

Jul 15th, 2015
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  1. Disagree. I look at it like this; Marvel is your girlfriend who wants to try playing with your butthole.
  2. This is new an strange for both of you, so you want to start out simple just to see how you feel about things. Marvel tries just rubbing her finger against the opening (Iron Man) and you are OK with that, knowing it's just the start of things to come down the line. Later on, Marvel slips a finger in (Hulk). It hurts at first, partly because it reminds you of a bad experience you had with an ex-girlfriend, but by itself, it's really not that bad. Marvel eases back to rubbing the outside (Iron Man 2) and you talk a bit more about where this is all ultimately leading to. With that understanding, you give Marvel the go-ahead to put the finger back in (Thor). It doesn't hurt. It's strange and unusual, but you really like it. You decide you really do want more of this, so Marvel adds another finger (Captain America).
  3. Now you're really enjoying the sensation and Marvel is loving the pleasure she is giving you, so she asks if you're ready for something special. Marvel assembles the Avengers and milks your prostate for 2 and a half hours.
  4. So DC comes around and notices you now like butt stuff and that your butthole is good and relaxed and goes "SAY HELLO TO FRANKIE!" and starts pushing some Batman v Superman up your pooper. Now, how you feel about that is up to you.
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