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- /**
- * UI Initiative Swiper GL
- *
- * Stunning WebGL image transitions
- *
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2022 UI Initiative
- *
- * Released under the UI Initiative Regular License
- *
- */
- ! function(t, e) {
- "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).SwiperGL = e()
- }(this, (function() {
- "use strict";
- function t(t) {
- let e = t[0],
- i = t[1],
- s = t[2];
- return Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i + s * s)
- }
- function e(t, e) {
- return t[0] = e[0], t[1] = e[1], t[2] = e[2], t
- }
- function i(t, e, i) {
- return t[0] = e[0] + i[0], t[1] = e[1] + i[1], t[2] = e[2] + i[2], t
- }
- function s(t, e, i) {
- return t[0] = e[0] - i[0], t[1] = e[1] - i[1], t[2] = e[2] - i[2], t
- }
- function r(t, e, i) {
- return t[0] = e[0] * i, t[1] = e[1] * i, t[2] = e[2] * i, t
- }
- function n(t) {
- let e = t[0],
- i = t[1],
- s = t[2];
- return e * e + i * i + s * s
- }
- function a(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = i * i + s * s + r * r;
- return n > 0 && (n = 1 / Math.sqrt(n)), t[0] = e[0] * n, t[1] = e[1] * n, t[2] = e[2] * n, t
- }
- function o(t, e) {
- return t[0] * e[0] + t[1] * e[1] + t[2] * e[2]
- }
- function h(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = i[0],
- o = i[1],
- h = i[2];
- return t[0] = r * h - n * o, t[1] = n * a - s * h, t[2] = s * o - r * a, t
- }
- const l = function() {
- const t = [0, 0, 0],
- i = [0, 0, 0];
- return function(s, r) {
- e(t, s), e(i, r), a(t, t), a(i, i);
- let n = o(t, i);
- return n > 1 ? 0 : n < -1 ? Math.PI : Math.acos(n)
- }
- }();
- class c extends Array {
- constructor(t = 0, e = t, i = t) {
- return super(t, e, i), this
- }
- get x() {
- return this[0]
- }
- get y() {
- return this[1]
- }
- get z() {
- return this[2]
- }
- set x(t) {
- this[0] = t
- }
- set y(t) {
- this[1] = t
- }
- set z(t) {
- this[2] = t
- }
- set(t, e = t, i = t) {
- return t.length ? this.copy(t) : (function(t, e, i, s) {
- t[0] = e, t[1] = i, t[2] = s
- }(this, t, e, i), this)
- }
- copy(t) {
- return e(this, t), this
- }
- add(t, e) {
- return e ? i(this, t, e) : i(this, this, t), this
- }
- sub(t, e) {
- return e ? s(this, t, e) : s(this, this, t), this
- }
- multiply(t) {
- var e, i, s;
- return t.length ? (i = this, s = t, (e = this)[0] = i[0] * s[0], e[1] = i[1] * s[1], e[2] = i[2] * s[2]) : r(this, this, t), this
- }
- divide(t) {
- var e, i, s;
- return t.length ? (i = this, s = t, (e = this)[0] = i[0] / s[0], e[1] = i[1] / s[1], e[2] = i[2] / s[2]) : r(this, this, 1 / t), this
- }
- inverse(t = this) {
- var e, i;
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] = 1 / i[0], e[1] = 1 / i[1], e[2] = 1 / i[2], this
- }
- len() {
- return t(this)
- }
- distance(e) {
- return e ? function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0] - t[0],
- s = e[1] - t[1],
- r = e[2] - t[2];
- return Math.sqrt(i * i + s * s + r * r)
- }(this, e) : t(this)
- }
- squaredLen() {
- return n(this)
- }
- squaredDistance(t) {
- return t ? function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0] - t[0],
- s = e[1] - t[1],
- r = e[2] - t[2];
- return i * i + s * s + r * r
- }(this, t) : n(this)
- }
- negate(t = this) {
- var e, i;
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] = -i[0], e[1] = -i[1], e[2] = -i[2], this
- }
- cross(t, e) {
- return e ? h(this, t, e) : h(this, this, t), this
- }
- scale(t) {
- return r(this, this, t), this
- }
- normalize() {
- return a(this, this), this
- }
- dot(t) {
- return o(this, t)
- }
- equals(t) {
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] === i[0] && e[1] === i[1] && e[2] === i[2];
- var e, i
- }
- applyMatrix3(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2];
- t[0] = s * i[0] + r * i[3] + n * i[6], t[1] = s * i[1] + r * i[4] + n * i[7], t[2] = s * i[2] + r * i[5] + n * i[8]
- }(this, this, t), this
- }
- applyMatrix4(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = i[3] * s + i[7] * r + i[11] * n + i[15];
- a = a || 1, t[0] = (i[0] * s + i[4] * r + i[8] * n + i[12]) / a, t[1] = (i[1] * s + i[5] * r + i[9] * n + i[13]) / a, t[2] = (i[2] * s + i[6] * r + i[10] * n + i[14]) / a
- }(this, this, t), this
- }
- scaleRotateMatrix4(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = i[3] * s + i[7] * r + i[11] * n + i[15];
- a = a || 1, t[0] = (i[0] * s + i[4] * r + i[8] * n) / a, t[1] = (i[1] * s + i[5] * r + i[9] * n) / a, t[2] = (i[2] * s + i[6] * r + i[10] * n) / a
- }(this, this, t), this
- }
- applyQuaternion(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = i[0],
- o = i[1],
- h = i[2],
- l = o * n - h * r,
- c = h * s - a * n,
- u = a * r - o * s,
- g = o * u - h * c,
- m = h * l - a * u,
- d = a * c - o * l,
- p = 2 * i[3];
- l *= p, c *= p, u *= p, g *= 2, m *= 2, d *= 2, t[0] = s + l + g, t[1] = r + c + m, t[2] = n + u + d
- }(this, this, t), this
- }
- angle(t) {
- return l(this, t)
- }
- lerp(t, e) {
- return function(t, e, i, s) {
- let r = e[0],
- n = e[1],
- a = e[2];
- t[0] = r + s * (i[0] - r), t[1] = n + s * (i[1] - n), t[2] = a + s * (i[2] - a)
- }(this, this, t, e), this
- }
- clone() {
- return new c(this[0], this[1], this[2])
- }
- fromArray(t, e = 0) {
- return this[0] = t[e], this[1] = t[e + 1], this[2] = t[e + 2], this
- }
- toArray(t = [], e = 0) {
- return t[e] = this[0], t[e + 1] = this[1], t[e + 2] = this[2], t
- }
- transformDirection(t) {
- const e = this[0],
- i = this[1],
- s = this[2];
- return this[0] = t[0] * e + t[4] * i + t[8] * s, this[1] = t[1] * e + t[5] * i + t[9] * s, this[2] = t[2] * e + t[6] * i + t[10] * s, this.normalize()
- }
- }
- const u = new c;
- let g = 1,
- m = 1,
- d = !1;
- class p {
- constructor(t, e = {}) {
- t.canvas || console.error("gl not passed as first argument to Geometry"), = t, this.attributes = e, = g++, this.VAOs = {}, this.drawRange = {
- start: 0,
- count: 0
- }, this.instancedCount = 0,, = null, this.glState =;
- for (let t in e) this.addAttribute(t, e[t])
- }
- addAttribute(t, e) {
- if (this.attributes[t] = e, = m++, e.size = e.size || 1, e.type = e.type || ( === Float32Array ? : === Uint16Array ? :, = "index" === t ? :, e.normalized = e.normalized || !1, e.stride = e.stride || 0, e.offset = e.offset || 0, e.count = e.count || (e.stride ? / e.stride : / e.size), e.divisor = e.instanced || 0, e.needsUpdate = !1, e.usage = e.usage ||, e.buffer || this.updateAttribute(e), e.divisor) {
- if (this.isInstanced = !0, this.instancedCount && this.instancedCount !== e.count * e.divisor) return console.warn("geometry has multiple instanced buffers of different length"), this.instancedCount = Math.min(this.instancedCount, e.count * e.divisor);
- this.instancedCount = e.count * e.divisor
- } else "index" === t ? this.drawRange.count = e.count : this.attributes.index || (this.drawRange.count = Math.max(this.drawRange.count, e.count))
- }
- updateAttribute(t) {
- const e = !t.buffer;
- e && (t.buffer =, this.glState.boundBuffer !== t.buffer && (, t.buffer), this.glState.boundBuffer = t.buffer), e ?,, t.usage) :, 0,, t.needsUpdate = !1
- }
- setIndex(t) {
- this.addAttribute("index", t)
- }
- setDrawRange(t, e) {
- this.drawRange.start = t, this.drawRange.count = e
- }
- setInstancedCount(t) {
- this.instancedCount = t
- }
- createVAO(t) {
- this.VAOs[t.attributeOrder] =,[t.attributeOrder]), this.bindAttributes(t)
- }
- bindAttributes(t) {
- t.attributeLocations.forEach(((t, {
- name: e,
- type: i
- }) => {
- if (!this.attributes[e]) return void console.warn(`active attribute ${e} not being supplied`);
- const s = this.attributes[e];
-, s.buffer), this.glState.boundBuffer = s.buffer;
- let r = 1;
- 35674 === i && (r = 2), 35675 === i && (r = 3), 35676 === i && (r = 4);
- const n = s.size / r,
- a = 1 === r ? 0 : r * r * r,
- o = 1 === r ? 0 : r * r;
- for (let e = 0; e < r; e++) + e, n, s.type, s.normalized, s.stride + a, s.offset + e * o), + e), + e, s.divisor)
- })), this.attributes.index &&, this.attributes.index.buffer)
- }
- draw({
- program: t,
- mode: e =
- }) {
- !== `${}_${t.attributeOrder}` && (this.VAOs[t.attributeOrder] || this.createVAO(t),[t.attributeOrder]), = `${}_${t.attributeOrder}`), t.attributeLocations.forEach(((t, {
- name: e
- }) => {
- const i = this.attributes[e];
- i.needsUpdate && this.updateAttribute(i)
- })), this.isInstanced ? this.attributes.index ?, this.drawRange.count, this.attributes.index.type, this.attributes.index.offset + 2 * this.drawRange.start, this.instancedCount) :, this.drawRange.start, this.drawRange.count, this.instancedCount) : this.attributes.index ?, this.drawRange.count, this.attributes.index.type, this.attributes.index.offset + 2 * this.drawRange.start) :, this.drawRange.start, this.drawRange.count)
- }
- getPosition() {
- const t = this.attributes.position;
- return ? t : d ? void 0 : (console.warn("No position buffer data found to compute bounds"), d = !0)
- }
- computeBoundingBox(t) {
- t || (t = this.getPosition());
- const e =,
- i = t.stride ? t.stride / e.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : t.size;
- this.bounds || (this.bounds = {
- min: new c,
- max: new c,
- center: new c,
