. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/KOsAD_FlammeBougie.jpg
  506. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/LumiereDiffuse8.jpg
  507. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/LumiereDiffuse32.jpg
  508. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/LumiereSoft.jpg
  509. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/Noir.jpg
  510. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/glass03.jpg
  511. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/dore.jpg
  512. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/ocre2.jpg
  513. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/glass03.jpg
  514. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lanterne/metal019.jpg
  515. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lumiere/rust07c.jpg
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  517. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/flame1.jpg
  518. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/KOsAD/lustre/metal019.jpg
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  524. Unmodified file, do nothing: models/mapobjects/plant_life/palm_leaf.png
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  527. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/Alumb_t.jpg
  528. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/Alumb_t_h.jpg
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  532. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/Coffre_face.jpg
  533. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/DOOR_UTIL1D.jpg
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  535. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/DOOR_UTIL2.jpg
  536. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Barre.png
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  538. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Bougie2.jpg
  539. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Banniere.png
  540. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Bougie3.jpg
  541. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Brique1b.jpg
  542. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Brique1c.jpg
  543. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Brique2.jpg
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  545. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit2.jpg
  546. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit4.jpg
  547. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit3.jpg
  548. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Bruit5.jpg
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  550. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Cable3.jpg
  551. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Cuivre.jpg
  552. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_EiffelTop.png
  553. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie0.jpg
  554. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie1.jpg
  555. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie2.jpg
  556. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie3.jpg
  557. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie4.jpg
  558. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie5.jpg
  559. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie7.jpg
  560. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie6.jpg
  561. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_FlammeBougie8.jpg
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  565. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Grey3.jpg
  566. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_MarcheTop2.jpg
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  571. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Neon_blend.jpg
  572. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Ossements3.jpg
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  574. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Pipes3.jpg
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  577. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Sortie_blend.jpg
  578. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Sortie.jpg
  579. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_Vert1.jpg
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  581. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_mere-lefauteuil.jpg
  582. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_fog.jpg
  583. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_miroir.jpg
  584. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_passage_interdit.jpg
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  586. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_miroir_blend.png
  587. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/KOsAD_turquoise.jpg
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  589. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-Roue-face.jpg
  590. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-Roue.png
  591. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-blanc.jpg
  592. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-cote.alpha.png
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  594. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-cote.jpg
  595. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-cote3.alpha.png
  596. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-ft.alpha.png
  597. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-cote3.jpg
  598. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-ft_blend.jpg
  599. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-ft.jpg
  600. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/PasBien.png
  601. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/M77-top.jpg
  602. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme1.jpg
  603. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme2.jpg
  604. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme1_blend.jpg
  605. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Alarme2_blend.jpg
  606. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Paris02a.png
  607. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Paris02b.png
  608. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Paris03a.png
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  610. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Porte2.jpg
  611. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-Paris03b.png
  612. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-STEX5.jpg
  613. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/RFSP-STEX5b.jpg
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  616. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/ROCK_008.jpg
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  620. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_1ld.jpg
  621. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_1la.jpg
  622. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2.jpg
  623. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2_dir.jpg
  624. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2a_blend.jpg
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  626. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/SIEL_RATP_MET_2b_blend.jpg
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  628. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/Vents_011M.jpg
  629. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/Wood02.jpg
  630. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/Wood01.jpg
  631. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/b11grounds009Edit2.jpg
  632. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/big-blue-cement.jpg
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  634. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/cement_1_clean.jpg
  635. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/cement_1_gunky.jpg
  636. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door007.png
  637. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door009b.jpg
  638. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door009.jpg
  639. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door044.jpg
  640. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door048.jpg
  641. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door048b.jpg
  642. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door052.jpg
  643. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door052b.jpg
  644. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door070b.jpg
  645. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door068.jpg
  646. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door070d.jpg
  647. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door070c.jpg
  648. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/door076.jpg
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  650. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6bsegrtflr128.png
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  652. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6grtflr2bl.png
  653. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6horzlight.jpg
  654. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6horzlight_blend.jpg
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  656. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6metalfan_blade.png
  657. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6smallgrtflr2bl.png
  658. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6v_light_sm.jpg
  659. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e6v_light_sm_blend.jpg
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  661. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7brickfloor01.jpg
  662. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7bricks01.jpg
