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- #!/usr/local/bin/gst -q
- Object subclass: SFNode [
- | parent value left right |
- " Constructors "
- SFNode class >> new: aStream parent: node [
- ^super new initFrom: aStream parent: node
- ]
- initFrom: aStream parent: node [
- parent := node.
- ^self parseNode: aStream.
- ]
- SFNode class >> left: lnode right: rnode [
- ^super new init: lnode with: rnode
- ]
- init: lnode with: rnode [
- parent := nil.
- left := lnode parent: self; yourself.
- right := rnode parent: self; yourself.
- ^self
- ]
- SFNode class >> leaf: val parent: node [
- ^super new initLeaf: val parent: node
- ]
- initLeaf: val parent: node [
- parent := node.
- value := val.
- left := nil.
- right := nil.
- ^self
- ]
- " Tree parser and builder "
- parseNode: aStream [
- | chr |
- [ aStream atEnd not ] whileTrue: [
- chr := aStream next.
- " NOTE: Assuming single digit numbers only in input! "
- (chr isDigit) ifTrue: [ ^SFNode leaf: chr digitValue parent: self parent ].
- (chr = $]) ifTrue: [ ^self ].
- (chr = $[) ifTrue: [
- left := SFNode new: aStream parent: self.
- ] ifFalse: [ " chr = $, "
- right := SFNode new: aStream parent: self.
- ]
- ].
- ^self
- ]
- " Access methods "
- left [ ^left ]
- right [ ^right ]
- parent [ ^parent ]
- value [ ^value ]
- left: val [ left := val ]
- right: val [ right := val ]
- parent: val [ parent := val ]
- value: val [ value := val ]
- isLeaf [ ^value notNil ]
- magnitude [
- (self isLeaf) ifTrue: [ ^value ].
- ^(3 * left magnitude) + (2 * right magnitude)
- ]
- depth [
- | dep curr |
- dep := -1.
- curr := self.
- [curr notNil] whileTrue: [
- dep := dep + 1.
- curr := curr parent.
- ].
- ^dep
- ]
- " For display "
- printOn: aStream [
- (self isLeaf) ifTrue: [
- aStream nextPutAll: value asString.
- ] ifFalse: [
- aStream nextPutAll: '['.
- left printOn: aStream.
- aStream nextPutAll: ','.
- right printOn: aStream.
- aStream nextPutAll: ']'.
- ]
- ]
- ]
- Object subclass: SnailfishNumber [
- | root |
- SnailfishNumber class >> from: aString [
- ^super new init: (SFNode new: (ReadStream on: aString) parent: nil)
- ]
- SnailfishNumber class >> left: snLeft right: snRight [
- ^super new init: (SFNode left: snLeft right: snRight)
- ]
- init: node [
- root := node.
- ^self
- ]
- root [ ^root ]
- magnitude [ ^root magnitude ]
- + sfNum [
- ^(SnailfishNumber left: root right: sfNum root) reduce
- ]
- " Walk tree looking for first explode. Returns true if valid, false if explode done. "
- validatorExplode [
- | curr stack prevLeaf explode |
- stack := OrderedCollection with: root.
- explode := nil.
- [stack notEmpty] whileTrue: [
- curr := stack removeLast.
- (curr isLeaf) ifTrue: [
- (explode) ifNotNil: [
- " Exploding! Finish and quit. "
- curr value: (curr value + explode).
- ^false
- ] ifNil: [
- " Not exploding! Track most recent leaf in case we do. "
- prevLeaf := curr.
- ]
- ] ifFalse: [
- ((curr depth >= 4) and: [explode isNil]) ifTrue: [
- " Exploding current node "
- " Add to previous if we've seen one: "
- (prevLeaf) ifNotNil: [
- prevLeaf value: (prevLeaf value + curr left value)
- ].
- " Mark that we're in exploding state with value to add to next "
- explode := curr right value.
- " Replace current node with 0 leaf node "
- curr value: 0; left: nil; right: nil.
- ]
- ].
- (curr right) ifNotNil: [stack addLast: curr right].
- (curr left) ifNotNil: [stack addLast: curr left ].
- ].
- ^(explode isNil)
- ]
- " Walk tree looking for first split. Returns true if valid, false if split done. "
- validatorSplit [
- | curr stack |
- stack := OrderedCollection with: root.
- [stack notEmpty] whileTrue: [
- curr := stack removeLast.
- (curr isLeaf) ifTrue: [
- | val |
- val := curr value.
- (val > 9) ifTrue: [
- " Splitting current node "
- curr left: (SFNode leaf: (val / 2) floor parent: curr);
- right: (SFNode leaf: (val / 2) ceiling parent: curr);
- value: nil.
- ^false
- ]
- ].
- (curr right) ifNotNil: [stack addLast: curr right].
- (curr left) ifNotNil: [stack addLast: curr left ].
- ].
- ^true
- ]
- reduce [
- [
- (self validatorExplode) and: [self validatorSplit]
- ] whileFalse.
- ]
- ]
- "
- | Mainline
- "
- input := stdin lines contents.
- " Part 1 "
- sum := (input collect: [:line | SnailfishNumber from: line]) fold: [:a :b | a + b].
- ('Final sum: %1' % {sum root}) displayNl.
- ('Part 1: %1' % {sum magnitude}) displayNl.
- " Part 2 "
- count := 0.
- maxMag := 0.
- input do: [ :i |
- stderr nextPutAll: ('Working: %1' % {count := count + 1}); cr; flush.
- input do: [ :j |
- (i ~= j) ifTrue: [
- maxMag := maxMag max: ((SnailfishNumber from: i)
- + (SnailfishNumber from: j)) magnitude.
- ]
- ]
- ].
- stdout nl.
- ('Part 2: %1' % {maxMag}) displayNl.
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