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- (*
- * Principi di Linguaggi di Programmazione
- * Modulo Paradigmi
- *
- * Appello IV: 25/06/2013
- * Esercizio 2
- *)
- module type ITREE =
- sig
- type 'a tree
- val newEmpty: 'a tree
- val newVertex: 'a -> 'a tree
- val addEdge: 'a tree -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a tree
- val sons: 'a tree -> 'a -> 'a tree list
- end;;
- module ITree:ITREE =
- struct
- open List
- type 'a tree = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a tree list
- let newEmpty = Empty
- let newVertex a = Node(a, [])
- let inList l r =
- let f x y =
- match y with
- | true -> true
- | false -> (
- match x with
- | Node(v, _) when v = r -> true
- | _ -> false
- )
- in List.fold_right f l false
- let rec addEdge t r s =
- match t with
- | Empty -> raise (Failure "Error")
- | Node(x, l) when x = r -> (
- if inList (sons r) s
- then raise (Failure "Error")
- else Node(x, (newVertex s)::l)
- )
- | Node(x, l) -> Node(x, (fun x -> addEdge x r s) l)
- let rec sons t r =
- let f x = sons x r
- match t with
- | Empty -> []
- | Node(x, l) when x = r -> l
- | Node(x, l) -> List.flatten ( f l)
- end;;
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