- scale: new c,
- radius: 1 / 0
- });
- const s = this.bounds.min,
- r = this.bounds.max,
- n =,
- a = this.bounds.scale;
- s.set(1 / 0), r.set(-1 / 0);
- for (let t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; t += i) {
- const i = e[t],
- n = e[t + 1],
- a = e[t + 2];
- s.x = Math.min(i, s.x), s.y = Math.min(n, s.y), s.z = Math.min(a, s.z), r.x = Math.max(i, r.x), r.y = Math.max(n, r.y), r.z = Math.max(a, r.z)
- }
- a.sub(r, s), n.add(s, r).divide(2)
- }
- computeBoundingSphere(t) {
- t || (t = this.getPosition());
- const e =,
- i = t.stride ? t.stride / e.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : t.size;
- this.bounds || this.computeBoundingBox(t);
- let s = 0;
- for (let t = 0, r = e.length; t < r; t += i) u.fromArray(e, t), s = Math.max(s,;
- this.bounds.radius = Math.sqrt(s)
- }
- remove() {
- for (let t in this.VAOs)[t]), delete this.VAOs[t];
- for (let t in this.attributes)[t].buffer), delete this.attributes[t]
- }
- }
- let x = 1;
- const f = {};
- class A {
- constructor(t, {
- vertex: e,
- fragment: i,
- uniforms: s = {},
- transparent: r = !1,
- cullFace: n = t.BACK,
- frontFace: a = t.CCW,
- depthTest: o = !0,
- depthWrite: h = !0,
- depthFunc: l = t.LESS
- } = {}) {
- t.canvas || console.error("gl not passed as fist argument to Program"), = t, this.uniforms = s, = x++, e || console.warn("vertex shader not supplied"), i || console.warn("fragment shader not supplied"), this.transparent = r, this.cullFace = n, this.frontFace = a, this.depthTest = o, this.depthWrite = h, this.depthFunc = l, this.blendFunc = {}, this.blendEquation = {}, this.transparent && !this.blendFunc.src && ( ? this.setBlendFunc(, : this.setBlendFunc(,;
- const c = t.createShader(t.VERTEX_SHADER);
- t.shaderSource(c, e), t.compileShader(c), "" !== t.getShaderInfoLog(c) && console.warn(`${t.getShaderInfoLog(c)}\nVertex Shader\n${M(e)}`);
- const u = t.createShader(t.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
- if (t.shaderSource(u, i), t.compileShader(u), "" !== t.getShaderInfoLog(u) && console.warn(`${t.getShaderInfoLog(u)}\nFragment Shader\n${M(i)}`), this.program = t.createProgram(), t.attachShader(this.program, c), t.attachShader(this.program, u), t.linkProgram(this.program), !t.getProgramParameter(this.program, t.LINK_STATUS)) return console.warn(t.getProgramInfoLog(this.program));
- t.deleteShader(c), t.deleteShader(u), this.uniformLocations = new Map;
- let g = t.getProgramParameter(this.program, t.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
- for (let e = 0; e < g; e++) {
- let i = t.getActiveUniform(this.program, e);
- this.uniformLocations.set(i, t.getUniformLocation(this.program,;
- const s =\w+)/g);
- i.uniformName = s[0], 3 === s.length ? (i.isStructArray = !0, i.structIndex = Number(s[1]), i.structProperty = s[2]) : 2 === s.length && isNaN(Number(s[1])) && (i.isStruct = !0, i.structProperty = s[1])
- }
- this.attributeLocations = new Map;
- const m = [],
- d = t.getProgramParameter(this.program, t.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES);
- for (let e = 0; e < d; e++) {
- const i = t.getActiveAttrib(this.program, e),
- s = t.getAttribLocation(this.program,; - 1 !== s && (m[s] =, this.attributeLocations.set(i, s))
- }
- this.attributeOrder = m.join("")
- }
- setBlendFunc(t, e, i, s) {
- this.blendFunc.src = t, this.blendFunc.dst = e, this.blendFunc.srcAlpha = i, this.blendFunc.dstAlpha = s, t && (this.transparent = !0)
- }
- setBlendEquation(t, e) {
- this.blendEquation.modeRGB = t, this.blendEquation.modeAlpha = e
- }
- applyState() {
- this.depthTest ? :, this.cullFace ? :, this.blendFunc.src ? :, this.cullFace &&,,,, this.blendFunc.src &&, this.blendFunc.dst, this.blendFunc.srcAlpha, this.blendFunc.dstAlpha),, this.blendEquation.modeAlpha)
- }
- use({
- flipFaces: t = !1
- } = {}) {
- let e = -1;
- === || (, =, this.uniformLocations.forEach(((t, i) => {
- let s = i.uniformName,
- r = this.uniforms[s];
- if (i.isStruct && (r = r[i.structProperty], s += `.${i.structProperty}`), i.isStructArray && (r = r[i.structIndex][i.structProperty], s += `[${i.structIndex}].${i.structProperty}`), !r) return y(`Active uniform ${s} has not been supplied`);
- if (r && void 0 === r.value) return y(`${s} uniform is missing a value parameter`);
- if (r.value.texture) return e += 1, r.value.update(e), v(, i.type, t, e);
- if (r.value.length && r.value[0].texture) {
- const s = [];
- return r.value.forEach((t => {
- e += 1, t.update(e), s.push(e)
- })), v(, i.type, t, s)
- }
- v(, i.type, t, r.value)
- })), this.applyState(), t && === ? :
- }
- remove() {
- }
- }
- function v(t, e, i, s) {
- s = s.length ? function(t) {
- const e = t.length,
- i = t[0].length;
- if (void 0 === i) return t;
- const s = e * i;
- let r = f[s];
- r || (f[s] = r = new Float32Array(s));
- for (let s = 0; s < e; s++) r.set(t[s], s * i);
- return r
- }(s) : s;
- const r = t.renderer.state.uniformLocations.get(i);
- if (s.length)
- if (void 0 === r || r.length !== s.length) t.renderer.state.uniformLocations.set(i, s.slice(0));
- else {
- if (function(t, e) {
- if (t.length !== e.length) return !1;
- for (let i = 0, s = t.length; i < s; i++)
- if (t[i] !== e[i]) return !1;
- return !0
- }(r, s)) return;
- r.set ? r.set(s) : function(t, e) {
- for (let i = 0, s = t.length; i < s; i++) t[i] = e[i]
- }(r, s), t.renderer.state.uniformLocations.set(i, r)
- }
- else {
- if (r === s) return;
- t.renderer.state.uniformLocations.set(i, s)
- }
- switch (e) {
- case 5126:
- return s.length ? t.uniform1fv(i, s) : t.uniform1f(i, s);
- case 35664:
- return t.uniform2fv(i, s);
- case 35665:
- return t.uniform3fv(i, s);
- case 35666:
- return t.uniform4fv(i, s);
- case 35670:
- case 5124:
- case 35678:
- case 35680:
- return s.length ? t.uniform1iv(i, s) : t.uniform1i(i, s);
- case 35671:
- case 35667:
- return t.uniform2iv(i, s);
- case 35672:
- case 35668:
- return t.uniform3iv(i, s);
- case 35673:
- case 35669:
- return t.uniform4iv(i, s);
- case 35674:
- return t.uniformMatrix2fv(i, !1, s);
- case 35675:
- return t.uniformMatrix3fv(i, !1, s);
- case 35676:
- return t.uniformMatrix4fv(i, !1, s)
- }
- }
- function M(t) {
- let e = t.split("\n");
- for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] = t + 1 + ": " + e[t];
- return e.join("\n")
- }
- let w = 0;
- function y(t) {
- w > 100 || (console.warn(t), w++, w > 100 && console.warn("More than 100 program warnings - stopping logs."))
- }
- const E = new c;
- let U = 1;
- class F {
- constructor({
- canvas: t = document.createElement("canvas"),
- width: e = 300,
- height: i = 150,
- dpr: s = 1,
- alpha: r = !1,
- depth: n = !0,
- stencil: a = !1,
- antialias: o = !1,
- premultipliedAlpha: h = !1,
- preserveDrawingBuffer: l = !1,
- powerPreference: c = "default",
- autoClear: u = !0,
- webgl: g = 2
- } = {}) {
- const m = {
- alpha: r,
- depth: n,
- stencil: a,
- antialias: o,
- premultipliedAlpha: h,
- preserveDrawingBuffer: l,
- powerPreference: c
- };
- this.dpr = s, this.alpha = r, this.color = !0, this.depth = n, this.stencil = a, this.premultipliedAlpha = h, this.autoClear = u, = U++, 2 === g && ( = t.getContext("webgl2", m)), this.isWebgl2 = !!, || ( = t.getContext("webgl", m)), || console.error("unable to create webgl context"), = this, this.setSize(e, i), this.state = {}, this.state.blendFunc = {
- src:,
- dst:
- }, this.state.blendEquation = {
- modeRGB:
- }, this.state.cullFace = null, this.state.frontFace =, this.state.depthMask = !0, this.state.depthFunc =, this.state.premultiplyAlpha = !1, this.state.flipY = !1, this.state.unpackAlignment = 4, this.state.framebuffer = null, this.state.viewport = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: null,
- height: null
- }, this.state.textureUnits = [], this.state.activeTextureUnit = 0, this.state.boundBuffer = null, this.state.uniformLocations = new Map, this.state.currentProgram = null, this.extensions = {}, this.isWebgl2 ? (this.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float"), this.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear")) : (this.getExtension("OES_texture_float"), this.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear"), this.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float"), this.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float_linear"), this.getExtension("OES_element_index_uint"), this.getExtension("OES_standard_derivatives"), this.getExtension("EXT_sRGB"), this.getExtension("WEBGL_depth_texture"), this.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers")), this.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"), this.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_bptc"), this.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"), this.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"), this.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"), this.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"), this.vertexAttribDivisor = this.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "vertexAttribDivisor", "vertexAttribDivisorANGLE"), this.drawArraysInstanced = this.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "drawArraysInstanced", "drawArraysInstancedANGLE"), this.drawElementsInstanced = this.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "drawElementsInstanced", "drawElementsInstancedANGLE"), this.createVertexArray = this.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object", "createVertexArray", "createVertexArrayOES"), this.bindVertexArray = this.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object", "bindVertexArray", "bindVertexArrayOES"), this.deleteVertexArray = this.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object", "deleteVertexArray", "deleteVertexArrayOES"), this.drawBuffers = this.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers", "drawBuffers", "drawBuffersWEBGL"), this.parameters = {}, this.parameters.maxTextureUnits =, this.parameters.maxAnisotropy = this.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") ?"EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic").MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) : 0
