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- /*
- Place the file in a mission folder and execute it for example for player's init field:
- 0 = [] execvm "fn_drawPlanets.sqf";
- Calculations based on
- */
- bis_fnc_drawPanets_timeRefresh = 0;
- draw3DPlanets = {
- if (sunormoon < 1) then {
- //--- Get world coordinates
- _lat = -getnumber (configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldname >> "latitude"); //latitude = -35.097;
- _lon = getnumber (configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldname >> "longitude"); //longitude = 16.482;
- _timeZone = -2;
- _time = daytime;
- if (time > bis_fnc_drawPanets_timeRefresh) then {
- //--- orbital params at 01/01/2000
- _planets = [
- //Name a e i AP LAN M0 Color Size
- ["Earth", 1.00000, 0.01671, 0.000, 288.064, 174.873, 357.529, [0,0,0], 0.0],
- ["Mercury", 0.38710, 0.20563, 7.005, 29.125, 48.331, 174.795, [255,243,239], 0.2],
- ["Venus", 0.72333, 0.00677, 3.395, 54.884, 76.680, 50.416, [253,254,255], 0.25],
- ["Mars", 1.52368, 0.09340, 1.850, 286.502, 49.558, 19.373, [245,151,118], 0.25],
- ["Jupiter", 5.20260, 0.04849, 1.303, 273.687, 100.464, 20.020, [249,250,232], 0.25]
- //--- Not visible without a telescope
- //["Saturn", 9.55491, 0.05551, 2.489, 339.391, 113.666, 317.021, [253,254,209], 0.2],
- //["Uranus", 19.21845, 0.04630, 0.773, 98.999, 74.006, 141.050, [188,253,250], 0.2],
- //["Neptune", 30.11039, 0.00899, 1.770, 276.340, 131.784, 256.225, [190,226,242], 0.2]
- ];
- draw3DPlanets_data = [];
- //--- Get number of days since 01/01/2000
- _date = date;//[2004,1,1,0,0];
- _year = _date select 0;
- _day = ((datetonumber _date) * 365);
- //_time = 1;
- _diffYear = _year - 2000;
- _days = abs((_diffYear * 365) + floor(_diffYear / 4) + _day); // ToDo: Correct leap year calculation
- _hXE = 0;
- _hYE = 0;
- _hZE = 0;
- _ME = 0;
- {
- _name = _x select 0;
- _a = _x select 1;
- _e = _x select 2;
- _i = _x select 3;
- _AP = _x select 4;
- _LAN = _x select 5;
- _M0 = _x select 6;
- _color = _x select 7;
- _size = _x select 8;
- //--- Get mean anomaly
- _n = 0.9856076686 / (_a^(3/2));
- _M = (_M0 + _n * _days) % 360;
- _TA = _M + 2 * _e * sin(_M) + 1.25 * _e^2 * sin(2 * _M);
- //--- Get eccentric anomaly
- _EA = _M;
- _f = 0;
- _ratio = 0;
- for "_i" from 0 to 10 do {
- _ff = 1 - _e * cos(_f);
- _f = _EA - _e * sin(_EA) - _M;
- _EA = _EA - _ratio;
- _ratio = _ratio + _f / _ff;
- };
- //--- Get true anomaly
- _TA = 2 * atan(sqrt((1 + _e) / (1 - _e)) * tan(_EA / 2));
- //--- Get distance from the sun
- _r = (_a * (1 - _e^2)) / (1 + _e * cos(_TA));
- //--- Get heliocentric elliptical coordinates
- _hX = _r * ((cos(_LAN) * cos(_AP + _TA)) - sin(_LAN) * cos(_i) * sin(_AP + _TA));
- _hY = _r * ((sin(_LAN) * cos(_AP + _TA)) + cos(_LAN) * cos(_i) * sin(_AP + _TA));
- _hZ = _r * sin(_i) * sin(_AP + _TA);
- if (_foreachindex == 0) then {
- _hXE = _hX;
- _hYE = _hY;
- _hZE = _hZ;
- _ME = _M;
- } else {
- //--- Get rectangular geocentric ecliptical coordinates
- _posX = _hX - _hXE;
- _posY = _hY - _hYE;
- _posZ = _hZ - _hZE;
- //--- Get geocentric ecliptical longitude and latitude
- _lambda = _posY atan2 _posX;
- _beta = asin(_posZ / sqrt(_posX^2 + _posY^2 + _posZ^2));
- //--- The right ascension and declination
- _epsilon = 23.4397;
- _alpha = (sin(_lambda) * cos(_epsilon) - tan(_beta) * sin(_epsilon)) atan2 (cos(_lambda));
- _delta = asin(sin(_beta) * cos(_epsilon) + cos(_beta) * sin(_epsilon) * sin(_lambda));
- //--- The sidereal time
- //_theta = (_ME + 102.937 + 15 * (_time + _timeZone) + _lon) % 360;
- //--- Hour angle
- //_H = _theta - _alpha;
- //--- The height and azimuth
- //_dirH = (sin(_H)) atan2 (cos(_H) * sin(_lat) - tan(_delta) * cos(_lat));
- //_dirV = asin(sin(_lat) * sin(_delta) + cos(_lat) * cos(_delta) * cos(_H));
- draw3DPlanets_data pushback [_name,_ME,_alpha,_delta,_color,_size];
- };
- } foreach _planets;
- bis_fnc_drawPanets_timeRefresh = time + 1;
- };
- {
- _name = _x select 0;
- _ME = _x select 1;
- _alpha = _x select 2;
- _delta = _x select 3;
- _color = _x select 4;
- _size = _x select 5;
- _color = [
- (_color select 0) / 255,
- (_color select 1) / 255,
- (_color select 2) / 255,
- 1
- ];
- if (cameraview == "external") then {_name = "";};
- _theta = (_ME + 102.937 + 15 * (_time + _timeZone) + _lon) % 360;
- _H = _theta - _alpha;
- _dirH = (sin(_H)) atan2 (cos(_H) * sin(_lat) - tan(_delta) * cos(_lat));
- _dirV = asin(sin(_lat) * sin(_delta) + cos(_lat) * cos(_delta) * cos(_H));
- _dirH = 282 - _dirH; //--- Magic constant
- if (_dirV > 5) then {
- _dis = viewdistance;
- _pos = [
- (position player select 0) + (cos _dirH * _dis),
- (position player select 1) + (sin _dirH * _dis),
- (position player select 2) + (tan _dirV * _dis)
- ];
- drawicon3d ["\a3\Data_f\light_flare_ca.paa",_color,_pos,_size,_size,0,_name,0];
- };
- } foreach draw3DPlanets_data;
- };
- };
- if (isnil "draw3DPlanetsHandler") then {
- draw3DPlanetsHandler = addmissioneventhandler ["draw3D",{[] call draw3DPlanets}];
- };
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