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  664. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7mlight_blend.jpg
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  666. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7sbrickfloorbig.jpg
  667. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7slight.jpg
  668. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7slight_blend.jpg
  669. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7stepborder.jpg
  670. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e7stepborder2.jpg
  671. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8_btrim01.jpg
  672. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8beam01.jpg
  673. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8bgrate01.jpg
  674. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8beam01b.jpg
  675. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8cretefloor01c.jpg
  676. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8mtltrim1.jpg
  677. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/e8bolttrimb.jpg
  678. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/eXmetalrib01_h.jpg
  679. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/eX_floor_grate03_d.png
  680. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame1.jpg
  681. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame2.jpg
  682. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame4.jpg
  683. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame5.jpg
  684. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame6.jpg
  685. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame3.jpg
  686. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame7.jpg
  687. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flame8.jpg
  688. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flameball.jpg
  689. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/flare_02.jpg
  690. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/glass03.jpg
  691. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/grey073.jpg
  692. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/glassblock1.jpg
  693. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/hedge_small.png
  694. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/imageafter-b19wall031.jpg
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  696. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/lgrey040.jpg
  697. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/marble50b.jpg
  698. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal-tan-rivets.jpg
  699. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal018.jpg
  700. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal019.jpg
  701. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal030.jpg
  702. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal033.jpg
  703. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal042.jpg
  704. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/metal_panels.jpg
  705. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/mirror.png
  706. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/navily-ns_bleu.jpg
  707. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/misc018.jpg
  708. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/navily-passge_interdit.jpg
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  710. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/navily-tv.alpha.png
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  712. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/navily-tv.jpg
  713. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/object023_3.jpg
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  715. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/ornam11b.jpg
  716. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/ornam11b2.jpg
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  718. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/panel20b.jpg
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  720. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/panel30a.jpg
  721. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/panel30d.jpg
  722. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/panel40a.jpg
  723. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/panel40d.jpg
  724. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/plaster20.jpg
  725. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/red_particle.png
  726. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/road02_01.jpg
  727. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/road02_01c.jpg
  728. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/road02_01t.jpg
  729. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/road02_03.jpg
  730. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/rock10c.jpg
  731. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/rock29t.jpg
  732. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/rockwall1.jpg
  733. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/rust06e.png
  734. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/rust_2.jpg
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  736. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sign_25.jpg
  737. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sign_A.jpg
  738. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/rust_1.jpg
  739. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sign_rouge.jpg
  740. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sign_Z.jpg
  741. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sparkstreak.png
  742. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/ss191.jpg
  743. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/stannum_escalatorside.jpg
  744. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sign_vert.jpg
  745. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/stannum_escalatortop.jpg
  746. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Danger1.jpg
  747. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Danger2.jpg
  748. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Danger3.jpg
  749. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Extincteur1.jpg
  750. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Extincteur2.jpg
  751. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Danger3Blanc.jpg
  752. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Extincteur3.jpg
  753. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Fumer.jpg
  754. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Regul.jpg
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  756. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta1.jpg
  757. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta2.jpg
  758. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta3.jpg
  759. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/sttp13-Selecta4.jpg
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  784. Unmodified file, do nothing: textures/metro/cars/twingo.png
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  791. Unmodified file, do nothing: env/metro/sky_up.png
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  794. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/Marec_metro.wav
  795. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/adllto_escalator_rhythm1.wav
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  798. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/billy_magnum_drip.wav
  799. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/dobroide_metal01.wav
  800. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/dobroide_parking_door_bin-1to2.wav
  801. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/dobroide_parking_door_bin-Pos2.wav
  802. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/emmanuel_monaco_street_ambiance.wav
  803. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/emmanuel_monaco_street_ambiance_1.wav
  804. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/homejrande_water_swimming_pool_pipe.wav
  805. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/kollege_laundry_1.wav
  806. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/fractal_dimension_Low_freq_rumble.wav
  807. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/kollege_laundry_2.wav
  808. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/klangfabrik_stereowind01.wav
  809. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/kollege_laundry_4.wav
  810. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/kollege_laundry_3.wav
  811. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/kollege_laundry_5.wav
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  813. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/mikehirst_Garage_Door_opening_.wav
  814. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/paris_notre_dame_02.wav
  815. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/paris_plein_police.wav
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  817. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/reinsamba_chimney_fire.wav
  818. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/thedapperdan_sewer_drain-B.wav
  819. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/metro/thedapperdan_sewer_drain.wav
  820. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/player/gurp1.wav
  821. Unmodified file, do nothing: sound/player/gurp2.wav
  822. Compiling to bsp: maps/
  823. Unmodified file, do nothing: XMLDump.xml
  824. Notice: PAKPATH set, will use: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir:/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/:/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/
  825. Building /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/, stage: bsp
  826. 2.5.17n-git-b8ef7593
  827. threads: 8
  828. Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.