- }
- setSize(t, e) {
- this.width = t, this.height = e, = t * this.dpr, = e * this.dpr, Object.assign(, {
- width: t + "px",
- height: e + "px"
- })
- }
- setViewport(t, e, i = 0, s = 0) {
- this.state.viewport.width === t && this.state.viewport.height === e || (this.state.viewport.width = t, this.state.viewport.height = e, this.state.viewport.x = i, this.state.viewport.y = s,, s, t, e))
- }
- setScissor(t, e, i = 0, s = 0) {
-, s, t, e)
- }
- enable(t) {
- !0 !== this.state[t] && (, this.state[t] = !0)
- }
- disable(t) {
- !1 !== this.state[t] && (, this.state[t] = !1)
- }
- setBlendFunc(t, e, i, s) {
- this.state.blendFunc.src === t && this.state.blendFunc.dst === e && this.state.blendFunc.srcAlpha === i && this.state.blendFunc.dstAlpha === s || (this.state.blendFunc.src = t, this.state.blendFunc.dst = e, this.state.blendFunc.srcAlpha = i, this.state.blendFunc.dstAlpha = s, void 0 !== i ?, e, i, s) :, e))
- }
- setBlendEquation(t, e) {
- t = t ||, this.state.blendEquation.modeRGB === t && this.state.blendEquation.modeAlpha === e || (this.state.blendEquation.modeRGB = t, this.state.blendEquation.modeAlpha = e, void 0 !== e ?, e) :
- }
- setCullFace(t) {
- this.state.cullFace !== t && (this.state.cullFace = t,
- }
- setFrontFace(t) {
- this.state.frontFace !== t && (this.state.frontFace = t,
- }
- setDepthMask(t) {
- this.state.depthMask !== t && (this.state.depthMask = t,
- }
- setDepthFunc(t) {
- this.state.depthFunc !== t && (this.state.depthFunc = t,
- }
- activeTexture(t) {
- this.state.activeTextureUnit !== t && (this.state.activeTextureUnit = t, + t))
- }
- bindFramebuffer({
- target: t =,
- buffer: e = null
- } = {}) {
- this.state.framebuffer !== e && (this.state.framebuffer = e,, e))
- }
- getExtension(t, e, i) {
- return e &&[e] ?[e].bind( : (this.extensions[t] || (this.extensions[t] =, e ? this.extensions[t] ? this.extensions[t][i].bind(this.extensions[t]) : null : this.extensions[t])
- }
- sortOpaque(t, e) {
- return t.renderOrder !== e.renderOrder ? t.renderOrder - e.renderOrder : !== ? - : t.zDepth !== e.zDepth ? t.zDepth - e.zDepth : -
- }
- sortTransparent(t, e) {
- return t.renderOrder !== e.renderOrder ? t.renderOrder - e.renderOrder : t.zDepth !== e.zDepth ? e.zDepth - t.zDepth : -
- }
- sortUI(t, e) {
- return t.renderOrder !== e.renderOrder ? t.renderOrder - e.renderOrder : !== ? - : -
- }
- getRenderList({
- scene: t,
- camera: e,
- frustumCull: i,
- sort: s
- }) {
- let r = [];
- if (e && i && e.updateFrustum(), t.traverse((t => {
- if (!t.visible) return !0;
- t.draw && (i && t.frustumCulled && e && !e.frustumIntersectsMesh(t) || r.push(t))
- })), s) {
- const t = [],
- i = [],
- s = [];
- r.forEach((r => {
- r.program.transparent ? r.program.depthTest ? i.push(r) : s.push(r) : t.push(r), r.zDepth = 0, 0 === r.renderOrder && r.program.depthTest && e && (r.worldMatrix.getTranslation(E), E.applyMatrix4(e.projectionViewMatrix), r.zDepth = E.z)
- })), t.sort(this.sortOpaque), i.sort(this.sortTransparent), s.sort(this.sortUI), r = t.concat(i, s)
- }
- return r
- }
- render({
- scene: t,
- camera: e,
- target: i = null,
- update: s = !0,
- sort: r = !0,
- frustumCull: n = !0,
- clear: a
- }) {
- null === i ? (this.bindFramebuffer(), this.setViewport(this.width * this.dpr, this.height * this.dpr)) : (this.bindFramebuffer(i), this.setViewport(i.width, i.height)), (a || this.autoClear && !1 !== a) && (!this.depth || i && !i.depth || (this.enable(, this.setDepthMask(!0)), ? : 0) | (this.depth ? : 0) | (this.stencil ? : 0))), s && t.updateMatrixWorld(), e && e.updateMatrixWorld();
- this.getRenderList({
- scene: t,
- camera: e,
- frustumCull: n,
- sort: r
- }).forEach((t => {
- t.draw({
- camera: e
- })
- }))
- }
- }
- function C(t, e) {
- return t[0] = e[0], t[1] = e[1], t[2] = e[2], t[3] = e[3], t
- }
- function R(t, e, i, s, r) {
- return t[0] = e, t[1] = i, t[2] = s, t[3] = r, t
- }
- function b(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = i * i + s * s + r * r + n * n;
- return a > 0 && (a = 1 / Math.sqrt(a)), t[0] = i * a, t[1] = s * a, t[2] = r * a, t[3] = n * a, t
- }
- function T(t, e) {
- return t[0] * e[0] + t[1] * e[1] + t[2] * e[2] + t[3] * e[3]
- }
- function G(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = i[0],
- h = i[1],
- l = i[2],
- c = i[3];
- return t[0] = s * c + a * o + r * l - n * h, t[1] = r * c + a * h + n * o - s * l, t[2] = n * c + a * l + s * h - r * o, t[3] = a * c - s * o - r * h - n * l, t
- }
- const I = C,
- S = R,
- Y = T,
- B = b;
- class K extends Array {
- constructor(t = 0, e = 0, i = 0, s = 1) {
- return super(t, e, i, s), this.onChange = () => {}, this
- }
- get x() {
- return this[0]
- }
- get y() {
- return this[1]
- }
- get z() {
- return this[2]
- }
- get w() {
- return this[3]
- }
- set x(t) {
- this[0] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- set y(t) {
- this[1] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- set z(t) {
- this[2] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- set w(t) {
- this[3] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- identity() {
- var t;
- return (t = this)[0] = 0, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 1, this.onChange(), this
- }
- set(t, e, i, s) {
- return t.length ? this.copy(t) : (S(this, t, e, i, s), this.onChange(), this)
- }
- rotateX(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- i *= .5;
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = Math.sin(i),
- h = Math.cos(i);
- t[0] = s * h + a * o, t[1] = r * h + n * o, t[2] = n * h - r * o, t[3] = a * h - s * o
- }(this, this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- rotateY(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- i *= .5;
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = Math.sin(i),
- h = Math.cos(i);
- t[0] = s * h - n * o, t[1] = r * h + a * o, t[2] = n * h + s * o, t[3] = a * h - r * o
- }(this, this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- rotateZ(t) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- i *= .5;
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = Math.sin(i),
- h = Math.cos(i);
- t[0] = s * h + r * o, t[1] = r * h - s * o, t[2] = n * h + a * o, t[3] = a * h - n * o
- }(this, this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- inverse(t = this) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = i * i + s * s + r * r + n * n,
- o = a ? 1 / a : 0;
- t[0] = -i * o, t[1] = -s * o, t[2] = -r * o, t[3] = n * o
- }(this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- conjugate(t = this) {
- var e, i;
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] = -i[0], e[1] = -i[1], e[2] = -i[2], e[3] = i[3], this.onChange(), this
- }
- copy(t) {
- return I(this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- normalize(t = this) {
- return B(this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- multiply(t, e) {
- return e ? G(this, t, e) : G(this, this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- dot(t) {
- return Y(this, t)
- }
- fromMatrix3(t) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i, s = e[0] + e[4] + e[8];
- if (s > 0) i = Math.sqrt(s + 1), t[3] = .5 * i, i = .5 / i, t[0] = (e[5] - e[7]) * i, t[1] = (e[6] - e[2]) * i, t[2] = (e[1] - e[3]) * i;
- else {
- let s = 0;
- e[4] > e[0] && (s = 1), e[8] > e[3 * s + s] && (s = 2);
- let r = (s + 1) % 3,
- n = (s + 2) % 3;
- i = Math.sqrt(e[3 * s + s] - e[3 * r + r] - e[3 * n + n] + 1), t[s] = .5 * i, i = .5 / i, t[3] = (e[3 * r + n] - e[3 * n + r]) * i, t[r] = (e[3 * r + s] + e[3 * s + r]) * i, t[n] = (e[3 * n + s] + e[3 * s + n]) * i
- }
- }(this, t), this.onChange(), this
- }
- fromEuler(t) {
- return function(t, e, i = "YXZ") {
- let s = Math.sin(.5 * e[0]),
- r = Math.cos(.5 * e[0]),
- n = Math.sin(.5 * e[1]),
- a = Math.cos(.5 * e[1]),
- o = Math.sin(.5 * e[2]),
- h = Math.cos(.5 * e[2]);
