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- ################################################################################
- ### This script takes state/county shapefiles from the Census Bureau, and moves
- ### Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa, and the Mariana
- ### Islands to be just under the continental US. This format is very useful for
- ### mapping data.
- ###
- ### I originally used the "state_laea" and "county_laea" maps from the
- ### "tidycensus" package, but kept hitting various issues:
- ###
- ### 1) The Tidycensus maps are low-resolution, so counties don't look good if
- ### you zoom in on a particular state
- ###
- ### 2) The "Tidycensus" maps are old and require various FIPS mods every time I
- ### use them, such as changing fips 46113 -> 46102 to handle Oglala Co SD,
- ### changing fips 02270 -> 02158 to handle Kusilvak Census Area, AK
- ###
- ### 3) The Tidycensus map lacked the smaller US territories.
- ###
- ### I took inspiration for this script from the URL below:
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### If you find any bugs or issues with the script or with the maps it generates
- ### please let me know - /u/MetricT
- ###
- ###
- ### * Sourcing the script will cause errors at these lines near the bottom:
- ###
- ### > state_map %>% st_as_sf() %>% write_sf(mod_state_map)
- ### There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
- ### > county_map %>% st_as_sf() %>% write_sf(mod_county_map)
- ### There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
- ###
- ### Just run them manually at that point and it should work fine.
- ################################################################################
- library(tidyverse)
- library(maptools)
- library(mapproj)
- library(rgeos)
- library(rgdal)
- library(RColorBrewer)
- library(ggplot2)
- library(sf)
- ### Path/filename to save modified shapefiles at when we're done
- mod_state_map <- "../Shapefiles/us_state/us_state.shp"
- mod_county_map <- "../Shapefiles/us_county/us_county.shp"
- ### We want our map to use the Albers projection
- map_crs <- "+proj=laea +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs"
- #map_crs <- "epsg:5070"
- state_map <-
- read_sf("../Shapefiles/cb_2018_us_state_500k/cb_2018_us_state_500k.shp") %>%
- st_transform(map_crs) %>%
- as(Class = "Spatial")
- county_map <-
- read_sf("../Shapefiles/cb_2018_us_county_500k/cb_2018_us_county_500k.shp") %>%
- st_transform(map_crs) %>%
- as(Class = "Spatial")
- state_map@data$id <- rownames(state_map@data)
- county_map@data$id <- rownames(county_map@data)
- ### We want to strip out states/territories that aren't in the continental US
- ### and move them around to make a more convenient map
- non_conus_fips <- c("02", "11", "15", "60", "66", "69", "72", "78")
- ################################################################################
- ### Adjust the state-level map
- ################################################################################
- ### Alaska
- alaska_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="02",]
- alaska_state <- elide(alaska_state, rotate=-50)
- alaska_state <- elide(alaska_state, scale=max(apply(bbox(alaska_state), 1, diff)) / 1.8)
- alaska_state <- elide(alaska_state, shift=c(-2400000, -2800000))
- proj4string(alaska_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### Hawaii
- hawaii_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="15",]
- hawaii_state <- elide(hawaii_state, rotate=-35)
- hawaii_state <- elide(hawaii_state, shift=c(5800000, -1900000))
- proj4string(hawaii_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### Puerto Rico
- puertorico_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="72",]
- puertorico_state <- elide(puertorico_state, rotate=+13)
- puertorico_state <- elide(puertorico_state, scale=max(apply(bbox(puertorico_state), 1, diff)) / 0.5)
- puertorico_state <- elide(puertorico_state, shift=c(+600000, -2600000))
- proj4string(puertorico_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### US Virgin Islands
- usvi_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="78",]
- usvi_state <- elide(usvi_state, rotate=+13)
- usvi_state <- elide(usvi_state, scale=max(apply(bbox(usvi_state), 1, diff)) / 0.25)
- usvi_state <- elide(usvi_state, shift=c(+1500000, -2600000))
- proj4string(usvi_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### Guam
- guam_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="66",]
- guam_state <- elide(guam_state, rotate=-65)
- guam_state <- elide(guam_state, scale=max(apply(bbox(guam_state), 1, diff)) / 0.15)
- guam_state <- elide(guam_state, shift=c(+1200000, -3200000))
