

Feb 23rd, 2014
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  1. REM Volume Shadow Copy Management from CLI.
  2. REM Part of the presentation "Lurking in the Shadows" by Mark Baggett and Tim "LaNMaSteR53" Tomes.
  3. REM Co-developed by Mark Baggett (@MarkBaggett) and Tim Tomes (@lanmaster53).
  5. Set args = WScript.Arguments
  7. if args.Count < 1 Then
  8. wscript.Echo "Usage: cscript vssown.vbs [option]"
  9. wscript.Echo
  10. wscript.Echo " Options:"
  11. wscript.Echo
  12. wscript.Echo " /list - List current volume shadow copies."
  13. wscript.Echo " /start - Start the shadow copy service."
  14. wscript.Echo " /stop - Halt the shadow copy service."
  15. wscript.Echo " /status - Show status of shadow copy service."
  16. wscript.Echo " /mode - Display the shadow copy service start mode."
  17. wscript.Echo " /mode [Manual|Automatic|Disabled] - Change the shadow copy service start mode."
  18. wscript.Echo " /create [drive_letter] - Create a shadow copy."
  19. wscript.Echo " /delete [id|*] - Delete a specified or all shadow copies."
  20. wscript.Echo " /mount [path] [device_object] - Mount a shadow copy to the given path."
  21. wscript.Echo " /execute [\path\to\file] - Launch executable from within an umounted shadow copy."
  22. wscript.Echo " /store - Display storage statistics."
  23. wscript.Echo " /size [bytes] - Set drive space reserved for shadow copies."
  24. REM build_off
  25. wscript.Echo " /build [filename] - Print pasteable script to stdout."REM no_build
  26. REM build_on
  27. wscript.Quit(0)
  28. End If
  30. strComputer = "."
  31. Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
  33. Select Case args.Item(0)
  35. Case "/list"
  36. Wscript.Echo "SHADOW COPIES"
  37. Wscript.Echo "============="
  38. Wscript.Echo
  39. Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ShadowCopy")
  40. For Each objItem in colItems
  41. Wscript.Echo "[*] ID: " & objItem.ID
  42. Wscript.Echo "[*] Client accessible: " & objItem.ClientAccessible
  43. Wscript.Echo "[*] Count: " & objItem.Count
  44. Wscript.Echo "[*] Device object: " & objItem.DeviceObject
  45. Wscript.Echo "[*] Differential: " & objItem.Differential
  46. Wscript.Echo "[*] Exposed locally: " & objItem.ExposedLocally
  47. Wscript.Echo "[*] Exposed name: " & objItem.ExposedName
  48. Wscript.Echo "[*] Exposed remotely: " & objItem.ExposedRemotely
  49. Wscript.Echo "[*] Hardware assisted: " & objItem.HardwareAssisted
  50. Wscript.Echo "[*] Imported: " & objItem.Imported
  51. Wscript.Echo "[*] No auto release: " & objItem.NoAutoRelease
  52. Wscript.Echo "[*] Not surfaced: " & objItem.NotSurfaced
  53. Wscript.Echo "[*] No writers: " & objItem.NoWriters
  54. Wscript.Echo "[*] Originating machine: " & objItem.OriginatingMachine
  55. Wscript.Echo "[*] Persistent: " & objItem.Persistent
  56. Wscript.Echo "[*] Plex: " & objItem.Plex
  57. Wscript.Echo "[*] Provider ID: " & objItem.ProviderID
  58. Wscript.Echo "[*] Service machine: " & objItem.ServiceMachine
  59. Wscript.Echo "[*] Set ID: " & objItem.SetID
  60. Wscript.Echo "[*] State: " & objItem.State
  61. Wscript.Echo "[*] Transportable: " & objItem.Transportable
  62. Wscript.Echo "[*] Volume name: " & objItem.VolumeName
  63. Wscript.Echo
  64. Next
  65. wscript.Quit(0)
  67. Case "/start"
  68. Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='VSS'")
  69. For Each objService in colListOfServices
  70. objService.StartService()
  71. Wscript.Echo "[*] Signal sent to start the " & objService.Name & " service."
  72. Next
  73. wscript.Quit(0)
  75. Case "/stop"
  76. Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='VSS'")
  77. For Each objService in colListOfServices
  78. objService.StopService()
  79. Wscript.Echo "[*] Signal sent to stop the " & objService.Name & " service."
  80. Next
  81. wscript.Quit(0)
  83. Case "/status"
  84. Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='VSS'")
  85. For Each objService in colListOfServices
  86. Wscript.Echo "[*] " & objService.State
  87. Next
  88. wscript.Quit(0)