- "XYZ" === i ? (t[0] = s * a * h + r * n * o, t[1] = r * n * h - s * a * o, t[2] = r * a * o + s * n * h, t[3] = r * a * h - s * n * o) : "YXZ" === i ? (t[0] = s * a * h + r * n * o, t[1] = r * n * h - s * a * o, t[2] = r * a * o - s * n * h, t[3] = r * a * h + s * n * o) : "ZXY" === i ? (t[0] = s * a * h - r * n * o, t[1] = r * n * h + s * a * o, t[2] = r * a * o + s * n * h, t[3] = r * a * h - s * n * o) : "ZYX" === i ? (t[0] = s * a * h - r * n * o, t[1] = r * n * h + s * a * o, t[2] = r * a * o - s * n * h, t[3] = r * a * h + s * n * o) : "YZX" === i ? (t[0] = s * a * h + r * n * o, t[1] = r * n * h + s * a * o, t[2] = r * a * o - s * n * h, t[3] = r * a * h - s * n * o) : "XZY" === i && (t[0] = s * a * h - r * n * o, t[1] = r * n * h - s * a * o, t[2] = r * a * o + s * n * h, t[3] = r * a * h + s * n * o)
- }(this, t, t.order), this
- }
- fromAxisAngle(t, e) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- i *= .5;
- let s = Math.sin(i);
- t[0] = s * e[0], t[1] = s * e[1], t[2] = s * e[2], t[3] = Math.cos(i)
- }(this, t, e), this
- }
- slerp(t, e) {
- return function(t, e, i, s) {
- let r, n, a, o, h, l = e[0],
- c = e[1],
- u = e[2],
- g = e[3],
- m = i[0],
- d = i[1],
- p = i[2],
- x = i[3];
- n = l * m + c * d + u * p + g * x, n < 0 && (n = -n, m = -m, d = -d, p = -p, x = -x), 1 - n > 1e-6 ? (r = Math.acos(n), a = Math.sin(r), o = Math.sin((1 - s) * r) / a, h = Math.sin(s * r) / a) : (o = 1 - s, h = s), t[0] = o * l + h * m, t[1] = o * c + h * d, t[2] = o * u + h * p, t[3] = o * g + h * x
- }(this, this, t, e), this
- }
- fromArray(t, e = 0) {
- return this[0] = t[e], this[1] = t[e + 1], this[2] = t[e + 2], this[3] = t[e + 3], this
- }
- toArray(t = [], e = 0) {
- return t[e] = this[0], t[e + 1] = this[1], t[e + 2] = this[2], t[e + 3] = this[3], t
- }
- }
- function D(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = e[4],
- h = e[5],
- l = e[6],
- c = e[7],
- u = e[8],
- g = e[9],
- m = e[10],
- d = e[11],
- p = e[12],
- x = e[13],
- f = e[14],
- A = e[15],
- v = i[0],
- M = i[1],
- w = i[2],
- y = i[3];
- return t[0] = v * s + M * o + w * u + y * p, t[1] = v * r + M * h + w * g + y * x, t[2] = v * n + M * l + w * m + y * f, t[3] = v * a + M * c + w * d + y * A, v = i[4], M = i[5], w = i[6], y = i[7], t[4] = v * s + M * o + w * u + y * p, t[5] = v * r + M * h + w * g + y * x, t[6] = v * n + M * l + w * m + y * f, t[7] = v * a + M * c + w * d + y * A, v = i[8], M = i[9], w = i[10], y = i[11], t[8] = v * s + M * o + w * u + y * p, t[9] = v * r + M * h + w * g + y * x, t[10] = v * n + M * l + w * m + y * f, t[11] = v * a + M * c + w * d + y * A, v = i[12], M = i[13], w = i[14], y = i[15], t[12] = v * s + M * o + w * u + y * p, t[13] = v * r + M * h + w * g + y * x, t[14] = v * n + M * l + w * m + y * f, t[15] = v * a + M * c + w * d + y * A, t
- }
- function k(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[4],
- a = e[5],
- o = e[6],
- h = e[8],
- l = e[9],
- c = e[10];
- return t[0] = Math.hypot(i, s, r), t[1] = Math.hypot(n, a, o), t[2] = Math.hypot(h, l, c), t
- }
- const Q = function() {
- const t = [0, 0, 0];
- return function(e, i) {
- let s = t;
- k(s, i);
- let r = 1 / s[0],
- n = 1 / s[1],
- a = 1 / s[2],
- o = i[0] * r,
- h = i[1] * n,
- l = i[2] * a,
- c = i[4] * r,
- u = i[5] * n,
- g = i[6] * a,
- m = i[8] * r,
- d = i[9] * n,
- p = i[10] * a,
- x = o + u + p,
- f = 0;
- return x > 0 ? (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(x + 1), e[3] = .25 * f, e[0] = (g - d) / f, e[1] = (m - l) / f, e[2] = (h - c) / f) : o > u && o > p ? (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + o - u - p), e[3] = (g - d) / f, e[0] = .25 * f, e[1] = (h + c) / f, e[2] = (m + l) / f) : u > p ? (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + u - o - p), e[3] = (m - l) / f, e[0] = (h + c) / f, e[1] = .25 * f, e[2] = (g + d) / f) : (f = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + p - o - u), e[3] = (h - c) / f, e[0] = (m + l) / f, e[1] = (g + d) / f, e[2] = .25 * f), e
- }
- }();
- class N extends Array {
- constructor(t = 1, e = 0, i = 0, s = 0, r = 0, n = 1, a = 0, o = 0, h = 0, l = 0, c = 1, u = 0, g = 0, m = 0, d = 0, p = 1) {
- return super(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h, l, c, u, g, m, d, p), this
- }
- get x() {
- return this[12]
- }
- get y() {
- return this[13]
- }
- get z() {
- return this[14]
- }
- get w() {
- return this[15]
- }
- set x(t) {
- this[12] = t
- }
- set y(t) {
- this[13] = t
- }
- set z(t) {
- this[14] = t
- }
- set w(t) {
- this[15] = t
- }
- set(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h, l, c, u, g, m, d, p) {
- return t.length ? this.copy(t) : (function(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h, l, c, u, g, m, d, p, x) {
- t[0] = e, t[1] = i, t[2] = s, t[3] = r, t[4] = n, t[5] = a, t[6] = o, t[7] = h, t[8] = l, t[9] = c, t[10] = u, t[11] = g, t[12] = m, t[13] = d, t[14] = p, t[15] = x
- }(this, t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h, l, c, u, g, m, d, p), this)
- }
- translate(t, e = this) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s, r, n, a, o, h, l, c, u, g, m, d, p = i[0],
- x = i[1],
- f = i[2];
- e === t ? (t[12] = e[0] * p + e[4] * x + e[8] * f + e[12], t[13] = e[1] * p + e[5] * x + e[9] * f + e[13], t[14] = e[2] * p + e[6] * x + e[10] * f + e[14], t[15] = e[3] * p + e[7] * x + e[11] * f + e[15]) : (s = e[0], r = e[1], n = e[2], a = e[3], o = e[4], h = e[5], l = e[6], c = e[7], u = e[8], g = e[9], m = e[10], d = e[11], t[0] = s, t[1] = r, t[2] = n, t[3] = a, t[4] = o, t[5] = h, t[6] = l, t[7] = c, t[8] = u, t[9] = g, t[10] = m, t[11] = d, t[12] = s * p + o * x + u * f + e[12], t[13] = r * p + h * x + g * f + e[13], t[14] = n * p + l * x + m * f + e[14], t[15] = a * p + c * x + d * f + e[15])
- }(this, e, t), this
- }
- rotate(t, e, i = this) {
- return function(t, e, i, s) {
- let r, n, a, o, h, l, c, u, g, m, d, p, x, f, A, v, M, w, y, E, U, F, C, R, b = s[0],
- T = s[1],
- G = s[2],
- I = Math.hypot(b, T, G);
- Math.abs(I) < 1e-6 || (I = 1 / I, b *= I, T *= I, G *= I, r = Math.sin(i), n = Math.cos(i), a = 1 - n, o = e[0], h = e[1], l = e[2], c = e[3], u = e[4], g = e[5], m = e[6], d = e[7], p = e[8], x = e[9], f = e[10], A = e[11], v = b * b * a + n, M = T * b * a + G * r, w = G * b * a - T * r, y = b * T * a - G * r, E = T * T * a + n, U = G * T * a + b * r, F = b * G * a + T * r, C = T * G * a - b * r, R = G * G * a + n, t[0] = o * v + u * M + p * w, t[1] = h * v + g * M + x * w, t[2] = l * v + m * M + f * w, t[3] = c * v + d * M + A * w, t[4] = o * y + u * E + p * U, t[5] = h * y + g * E + x * U, t[6] = l * y + m * E + f * U, t[7] = c * y + d * E + A * U, t[8] = o * F + u * C + p * R, t[9] = h * F + g * C + x * R, t[10] = l * F + m * C + f * R, t[11] = c * F + d * C + A * R, e !== t && (t[12] = e[12], t[13] = e[13], t[14] = e[14], t[15] = e[15]))
- }(this, i, t, e), this
- }
- scale(t, e = this) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = i[0],
- r = i[1],
- n = i[2];
- t[0] = e[0] * s, t[1] = e[1] * s, t[2] = e[2] * s, t[3] = e[3] * s, t[4] = e[4] * r, t[5] = e[5] * r, t[6] = e[6] * r, t[7] = e[7] * r, t[8] = e[8] * n, t[9] = e[9] * n, t[10] = e[10] * n, t[11] = e[11] * n, t[12] = e[12], t[13] = e[13], t[14] = e[14], t[15] = e[15]
- }(this, e, "number" == typeof t ? [t, t, t] : t), this
- }
- multiply(t, e) {
- return e ? D(this, t, e) : D(this, this, t), this
- }
- identity() {
- var t;
- return (t = this)[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1, this
- }
- copy(t) {
- var e, i;
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] = i[0], e[1] = i[1], e[2] = i[2], e[3] = i[3], e[4] = i[4], e[5] = i[5], e[6] = i[6], e[7] = i[7], e[8] = i[8], e[9] = i[9], e[10] = i[10], e[11] = i[11], e[12] = i[12], e[13] = i[13], e[14] = i[14], e[15] = i[15], this
- }
- fromPerspective({
- fov: t,
- aspect: e,
- near: i,
- far: s
- } = {}) {
- return function(t, e, i, s, r) {
- let n = 1 / Math.tan(e / 2),
- a = 1 / (s - r);
- t[0] = n / i, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = n, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = (r + s) * a, t[11] = -1, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 2 * r * s * a, t[15] = 0
- }(this, t, e, i, s), this
- }
- fromOrthogonal({
- left: t,
- right: e,
- bottom: i,
- top: s,
- near: r,
- far: n
- }) {
- return function(t, e, i, s, r, n, a) {
- let o = 1 / (e - i),
- h = 1 / (s - r),
- l = 1 / (n - a);
- t[0] = -2 * o, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = -2 * h, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 2 * l, t[11] = 0, t[12] = (e + i) * o, t[13] = (r + s) * h, t[14] = (a + n) * l, t[15] = 1
- }(this, t, e, i, s, r, n), this
- }
- fromQuaternion(t) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = i + i,
- o = s + s,
- h = r + r,
- l = i * a,
- c = s * a,
- u = s * o,
- g = r * a,
- m = r * o,
- d = r * h,
- p = n * a,
- x = n * o,
- f = n * h;
- t[0] = 1 - u - d, t[1] = c + f, t[2] = g - x, t[3] = 0, t[4] = c - f, t[5] = 1 - l - d, t[6] = m + p, t[7] = 0, t[8] = g + x, t[9] = m - p, t[10] = 1 - l - u, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1
- }(this, t), this
- }
- setPosition(t) {
- return this.x = t[0], this.y = t[1], this.z = t[2], this
- }
- inverse(t = this) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = e[4],
- o = e[5],
- h = e[6],
- l = e[7],
- c = e[8],
- u = e[9],
- g = e[10],
- m = e[11],
- d = e[12],
- p = e[13],
- x = e[14],
- f = e[15],
- A = i * o - s * a,
- v = i * h - r * a,