- proj4string(guam_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### Northern Mariana Islands
- noma_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="69",]
- noma_state <- elide(noma_state, rotate=-55)
- noma_state <- elide(noma_state, scale=max(apply(bbox(noma_state), 1, diff)) / 0.85)
- noma_state <- elide(noma_state, shift=c(+300000, -3400000))
- proj4string(noma_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### American Samoa
- amsam_state <- state_map[state_map$STATEFP=="60",]
- amsam_state <- elide(amsam_state, rotate=-55)
- amsam_state <- elide(amsam_state, scale=max(apply(bbox(amsam_state), 1, diff)) / 0.25)
- amsam_state <- elide(amsam_state, shift=c(-2300000, -3400000))
- proj4string(amsam_state) <- proj4string(state_map)
- ### Add the moved states/territories back to the CONUS map
- state_map <- state_map[!state_map$STATEFP %in% non_conus_fips,]
- state_map <- rbind(state_map,
- alaska_state,
- hawaii_state,
- puertorico_state,
- usvi_state,
- noma_state,
- guam_state,
- amsam_state
- )
- ################################################################################
- ### Adjust the county-level map
- ################################################################################
- ### Alaska
- alaska_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="02",]
- alaska_county <- elide(alaska_county, rotate=-50)
- alaska_county <- elide(alaska_county, scale=max(apply(bbox(alaska_county), 1, diff)) / 1.8)
- alaska_county <- elide(alaska_county, shift=c(-2400000, -2800000))
- proj4string(alaska_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### Hawaii
- hawaii_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="15",]
- hawaii_county <- elide(hawaii_county, rotate=-35)
- hawaii_county <- elide(hawaii_county, shift=c(5800000, -1900000))
- proj4string(hawaii_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### Puerto Rico
- puertorico_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="72",]
- puertorico_county <- elide(puertorico_county, rotate=+13)
- puertorico_county <- elide(puertorico_county, scale=max(apply(bbox(puertorico_county), 1, diff)) / 0.5)
- puertorico_county <- elide(puertorico_county, shift=c(+600000, -2600000))
- proj4string(puertorico_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### US Virgin Islands
- usvi_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="78",]
- usvi_county <- elide(usvi_county, rotate=+13)
- usvi_county <- elide(usvi_county, scale=max(apply(bbox(usvi_county), 1, diff)) / 0.25)
- usvi_county <- elide(usvi_county, shift=c(+1500000, -2600000))
- proj4string(usvi_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### Guam
- guam_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="66",]
- guam_county <- elide(guam_county, rotate=-65)
- guam_county <- elide(guam_county, scale=max(apply(bbox(guam_county), 1, diff)) / 0.15)
- guam_county <- elide(guam_county, shift=c(+1200000, -3200000))
- proj4string(guam_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### Northern Mariana Islands
- noma_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="69",]
- noma_county <- elide(noma_county, rotate=-55)
- noma_county <- elide(noma_county, scale=max(apply(bbox(noma_county), 1, diff)) / 0.85)
- noma_county <- elide(noma_county, shift=c(+300000, -3400000))
- proj4string(noma_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### American Samoa
- amsam_county <- county_map[county_map$STATEFP=="60",]
- amsam_county <- elide(amsam_county, rotate=-55)
- amsam_county <- elide(amsam_county, scale=max(apply(bbox(amsam_county), 1, diff)) / 0.25)
- amsam_county <- elide(amsam_county, shift=c(-2300000, -3400000))
- proj4string(amsam_county) <- proj4string(county_map)
- ### Add the moved states/territories back to the CONUS map
- county_map <- county_map[!county_map$STATEFP %in% non_conus_fips,]
- county_map <- rbind(county_map,
- alaska_county,
- hawaii_county,
- puertorico_county,
- usvi_county,
- noma_county,
- guam_county,
- amsam_county
- )
- ################################################################################
- ### Save maps, reload, and graph to make sure it worked ok
- ###############################################################################
- ### Save modified maps to new shapefile
- state_map %>% st_as_sf() %>% write_sf(mod_state_map)
- county_map %>% st_as_sf() %>% write_sf(mod_county_map)
- ### Load our newly created maps
- state_map <- read_sf(mod_state_map)
- county_map <- read_sf(mod_county_map)
- ### Overlay the state/county maps so we can verify that the map looks correct
- ggplot() +
- theme_void() +
- geom_sf(data = county_map, size = 0.1) +
- geom_sf(data = state_map, size = 0.6, fill = NA)
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