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- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstring>
- using namespace std;
- class Exception{
- public:
- const void message(){
- cout << "Pogresno vnesena registracija" << endl;
- }
- };
- class ImaMasa{
- public:
- virtual const double vratiMasa() = 0;
- virtual const void pecati() = 0;
- virtual ~ImaMasa(){}
- };
- class PaketPijalok{
- private:
- double volumenEden;
- int kolicina;
- static double gustina;
- static double masaAmbalaza;
- public:
- PaketPijalok(){
- this->volumenEden = 0;
- this->kolicina = 0;
- }
- PaketPijalok(const double volumenEden, const int kolicina){
- this->volumenEden = volumenEden;
- this->kolicina = kolicina;
- }
- const double vratiMasa(){
- return (this->volumenEden * gustina + masaAmbalaza) * this->kolicina;
- }
- const void pecati(){}
- const int getKolicina(){
- return this->kolicina;
- }
- const double getVolumen(){
- return this->volumenEden;
- }
- const static double getGustina(){
- return gustina;
- }
- };
- double PaketPijalok::gustina = 0.8;
- double PaketPijalok::masaAmbalaza = 0.2;
- class PaketSok : public PaketPijalok, public ImaMasa{
- private:
- bool daliGaziran;
- public:
- PaketSok(){
- this->daliGaziran = false;
- }
- PaketSok(const double volumenEden, const int kolicina, const bool daliGaziran) : PaketPijalok(volumenEden, kolicina){
- this->daliGaziran = daliGaziran;
- }
- const double vratiMasa(){
- if(this->daliGaziran == false)
- return PaketPijalok::vratiMasa() + this->getKolicina() * 0.1;
- else
- return PaketPijalok::vratiMasa();
- }
- const void pecati(){
- cout << "Paket sok" << endl;
- cout << "kolicina " << this->getKolicina() << ", so po " << this->getVolumen() * getGustina() << " l(dm3)" << endl;
- }
- };
- class PaketVino : public PaketPijalok, public ImaMasa{
- private:
- double procentAlkohol;
- public:
- PaketVino(){
- this->procentAlkohol = 0.0;
- }
- PaketVino(const double volumenEden, const int kolicina, const double procentAlkohol) : PaketPijalok(volumenEden, kolicina){
- this->procentAlkohol = procentAlkohol;
- }
- const double vratiMasa(){
- return PaketPijalok::vratiMasa() * (0.9 + this->procentAlkohol);
- }
- const double getProcentAlkohol(){
- return this->procentAlkohol;
- }
- const void pecati(){
- cout << "Paket vino" << endl;
- cout << "kolicina " << this->getKolicina() << ", " << this->procentAlkohol*100 << "% alkohol od po " << this->getVolumen() * getGustina() << " l(dm3)" << endl;
- }
- };
- class Kamion{
- private:
- char * registracija;
- char * vozac;
- ImaMasa ** m;
- int brElementi;
- const void copy(const Kamion &orig){
- this->registracija = new char[strlen(orig.registracija)+1];
- this->vozac = new char[strlen(orig.vozac)+1];
- this->m = new ImaMasa *[orig.brElementi + 1];
- this->brElementi = orig.brElementi;
- strcpy(this->registracija, orig.registracija);
- strcpy(this->vozac, orig.vozac);
- for(int i=0; i<this->brElementi; i++)
- this->m[i] = orig.m[i];
- }
- public:
- Kamion(){
- this->registracija = new char[0];
- this->vozac = new char[0];
- this->m = new ImaMasa*[0];
- this->brElementi = 0;
- }
- Kamion(const char * registracija, const char * vozac){
- if(!(isalpha(registracija[0])&&isalpha(registracija[1])&&isalpha(registracija[6]) && isalpha(registracija[7]))){
- throw Exception();
- }
- this->m = new ImaMasa*[0];
- this->brElementi = 0;
- this->registracija = new char[strlen(registracija)+1];
- this->vozac = new char[strlen(vozac)+1];
- strcpy(this->registracija, registracija);
- strcpy(this->vozac, vozac);
- }
- Kamion(const Kamion &orig){
- this->copy(orig);
- }
- Kamion &operator=(const Kamion &orig){
- if(this != &orig){
- delete [] this->registracija;
- delete [] this->vozac;
- delete [] this->m;
- this->copy(orig);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~Kamion(){
- delete [] this->registracija;
- delete [] this->vozac;
- delete [] this->m;
- }
- const void dodadiElement(ImaMasa *orig){
- ImaMasa ** tmp = new ImaMasa*[this->brElementi + 1];
- for(int i=0; i<this->brElementi; i++)
- tmp[i] = this->m[i];
- tmp[this->brElementi++] = orig;
- delete [] this->m;
- this->m = tmp;
- }
- const double vratiVkupnaMasa(){
- double total = 0.0;
- for(int i=0; i<this->brElementi; i++)
- total += this->m[i]->vratiMasa();
- return total;
- }
- const void pecati(){
- cout << "Kamion so registracija " << this->registracija << " i vozac " << this->vozac << " prenesuva: " << endl;
- for(int i=0; i<this->brElementi; i++)
- this->m[i]->pecati();
- }
- const Kamion pretovar(const char * registracija, const char *vozac){
- Kamion newTruck(registracija, vozac);
- double max = this->m[0]->vratiMasa();
- int index;
- for(int i=1; i<this->brElementi; i++){
- if(this->m[i]->vratiMasa() > max){
- max = this->m[i]->vratiMasa();
- index = i;
- }
- }
- for(int i=0; i<this->brElementi; i++){
- if(i == index)
- continue;
- newTruck.dodadiElement(this->m[i]);
- }
- return newTruck;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- char ime[20], reg[9];
- double vol;
- int kol;
- bool g;
- double proc;
- try{
- cin>>reg;
- cin>>ime;
- Kamion A(reg, ime);
- ImaMasa **d = new ImaMasa*[5];
- cin>>vol>>kol;
- cin>>g;
- d[0] = new PaketSok(vol, kol, g);
- cin>>vol>>kol;
- cin>>proc;
- d[1] = new PaketVino(vol, kol, proc);
- cin>>vol>>kol;
- cin>>proc;
- d[2] = new PaketVino(vol, kol, proc);
- cin>>vol>>kol;
- cin>>g;
- d[3] = new PaketSok(vol, kol, g);
- cin>>vol>>kol;
- cin>>proc;
- d[4] = new PaketVino(vol, kol, proc);
- A.dodadiElement(d[0]);
- A.dodadiElement(d[1]);
- A.dodadiElement(d[2]);
- A.dodadiElement(d[3]);
- A.dodadiElement(d[4]);
- A.pecati();
- cout<<"Vkupna masa: "<<A.vratiVkupnaMasa()<<endl;
- cin>>reg;
- cin>>ime;
- Kamion B = A.pretovar(reg, ime);
- B.pecati();
- cout<<"Vkupna masa: "<<B.vratiVkupnaMasa()<<endl;
- }
- catch(Exception &ex){
- ex.message();
- }
- }
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