

Apr 9th, 2019
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  1. Good horse knew she had had enough. With the nightly raids on her home, the scared dreams she had that she wasn't alone wen others were in her home and taking advantage of her made her both sad creeped out and upset with life.
  3. She knew that not many could be bothered anymore and if they said they did then it didn't take a genius to work out that everyone was using her and taking advantage at this stage. She felt so alone and wished for her family as her friends had let her down and life would never be the same again.
  5. Life would never be the same again and she cried for the old days back on the farm before the sex scammers and longed for a fulfilling sex life. How things could go wrong and never the same again was just the way things were sometimes were and she cried like the small girl again who had lost her mum and she returned to a childlike nature.
  8. Unable to fend of the people who took advantage of her good nature and used up her time, resources and energy. She wanted to lay down and be petted. Life's tapestry had spun a web of chaos.
  10. She realised she was surrounded by evil.
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