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- -- Decompiled with Konstant V2.1, a fast Luau decompiler made in Luau by plusgiant5 (
- -- Decompiled on 2024-11-17 00:27:39
- -- Luau version 6, Types version 3
- -- Time taken: 0.007033 seconds
- local module = {}
- local _ = {"rbxassetid://9274070376", "rbxassetid://9274070596", "rbxassetid://9274071155", "rbxassetid://9274071502", "rbxassetid://9203167631"}
- local _ = {
- DiamondPlate = "Metal";
- CorrodedMetal = "Metal";
- WoodPlanks = "Wood";
- }
- local tbl_upvr = {
- Helmet = {7375382580};
- Concrete = {6962155378, 6962154691, 6962154691, 6962155018, 6962154328};
- Metal = {142082170, 7360897532, 7360897214, 7360897366};
- Wood = {7361061550, 7361061385, 7361061679, 7361061795};
- Flesh = {6978732312, 6978732312, 6978732129, 6978731806, 6978731977};
- Screen = {6737582452};
- Glass = {142082167};
- }
- local CurrentCamera_upvr = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local Particles_upvr = script:WaitForChild("Particles")
- local Debris_upvr = game:GetService("Debris")
- local GeneralSoundGroup_upvr = game:GetService("SoundService"):WaitForChild("GeneralSoundGroup")
- local ExtraParticles_upvr = script:WaitForChild("ExtraParticles")
- local ReplicatedStorage_upvr = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
- function module.HitEffect(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) -- Line 39
- --[[ Upvalues[7]:
- [1]: CurrentCamera_upvr (readonly)
- [2]: Particles_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: Debris_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: tbl_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: GeneralSoundGroup_upvr (readonly)
- [6]: ExtraParticles_upvr (readonly)
- [7]: ReplicatedStorage_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- if not arg1 or not arg1.Parent then
- else
- if _G.Settings and _G.Settings.Video.Bullet_impact_FX <= 0 then return end
- if 100 < (arg2 - CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame.Position).Magnitude then return end
- local cframe =, arg2 + arg3)
- local var35 = arg5.Magnitude * 0.0005 / 2
- if arg1.Name == "Glass" then
- end
- if arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- end
- local var36
- if arg1.Name == "Head" and arg1:GetAttribute("Protected") then
- var36 = "Helmet"
- end
- local SOME = Particles_upvr:FindFirstChild(var36)
- if not SOME then
- SOME = Particles_upvr.Concrete
- end
- local clone = SOME:Clone()
- clone.Parent = workspace.Terrain
- clone.WorldCFrame = cframe
- Debris_upvr:AddItem(clone, 10)
- local var39 = tbl_upvr[var36]
- if not var39 then
- var39 = tbl_upvr.Concrete
- end
- if var39 then
- local Sound ="Sound")
- Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..var39[math.random(#var39)]
- Sound.SoundGroup = GeneralSoundGroup_upvr
- Sound.Volume = 0.3
- Sound.RollOffMode = "InverseTapered"
- Sound.RollOffMinDistance = 10
- Sound.RollOffMaxDistance = 100
- Sound.Parent = clone
- end
- local SOME_2 = ExtraParticles_upvr:FindFirstChild(arg6 or "")
- if SOME_2 then
- for _, v in pairs(SOME_2:GetChildren()) do
- v:Clone().Parent = clone
- local var45
- end
- end
- for _, v_2_upvr in pairs(var45:GetChildren()) do
- local var49
- if v_2_upvr:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- if v_2_upvr.Name == "MaterialColor" then
- v_2_upvr.Color =
- end
- var49 = v_2_upvr:GetAttribute("EmitCount")
- local function INLINED() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var49 = _G.Settings.Video.Bullet_impact_FX
- return var49
- end
- if not _G.Settings or not INLINED() then
- var49 = 1
- end
- v_2_upvr:Emit((var49 or 5) * var49)
- elseif v_2_upvr:IsA("PointLight") then
- v_2_upvr.Enabled = true
- task.delay(0.05, function() -- Line 95
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: v_2_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- v_2_upvr.Enabled = false
- end)
- elseif v_2_upvr:IsA("Sound") then
- var49 = v_2_upvr.PlaybackSpeed
- var49 = v_2_upvr.PlaybackSpeed + 0.1
- v_2_upvr.PlaybackSpeed = math.random((var49 - 0.1) * 100, var49 * 100) / 100
- v_2_upvr:Play()
- end
- end
- local var51
- local function INLINED_2() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var51 = _G.Settings.Video
- return var51.Bullet_holes
- end
- if not _G.Settings or INLINED_2() or arg1.Anchored and not arg1:IsDescendantOf(workspace.Chars) and not arg1:GetAttribute("Breakable") then
- var51 = script
- local clone_2 = var51.BulletHole:Clone()
- local function INLINED_3() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var51 =, var35, 0.005)
- return var51
- end
- if not var35 or not INLINED_3() then
- var51 = clone_2.Size
- end
- clone_2.Size = var51
- var51 = cframe * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.random(360) / 180)
- clone_2.CFrame = var51
- clone_2.Material = arg4
- var51 = true
- clone_2.Anchored = var51
- var51 = workspace.Debris.Guns
- clone_2.Parent = var51
- var51 = Debris_upvr:AddItem
- var51(clone_2, 5)
- end
- if var36 == "Flesh" then
- var51 = ReplicatedStorage_upvr
- var51.Blood:Fire(cframe * CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0), nil, 1, 1.25)
- end
- end
- end
- return module
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