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- # v1ral_ITS
- #* .bashrc OR .zshrc Alias for awesome terminal cat output anyfile to pastebin
- ##
- # .*rc function alias
- #* needed default pastebin script and default pastebin.conf are lsted after
- #//+ ITS_ function to easily check the,
- #// operating systems presense of any needed package.
- #/#/ Define any tools needed here seperated only by a "\:space:"\
- needed_tool=' pastebin xsel echo cat printf '
- #//* Begin System Tool Search
- require_tools ()
- {
- local NOT_AVAIL=""
- for TOOL in $needed_tool; do
- if [ "`which $TOOL 2> /dev/null`" == "" ];
- done
- if [[ "$NOT_AVAIL" != "" ]]; then
- echo "ERROR: The following required tool(s)
- cannot be found: $NOT_AVAIL"
- exit 3
- fi
- }
- # Check file system tools before we start
- require_tools
- pbin_this() {
- file_this=$*
- (\cat $file_this | pastebin) | xsel -i --clipboard
- printf '\033[033mPASTEBINS_NEW_URL: \033[m'
- echo `xsel --clipboard`
- }
- ################################
- # needed pastebin shell script #
- ################################
- #!/bin/bash
- # bash client
- #
- # Path to config file
- config_file="$HOME/bin/pastebin.conf"
- # Config file overwrites following default settings
- # This is my API Developer Key (you can change it here or use config file)
- api_dev_key=""
- # Autologin
- logintopastebin="1"
- # Default paste title, if -n argument is not defined
- # Default paste highlighting, if -f argument is not defined
- api_paste_format="bash"
- # Default private settings, if -p argument is not defined (0=public, 1=unlisted, 2=private)
- # Default expire date, if -e argument is not defined
- api_paste_expire_date="N"
- api_url=""
- usage()
- {
- cat << EOF
- Usage: $0 [options]
- Post text from stdin to
- Options:
- -l Log into
- -u Your username
- -p Your password
- -n name Paste title
- -f format Syntax highlightig format (you can find list
- of formats at
- -e expire Paste expire time:
- n (or never) - never
- 10M - 10 minutes
- 1H - 1 hour
- 1D - 1 day
- 1M - 1 month
- -r private Private settings: public (or 0), unlisted (or 1)
- or private (or 2, need to login)
- -h Show this message
- -o Print sample config
- -c /path/to/pastebin.conf Set path to config file
- }
- # command_exists() tells if a given command exists.
- function command_exists() {
- command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- sample_config()
- {
- cat << EOF
- # Change to your API Developer Key
- api_dev_key=""
- # Change to your username, if you want to log into your account
- api_user_name="v1ral_ITS"
- # Change to your password
- api_user_password="**********"
- # Set to 1 if you want to log into your account automatically
- # (you may login with -l, -u, -p arguments also)
- logintopastebin="1"
- # Default paste title, if -n argument is not defined
- #api_paste_name=""
- # Default paste highlighting, if -f argument is not defined
- # (see for more)
- #api_paste_format="bash"
- # Default private settings, if -p argument is not defined
- # (0=public, 1=unlisted, 2=private)
- #api_paste_private="0"
- # Default expire date, if -e argument is not defined
- #api_paste_expire_date="N"
- }
- auth_user()
- {
- if [ -z "$api_user_name" ] || [ -z "$api_user_password" ]
- then
- echo "Username and/or password is undefined."
- echo "Please adjust 'api_user_name' and 'api_user_password' in the configuration file '$config_file'"
- exit 1
- fi
- server_reply="$(curl --silent --data "api_dev_key=$api_dev_key" --data-urlencode "api_user_name=$api_user_name" --data-urlencode "api_user_password=$api_user_password" "$api_url/api_login.php")"
- if [[ $server_reply == Bad* ]]
- then
- echo "Username: $api_user_name"
- echo "$server_reply"
- exit 1
- else
- api_user_key="$server_reply"
- fi
- }
- if ! command_exists curl; then
- echo "'curl' is needed. Please install 'curl'. More details can be found at"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Load configuration file if it exists.
- if [ -f "$config_file" ]; then
- # shellcheck source=/dev/null
- source "$config_file"
- fi
- while getopts "hu:p:ln:f:c:e:r:o" OPTION ; do
- case $OPTION in
- h) usage; exit ;;
- o) sample_config; exit ;;
- u) api_user_name="$OPTARG"; logintopastebin=1 ;;
- p) api_user_password="$OPTARG" ;;
- l) logintopastebin=1 ;;
- n) api_paste_name="$OPTARG" ;;
- f) api_paste_format="$OPTARG" ;;
- e) case $OPTARG in
- n|never) api_paste_expire_date=N ;;
- 10M) api_paste_expire_date=10M ;;
- 1H) api_paste_expire_date=1H ;;
- 1D) api_paste_expire_date=1D ;;
- 1M) api_paste_expire_date=1M ;;
- 1W) api_paste_expire_date=1W ;;
- 2W) api_paste_expire_date=2W ;;
- *) echo "Invalid expire date"; exit 1 ;;
- esac ;;
- r) case $OPTARG in
- public|0) api_paste_private=0 ;;
- unlisted|1) api_paste_private=1 ;;
- private|2)
- if [ $logintopastebin -ne 1 ]
- then
- echo "You need to log in (option -l or -u) if you want to post private pastes."
- exit 1
- else
- api_paste_private=2
- fi
- ;;
- *) echo "Invalid private value"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- ;;
- c) if [ -f "$OPTARG" ];
- then
- # shellcheck source=/dev/null
- source "$OPTARG"
- else
- echo "$OPTARG is not exists"
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- [ $logintopastebin -ne 0 ] && auth_user
- api_paste_code=$( cat - )
- curl -0 --show-error \
- --data "api_dev_key=$api_dev_key" \
- --data "api_option=paste" \
- --data "api_paste_code=$api_paste_code" \
- --data "api_paste_format=$api_paste_format" \
- --data "api_paste_private=$api_paste_private" \
- --data "api_paste_expire_date=$api_paste_expire_date" \
- --data "api_user_key=$api_user_key" \
- --data-urlencode "api_paste_name=$api_paste_name" \
- --data-urlencode "api_paste_code=$api_paste_code" \
- "$api_url/api_post.php"
- echo
- exit $?
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