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- wosodataset <- read.csv("~/wosodataset.csv")
- fullteams <- sort(unique(c(sort(unique(wosodataset$Home)), sort(unique(wosodataset$Away)))))
- datasetmatrix <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 177, ncol = 177))
- rownames(datasetmatrix) <- fullteams
- colnames(datasetmatrix) <- fullteams
- datasetmatrix[] <- 0
- rawmatrix <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 177, ncol = 12))
- rownames(rawmatrix) <- fullteams
- colnames(rawmatrix) <- c("Games", "GF", "GFPG", "xGF", "xGFPG", "FDiff", "GA", "GAPG", "xGA", "xGAPG", "ADiff", "TDiff")
- rawmatrix[] <- 0
- for(i in 1:nrow(wosodataset)) { # figure out how to add to the matchup based on what data you have
- hometeam <- wosodataset[i, "Home"]; awayteam <- wosodataset[i, "Away"]
- datasetmatrix[match(hometeam,rownames(datasetmatrix)),match(awayteam,colnames(datasetmatrix))] <- datasetmatrix[match(hometeam,rownames(datasetmatrix)),match(awayteam,colnames(datasetmatrix))] + 1
- datasetmatrix[match(awayteam,rownames(datasetmatrix)),match(hometeam,colnames(datasetmatrix))] <- datasetmatrix[match(awayteam,rownames(datasetmatrix)),match(hometeam,colnames(datasetmatrix))] + 1
- rawmatrix[match(hometeam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GF"] <- rawmatrix[match(hometeam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GF"] + wosodataset[i, "HomeGoals"]
- rawmatrix[match(hometeam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GA"] <- rawmatrix[match(hometeam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GA"] + wosodataset[i, "AwayGoals"]
- rawmatrix[match(awayteam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GF"] <- rawmatrix[match(awayteam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GF"] + wosodataset[i, "AwayGoals"]
- rawmatrix[match(awayteam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GA"] <- rawmatrix[match(awayteam,rownames(rawmatrix)),"GA"] + wosodataset[i, "HomeGoals"]
- }
- for(i in fullteams) {
- rawmatrix[i, "Games"] <- sum(mapply(sum, datasetmatrix[i,c(1:177)]))
- rawmatrix[i, "GFPG"] <- rawmatrix[i, "GF"] / rawmatrix[i, "Games"]
- rawmatrix[i, "GAPG"] <- rawmatrix[i, "GA"] / rawmatrix[i, "Games"]
- }
- for(i in fullteams) {
- for(j in fullteams) {
- rawmatrix[i, "xGF"] <- rawmatrix[i, "xGF"] + (((rawmatrix[i, "GFPG"] + rawmatrix[j, "GAPG"]) / 2) * datasetmatrix[i, j])
- rawmatrix[i, "xGA"] <- rawmatrix[i, "xGA"] + (((rawmatrix[i, "GAPG"] + rawmatrix[j, "GFPG"]) / 2) * datasetmatrix[i, j])
- }
- rawmatrix[i, "xGFPG"] <- rawmatrix[i, "xGF"] / rawmatrix[i, "Games"]
- rawmatrix[i, "xGAPG"] <- rawmatrix[i, "xGA"] / rawmatrix[i, "Games"]
- rawmatrix[i, "FDiff"] <- rawmatrix[i, "GFPG"] - rawmatrix[i, "xGFPG"]
- rawmatrix[i, "ADiff"] <- rawmatrix[i, "GAPG"] - rawmatrix[i, "xGAPG"]
- rawmatrix[i, "TDiff"] <- rawmatrix[i, "FDiff"] - rawmatrix[i, "ADiff"]
- }
- teams <- c("Argentina", "Australia", "Brazil", "Canada", "China PR", "Colombia", "Costa Rica", "Denmark", "England", "France", "Germany", "Haiti", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Korea Republic", "Morocco", "Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Nigeria", "Norway", "Panama", "Philippines", "Portugal", "Rep. of Ireland", "South Africa", "Spain", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "USA", "Vietnam", "Zambia")
- WCmultiplier <- 0 # adjust this as tournament goes on
- WCform <- read.csv("~/WCform.csv") # having to manually update the form, very sorry
- rownames(WCform) <- teams # can't fix this for myself easily, sadly
- adjmatrix <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 32, ncol = 8))
- rownames(adjmatrix) <- teams
- colnames(adjmatrix) <- c("RawF", "RawA", "WCF", "WCA", "HGF", "HGA", "AdjF", "AdjA")
- adjmatrix[] <- 0
- # home ground advantage for Australia and New Zealand, will be inaccurate if NZ makes the final
- adjmatrix["Australia", "HGF"] <- 0.2
- adjmatrix["Australia", "HGA"] <- -0.2
- adjmatrix["New Zealand", "HGF"] <- 0.2
- adjmatrix["New Zealand", "HGA"] <- -0.2
- for(i in teams) {
- adjmatrix[i, "RawF"] <- rawmatrix[i, "FDiff"]
- adjmatrix[i, "RawA"] <- rawmatrix[i, "ADiff"]
- adjmatrix[i, "WCF"] <- WCform[i, "WCF"]
- adjmatrix[i, "WCA"] <- WCform[i, "WCA"]