  829. Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.17n-git-b8ef7593
  830. NetRadiant - v1.5.0 Jul 27 2017 04:28:30
  831. Your map saw the pretty lights from q3map2's BFG
  832. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/.q3a/baseq3/
  833. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/netradiant/baseq3/
  834. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir
  835. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir
  836. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/
  837. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/
  839. --- BSP ---
  840. -bsp argument unnecessary
  841. Use /mnt/tmpfs/tmpbt0rgbi6_q3map2.prt as portal file
  842. Use /mnt/tmpfs/tmpopx5dx74_q3map2.srf as surface file
  843. Use /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp as bsp file
  844. Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
  845. Custom info parms enabled
  846. Lightmap sample size set to 8x8 units
  847. entering scripts/custinfoparms.txt
  848. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt
  849. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (2)
  850. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (3)
  851. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (4)
  852. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (5)
  853. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (6)
  854. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (7)
  855. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (8)
  856. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (9)
  857. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (10)
  858. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (11)
  859. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (12)
  860. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (13)
  861. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (14)
  862. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (15)
  863. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (16)
  864. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (17)
  865. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (18)
  866. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (19)
  867. entering scripts/base_button.shader
  868. entering scripts/base_door.shader
  869. entering scripts/base_floor.shader
  870. entering scripts/base_light.shader
  871. entering scripts/base_object.shader
  872. entering scripts/base_support.shader
  873. entering scripts/base_trim.shader
  874. entering scripts/base_wall.shader
  875. entering scripts/common.shader
  876. entering scripts/ctf.shader
  877. entering scripts/gothic_block.shader
  878. entering scripts/gothic_button.shader
  879. entering scripts/gothic_door.shader
  880. entering scripts/gothic_floor.shader
  881. entering scripts/gothic_light.shader
  882. entering scripts/gothic_trim.shader
  883. entering scripts/gothic_wall.shader
  884. entering scripts/liquids.shader
  885. entering scripts/models.shader
  886. entering scripts/organics.shader
  887. entering scripts/sfx.shader
  888. entering scripts/skin.shader
  889. entering scripts/skies.shader
  890. entering scripts/metro.shader
  891. entering scripts/acid_tube.shader
  892. entering scripts/arm.shader
  893. entering scripts/barricade.shader
  894. entering scripts/booster.shader
  895. entering scripts/drill.shader
  896. entering scripts/eggpod.shader
  897. entering scripts/hive.shader
  898. entering scripts/leech.shader
  899. entering scripts/medistat.shader
  900. entering scripts/mgturret.shader
  901. entering scripts/overmind.shader
  902. entering scripts/reactor.shader
  903. entering scripts/repeater.shader
  904. entering scripts/rocketpod.shader
  905. entering scripts/spiker.shader
  906. entering scripts/telenode.shader
  907. entering scripts/trapper.shader
  908. entering scripts/shared_ej01-clean.shader
  909. entering scripts/shared_ej01-ice.shader
  910. entering scripts/shared_ex.shader
  911. entering scripts/shared_exm.shader
  912. entering scripts/shared_pk01.shader
  913. entering scripts/shared_pk02.shader
  914. entering scripts/shared_space.shader
  915. entering scripts/shared_tech.shader
  916. entering scripts/shared_trak5.shader
  917. entering scripts/atcshd.shader
  918. entering scripts/rsmse.shader
  919. entering scripts/arachnid2.shader
  920. entering scripts/atcs.shader
  921. entering scripts/karith.shader
  922. entering scripts/nexus6.shader
  923. entering scripts/niveus.shader
  924. entering scripts/plant_life.shader
  925. entering scripts/stasis.shader
  926. entering scripts/titan.shader
  927. entering scripts/transit.shader
  928. entering scripts/tremor.shader
  929. entering scripts/uncreation.shader
  930. entering scripts/water.shader
  931. entering scripts/tremulous_compat.shader
