
Girlfriend and Slave Chapter 23

Jun 8th, 2018
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  1. Girlfriend and Slave Chapter 23
  2. MC: Lee Myung Hoon
  3. FMC: Ji Eun (GF/Blonde) Seo Young (SY/Black)  Han Ji Hee The Cafe owner (Boss)
  4. This is an app. base TL Accuracy is not great
  5. {Thinking} "Text Bubbles" [Narration] (Speculation)
  7. Chapter start an angry looking Gorilla/man goes to the CAFE. Frighten SeoYoung mumble "Jin man...Oppa?" Mc looking at him thinking {So that's him the son of a bitch? I'm done} Mc whisper asking her "Is that your...former master?" SeoYoung tells him "The thing is that's him but actually this is the first time I seen him in person" GF confront that man and ask him "Guest,How can I help you?" Gory ask her "Are you SeoYoung?. Your face looks different?" and then behind Ji Eun He sees SeoYoung asking her "Is that you Seo Young?"
  9. Because of nervousness SeoYoung didnt speak. Gory shouted "Ya!, You your SeoYoung right?. Come here. How dare you abandon your master?" SeoYoung tells him "That...person your looking that's not me?" Gory tells her "That's Hilarious!,Ive already seen the photo you sent to me?" Mc butt in telling him "Stop it" while thinking {Shit! I'm going nuts} Mc face that guy.
  11. Gory tell him "Bastard whats up?" Mc ask him "Why are you doing this is this about financial problem and SeoYoung told me she doesn't like it because your violating her?" Gory lose his temper about to hit MC saying "What? did I hear it right? dude are you kidding me?" at that moment Mc thinking {Uh no! what to do?} Mc grab his palm smiling telling him "Let's go out and talk" SeoYoung calls his name while Ji Eun says "Oppa" worrying.
  13. MC tells them "The two of you stay here I need to have a chat with this guy" Angry Gorilla tells him "Do as you please!" Myung Hoon tells him "First lets talk or should I just call the police?" Surprise of what Mc just told to him. Gory turned around and walk saying "You son of a bitch! Good come outside!" Mc signaling "Police,Police" GF & Slave nod speaking in the phone saying "Hello,is this the police station?"
  15. Outside the Cafe. Irritated Gory ask him "Yes,now that were here.You know your quite a man for asking me to go outside?" Mc tells him "Yeah, because I'm SeoYoung new master" thinking {What the heck! I dont know what to do} Gory pointed him and ask "You Little was that you?" Mc provoke him more saying "We've already done it.Find another slave" startled of what He found out Gory goes "Really? perhaps..." inserting an S&M play with Seo Young and MC in his imagination.Asking Mc "All of those?"
  17. Mc nod and tells him "Yeah, everything!" putting an image of SeoYoung while he's fucking her. Angry Gorilla clench his fist and then aim a punch saying "I will not admit it! Seo Young is mine I'm his master!" Nervous Mc think {What to do?}remarkably Mc dodge all his punches. Gory tells him "Geez! this sucker! die!" While dodging those punches Mc thinks {What's so slow?} Mc tells him "Are you kidding me? your so lame!"
  19. Gory tells him "Shut up! SeoYoung is mine!" Mc trip his feet making him stumble. Mc tells him "SeoYoung hates you,So get lost"
  21. Gory tells him "Ooh, Dont be ridiculous! I am the owner!"
  23. Mc thinking {What a pathetic guy, What is the used of those muscle?} Mc ask him "Speaking of SeoYoung remember this I'm his master understand?"
  25. Mc didnt knew that GF and slave is just behind him and then......
  26. GF calls him "OPPA" Mc goes blank having a hard time to turn around thinking {I'm screwed}
  28. TBC
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