- adjmatrix[i, "AdjF"] <- ((adjmatrix[i, "RawF"]*(1-WCmultiplier))+(adjmatrix[i, "WCF"]*WCmultiplier)+adjmatrix[i,"HGF"])
- adjmatrix[i, "AdjA"] <- ((adjmatrix[i, "RawA"]*(1-WCmultiplier))+(adjmatrix[i, "WCA"]*WCmultiplier)+adjmatrix[i,"HGA"])
- }
- xG_matrix <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 32, ncol = 32))
- rownames(xG_matrix) <- teams
- colnames(xG_matrix) <- teams
- for(i in teams){
- for(j in teams){
- xG_matrix[j, i] <- (sum(rawmatrix$GF) / sum(rawmatrix$Games)) + adjmatrix[i, "AdjF"] + adjmatrix[j, "AdjA"]
- }
- }
- finish_matrix <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 32, ncol = 9))
- finish_matrix[] <- 0
- rownames(finish_matrix) <- teams
- colnames(finish_matrix) <- c("Group 1st", "Group 2nd", "Group 3rd", "Group 4th", "Round of 16", "Quarter Finals", "Semi Finals", "Final", "Champion")
- match_schedule <- read.csv("~/2023wcfixture.csv")
- grouptotal <- c(1:48)
- r16total <- c(49:56)
- qftotal <- c(57:60)
- sftotal <- c(61,62)
- medaltotal <- c(63,64)
- simcount <- c(1:10000)
- for(count in simcount){
- # note to future Claire: *away* teams first
- for (val in grouptotal){
- gamenumber <- val
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- }
- for (val in grouptotal){
- gamenumber <- val
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])
- }
- match_schedule$HomeDiff <- match_schedule$HomeG - match_schedule$AwayG; match_schedule$AwayDiff <- match_schedule$AwayG - match_schedule$HomeG
- # this comes in handy when we sort the group stages later
- for (val in grouptotal){
- gamenumber <- val
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeW"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeW"] + 1
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayW"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayW"] + 1
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 1
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 1
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "Draw"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "Draw"] + 1
- }
- }
- groupresults <- array()
- for (var in c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H")) {
- groupnumber <- var
- table <- match_schedule[match_schedule$Group == var, ]
- table <- subset(table, select = -c(Match, Stage, Group, Date, Venue, HomexG, AwayxG))
- table <- cbind(stack(table[1:2]),stack(table[3:4]),stack(table[5:6]),stack(table[10:11]))
- colnames(table) <- c("Team", NA, "GF", NA, "Pts", NA, "GD", NA)
- table <- subset(table, select = c(Team, GF, Pts, GD))
- table <- table[, c(1, 2, 4, 3)]
- table <- data.frame(c(aggregate(table$GF, list(table$Team), FUN=sum),
- aggregate(table$GD, list(table$Team), FUN=sum),
- aggregate(table$Pts, list(table$Team), FUN=sum)))
- colnames(table) <- c("Team", "GF", NA, "GD", NA, "Pts")
- table <- subset(table, select = c(Team, GF, GD, Pts))
- table <- table[with(table, order(-Pts, -GD, -GF)), ]
- groupresults <- append(groupresults, table)
- }
- match_schedule[49,"Home"] <- groupresults[[ 2]][[1]]; match_schedule[49,"Away"] <- groupresults[[10]][[2]]
- match_schedule[50,"Home"] <- groupresults[[10]][[1]]; match_schedule[50,"Away"] <- groupresults[[ 2]][[2]]
- match_schedule[51,"Home"] <- groupresults[[ 6]][[1]]; match_schedule[51,"Away"] <- groupresults[[14]][[2]]
- match_schedule[52,"Home"] <- groupresults[[14]][[1]]; match_schedule[52,"Away"] <- groupresults[[ 6]][[2]]
- match_schedule[53,"Home"] <- groupresults[[18]][[1]]; match_schedule[53,"Away"] <- groupresults[[26]][[2]]
- match_schedule[54,"Home"] <- groupresults[[26]][[1]]; match_schedule[54,"Away"] <- groupresults[[18]][[2]]
- match_schedule[55,"Home"] <- groupresults[[22]][[1]]; match_schedule[55,"Away"] <- groupresults[[30]][[2]]
- match_schedule[56,"Home"] <- groupresults[[30]][[1]]; match_schedule[56,"Away"] <- groupresults[[22]][[2]]
- for (val in r16total){
- gamenumber <- val
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])/2)
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])/2)
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- penalties <- runif(1)