  932. entering scripts/hangar28_custom.shader
  933. entering scripts/hangar28_ex.shader
  934. entering scripts/hangar28_pk02.shader
  935. Script file scripts/TRUEVISION-XFILE..shader was not found
  936. Loading /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/
  937. entering /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/
  938. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/zidanegenerali3hg
  939. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/spectacle_sarko
  940. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/pub_arielle1
  941. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/galeriesproxenete
  942. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/common/playerclip
  943. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/common/fullclip
  944. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/vivre_ensemble1
  945. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/action200505escalator
  946. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/sarkocop2
  947. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/macdo_cr
  948. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/loreal
  949. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/militaire
  950. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/alwcoke
  951. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/bush_le_tout_puissant
  952. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/johnnie_walked
  953. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/inspecteurlabavure
  954. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/leboulet
  955. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/marxix_revolution
  956. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/publicite-030
  957. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/m-royal_canin
  958. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/nescafe
  959. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/dop
  960. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/gaymobil1
  961. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/6083541
  962. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/micromc
  963. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/frtel
  964. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/owned
  965. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/electionmisstrans
  966. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/logo_sego
  967. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/sncf
  968. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/metro/ads/auchan_achete
  969. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/NULL
  970. Entity 3, Brush 0: origin brush detected
  971. Entity 70 (func_group) has lightmap scale of 0.2500
  972. 0 areaportals
  973. Size: -4096, -7232, -512 to 4160, 7056, 1654
  974. block size = { 1024 1024 1024 }
  975. Entity 76, Brush 0: Entity in solid
  976. 2423 leafs filled
  977. writing /mnt/tmpfs/tmpbt0rgbi6_q3map2.prt
  978. Fog 3 has visible side 3
  979. --- EmitMetaStats ---
  980. 5098 total meta surfaces
  981. 5037 stripped surfaces
  982. 61 fanned surfaces
  983. 0 maxarea'd surfaces
  984. 0 patch meta surfaces
  985. 0 meta verts
  986. 0 meta triangles
  987. --- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
  988. Writing /mnt/tmpfs/tmpopx5dx74_q3map2.srf
  989. Writing /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp
  990. Wrote 2.0 MB (2093600 bytes)
  991. 2 seconds elapsed
  992. Copying map source: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/
  993. Building /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/, stage: vis
  994. 2.5.17n-git-b8ef7593
  995. threads: 8
  996. Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.
  997. Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.17n-git-b8ef7593
  998. NetRadiant - v1.5.0 Jul 27 2017 04:28:30
  999. Your map saw the pretty lights from q3map2's BFG
  1000. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/.q3a/baseq3/
  1001. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/netradiant/baseq3/
  1002. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir
  1003. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir
  1004. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/
  1005. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/
  1007. --- Vis ---
  1008. Use /mnt/tmpfs/tmpbt0rgbi6_q3map2.prt as portal file
  1009. saveprt = true
  1010. Loading /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp
  1011. No portals means no vis, exiting.
  1012. 0 seconds elapsed
  1013. Building /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/, stage: rad
  1014. 2.5.17n-git-b8ef7593
  1015. threads: 8
  1016. Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.
