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- os.loadAPI("buffpixel")
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- term.clear()
- game = {}
- local win_width, win_height, win_x, win_y = 20,10,5,3
- game[1] =*4,h*4,0, 0 , win_width, win_height )
- game[2] =*4,h*4,0, 0 , win_width, win_height )
- local pix = game[1].newPixel
- selection = 2
- function swapselect(s)
- selection = s
- game[getother(s)]:drawBorder(colors.lightGray)
- game[s]:drawBorder(
- game[s]:refreshRender()
- game[s]:drawPlayer()
- end
- function getother(s)
- if(s == 1)then
- return tonumber(2)
- elseif(s == 2)then
- return tonumber(1)
- end
- end
- game[1]:setRenderOffset(win_x,win_y)
- game[2]:setRenderOffset(win_x+10,win_y)
- local rw, rh = math.ceil(w/2), math.ceil(h/2)
- game[1]:fillMap(pix("5D","*",false))
- game[2]:fillMap(pix("5D"," ",false))
- game[1]:setPixel(w-1,10,pix("87","@",true))
- game[1]:newPlayer("BG","&",win_width/2,win_height/2,keys.w,keys.s,keys.a,keys.d,keys.e,1)
- game[2]:newPlayer("BG","@",win_width/2,win_height/2,keys.w,keys.s,keys.a,keys.d,keys.e,1)
- game[1]:setBorderText("Game: advanced graphics", colors.white)
- game[2]:setBorderText("Game: Basic graphics", colors.white)
- game[getother(selection)]:refreshRender()
- game[getother(selection)]:drawBorder(
- game[selection]:refreshRender()
- game[selection]:drawBorder(colors.lightGray)
- local pmx, pmy = 0, 0
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- term.clearLine()
- write("Click inside a window to focus, Drag to move")
- while true do
- local gox, goy = game[selection]:getRenderOffsets()
- local gw, gh = game[selection]:getWidth(), game[selection]:getHeight()
- local e = { os.pullEvent() }
- if(e[1] == "mouse_click")then
- pmx = e[3]
- pmy = e[4]
- if(not game[2]:isOutsideView(e[3],e[4]) and selection == 1 and game[1]:isOutsideView(e[3],e[4]))then
- swapselect(2)
- end
- if(not game[1]:isOutsideView(e[3],e[4]) and selection == 2 and game[2]:isOutsideView(e[3],e[4]))then
- swapselect(1)
- end
- elseif(e[1] == "mouse_drag" and e[4]+gh < h and (e[3] - (gw/2)+gw) < w and e[4] > 1)then
- pmx = e[3]
- if(pmy == game[selection].roffy and pmx >= gox and pmx <= gox+gw)then
- game[selection]:setScreenPos(e[3] - (gw/2),e[4],
- game[selection]:drawBorder(
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- game[getother(selection)]:refreshRender(1)
- game[getother(selection)]:drawBorder(colors.lightGray)
- game[selection]:refreshRender(1)
- game[selection]:drawBorder(
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- iscol = false
- pmy = e[4]
- end
- end
- if(selection == 1)then
- game[1]:getMousePlaceBlock(e,pix("87","@",true),pix("5D","*",false))
- else
- game[2]:getMousePlaceBlock(e,pix("87"," ",true),pix("5D"," ",false))
- end
- game[selection]:updatePlayer(e,0)
- local px, py = game[selection]:getPlayerPos()
- local pox, poy = game[selection]:getOutsideViews(px,py,1,1)
- game[selection]:lerpView(pox,poy,win_width/2,win_height/2,0)
- end
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