- M = i * l - n * a,
- w = s * h - r * o,
- y = s * l - n * o,
- E = r * l - n * h,
- U = c * p - u * d,
- F = c * x - g * d,
- C = c * f - m * d,
- R = u * x - g * p,
- b = u * f - m * p,
- T = g * f - m * x,
- G = A * T - v * b + M * R + w * C - y * F + E * U;
- G && (G = 1 / G, t[0] = (o * T - h * b + l * R) * G, t[1] = (r * b - s * T - n * R) * G, t[2] = (p * E - x * y + f * w) * G, t[3] = (g * y - u * E - m * w) * G, t[4] = (h * C - a * T - l * F) * G, t[5] = (i * T - r * C + n * F) * G, t[6] = (x * M - d * E - f * v) * G, t[7] = (c * E - g * M + m * v) * G, t[8] = (a * b - o * C + l * U) * G, t[9] = (s * C - i * b - n * U) * G, t[10] = (d * y - p * M + f * A) * G, t[11] = (u * M - c * y - m * A) * G, t[12] = (o * F - a * R - h * U) * G, t[13] = (i * R - s * F + r * U) * G, t[14] = (p * v - d * w - x * A) * G, t[15] = (c * w - u * v + g * A) * G)
- }(this, t), this
- }
- compose(t, e, i) {
- return function(t, e, i, s) {
- let r = e[0],
- n = e[1],
- a = e[2],
- o = e[3],
- h = r + r,
- l = n + n,
- c = a + a,
- u = r * h,
- g = r * l,
- m = r * c,
- d = n * l,
- p = n * c,
- x = a * c,
- f = o * h,
- A = o * l,
- v = o * c,
- M = s[0],
- w = s[1],
- y = s[2];
- t[0] = (1 - (d + x)) * M, t[1] = (g + v) * M, t[2] = (m - A) * M, t[3] = 0, t[4] = (g - v) * w, t[5] = (1 - (u + x)) * w, t[6] = (p + f) * w, t[7] = 0, t[8] = (m + A) * y, t[9] = (p - f) * y, t[10] = (1 - (u + d)) * y, t[11] = 0, t[12] = i[0], t[13] = i[1], t[14] = i[2], t[15] = 1
- }(this, t, e, i), this
- }
- getRotation(t) {
- return Q(t, this), this
- }
- getTranslation(t) {
- var e, i;
- return i = this, (e = t)[0] = i[12], e[1] = i[13], e[2] = i[14], this
- }
- getScaling(t) {
- return k(t, this), this
- }
- getMaxScaleOnAxis() {
- return function(t) {
- let e = t[0],
- i = t[1],
- s = t[2],
- r = t[4],
- n = t[5],
- a = t[6],
- o = t[8],
- h = t[9],
- l = t[10];
- const c = e * e + i * i + s * s,
- u = r * r + n * n + a * a,
- g = o * o + h * h + l * l;
- return Math.sqrt(Math.max(c, u, g))
- }(this)
- }
- lookAt(t, e, i) {
- return function(t, e, i, s) {
- let r = e[0],
- n = e[1],
- a = e[2],
- o = s[0],
- h = s[1],
- l = s[2],
- c = r - i[0],
- u = n - i[1],
- g = a - i[2],
- m = c * c + u * u + g * g;
- 0 === m ? g = 1 : (m = 1 / Math.sqrt(m), c *= m, u *= m, g *= m);
- let d = h * g - l * u,
- p = l * c - o * g,
- x = o * u - h * c;
- m = d * d + p * p + x * x, 0 === m && (l ? o += 1e-6 : h ? l += 1e-6 : h += 1e-6, d = h * g - l * u, p = l * c - o * g, x = o * u - h * c, m = d * d + p * p + x * x), m = 1 / Math.sqrt(m), d *= m, p *= m, x *= m, t[0] = d, t[1] = p, t[2] = x, t[3] = 0, t[4] = u * x - g * p, t[5] = g * d - c * x, t[6] = c * p - u * d, t[7] = 0, t[8] = c, t[9] = u, t[10] = g, t[11] = 0, t[12] = r, t[13] = n, t[14] = a, t[15] = 1
- }(this, t, e, i), this
- }
- determinant() {
- return function(t) {
- let e = t[0],
- i = t[1],
- s = t[2],
- r = t[3],
- n = t[4],
- a = t[5],
- o = t[6],
- h = t[7],
- l = t[8],
- c = t[9],
- u = t[10],
- g = t[11],
- m = t[12],
- d = t[13],
- p = t[14],
- x = t[15];
- return (e * a - i * n) * (u * x - g * p) - (e * o - s * n) * (c * x - g * d) + (e * h - r * n) * (c * p - u * d) + (i * o - s * a) * (l * x - g * m) - (i * h - r * a) * (l * p - u * m) + (s * h - r * o) * (l * d - c * m)
- }(this)
- }
- fromArray(t, e = 0) {
- return this[0] = t[e], this[1] = t[e + 1], this[2] = t[e + 2], this[3] = t[e + 3], this[4] = t[e + 4], this[5] = t[e + 5], this[6] = t[e + 6], this[7] = t[e + 7], this[8] = t[e + 8], this[9] = t[e + 9], this[10] = t[e + 10], this[11] = t[e + 11], this[12] = t[e + 12], this[13] = t[e + 13], this[14] = t[e + 14], this[15] = t[e + 15], this
- }
- toArray(t = [], e = 0) {
- return t[e] = this[0], t[e + 1] = this[1], t[e + 2] = this[2], t[e + 3] = this[3], t[e + 4] = this[4], t[e + 5] = this[5], t[e + 6] = this[6], t[e + 7] = this[7], t[e + 8] = this[8], t[e + 9] = this[9], t[e + 10] = this[10], t[e + 11] = this[11], t[e + 12] = this[12], t[e + 13] = this[13], t[e + 14] = this[14], t[e + 15] = this[15], t
- }
- }
- const j = new N;
- class O extends Array {
- constructor(t = 0, e = t, i = t, s = "YXZ") {
- return super(t, e, i), this.order = s, this.onChange = () => {}, this
- }
- get x() {
- return this[0]
- }
- get y() {
- return this[1]
- }
- get z() {
- return this[2]
- }
- set x(t) {
- this[0] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- set y(t) {
- this[1] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- set z(t) {
- this[2] = t, this.onChange()
- }
- set(t, e = t, i = t) {
- return t.length ? this.copy(t) : (this[0] = t, this[1] = e, this[2] = i, this.onChange(), this)
- }
- copy(t) {
- return this[0] = t[0], this[1] = t[1], this[2] = t[2], this.onChange(), this
- }
- reorder(t) {
- return this.order = t, this.onChange(), this
- }
- fromRotationMatrix(t, e = this.order) {
- return function(t, e, i = "YXZ") {
- "XYZ" === i ? (t[1] = Math.asin(Math.min(Math.max(e[8], -1), 1)), Math.abs(e[8]) < .99999 ? (t[0] = Math.atan2(-e[9], e[10]), t[2] = Math.atan2(-e[4], e[0])) : (t[0] = Math.atan2(e[6], e[5]), t[2] = 0)) : "YXZ" === i ? (t[0] = Math.asin(-Math.min(Math.max(e[9], -1), 1)), Math.abs(e[9]) < .99999 ? (t[1] = Math.atan2(e[8], e[10]), t[2] = Math.atan2(e[1], e[5])) : (t[1] = Math.atan2(-e[2], e[0]), t[2] = 0)) : "ZXY" === i ? (t[0] = Math.asin(Math.min(Math.max(e[6], -1), 1)), Math.abs(e[6]) < .99999 ? (t[1] = Math.atan2(-e[2], e[10]), t[2] = Math.atan2(-e[4], e[5])) : (t[1] = 0, t[2] = Math.atan2(e[1], e[0]))) : "ZYX" === i ? (t[1] = Math.asin(-Math.min(Math.max(e[2], -1), 1)), Math.abs(e[2]) < .99999 ? (t[0] = Math.atan2(e[6], e[10]), t[2] = Math.atan2(e[1], e[0])) : (t[0] = 0, t[2] = Math.atan2(-e[4], e[5]))) : "YZX" === i ? (t[2] = Math.asin(Math.min(Math.max(e[1], -1), 1)), Math.abs(e[1]) < .99999 ? (t[0] = Math.atan2(-e[9], e[5]), t[1] = Math.atan2(-e[2], e[0])) : (t[0] = 0, t[1] = Math.atan2(e[8], e[10]))) : "XZY" === i && (t[2] = Math.asin(-Math.min(Math.max(e[4], -1), 1)), Math.abs(e[4]) < .99999 ? (t[0] = Math.atan2(e[6], e[5]), t[1] = Math.atan2(e[8], e[0])) : (t[0] = Math.atan2(-e[9], e[10]), t[1] = 0))
- }(this, t, e), this
- }
- fromQuaternion(t, e = this.order) {
- return j.fromQuaternion(t), this.fromRotationMatrix(j, e)
- }
- toArray(t = [], e = 0) {
- return t[e] = this[0], t[e + 1] = this[1], t[e + 2] = this[2], t
- }
- }
- class P {
- constructor() {
- this.parent = null, this.children = [], this.visible = !0, this.matrix = new N, this.worldMatrix = new N, this.matrixAutoUpdate = !0, this.position = new c, this.quaternion = new K, this.scale = new c(1), this.rotation = new O, this.up = new c(0, 1, 0), this.rotation.onChange = () => this.quaternion.fromEuler(this.rotation), this.quaternion.onChange = () => this.rotation.fromQuaternion(this.quaternion)
- }
- setParent(t, e = !0) {
- this.parent && t !== this.parent && this.parent.removeChild(this, !1), this.parent = t, e && t && t.addChild(this, !1)
- }
- addChild(t, e = !0) {
- ~this.children.indexOf(t) || this.children.push(t), e && t.setParent(this, !1)
- }
- removeChild(t, e = !0) {
- ~this.children.indexOf(t) && this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(t), 1), e && t.setParent(null, !1)
- }
- updateMatrixWorld(t) {
- this.matrixAutoUpdate && this.updateMatrix(), (this.worldMatrixNeedsUpdate || t) && (null === this.parent ? this.worldMatrix.copy(this.matrix) : this.worldMatrix.multiply(this.parent.worldMatrix, this.matrix), this.worldMatrixNeedsUpdate = !1, t = !0);
- for (let e = 0, i = this.children.length; e < i; e++) this.children[e].updateMatrixWorld(t)
- }
- updateMatrix() {
- this.matrix.compose(this.quaternion, this.position, this.scale), this.worldMatrixNeedsUpdate = !0
- }
- traverse(t) {
- if (!t(this))
- for (let e = 0, i = this.children.length; e < i; e++) this.children[e].traverse(t)
- }
- decompose() {
- this.matrix.getTranslation(this.position), this.matrix.getRotation(this.quaternion), this.matrix.getScaling(this.scale), this.rotation.fromQuaternion(this.quaternion)
- }
- lookAt(t, e = !1) {
- e ? this.matrix.lookAt(this.position, t, this.up) : this.matrix.lookAt(t, this.position, this.up), this.matrix.getRotation(this.quaternion), this.rotation.fromQuaternion(this.quaternion)
- }
- }
- const z = new N,
- V = new c,
- Z = new c;
- class J extends P {
- constructor(t, {
- near: e = .1,
- far: i = 100,
- fov: s = 45,
- aspect: r = 1,
- left: n,
- right: a,
- bottom: o,
- top: h,
- zoom: l = 1
- } = {}) {
- super(), Object.assign(this, {
- near: e,
- far: i,
- fov: s,
- aspect: r,
- left: n,
- right: a,
- bottom: o,
- top: h,
- zoom: l
- }), this.projectionMatrix = new N, this.viewMatrix = new N, this.projectionViewMatrix = new N, this.worldPosition = new c, this.type = n || a ? "orthographic" : "perspective", "orthographic" === this.type ? this.orthographic() : this.perspective()
- }
- perspective({
- near: t = this.near,
- far: e = this.far,
- fov: i = this.fov,
- aspect: s = this.aspect
- } = {}) {
- return Object.assign(this, {
- near: t,
- far: e,
- fov: i,
- aspect: s
- }), this.projectionMatrix.fromPerspective({
- fov: i * (Math.PI / 180),
- aspect: s,
- near: t,
- far: e
