
BBT RDG comparison

Aug 31st, 2013
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  1. Oni's a few frames off in comparisons 6 and 7.
  4. Re: Opening/Ending
  5. Oni must have had some sort of acclaimedsongwritergeniuswriterliteraryidol doing their lyrics. I'm not biased.
  7. Re: Typesetting
  8. Disclaimer: Not a typesetter. Also I never actually watched our episodes after working on them so this is my first time seeing anyone's TS.
  9. TS1:
  10. Commie dropped the pyramid that the text had been in; Oni didn't color match the alternate color in the last line.
  11. P.S. I wouldn't use puush to host shots since shots will only last a month.
  12. TS2:
  13. Only Oni did it. It's always a struggle to get English text onto top-down signs.
  14. TS3:
  15. Commie's "Inn & Pilgrim Lodging" is too small to read comfortably (and that capital I looks like an O). FFF didn't do it.
  16. TS4:
  17. FFF's looks a bit... thick and round? Maybe less border would help or something. I don't know why I don't think Oni's is off; maybe it's just bias. Commie's looks stretched but it kinda works.
  18. TS5:
  19. Oni left out the border but it looks better than Commie's because of how they clip across the sections of the sign. Oni only went through two sections while Commie hit all three. Commie had a nicer font.
  20. TS6:
  21. While I suppose it matches the text, if they had an English and a Japanese name engraved in real life they would have used a transitional serif font.
  22. TS7:
  23. Commie's stretched thing looks worse in this shot.
  25. Re: Encoding
  26. Speaking as a viewer, they're all fine. Wait for BDs to start nitpicking.
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