
Super Secret

Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. The movie was good. Great even. Ethan had been looking forward to it since he saw a trailer months before. But it was hard to focus when there was a tiny weight burning a hole in his pocket.
  3. He watched as the theatre cleared of people. All that remained was Holden and him and the man in the projection room at the top of the theatre.
  5. ‘We’re here’ read the text from Nell.
  7. The doors to the room opened to let in a flood of soft light and Ethan moved to the end the row to greet the running five year old wearing her slightly wet raincoat and galoshes.
  9. An invasion of hugs as she wrapped herself around Ethan’s legs. “DADDY!”
  11. “Shhh shhh. Not just yet unicorn. Just a minute.” He gave her a gentle head pat and she giggled. “Okay!”
  13. His eyes met Nell’s. “ETHAN! HOLDEN!” It was Elaina. Nell had called her on FaceTime.
  15. He knew that Holden was most likely confused as hell at the commotion and wondering why everyone was there.
  17. Ethan picked up Evie and carried her back to the seat beside Holden’s and sat her on his lap as Nell motioned for the projection person behind them.
  19. A montage of clips and audio from Ethan and Holden’s YouTube videos played on the screen along with some of their personal family pictures and clips.
  21. It ended with a black screen and there was a brief moment where it got suddenly quiet. Not a single sound came from anyone. The only thing that could be heard was the clicking of the lights as they came on to reveal Ethan kneeling there hovering over the sticky carpet of the theatre that luckily had aisles wide enough for them to fit into.
  23. Evie jumped on Ethan’s back monkey style as she grasped his neck.
  25. Nell was still holding the phone with Elaina on the line as she helped Evie down and wiggled her out of the raincoat to reveal the words “Will you marry my daddy?” On the front of it.
  27. “Holden... we’ve had a lot of ups and downs over the last 10 years of knowing each other. And you’ve stood by me through every single one. Being your boyfriend for the past 5 years has been absolutely incredible. The only thing that would make me happier is if I could finally call you my husband on purpose. Holden Jims...” he had managed to pull the ring from his pocket as he had monologued. “Would you do me the honour of marrying me?”
  29. Ethan took in a sharp inhale as he held his breath and awaited an answer. He noticed Evie had taken to standing in the theatre seat and on any other occasion he would’ve asked her to get down. But Nell was there too and he knew she would be safe. So he let it go and kept his eyes on Holden as he awaited a response.
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