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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="28">
- <CheatEntries/>
- <UserdefinedSymbols/>
- <LuaScript>
- dbk_initialize()
- dbk_useKernelmodeOpenProcess()
- dbk_useKernelmodeProcessMemoryAccess()
- if getOpenedProcessID() then openProcess(getOpenedProcessID()) end
- dbk_writesIgnoreWriteProtection(true)
- function AOBRep(search, change)
- local aob = AOBScan(search)
- if aob then
- for i=0,aob.Count-1 do
- autoAssemble(aob[i]..':\ndb '..change)
- end
- aob.Destroy()
- end
- end
- EmuForm = createForm(true)
- EmuForm.Caption = 'Select Emulator'
- EmuForm.Width = 310
- EmuForm.Height = 100
- function smartgaga()
- emu= "AndroidProcess"
- startmenu()
- EmuForm.hide()
- end
- EmuButton1 = createButton(EmuForm)
- EmuButton1.Left = 10
- EmuButton1.Top = 10
- EmuButton1.Width = 110
- EmuButton1.Height = 40
- EmuButton1.onClick = smartgaga
- EmuButton1.Caption = 'SmartGaga'
- function gameloop()
- emu= "aow_exe"
- startmenu()
- EmuForm.hide()
- end
- EmuButton2 = createButton(EmuForm)
- EmuButton2.Left = 170
- EmuButton2.Top = 10
- EmuButton2.Width = 110
- EmuButton2.Height = 40
- EmuButton2.onClick = gameloop
- EmuButton2.Caption = 'GameLoop'
- function startmenu()
- local p = io.popen('tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq '..emu..'.exe" /fi "MEMUSAGE gt 300000" /nh', 'r');
- local procInfo = p:read('*a');
- p:close();
- local pid = procInfo:match('%d+');
- pid = tonumber(pid);
- if(pid == nil)then
- messageDialog("Oyun bulunamadı, ilk önce oyunu başlatın!\nYou must start the game first!", mtWarning, mbOK)
- closeCE()
- else
- openProcess(pid)
- ----------------HACK MENU START----------------
- function shfo()
- searchV= '01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F'
- replaceV= '01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40'
- AOBRep(searchV, replaceV)
- end
- function shff()
- replaceV= '01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F'
- searchV= '01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40'
- AOBRep(searchV, replaceV)
- end
- function jhfo()
- searchV = 'FF ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 01 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 0C 42 00 80 DD 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 5C 42 E8'
- replaceV = 'FF ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 01 00 00 00 00 00 40 40 00 00 0C 42 00 40 1C 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 5C 42 E8'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function jhff()
- replaceV = 'FF ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 01 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 0C 42 00 80 DD 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 5C 42 E8'
- searchV = 'FF ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 01 00 00 00 00 00 40 40 00 00 0C 42 00 40 1C 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 5C 42 E8'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function twfo()
- searchV = '00 20 41 00 00 34 42 00 00 20 ? ? ? ? ?'
- replaceV = 'C0 79 44 00 00 34 42 00 00 20 ? ? ? ? ?'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function twff()
- replaceV = '00 20 41 00 00 34 42 00 00 20 ? ? ? ? ?'