- if (penalties > 0.5){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (match_schedule[49, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[57,"Home"] <- match_schedule[49,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[57,"Home"] <- match_schedule[49,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[51, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[57,"Away"] <- match_schedule[51,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[57,"Away"] <- match_schedule[51,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[53, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[59,"Home"] <- match_schedule[53,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[59,"Home"] <- match_schedule[53,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[55, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[59,"Away"] <- match_schedule[55,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[59,"Away"] <- match_schedule[55,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[50, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[58,"Home"] <- match_schedule[50,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[58,"Home"] <- match_schedule[50,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[52, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[58,"Away"] <- match_schedule[52,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[58,"Away"] <- match_schedule[52,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[54, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[60,"Home"] <- match_schedule[54,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[60,"Home"] <- match_schedule[54,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[56, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[60,"Away"] <- match_schedule[56,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[60,"Away"] <- match_schedule[56,"Away"]
- }
- for (val in qftotal){
- gamenumber <- val
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])/2)
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])/2)
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- penalties <- runif(1)
- if (penalties > 0.5){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (match_schedule[57, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[61,"Home"] <- match_schedule[57,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[61,"Home"] <- match_schedule[57,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[58, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[61,"Away"] <- match_schedule[58,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[61,"Away"] <- match_schedule[58,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[59, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[62,"Home"] <- match_schedule[59,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[62,"Home"] <- match_schedule[59,"Away"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[60, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[62,"Away"] <- match_schedule[60,"Home"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[62,"Away"] <- match_schedule[60,"Away"]
- }
- for (val in sftotal){
- gamenumber <- val
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])/2)
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])/2)
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- penalties <- runif(1)
- if (penalties > 0.5){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (match_schedule[61, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[64,"Home"] <- match_schedule[61,"Home"]
- match_schedule[63,"Home"] <- match_schedule[61,"Away"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[64,"Home"] <- match_schedule[61,"Away"]
- match_schedule[63,"Home"] <- match_schedule[61,"Home"]
- }
- if (match_schedule[62, "HomePts"] == 3){
- match_schedule[64,"Away"] <- match_schedule[62,"Home"]
- match_schedule[63,"Away"] <- match_schedule[62,"Away"]
- } else {
- match_schedule[64,"Away"] <- match_schedule[62,"Away"]
- match_schedule[63,"Away"] <- match_schedule[62,"Home"]
- }
- for (val in medaltotal){
- gamenumber <- val
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"] <- xG_matrix[match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Home"],rownames(xG_matrix)),match(match_schedule[gamenumber, "Away"],colnames(xG_matrix))]
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- rpois(1,match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomexG"])/2)