  1017. Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.17n-git-b8ef7593
  1018. NetRadiant - v1.5.0 Jul 27 2017 04:28:30
  1019. Your map saw the pretty lights from q3map2's BFG
  1020. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/.q3a/baseq3/
  1021. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/netradiant/baseq3/
  1022. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir
  1023. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir
  1024. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/
  1025. VFS Init: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/
  1027. --- Light ---
  1028. --- ProcessGameSpecific ---
  1029. lightning model: quake3
  1030. lightmap size: 128 x 128 pixels
  1031. lightning gamma: 1.000000
  1032. lightmap colorspace: linear
  1033. texture colorspace: linear
  1034. _color colorspace: linear
  1035. lightning compensation: 1.000000
  1036. lightning exposure: 0.000000
  1037. lightgrid scale: 1.000000
  1038. lightgrid ambient scale: 1.000000
  1039. shader lightstyles hack: enabled
  1040. patch shadows: disabled
  1041. deluxemapping: disabled
  1042. --- ProcessCommandLine ---
  1043. Use /mnt/tmpfs/tmpopx5dx74_q3map2.srf as surface file
  1044. Use /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp as bsp file
  1045. Lightmap directory set to /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro
  1046. Storing all lightmaps externally
  1047. Light subdivision default set to 30
  1048. Fast allocation mode enabled
  1049. Phong shading enabled
  1050. Dirtmapping enabled
  1051. Patch shadow casting enabled
  1052. Random sampling enabled
  1053. Adaptive supersampling enabled with 3 sample(s) per lightmap texel
  1054. Default lightmap sample size set to 8x8 units
  1055. Radiosity enabled with 5 bounce(s)
  1056. Generating deluxemaps for average light direction
  1057. Enabling half lambert light angle attenuation
  1058. Default lightmap size set to 1024 x 1024 pixels
  1059. Storing all lightmaps externally
  1060. Storing all lightmaps externally
  1061. Adaptive supersampling preset enabled with 64 random sample(s) per lightmap texel
  1062. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt
  1063. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (2)
  1064. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (3)
  1065. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (4)
  1066. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (5)
  1067. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (6)
  1068. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (7)
  1069. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (8)
  1070. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (9)
  1071. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (10)
  1072. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (11)
  1073. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (12)
  1074. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (13)
  1075. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (14)
  1076. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (15)
  1077. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (16)
  1078. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (17)
  1079. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (18)
  1080. entering scripts/shaderlist.txt (19)
  1081. entering scripts/base_button.shader
  1082. entering scripts/base_door.shader
  1083. entering scripts/base_floor.shader
  1084. entering scripts/base_light.shader
  1085. entering scripts/base_object.shader
  1086. entering scripts/base_support.shader
  1087. entering scripts/base_trim.shader
  1088. entering scripts/base_wall.shader
  1089. entering scripts/common.shader
  1090. entering scripts/ctf.shader
  1091. entering scripts/gothic_block.shader
  1092. entering scripts/gothic_button.shader
  1093. entering scripts/gothic_door.shader
  1094. entering scripts/gothic_floor.shader
  1095. entering scripts/gothic_light.shader
  1096. entering scripts/gothic_trim.shader
  1097. entering scripts/gothic_wall.shader
  1098. entering scripts/liquids.shader
  1099. entering scripts/models.shader
  1100. entering scripts/organics.shader
  1101. entering scripts/sfx.shader
  1102. entering scripts/skin.shader
  1103. entering scripts/skies.shader
  1104. entering scripts/metro.shader
  1105. entering scripts/acid_tube.shader
  1106. entering scripts/arm.shader
  1107. entering scripts/barricade.shader