- searchV = 'C0 79 44 00 00 34 42 00 00 20 ? ? ? ? ?'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function anfo()
- searchV = 'F3 ? ? ? ? ? ? 42 ? ? ? ? ? 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 01'
- replaceV = '00 00 FC 3F 00 00 FC 3F EA D2 C9 C2 00 C0 79 44 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 01'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function anff()
- replaceV = 'F3 02 B1 42 3F 8E AE 42 EA D2 C9 C2 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 01 '
- searchV = '00 00 FC 3F 00 00 FC 3F EA D2 C9 C2 00 C0 79 44 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 01'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function aifo()
- searchV = '00 00 00 41 00 00 70 41'
- replaceV = '41 70 00 00 42 AA 00 00'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function aiff()
- replaceV = '00 00 00 41 00 00 70 41'
- searchV = '41 70 00 00 42 AA 00 00'
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- end
- function fhfo()
- autoAssemble([[
- aobscan(fovhack1,66 0F 6E 7A 00 8B 5*)
- alloc(newmem,$1000)
- label(code)
- label(return)
- newmem:
- mov [edx+00],(float)750
- code:
- movd xmm7,[edx+00]
- jmp return
- fovhack1:
- jmp newmem
- return:
- registersymbol(fovhack1)
- ]])
- end
- function fhff()
- autoAssemble([[
- fovhack1:
- db 66 0F 6E 7A 00
- unregistersymbol(fovhack1)
- dealloc(newmem)
- ]])
- end
- function mbfo()
- searchV = 'B8 41 00 00 C8 41 00 00 F4 41' --off
- searchV2 = 'B8 41 00 00 AF 43 00 00 AF 43' --hs
- replaceV = 'B8 41 00 00 2F 44 00 00 2F 44' --mb
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- AOBRep(searchV2,replaceV)
- end
- function ahfo()
- searchV = 'B8 41 00 00 C8 41 00 00 F4 41' --off
- replaceV = 'B8 41 00 00 AF 43 00 00 AF 43' --hs
- searchV2 = 'B8 41 00 00 2F 44 00 00 2F 44' --mb
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- AOBRep(searchV2,replaceV)
- end
- function dgff()
- replaceV = 'B8 41 00 00 C8 41 00 00 F4 41' --off
- searchV = 'B8 41 00 00 AF 43 00 00 AF 43' --hs
- searchV2 = 'B8 41 00 00 2F 44 00 00 2F 44' --mb
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- AOBRep(searchV2,replaceV)
- end
- function cwfo()
- searchV = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 00 80 3F' --off
- searchV2 = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 C0 79 C4' --black
- replaceV = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 C0 79 44' --white
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- AOBRep(searchV2,replaceV)
- end
- function cbfo()
- searchV = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 00 80 3F' --off
- replaceV = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 C0 79 C4' --black
- searchV2 = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 C0 79 44' --white
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- AOBRep(searchV2,replaceV)
- end
- function chff()
- replaceV = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 00 80 3F' --off
- searchV = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 C0 79 C4' --black
- searchV2 = '10 EF BC ? ? ? ? 44 BA ? ? ? ? D6 00 9F 00 C0 79 44' --white
- AOBRep(searchV,replaceV)
- AOBRep(searchV2,replaceV)
- end
- MyForm = createForm(true)
- MyForm.Caption = 'Murp Hack v1.0'
- MyForm.Width = 550
- MyForm.Height = 600
- shl = createLabel(MyForm)
- shl.Caption= 'Speed Hack*'
- shl.Left = 10
- shl.Top = 10
- shbo = createButton(MyForm)
- shbo.Left = 10
- shbo.Top = 35
- shbo.Width = 125
- shbo.Height = 40
- shbo.onClick = shfo
- shbo.Caption = 'On'
- shbf = createButton(MyForm)
- shbf.Left = 110
- shbf.Top = 35
- shbf.Width = 125
- shbf.Height = 40
- shbf.onClick = shff
- shbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---
- jhl = createLabel(MyForm)
- jhl.Caption= 'Jump Hack*'
- jhl.Left = 300
