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- <?php
- //header('Content-Type: text/plain');
- //var_dump(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC, ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED, ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE, ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC);
- class Debug {
- public function __debugInfo()
- {
- $rc = new ReflectionObject($this);
- $class = $rc->getName();
- $props = $rc->getProperties();
- $props = array_filter($props, function($elem) use($class) { return ($elem->getDeclaringClass()->getName()==$class); });
- $rc2=$rc;
- while($rc2=$rc2->getParentClass())
- {
- $__class = $rc2->getName();
- $props2 = $rc2->getProperties();
- $props2 = array_filter($props2, function($elem) use($__class) { return ($elem->getDeclaringClass()->getName()==$__class); });
- $props = array_merge($props, $props2);
- }
- $ar = array();
- $props2=array();
- foreach($props as $prop)
- {
- if($prop->isStatic()) continue;//ignore
- if(!$prop->isDefault()) { $props2[]=$prop; continue; }//next loop
- $prefix = ($prop->isProtected()? "\0*\0" :($prop->isPrivate()?"\0". $prop->getDeclaringClass()->getName() ."\0":''));
- if(!$prop->isPrivate() && (array_key_exists($prop->getName(),$ar) || array_key_exists("\0*\0".$prop->getName(),$ar))) continue; // ignore if key already exists, except private
- $prop->setAccessible(true); $ar[ $prefix.$prop->getName() ] = $prop->getValue($this);
- }
- foreach($props2 as $prop)
- {
- $prefix=($prop->isProtected()?"\0*\0":($prop->isPrivate()?"\0".$class."\0":''));
- $prop->setAccessible(true); $ar[ $prefix.$prop->getName() ] = $prop->getValue($this);
- }
- return $ar;
- }
- };
- // echo 'normal class'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClass1
- {
- public $a = 1;
- protected $b = 2;
- private $c = 3;
- public static $z = 1;
- protected static $y = 2;
- private static $x = 3;
- }
- $test1=new MyTestClass1();
- // var_dump($test1);
- // echo 'normal class with complete debugInfo'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClass3 extends Debug
- {
- public $a = 1;
- protected $b = 2;
- private $c = 3;
- public static $z = 1;
- protected static $y = 2;
- private static $x = 3;
- }
- $test3=new MyTestClass3();
- // var_dump($test3);
- // echo 'first herited class'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClass4 extends MyTestClass1
- {
- public $d = 4;
- protected $e = 5;
- private $f = 6;
- public static $w = 4;
- protected static $v = 5;
- private static $u = 6;
- }
- $test4 = new MyTestClass4();
- // var_dump($test4);
- // echo 'first herited class with complete debugInfo'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClass5 extends MyTestClass3
- {
- public $d = 4;
- protected $e = 5;
- private $f = 6;
- public static $w = 4;
- protected static $v = 5;
- private static $u = 6;
- }
- $test5 = new MyTestClass5();
- // var_dump($test5);
- echo 'second herited class'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClass6 extends MyTestClass4
- {
- public $g = 7;
- protected $h = 8;
- private $i = 9;
- public static $t = 7;
- protected static $s = 8;
- private static $r = 9;
- }
- $test6 = new MyTestClass6();
- var_dump($test6);
- echo 'second herited class with complete debugInfo'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClass7 extends MyTestClass5
- {
- public $g = 7;
- protected $h = 8;
- private $i = 9;
- public static $t = 7;
- protected static $s = 8;
- private static $r = 9;
- }
- $test7 = new MyTestClass7();
- var_dump($test7);//*/
- echo 'class using second inherited class'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClassBis_1
- {
- public $a = NULL;
- protected $b = NULL;
- private $c = NULL;
- public function __construct()
- {
- global $test7,$test6;
- $this->a = $test7;
- $this->b = $test6;
- $this->c = $test7;
- $this->{1} = "un";
- self::$x = $test7;
- self::$y = $test7;
- self::$z = $test7;
- }
- static public $z = NULL;
- static protected $y = NULL;
- static private $x = NULL;
- };
- $test8 = new MyTestClassBis_1();
- var_dump($test8);
- echo 'class using second inherited class, with complete debugInfo'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClassBis_1b extends Debug
- {
- public $a = NULL;
- protected $b = NULL;
- private $c = NULL;
- public function __construct()
- {
- global $test7,$test6;
- $this->a = $test7;
- $this->b = $test6;
- $this->c = $test7;
- $this->{1} = "un";
- self::$x = $test7;
- self::$y = $test7;
- self::$z = $test7;
- }
- static public $z = NULL;
- static protected $y = NULL;
- static private $x = NULL;
- };
- $test8b = new MyTestClassBis_1b();
- var_dump($test8b);
- echo 'second class using second inherited class'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClassBis_2 extends MyTestClassBis_1
- {
- };
- $test9 = new MyTestClassBis_2();
- var_dump($test9);
- echo 'second class using second inherited class, with complete debugInfo'."\r\n";
- class MyTestClassBis_2b extends MyTestClassBis_1b
- {
- };
- $test9b = new MyTestClassBis_2b();
- var_dump($test9b);
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