  1108. entering scripts/booster.shader
  1109. entering scripts/drill.shader
  1110. entering scripts/eggpod.shader
  1111. entering scripts/hive.shader
  1112. entering scripts/leech.shader
  1113. entering scripts/medistat.shader
  1114. entering scripts/mgturret.shader
  1115. entering scripts/overmind.shader
  1116. entering scripts/reactor.shader
  1117. entering scripts/repeater.shader
  1118. entering scripts/rocketpod.shader
  1119. entering scripts/spiker.shader
  1120. entering scripts/telenode.shader
  1121. entering scripts/trapper.shader
  1122. entering scripts/shared_ej01-clean.shader
  1123. entering scripts/shared_ej01-ice.shader
  1124. entering scripts/shared_ex.shader
  1125. entering scripts/shared_exm.shader
  1126. entering scripts/shared_pk01.shader
  1127. entering scripts/shared_pk02.shader
  1128. entering scripts/shared_space.shader
  1129. entering scripts/shared_tech.shader
  1130. entering scripts/shared_trak5.shader
  1131. entering scripts/atcshd.shader
  1132. entering scripts/rsmse.shader
  1133. entering scripts/arachnid2.shader
  1134. entering scripts/atcs.shader
  1135. entering scripts/karith.shader
  1136. entering scripts/nexus6.shader
  1137. entering scripts/niveus.shader
  1138. entering scripts/plant_life.shader
  1139. entering scripts/stasis.shader
  1140. entering scripts/titan.shader
  1141. entering scripts/transit.shader
  1142. entering scripts/tremor.shader
  1143. entering scripts/uncreation.shader
  1144. entering scripts/water.shader
  1145. entering scripts/tremulous_compat.shader
  1146. entering scripts/hangar28_custom.shader
  1147. entering scripts/hangar28_ex.shader
  1148. entering scripts/hangar28_pk02.shader
  1149. Script file scripts/TRUEVISION-XFILE..shader was not found
  1150. Loading /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/
  1151. Loading /mnt/tmpfs/tmpopx5dx74_q3map2.srf
  1152. Loading /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/
  1153. entering /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/
  1154. --- SmoothNormals ---
  1155. --- SetupGrid ---
  1156. Grid size = { 64, 64, 128 }
  1157. 495040 grid points
  1158. 8 point lights
  1159. 0 spotlights
  1160. 1568 diffuse (area) lights
  1161. 0 sun/sky lights
  1162. 1436 total lights
  1163. 140 culled lights
  1164. --- TraceGrid ---
  1165. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (90)
  1166. 130 x 224 x 17 = 495040 grid
  1167. --- MapRawLightmap ---
  1168. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
  1169. 1544259 luxels
  1170. 1147788 luxels mapped
  1171. 224918 luxels occluded
  1172. --- DirtyRawLightmap ---
  1173. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (30)
  1174. --- FloodlightRawLightmap ---
  1175. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
  1176. 0 custom lightmaps floodlighted
  1177. 1436 total lights
  1178. 0 culled lights
  1179. --- IlluminateRawLightmap ---
  1180. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1691)
  1181. 1544259 luxels illuminated
  1182. --- IlluminateVertexes ---
  1183. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (5)
  1184. 27216 vertexes illuminated
  1185. --- StoreSurfaceLightmaps ---
  1186. Subsampling...sorting...allocating...storing...
  1187. projecting...done.
  1188. 1357554 luxels used
  1189. 0 luxels stored (0.00 percent efficiency)
  1190. 1755 solid surface lightmaps
  1191. 0 identical surface lightmaps, using 0 luxels
  1192. 0 vertex forced surfaces
  1193. 0 vertex approximated surfaces
  1194. 6 BSP lightmaps
  1195. 3 total lightmaps
  1196. 111 unique lightmap/shader combinations
  1197. Writing /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp
  1198. Wrote 5.8 MB (6054300 bytes)
  1200. --- Radiosity (bounce 1 of 5) ---
  1201. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
  1202. 4953 diffuse surfaces
  1203. 14413 total lights
  1204. 1007 culled lights
  1205. --- BounceGrid ---
  1206. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (178)
  1207. --- IlluminateRawLightmap ---
  1208. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (27157)
  1209. 3088456 luxels illuminated
  1210. 27216 vertexes illuminated
  1211. --- IlluminateVertexes ---
  1212. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (26)
  1213. 54217 vertexes illuminated
  1214. --- StoreSurfaceLightmaps ---
  1215. Subsampling...sorting...allocating...storing...
  1216. projecting...done.
