
lol glitched bingo

Sep 24th, 2015
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  1. - Sum of Total PP of moves must equal X
  2. - Evolve 3 Pokemon using the Stone Glitch
  3. - 50 different items in the PC
  4. - Evolve 20 Pokemon
  5. - Money must end in trainer ID
  6. - Do not use Master Balls
  7. - Do not use any key items
  8. - 40 Pokemon owned
  9. - 70 Pokemon seen
  10. - All types for Pokemon
  11. - 50 Different Moves
  12. - Pickup 30 items
  13. - Defeat any E4 Member using their team without overleveling the highest level Pokemon
  14. - 5 non-"Super Glitch" glitch moves
  15. - 15 glitch Pokemon
  16. - Defeat any Gym Leader using their team without overleveling the highest level Pokemon
  17. - Defeat all Gym Leaders
  18. - Catch 20 Pokemon with their Pokedex Numbers in line
  19. - All Types for moves
  20. - All Badges
  21. - Total (stat) in box must equal X
  22. - Defeat all Trainer classes
  23. - Must catch all Pokemon seen
  24. - Catch 5 alternate version exclusives
  25. - Defeat all Legendaries
  26. - Catch all legendaries
  27. - All unobtainable valid items
  28. - "Impossible" Level (0, 101-255)
  29. - Do not obtain any badges
  30. - Do not buy any items
  31. - Full evolution lines of all Pokemon caught
  32. - 20 moves with spaces
  33. - Replica of (map's) encounter slots in box (i.e. level + Pokemon must be same)
  34. - Do 3 Trades
  35. - Each stat must equal base stat of a Pokemon
  36. - Exactly 998 of a stat
  37. - Sum of Pokemon's Pokedex numbers must equal X
  38. - Sum of 3 Stats of a Pokemon must equal the leftover stat.
  39. - Win at least one trainer battle on each map
  40. - Evolve 8 level-based Pokemon without using Rare Candies before evolution
  41. - 3 gift Pokemon
  42. - Defeat a Valid Prof. Oak team using his team without overleveling the highest level Pokemon
  43. - 20 Pokemon part of a 3-stage evolution
  44. - 15 Pokemon part of a 2-stage evolution
  45. - 10 non-legendary Pokemon not part of an evolution line
  46. - All move effects
  47. - All letters from unnicknamed Pokemon names
  48. - Catch 5 version "rares"
  49. - Sum of exp in box must equal X
  50. - 20 moves with the same total PP
  51. - 20 different Pokemon with the same non-TM moves
  52. - 20 of the same number in a Pokemon status screen
  53. - Sum of move powers for a Pokemon must equal X
  54. - Sum of move accuracies for a Pokemon must equal X
  55. - Sum of all battle stats for a Pokemon must equal X
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