- jhl.Top = 10
- jhbo = createButton(MyForm)
- jhbo.Left = 300
- jhbo.Top = 35
- jhbo.Width = 125
- jhbo.Height = 40
- jhbo.onClick = jhfo
- jhbo.Caption = 'On'
- jhbf = createButton(MyForm)
- jhbf.Left = 400
- jhbf.Top = 35
- jhbf.Width = 125
- jhbf.Height = 40
- jhbf.onClick = jhff
- jhbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---/
- anl = createLabel(MyForm)
- anl.Caption= 'Antenna Hack'
- anl.Left = 10
- anl.Top = 110
- anbo = createButton(MyForm)
- anbo.Left = 10
- anbo.Top = 135
- anbo.Width = 125
- anbo.Height = 40
- anbo.onClick = anfo
- anbo.Caption = 'On'
- anbf = createButton(MyForm)
- anbf.Left = 110
- anbf.Top = 135
- anbf.Width = 125
- anbf.Height = 40
- anbf.onClick = anff
- anbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---
- fhl = createLabel(MyForm)
- fhl.Caption= 'FOV Hack'
- fhl.Left = 300
- fhl.Top = 110
- fhbo = createButton(MyForm)
- fhbo.Left = 300
- fhbo.Top = 135
- fhbo.Width = 125
- fhbo.Height = 40
- fhbo.onClick = fhfo
- fhbo.Caption = 'On'
- fhbf = createButton(MyForm)
- fhbf.Left = 400
- fhbf.Top = 135
- fhbf.Width = 125
- fhbf.Height = 40
- fhbf.onClick = fhff
- fhbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---/
- twl = createLabel(MyForm)
- twl.Caption= 'Through Wall*'
- twl.Left = 10
- twl.Top = 210
- twbo = createButton(MyForm)
- twbo.Left = 10
- twbo.Top = 235
- twbo.Width = 125
- twbo.Height = 40
- twbo.onClick = twfo
- twbo.Caption = 'On'
- twbf = createButton(MyForm)
- twbf.Left = 110
- twbf.Top = 235
- twbf.Width = 125
- twbf.Height = 40
- twbf.onClick = twff
- twbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---
- ail = createLabel(MyForm)
- ail.Caption= 'Aimbot'
- ail.Left = 300
- ail.Top = 210
- aibo = createButton(MyForm)
- aibo.Left = 300
- aibo.Top = 235
- aibo.Width = 125
- aibo.Height = 40
- aibo.onClick = aifo
- aibo.Caption = 'On'
- aibf = createButton(MyForm)
- aibf.Left = 400
- aibf.Top = 235
- aibf.Width = 125
- aibf.Height = 40
- aibf.onClick = aiff
- aibf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---/
- dgl = createLabel(MyForm)
- dgl.Caption= 'Danger Hack'
- dgl.Left = 10
- dgl.Top = 310
- mbbo = createButton(MyForm)
- mbbo.Left = 10
- mbbo.Top = 335
- mbbo.Width = 150
- mbbo.Height = 40
- mbbo.onClick = mbfo
- mbbo.Caption = 'Magic Bullet'
- ahbf = createButton(MyForm)
- ahbf.Left = 135
- ahbf.Top = 335
- ahbf.Width = 150
- ahbf.Height = 40
- ahbf.onClick = ahfo
- ahbf.Caption = 'Auto Headshot'
- dgbf = createButton(MyForm)
- dgbf.Left = 270
- dgbf.Top = 335
- dgbf.Width = 125
- dgbf.Height = 40
- dgbf.onClick = dgff
- dgbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---/
- chl = createLabel(MyForm)
- chl.Caption= 'Color Hack**'
- chl.Left = 10
- chl.Top = 410
- cbbo = createButton(MyForm)
- cbbo.Left = 10
- cbbo.Top = 435
- cbbo.Width = 150
- cbbo.Height = 40
- cbbo.onClick = cbfo
- cbbo.Caption = 'Black'
- cwbf = createButton(MyForm)
- cwbf.Left = 135
- cwbf.Top = 435
- cwbf.Width = 150
- cwbf.Height = 40
- cwbf.onClick = cwfo
- cwbf.Caption = 'White'
- chbf = createButton(MyForm)
- chbf.Left = 270
- chbf.Top = 435
- chbf.Width = 125
- chbf.Height = 40
- chbf.onClick = chff
- chbf.Caption = 'Off'
- ---/
- info1l = createLabel(MyForm)
- info1l.Caption= '* -> Her maç aktifleştirilmeli. - You must activate hack in every match.'
- info1l.Left = 10
- info1l.Top = 510
- info2l = createLabel(MyForm)
- info2l.Caption= '** -> Lobide aktifleÅŸtirilmeli. - You must activate hack in lobby.'
- info2l.Left = 10
- info2l.Top = 535
- info3l = createLabel(MyForm)
- info3l.Caption= ' - Kailim murp'
- info3l.Left = 60
- info3l.Top = 560
- info3l.Font.Color= 0xff0000
- info3l.Font.Size= 12
- ----------------HACK MENU FINISH----------------
- end
- end
- </LuaScript>
- </CheatTable>
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