- }), this.type = "perspective", this
- }
- orthographic({
- near: t = this.near,
- far: e = this.far,
- left: i = this.left,
- right: s = this.right,
- bottom: r = this.bottom,
- top: n =,
- zoom: a = this.zoom
- } = {}) {
- return Object.assign(this, {
- near: t,
- far: e,
- left: i,
- right: s,
- bottom: r,
- top: n,
- zoom: a
- }), i /= a, s /= a, r /= a, n /= a, this.projectionMatrix.fromOrthogonal({
- left: i,
- right: s,
- bottom: r,
- top: n,
- near: t,
- far: e
- }), this.type = "orthographic", this
- }
- updateMatrixWorld() {
- return super.updateMatrixWorld(), this.viewMatrix.inverse(this.worldMatrix), this.worldMatrix.getTranslation(this.worldPosition), this.projectionViewMatrix.multiply(this.projectionMatrix, this.viewMatrix), this
- }
- lookAt(t) {
- return super.lookAt(t, !0), this
- }
- project(t) {
- return t.applyMatrix4(this.viewMatrix), t.applyMatrix4(this.projectionMatrix), this
- }
- unproject(t) {
- return t.applyMatrix4(z.inverse(this.projectionMatrix)), t.applyMatrix4(this.worldMatrix), this
- }
- updateFrustum() {
- this.frustum || (this.frustum = [new c, new c, new c, new c, new c, new c]);
- const t = this.projectionViewMatrix;
- this.frustum[0].set(t[3] - t[0], t[7] - t[4], t[11] - t[8]).constant = t[15] - t[12], this.frustum[1].set(t[3] + t[0], t[7] + t[4], t[11] + t[8]).constant = t[15] + t[12], this.frustum[2].set(t[3] + t[1], t[7] + t[5], t[11] + t[9]).constant = t[15] + t[13], this.frustum[3].set(t[3] - t[1], t[7] - t[5], t[11] - t[9]).constant = t[15] - t[13], this.frustum[4].set(t[3] - t[2], t[7] - t[6], t[11] - t[10]).constant = t[15] - t[14], this.frustum[5].set(t[3] + t[2], t[7] + t[6], t[11] + t[10]).constant = t[15] + t[14];
- for (let t = 0; t < 6; t++) {
- const e = 1 / this.frustum[t].distance();
- this.frustum[t].multiply(e), this.frustum[t].constant *= e
- }
- }
- frustumIntersectsMesh(t) {
- if (!t.geometry.attributes.position) return !0;
- if (t.geometry.bounds && t.geometry.bounds.radius !== 1 / 0 || t.geometry.computeBoundingSphere(), !t.geometry.bounds) return !0;
- const e = V;
- e.copy(, e.applyMatrix4(t.worldMatrix);
- const i = t.geometry.bounds.radius * t.worldMatrix.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
- return this.frustumIntersectsSphere(e, i)
- }
- frustumIntersectsSphere(t, e) {
- const i = Z;
- for (let s = 0; s < 6; s++) {
- const r = this.frustum[s];
- if (i.copy(r).dot(t) + r.constant < -e) return !1
- }
- return !0
- }
- }
- function L(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = e[4],
- h = e[5],
- l = e[6],
- c = e[7],
- u = e[8],
- g = i[0],
- m = i[1],
- d = i[2],
- p = i[3],
- x = i[4],
- f = i[5],
- A = i[6],
- v = i[7],
- M = i[8];
- return t[0] = g * s + m * a + d * l, t[1] = g * r + m * o + d * c, t[2] = g * n + m * h + d * u, t[3] = p * s + x * a + f * l, t[4] = p * r + x * o + f * c, t[5] = p * n + x * h + f * u, t[6] = A * s + v * a + M * l, t[7] = A * r + v * o + M * c, t[8] = A * n + v * h + M * u, t
- }
- class H extends Array {
- constructor(t = 1, e = 0, i = 0, s = 0, r = 1, n = 0, a = 0, o = 0, h = 1) {
- return super(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h), this
- }
- set(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h) {
- return t.length ? this.copy(t) : (function(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h, l) {
- t[0] = e, t[1] = i, t[2] = s, t[3] = r, t[4] = n, t[5] = a, t[6] = o, t[7] = h, t[8] = l
- }(this, t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h), this)
- }
- translate(t, e = this) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = e[4],
- h = e[5],
- l = e[6],
- c = e[7],
- u = e[8],
- g = i[0],
- m = i[1];
- t[0] = s, t[1] = r, t[2] = n, t[3] = a, t[4] = o, t[5] = h, t[6] = g * s + m * a + l, t[7] = g * r + m * o + c, t[8] = g * n + m * h + u
- }(this, e, t), this
- }
- rotate(t, e = this) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = e[0],
- r = e[1],
- n = e[2],
- a = e[3],
- o = e[4],
- h = e[5],
- l = e[6],
- c = e[7],
- u = e[8],
- g = Math.sin(i),
- m = Math.cos(i);
- t[0] = m * s + g * a, t[1] = m * r + g * o, t[2] = m * n + g * h, t[3] = m * a - g * s, t[4] = m * o - g * r, t[5] = m * h - g * n, t[6] = l, t[7] = c, t[8] = u
- }(this, e, t), this
- }
- scale(t, e = this) {
- return function(t, e, i) {
- let s = i[0],
- r = i[1];
- t[0] = s * e[0], t[1] = s * e[1], t[2] = s * e[2], t[3] = r * e[3], t[4] = r * e[4], t[5] = r * e[5], t[6] = e[6], t[7] = e[7], t[8] = e[8]
- }(this, e, t), this
- }
- multiply(t, e) {
- return e ? L(this, t, e) : L(this, this, t), this
- }
- identity() {
- var t;
- return (t = this)[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 1, t[5] = 0, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 1, this
- }
- copy(t) {
- var e, i;
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] = i[0], e[1] = i[1], e[2] = i[2], e[3] = i[3], e[4] = i[4], e[5] = i[5], e[6] = i[6], e[7] = i[7], e[8] = i[8], this
- }
- fromMatrix4(t) {
- var e, i;
- return i = t, (e = this)[0] = i[0], e[1] = i[1], e[2] = i[2], e[3] = i[4], e[4] = i[5], e[5] = i[6], e[6] = i[8], e[7] = i[9], e[8] = i[10], this
- }
- fromQuaternion(t) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = i + i,
- o = s + s,
- h = r + r,
- l = i * a,
- c = s * a,
- u = s * o,
- g = r * a,
- m = r * o,
- d = r * h,
- p = n * a,
- x = n * o,
- f = n * h;
- t[0] = 1 - u - d, t[3] = c - f, t[6] = g + x, t[1] = c + f, t[4] = 1 - l - d, t[7] = m - p, t[2] = g - x, t[5] = m + p, t[8] = 1 - l - u
- }(this, t), this
- }
- fromBasis(t, e, i) {
- return this.set(t[0], t[1], t[2], e[0], e[1], e[2], i[0], i[1], i[2]), this
- }
- inverse(t = this) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = e[4],
- o = e[5],
- h = e[6],
- l = e[7],
- c = e[8],
- u = c * a - o * l,
- g = -c * n + o * h,
- m = l * n - a * h,
- d = i * u + s * g + r * m;
- d && (d = 1 / d, t[0] = u * d, t[1] = (-c * s + r * l) * d, t[2] = (o * s - r * a) * d, t[3] = g * d, t[4] = (c * i - r * h) * d, t[5] = (-o * i + r * n) * d, t[6] = m * d, t[7] = (-l * i + s * h) * d, t[8] = (a * i - s * n) * d)
- }(this, t), this
- }
- getNormalMatrix(t) {
- return function(t, e) {
- let i = e[0],
- s = e[1],
- r = e[2],
- n = e[3],
- a = e[4],
- o = e[5],
- h = e[6],
- l = e[7],
- c = e[8],
- u = e[9],
- g = e[10],
- m = e[11],
- d = e[12],
- p = e[13],
- x = e[14],
- f = e[15],
- A = i * o - s * a,
- v = i * h - r * a,
- M = i * l - n * a,
- w = s * h - r * o,
- y = s * l - n * o,
- E = r * l - n * h,
- U = c * p - u * d,
- F = c * x - g * d,
- C = c * f - m * d,
- R = u * x - g * p,
- b = u * f - m * p,
- T = g * f - m * x,
- G = A * T - v * b + M * R + w * C - y * F + E * U;
- G && (G = 1 / G, t[0] = (o * T - h * b + l * R) * G, t[1] = (h * C - a * T - l * F) * G, t[2] = (a * b - o * C + l * U) * G, t[3] = (r * b - s * T - n * R) * G, t[4] = (i * T - r * C + n * F) * G, t[5] = (s * C - i * b - n * U) * G, t[6] = (p * E - x * y + f * w) * G, t[7] = (x * M - d * E - f * v) * G, t[8] = (d * y - p * M + f * A) * G)
- }(this, t), this
- }
- }
- let W = 0;
- class q extends P {
- constructor(t, {
- geometry: e,
- program: i,
- mode: s = t.TRIANGLES,
- frustumCulled: r = !0,
- renderOrder: n = 0
- } = {}) {
- super(), t.canvas || console.error("gl not passed as first argument to Mesh"), = t, = W++, this.geometry = e, this.program = i, this.mode = s, this.frustumCulled = r, this.renderOrder = n, this.modelViewMatrix = new N, this.normalMatrix = new H, this.beforeRenderCallbacks = [], this.afterRenderCallbacks = []
- }
- onBeforeRender(t) {
- return this.beforeRenderCallbacks.push(t), this
- }
- onAfterRender(t) {
- return this.afterRenderCallbacks.push(t), this
- }
- draw({
- camera: t
- } = {}) {
- this.beforeRenderCallbacks.forEach((e => e && e({
- mesh: this,
- camera: t
- }))), t && (this.program.uniforms.modelMatrix || Object.assign(this.program.uniforms, {
- modelMatrix: {
- value: null
- },
- viewMatrix: {
- value: null
- },
- modelViewMatrix: {
- value: null
- },
- normalMatrix: {
- value: null
- },
- projectionMatrix: {
- value: null
- },
- cameraPosition: {
- value: null
- }
- }), this.program.uniforms.projectionMatrix.value = t.projectionMatrix, this.program.uniforms.cameraPosition.value = t.worldPosition, this.program.uniforms.viewMatrix.value = t.viewMatrix, this.modelViewMatrix.multiply(t.viewMatrix, this.worldMatrix), this.normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix(this.modelViewMatrix), this.program.uniforms.modelMatrix.value = this.worldMatrix, this.program.uniforms.modelViewMatrix.value = this.modelViewMatrix, this.program.uniforms.normalMatrix.value = this.normalMatrix);
- let e = this.program.cullFace && this.worldMatrix.determinant() < 0;
- this.program.use({
- flipFaces: e
- }), this.geometry.draw({
- mode: this.mode,
- program: this.program
- }), this.afterRenderCallbacks.forEach((e => e && e({
- mesh: this,
- camera: t
- })))
- }
- }
- const X = new Uint8Array(4);
- function _(t) {
- return 0 == (t & t - 1)
- }
- let $ = 1;
- class tt {
- constructor(t, {
- image: e,
- target: i = t.TEXTURE_2D,
- type: s = t.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
- format: r = t.RGBA,
- internalFormat: n = r,