  1217. 1357554 luxels used
  1218. 0 luxels stored (0.00 percent efficiency)
  1219. 1368 solid surface lightmaps
  1220. 0 identical surface lightmaps, using 0 luxels
  1221. 0 vertex forced surfaces
  1222. 0 vertex approximated surfaces
  1223. 4 BSP lightmaps
  1224. 2 total lightmaps
  1225. 112 unique lightmap/shader combinations
  1226. Writing /mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp
  1227. Wrote 5.8 MB (6054300 bytes)
  1229. --- Radiosity (bounce 2 of 5) ---
  1230. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
  1231. 4954 diffuse surfaces
  1232. 16253 total lights
  1233. 958 culled lights
  1234. --- BounceGrid ---
  1235. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (187)
  1236. --- IlluminateRawLightmap ---
  1237. 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7.Error: command failed: 'q3map2' '-light' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/' '-srffile' '/mnt/tmpfs/tmpopx5dx74_q3map2.srf' '-bspfile' '/mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp' '-lightmapdir' '/mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro' '-lightsubdiv' '30' '-fastallocate' '-shade' '-dirty' '-patchshadows' '-randomsamples' '-samples' '3' '-samplesize' '8' '-bouncegrid' '-bounce' '5' '-deluxe' '-lightanglehl' '1' '-lightmapsize' '1024' '-external' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/'
  1238. Exception in thread Thread-399:
  1239. Traceback (most recent call last):
  1240. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner
  1242. File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 862, in run
  1243. self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  1244. File "/home/illwieckz/dev/Urcheon/Urcheon/", line 153, in threadExtendRes
  1245. res.extend(func(*args))
  1246. File "/home/illwieckz/dev/Urcheon/Urcheon/", line 853, in run
  1247. map_compiler.compile(source_path, self.transient_maps_path)
  1248. File "/home/illwieckz/dev/Urcheon/Urcheon/", line 257, in compile
  1249. tool_dict[tool_name]()
  1250. File "/home/illwieckz/dev/Urcheon/Urcheon/", line 305, in q3map2
  1251. Ui.error("command failed: '" + "' '".join(command_list) + "'")
  1252. File "/home/illwieckz/dev/Urcheon/Urcheon/", line 64, in error
  1253. raise ValueError(_message)
  1254. ValueError: command failed: 'q3map2' '-light' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/' '-fs_pakpath' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/' '-srffile' '/mnt/tmpfs/tmpopx5dx74_q3map2.srf' '-bspfile' '/mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro.bsp' '-lightmapdir' '/mnt/tmpfs/tmpm74y58_9_tinymetro.bsp_transient.dir/maps/tinymetro' '-lightsubdiv' '30' '-fastallocate' '-shade' '-dirty' '-patchshadows' '-randomsamples' '-samples' '3' '-samplesize' '8' '-bouncegrid' '-bounce' '5' '-deluxe' '-lightanglehl' '1' '-lightmapsize' '1024' '-external' '/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir/maps/'
  1256. Notice: PAKPATH set, will use: /home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir:/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/UnvanquishedAssets/src/:/home/illwieckz/dev/mapping/InterstellarOasis/src/
  1257. translating DEPS for testing
  1258. clean dust file: minimaps/tinymetro.minimap
  1259. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level3upg.navMesh
  1260. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level3.navMesh
  1261. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level4.navMesh
  1262. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level1upg.navMesh
  1263. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level2upg.navMesh
  1264. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level2.navMesh
  1265. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level1.navMesh
  1266. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-level0.navMesh
  1267. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-human_naked.navMesh
  1268. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-human_bsuit.navMesh
  1269. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro-builder.navMesh
  1270. clean dust file: minimaps/tinymetro.crn
  1271. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro/lm_0005.webp
  1272. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro/lm_0004.webp
  1273. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro/lm_0003.webp
  1274. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro/lm_0002.webp
  1275. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro/lm_0001.webp
  1276. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro/lm_0000.webp
  1277. clean dust file: maps/tinymetro.bsp
  1278. clean dust file: maps/
  1279. clean dust paktrace: .paktrace/maps/tinymetro.bsp.txt
  1280. ⌂175% [illwieckz@gollum:~/dev/mapping/unvanquished/map-tinymetro_src.dpkdir] map-part(+37/-409)* 8h44m37s ±
  1282. [80340.766566] traps: q3map2[10571] general protection ip:7371c65ec sp:7f28ce9127d0 error:0 in q3map2[73716a000+f0000]
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