  90. Case "/mode"
  91. Set colListOfServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name ='VSS'")
  92. For Each objService in colListOfServices
  93. if args.Count < 2 Then
  94. Wscript.Echo "[*] " & objService.Name & " service set to '" & objService.StartMode & "' start mode."
  95. Else
  96. mode = LCase(args.Item(1))
  97. if mode = "manual" or mode = "automatic" or mode = "disabled" Then
  98. errResult = objService.ChangeStartMode(mode)
  99. Wscript.Echo "[*] " & objService.Name & " service set to '" & mode & "' start mode."
  100. Else
  101. Wscript.Echo "[*] '" & mode & "' is not a valid start mode."
  102. End If
  103. END If
  104. Next
  105. wscript.Quit(errResult)
  107. Case "/create"
  108. VOLUME = args.Item(1) & ":\"
  109. Const CONTEXT = "ClientAccessible"
  110. Set objShadowStorage = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ShadowCopy")
  111. Wscript.Echo "[*] Attempting to create a shadow copy."
  112. errResult = objShadowStorage.Create(VOLUME, CONTEXT, strShadowID)
  113. wscript.Quit(errResult)
  115. Case "/delete"
  116. id = args.Item(1)
  117. Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_ShadowCopy")
  118. For Each objItem in colItems
  119. if objItem.ID = id Then
  120. Wscript.Echo "[*] Attempting to delete shadow copy with ID: " & id
  121. errResult = objItem.Delete_
  122. ElseIf id = "*" Then
  123. Wscript.Echo "[*] Attempting to delete shadow copy " & objItem.DeviceObject & "."
  124. errResult = objItem.Delete_
  125. End If
  126. Next
  127. wscript.Quit(errResult)
  129. Case "/mount"
  130. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  131. link = args.Item(1)
  132. sc = args.Item(2) & "\"
  133. cmd = "cmd /C mklink /D " & link & " " & sc
  134. WshShell.Run cmd, 2, true
  135. Wscript.Echo "[*] " & sc & " has been mounted to " & link & "."
  136. wscript.Quit(0)
  138. Case "/execute"
  139. file = args.Item(1)
  140. Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_ShadowCopy")
  141. Set objProcess = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Process")
  142. For Each objItem in colItems
  143. path = Replace(objItem.DeviceObject,"?",".") & file
  144. intReturn = objProcess.Create(path)
  145. if intReturn <> 0 Then
  146. wscript.Echo "[*] Process could not be created from " & path & "."
  147. wscript.Echo "[*] ReturnValue = " & intReturn
  148. Else
  149. wscript.Echo "[!] Process created from " & path & "."
  150. wscript.Quit(0)
  151. End If
  152. Next
  153. wscript.Quit(0)
  155. Case "/store"
  156. Wscript.Echo "SHADOW STORAGE"
  157. Wscript.Echo "=============="
  158. Wscript.Echo
  159. Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ShadowStorage")
  160. For Each objItem in colItems
  161. Wscript.Echo "[*] Allocated space: " & FormatNumber(objItem.AllocatedSpace / 1000000,0) & "MB"
  162. Wscript.Echo "[*] Maximum size: " & FormatNumber(objItem.MaxSpace / 1000000,0) & "MB"
  163. Wscript.Echo "[*] Used space: " & FormatNumber(objItem.UsedSpace / 1000000,0) & "MB"
  164. Wscript.Echo
  165. Next
  166. wscript.Quit(0)
  168. Case "/size"
  169. storagesize = CDbl(args.Item(1))
  170. Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ShadowStorage")
  171. For Each objItem in colItems
  172. objItem.MaxSpace = storagesize
  173. objItem.Put_
  174. Next
  175. Wscript.Echo "[*] Shadow storage space has been set to " & FormatNumber(storagesize / 1000000,0) & "MB."
  176. wscript.Quit(0)
  178. REM build_off
  179. Case "/build"
  180. build = 1
  181. Const ForReading = 1
  182. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  183. Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("vssown.vbs", ForReading)
  184. Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
  185. strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline
  186. if InStr(strNextLine,"REM build_off") = 3 Then
  187. build = 0
  188. End If
  189. if strNextLine <> "" and build = 1 Then
  190. strNextLine = Replace(strNextLine,"&","^&")
  191. strNextLine = Replace(strNextLine,">","^>")
  192. strNextLine = Replace(strNextLine,"<","^<")
  193. wscript.Echo "echo " & strNextLine & " >> " & args.Item(1)
  194. End If
  195. if InStr(strNextLine,"REM build_on") = 3 Then
  196. build = 1
  197. End If
  198. Loop
  199. wscript.Quit(0)
  200. REM build_on
  202. End Select
  203. Hide details
  204. Change log
  205. r6 by tjt1980 on Oct 18, 2012 Diff
  206. updated credits for vssown.vbs.
  207. Go to:
  208. Older revisions
  209. r1 by tjt1980 on Aug 21, 2012 Diff
  210. All revisions of this file
  211. File info
  212. Size: 8744 bytes, 202 lines
  213. View raw file
  214. File properties
  215. svn:executable
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