- wrapS: a = t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
- wrapT: o = t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
- generateMipmaps: h = !0,
- minFilter: l = (h ? t.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR : t.LINEAR),
- magFilter: c = t.LINEAR,
- premultiplyAlpha: u = !1,
- unpackAlignment: g = 4,
- flipY: m = i == t.TEXTURE_2D,
- anisotropy: d = 0,
- level: p = 0,
- width: x,
- height: f = x
- } = {}) {
- = t, = $++, this.image = e, = i, this.type = s, this.format = r, this.internalFormat = n, this.minFilter = l, this.magFilter = c, this.wrapS = a, this.wrapT = o, this.generateMipmaps = h, this.premultiplyAlpha = u, this.unpackAlignment = g, this.flipY = m, this.anisotropy = Math.min(d,, this.level = p, this.width = x, this.height = f, this.texture =, = {
- image: null
- }, this.glState =, this.state = {}, this.state.minFilter =, this.state.magFilter =, this.state.wrapS =, this.state.wrapT =, this.state.anisotropy = 0
- }
- bind() {
- this.glState.textureUnits[this.glState.activeTextureUnit] !== && (, this.texture), this.glState.textureUnits[this.glState.activeTextureUnit] =
- }
- update(t = 0) {
- const e = !(this.image === && !this.needsUpdate);
- if ((e || this.glState.textureUnits[t] !== && (, this.bind()), e) {
- if (this.needsUpdate = !1, this.flipY !== this.glState.flipY && (, this.flipY), this.glState.flipY = this.flipY), this.premultiplyAlpha !== this.glState.premultiplyAlpha && (, this.premultiplyAlpha), this.glState.premultiplyAlpha = this.premultiplyAlpha), this.unpackAlignment !== this.glState.unpackAlignment && (, this.unpackAlignment), this.glState.unpackAlignment = this.unpackAlignment), this.minFilter !== this.state.minFilter && (,, this.minFilter), this.state.minFilter = this.minFilter), this.magFilter !== this.state.magFilter && (,, this.magFilter), this.state.magFilter = this.magFilter), this.wrapS !== this.state.wrapS && (,, this.wrapS), this.state.wrapS = this.wrapS), this.wrapT !== this.state.wrapT && (,, this.wrapT), this.state.wrapT = this.wrapT), this.anisotropy && this.anisotropy !== this.state.anisotropy && (,"EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic").TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, this.anisotropy), this.state.anisotropy = this.anisotropy), this.image) {
- if (this.image.width && (this.width = this.image.width, this.height = this.image.height), ===
- for (let t = 0; t < 6; t++) + t, this.level, this.internalFormat, this.format, this.type, this.image[t]);
- else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(this.image)), this.level, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, this.image);
- else if (this.image.isCompressedTexture)
- for (let t = 0; t < this.image.length; t++), t, this.internalFormat, this.image[t].width, this.image[t].height, 0, this.image[t].data);
- else, this.level, this.internalFormat, this.format, this.type, this.image);
- this.generateMipmaps && ( || _(this.image.width) && _(this.image.height) ? : (this.generateMipmaps = !1, this.wrapS = this.wrapT =, this.minFilter =, this.onUpdate && this.onUpdate()
- } else if ( ===
- for (let t = 0; t < 6; t++) + t, 0,, 1, 1, 0,,, X);
- else this.width ?, this.level, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, null) :, 0,, 1, 1, 0,,, X);
- = this.image
- }
- }
- }
- class et extends Array {
- constructor(t = 0, e = t, i = t, s = t) {
- return super(t, e, i, s), this
- }
- get x() {
- return this[0]
- }
- get y() {
- return this[1]
- }
- get z() {
- return this[2]
- }
- get w() {
- return this[3]
- }
- set x(t) {
- this[0] = t
- }
- set y(t) {
- this[1] = t
- }
- set z(t) {
- this[2] = t
- }
- set w(t) {
- this[3] = t
- }
- set(t, e, i, s) {
- return t.length ? this.copy(t) : (R(this, t, e, i, s), this)
- }
- copy(t) {
- return C(this, t), this
- }
- normalize() {
- return b(this, this), this
- }
- multiply(t) {
- var e, i, s;
- return i = this, s = t, (e = this)[0] = i[0] * s, e[1] = i[1] * s, e[2] = i[2] * s, e[3] = i[3] * s, this
- }
- dot(t) {
- return T(this, t)
- }
- fromArray(t, e = 0) {
- return this[0] = t[e], this[1] = t[e + 1], this[2] = t[e + 2], this[3] = t[e + 3], this
- }
- toArray(t = [], e = 0) {
- return t[e] = this[0], t[e + 1] = this[1], t[e + 2] = this[2], t[e + 3] = this[3], t
- }
- }
- class it extends p {
- constructor(t, {
- width: e = 1,
- height: i = 1,
- widthSegments: s = 1,
- heightSegments: r = 1,
- attributes: n = {}
- } = {}) {
- const a = s,
- o = r,
- h = (a + 1) * (o + 1),
- l = a * o * 6,
- c = new Float32Array(3 * h),
- u = new Float32Array(3 * h),
- g = new Float32Array(2 * h),
- m = l > 65536 ? new Uint32Array(l) : new Uint16Array(l);
- it.buildPlane(c, u, g, m, e, i, 0, a, o), Object.assign(n, {
- position: {
- size: 3,
- data: c
- },
- normal: {
- size: 3,
- data: u
- },
- uv: {
- size: 2,
- data: g
- },
- index: {
- data: m
- }
- }), super(t, n)
- }
- static buildPlane(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h, l = 0, c = 1, u = 2, g = 1, m = -1, d = 0, p = 0) {
- const x = d,
- f = r / o,
- A = n / h;
- for (let v = 0; v <= h; v++) {
- let M = v * A - n / 2;
- for (let n = 0; n <= o; n++, d++) {
- let A = n * f - r / 2;
- if (t[3 * d + l] = A * g, t[3 * d + c] = M * m, t[3 * d + u] = a / 2, e[3 * d + l] = 0, e[3 * d + c] = 0, e[3 * d + u] = a >= 0 ? 1 : -1, i[2 * d] = n / o, i[2 * d + 1] = 1 - v / h, v === h || n === o) continue;
- let w = x + n + v * (o + 1),
- y = x + n + (v + 1) * (o + 1),
- E = x + n + (v + 1) * (o + 1) + 1,
- U = x + n + v * (o + 1) + 1;
- s[6 * p] = w, s[6 * p + 1] = y, s[6 * p + 2] = U, s[6 * p + 3] = y, s[6 * p + 4] = E, s[6 * p + 5] = U, p++
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const st = "",
- rt = .5 * (Math.sqrt(3) - 1),
- nt = (3 - Math.sqrt(3)) / 6,
- at = t => 0 | Math.floor(t),
- ot = new Float64Array([1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1]);
- function ht(t) {
- return t * (.5 - Math.random())
- }
- function lt(t, e) {
- return t + Math.random() * (e - t)
- }
- const ct = function(t = Math.random) {
- const e = function(t) {
- const e = 512,
- i = new Uint8Array(e);
- for (let t = 0; t < e / 2; t++) i[t] = t;
- for (let s = 0; s < e / 2 - 1; s++) {
- const e = s + ~~(t() * (256 - s)),
- r = i[s];
- i[s] = i[e], i[e] = r
- }
- for (let t = 256; t < e; t++) i[t] = i[t - 256];
- return i
- }(t),
- i = new Float64Array(e).map((t => ot[t % 12 * 2])),
- s = new Float64Array(e).map((t => ot[t % 12 * 2 + 1]));
- return function(t, r) {
- let n = 0,
- a = 0,
- o = 0;
- const h = (t + r) * rt,
- l = at(t + h),
- c = at(r + h),
- u = (l + c) * nt,
- g = t - (l - u),
- m = r - (c - u);
- let d, p;
- g > m ? (d = 1, p = 0) : (d = 0, p = 1);
- const x = g - d + nt,
- f = m - p + nt,
- A = g - 1 + 2 * nt,
- v = m - 1 + 2 * nt,
- M = 255 & l,
- w = 255 & c;
- let y = .5 - g * g - m * m;
- if (y >= 0) {
- const t = M + e[w];
- y *= y, n = y * y * (i[t] * g + s[t] * m)
- }
- let E = .5 - x * x - f * f;
- if (E >= 0) {
- const t = M + d + e[w + p];
- E *= E, a = E * E * (i[t] * x + s[t] * f)
- }
- let U = .5 - A * A - v * v;
- if (U >= 0) {
- const t = M + 1 + e[w + 1];
- U *= U, o = U * U * (i[t] * A + s[t] * v)
- }
- return 70 * (n + a + o)
- }
- }(Math.random);
- function ut(t) {
- return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t))
- }
- const gt = "float PI = 3.141592653589793238;",
- mt = "\n#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\nprecision highp float;\n\nuniform float time;\nuniform float progress;\nuniform sampler2D texture1;\nuniform sampler2D texture2;\nuniform vec4 resolution;\nvarying vec2 vUv;\n",
- dt = "\nattribute vec3 position;\nattribute vec3 normal;\nattribute vec2 uv;\nattribute float offset;\nattribute vec3 bary;\n\nuniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\nuniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\nuniform float progress;\nuniform vec4 resolution;\n\nvarying vec2 vUv;\nvarying float vProgress;\nvarying float vProgress1;\nvarying vec3 vBary;\n",
- pt = "\nmat4 rotationMatrix(vec3 axis, float angle) {\n axis = normalize(axis);\n float s = sin(angle);\n float c = cos(angle);\n float oc = 1.0 - c;\n\n return mat4(oc * axis.x * axis.x + c, oc * axis.x * axis.y - axis.z * s, oc * axis.z * axis.x + axis.y * s, 0.0,\n oc * axis.x * axis.y + axis.z * s, oc * axis.y * axis.y + c, oc * axis.y * axis.z - axis.x * s, 0.0,\n oc * axis.z * axis.x - axis.y * s, oc * axis.y * axis.z + axis.x * s, oc * axis.z * axis.z + c, 0.0,\n 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n}\nvec3 rotate(vec3 v, vec3 axis, float angle) {\n mat4 m = rotationMatrix(axis, angle);\n return (m * vec4(v, 1.0)).xyz;\n}\n",
- xt = {
- dots: {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n const float SQRT_2 = 1.414213562373;\n const vec2 center = vec2(0, 0);// = vec2(0, 0);\n const float dots = 20.0;// = 20.0;\n\n vec4 getFromColor(vec2 p) {\n return texture2D(texture1, p);\n }\n\n vec4 getToColor(vec2 p) {\n return texture2D(texture2, p);\n }\n\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n bool nextImage = distance(fract(newUV * dots), vec2(0.5, 0.5)) < ( progress / distance(newUV, center));\n gl_FragColor = nextImage ? getToColor(newUV) : getFromColor(newUV);\n }\n\n `