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] <- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"] + rpois(1,(match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayxG"])/2)
- if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] > match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else if (match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomeG"] < match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayG"]){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- } else {
- penalties <- runif(1)
- if (penalties > 0.5){
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 0
- } else {
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "AwayPts"] <- 3
- match_schedule[gamenumber, "HomePts"] <- 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (var in teams){
- trigramme <- var
- poscheck <- c(groupresults[[ 2]][[1]],groupresults[[ 6]][[1]],groupresults[[10]][[1]],groupresults[[14]][[1]],
- groupresults[[18]][[1]],groupresults[[22]][[1]],groupresults[[26]][[1]],groupresults[[30]][[1]])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 1st"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 1st"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(groupresults[[ 2]][[2]],groupresults[[ 6]][[2]],groupresults[[10]][[2]],groupresults[[14]][[2]],
- groupresults[[18]][[2]],groupresults[[22]][[2]],groupresults[[26]][[2]],groupresults[[30]][[2]])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 2nd"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 2nd"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(groupresults[[ 2]][[3]],groupresults[[ 6]][[3]],groupresults[[10]][[3]],groupresults[[14]][[3]],
- groupresults[[18]][[3]],groupresults[[22]][[3]],groupresults[[26]][[3]],groupresults[[30]][[3]])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 3rd"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 3rd"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(groupresults[[ 2]][[4]],groupresults[[ 6]][[4]],groupresults[[10]][[4]],groupresults[[14]][[4]],
- groupresults[[18]][[4]],groupresults[[22]][[4]],groupresults[[26]][[4]],groupresults[[30]][[4]])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 4th"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Group 4th"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(match_schedule[49, "Home"], match_schedule[49, "Away"], match_schedule[50, "Home"], match_schedule[50, "Away"],
- match_schedule[51, "Home"], match_schedule[51, "Away"], match_schedule[52, "Home"], match_schedule[52, "Away"],
- match_schedule[53, "Home"], match_schedule[53, "Away"], match_schedule[54, "Home"], match_schedule[54, "Away"],
- match_schedule[55, "Home"], match_schedule[55, "Away"], match_schedule[56, "Home"], match_schedule[56, "Away"])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Round of 16"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Round of 16"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(match_schedule[57, "Home"], match_schedule[57, "Away"], match_schedule[58, "Home"], match_schedule[58, "Away"],
- match_schedule[59, "Home"], match_schedule[59, "Away"], match_schedule[60, "Home"], match_schedule[60, "Away"])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Quarter Finals"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Quarter Finals"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(match_schedule[61, "Home"], match_schedule[61, "Away"], match_schedule[62, "Home"], match_schedule[62, "Away"])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Semi Finals"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Semi Finals"] + 1
- }
- poscheck <- c(match_schedule[64, "Home"], match_schedule[64, "Away"])
- if (trigramme %in% poscheck == TRUE){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Final"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Final"] + 1
- }
- if (match_schedule[64, "Home"] == trigramme & match_schedule[64, "HomePts"] == 3 | match_schedule[64, "Away"] == trigramme & match_schedule[64, "AwayPts"] == 3){
- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Champion"] <- finish_matrix[trigramme, "Champion"] + 1
- }
- }
- }
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