- },
- flyeye: {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n const float size = 0.04; // = 0.04\n const float zoom = 100.0; // = 50.0\n const float colorSeparation = 0.3; // = 0.3\n\n vec4 getFromColor(vec2 p) {\n return texture2D(texture1, p);\n }\n\n vec4 getToColor(vec2 p) {\n return texture2D(texture2, p);\n }\n\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n float inv = 1. - progress;\n vec2 disp = size*vec2(cos(zoom*newUV.x), sin(zoom*newUV.y));\n vec4 texTo = getToColor(newUV + inv*disp);\n vec4 texFrom = vec4(\n getFromColor(newUV + progress*disp*(1.0 - colorSeparation)).r,\n getFromColor(newUV + progress*disp).g,\n getFromColor(newUV + progress*disp*(1.0 + colorSeparation)).b,\n 1.0);\n gl_FragColor = texTo*progress + texFrom*inv;\n }\n\n `
- },
- "morph-x": {
- uniforms: {
- intensity: {
- value: 1,
- type: "f",
- min: 0,
- max: 3
- }
- },
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform float intensity;\n uniform sampler2D displacement;\n mat2 getRotM(float angle) {\n float s = sin(angle);\n float c = cos(angle);\n return mat2(c, -s, s, c);\n }\n const float PI = 3.1415;\n const float angle1 = PI *0.25;\n const float angle2 = -PI *0.75;\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n vec4 disp = texture2D(displacement, newUV);\n vec2 dispVec = vec2(disp.r, disp.g);\n vec2 distortedPosition1 = newUV + getRotM(angle1) * dispVec * intensity * progress;\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1, distortedPosition1);\n vec2 distortedPosition2 = newUV + getRotM(angle2) * dispVec * intensity * (1.0 - progress);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2, distortedPosition2);\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, progress);\n }\n`
- },
- "morph-y": {
- uniforms: {
- intensity: {
- value: .3,
- type: "f",
- min: 0,
- max: 2
- }
- },
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform float intensity;\n uniform sampler2D displacement;\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n vec4 d1 = texture2D(texture1, newUV);\n vec4 d2 = texture2D(texture2, newUV);\n float displace1 = (d1.r + d1.g + d1.b)*0.33;\n float displace2 = (d2.r + d2.g + d2.b)*0.33;\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1, vec2(newUV.x, newUV.y + progress * (displace2 * intensity)));\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2, vec2(newUV.x, newUV.y + (1.0 - progress) * (displace1 * intensity)));\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, progress);\n }\n`
- },
- "page-curl": {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n const float MIN_AMOUNT = -0.16;\n const float MAX_AMOUNT = 1.5;\n\n const float PI = 3.141592653589793;\n\n const float scale = 512.0;\n const float sharpness = 3.0;\n\n const float cylinderRadius = 1.0 / PI / 2.0;\n\n vec4 getFromColor(vec2 p) {\n return texture2D(texture1, p);\n }\n\n vec4 getToColor(vec2 p) {\n return texture2D(texture2, p);\n }\n\n vec3 hitPoint(float hitAngle, float yc, vec3 point, mat3 rrotation) {\n float hitPoint = hitAngle / (2.0 * PI);\n point.y = hitPoint;\n return rrotation * point;\n }\n\n vec4 antiAlias(vec4 color1, vec4 color2, float distanc) {\n distanc *= scale;\n if(distanc < 0.0)\n return color2;\n if(distanc > 2.0)\n return color1;\n float dd = pow(1.0 - distanc / 2.0, sharpness);\n return ((color2 - color1) * dd) + color1;\n }\n\n float distanceToEdge(vec3 point) {\n float dx = abs(point.x > 0.5 ? 1.0 - point.x : point.x);\n float dy = abs(point.y > 0.5 ? 1.0 - point.y : point.y);\n if(point.x < 0.0)\n dx = -point.x;\n if(point.x > 1.0)\n dx = point.x - 1.0;\n if(point.y < 0.0)\n dy = -point.y;\n if(point.y > 1.0)\n dy = point.y - 1.0;\n if((point.x < 0.0 || point.x > 1.0) && (point.y < 0.0 || point.y > 1.0))\n return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);\n return min(dx, dy);\n }\n\n vec4 seeThrough(float yc, vec2 p, mat3 rotation, mat3 rrotation, float cylinderAngle) {\n float hitAngle = PI - (acos(yc / cylinderRadius) - cylinderAngle);\n vec3 point = hitPoint(hitAngle, yc, rotation * vec3(p, 1.0), rrotation);\n if(yc <= 0.0 && (point.x < 0.0 || point.y < 0.0 || point.x > 1.0 || point.y > 1.0)) {\n return getToColor(p);\n }\n\n if(yc > 0.0)\n return getFromColor(p);\n\n vec4 color = getFromColor(point.xy);\n vec4 tcolor = vec4(0.0);\n\n return antiAlias(color, tcolor, distanceToEdge(point));\n }\n\n vec4 seeThroughWithShadow(float yc, vec2 p, vec3 point, mat3 rotation, mat3 rrotation, float cylinderAngle, float amount) {\n float shadow = distanceToEdge(point) * 30.0;\n shadow = (1.0 - shadow) / 3.0;\n\n if(shadow < 0.0)\n shadow = 0.0;\n else\n shadow *= amount;\n\n vec4 shadowColor = seeThrough(yc, p, rotation, rrotation, cylinderAngle);\n shadowColor.r -= shadow;\n shadowColor.g -= shadow;\n shadowColor.b -= shadow;\n\n return shadowColor;\n }\n\n vec4 backside(float yc, vec3 point) {\n vec4 color = getFromColor(point.xy);\n float gray = (color.r + color.b + color.g) / 15.0;\n gray += (8.0 / 10.0) * (pow(1.0 - abs(yc / cylinderRadius), 2.0 / 10.0) / 2.0 + (5.0 / 10.0));\n color.rgb = vec3(gray);\n return color;\n }\n\n vec4 behindSurface(vec2 p, float yc, vec3 point, mat3 rrotation, float cylinderAngle, float amount) {\n float shado = (1.0 - ((-cylinderRadius - yc) / amount * 7.0)) / 6.0;\n shado *= 1.0 - abs(point.x - 0.5);\n\n yc = (-cylinderRadius - cylinderRadius - yc);\n\n float hitAngle = (acos(yc / cylinderRadius) + cylinderAngle) - PI;\n point = hitPoint(hitAngle, yc, point, rrotation);\n\n if(yc < 0.0 && point.x >= 0.0 && point.y >= 0.0 && point.x <= 1.0 && point.y <= 1.0 && (hitAngle < PI || amount > 0.5)) {\n shado = 1.0 - (sqrt(pow(point.x - 0.5, 2.0) + pow(point.y - 0.5, 2.0)) / (71.0 / 100.0));\n shado *= pow(-yc / cylinderRadius, 3.0);\n shado *= 0.5;\n } else {\n shado = 0.0;\n }\n return vec4(getToColor(p).rgb - shado, 1.0);\n }\n\n void main() {\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5)) * + vec2(0.5);\n\n float amount = progress * (MAX_AMOUNT - MIN_AMOUNT) + MIN_AMOUNT;\n float cylinderCenter = amount;\n // 360 degrees * amount\n float cylinderAngle = 2.0 * PI * amount;\n\n const float angle = 100.0 * PI / 180.0;\n float c = cos(-angle);\n float s = sin(-angle);\n\n mat3 rotation = mat3(c, s, 0, -s, c, 0, -0.801, 0.8900, 1);\n c = cos(angle);\n s = sin(angle);\n\n mat3 rrotation = mat3(c, s, 0, -s, c, 0, 0.98500, 0.985, 1);\n\n vec3 point = rotation * vec3(newUV, 1.0);\n\n float yc = point.y - cylinderCenter;\n\n if(yc < -cylinderRadius) {\n // Behind surface\n gl_FragColor = behindSurface(newUV, yc, point, rrotation, cylinderAngle, amount);\n return;\n }\n\n if(yc > cylinderRadius) {\n // Flat surface\n gl_FragColor = getFromColor(newUV);\n return;\n }\n\n float hitAngle = (acos(yc / cylinderRadius) + cylinderAngle) - PI;\n\n float hitAngleMod = mod(hitAngle, 2.0 * PI);\n if((hitAngleMod > PI && amount < 0.5) || (hitAngleMod > PI / 2.0 && amount < 0.0)) {\n gl_FragColor = seeThrough(yc, newUV, rotation, rrotation, cylinderAngle);\n return;\n }\n\n point = hitPoint(hitAngle, yc, point, rrotation);\n\n if(point.x < 0.0 || point.y < 0.0 || point.x > 1.0 || point.y > 1.0) {\n gl_FragColor = seeThroughWithShadow(yc, newUV, point, rotation, rrotation, cylinderAngle, amount);\n return;\n }\n\n vec4 color = backside(yc, point);\n\n vec4 otherColor;\n if(yc < 0.0) {\n float shado = 1.0 - (sqrt(pow(point.x - 0.5, 2.0) + pow(point.y - 0.5, 2.0)) / 0.71);\n shado *= pow(-yc / cylinderRadius, 3.0);\n shado *= 0.5;\n otherColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, shado);\n } else {\n otherColor = getFromColor(newUV);\n }\n\n color = antiAlias(color, otherColor, cylinderRadius - abs(yc));\n\n vec4 cl = seeThroughWithShadow(yc, newUV, point, rotation, rrotation, cylinderAngle, amount);\n float dist = distanceToEdge(point);\n\n gl_FragColor = antiAlias(color, cl, dist);\n }\n `
- },
- "peel-x": {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n vec2 p = newUV;\n float x = progress;\n x = smoothstep(.0,1.0,(x*2.0+p.x-1.0));\n vec4 f = mix(\n texture2D(texture1, (p-.5)*(1.-x)+.5),\n texture2D(texture2, (p-.5)*x+.5),\n x);\n gl_FragColor = f;\n }\n `
- },
- "peel-y": {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n vec2 p = newUV;\n float x = progress;\n x = smoothstep(.0,1.0,(x*2.0+p.y-1.0));\n vec4 f = mix(\n texture2D(texture1, (p-.5)*(1.-x)+.5),\n texture2D(texture2, (p-.5)*x+.5),\n x);\n gl_FragColor = f;\n }\n `
- },
- "polygons-fall": {
- uniforms: {},
- detail: 12,
- offsetTop: 0,
- vertex: `\n ${dt}\n attribute vec3 centroid1;\n\n ${pt}\n\n void main() {\n ${gt}\n vUv = uv;\n vBary = bary;\n\n vec3 newpos = position;\n\n float o = 1. - offset;\n float pr = (progress - 0.5) * (0. + resolution.y / resolution.x) + 0.5;\n pr = progress;\n float prog = clamp((pr - o * 0.9) / 0.1, 0., 1.);\n vProgress = prog;\n vProgress1 = clamp((pr - clamp(o - 0.1, 0., 1.) * 0.9) / 0.1, 0., 1.);\n newpos = rotate((newpos - centroid1), vec3(1., 0., 0.), -prog * PI) + centroid1 + vec3(0., -1., 0.) * prog * 0.;\n gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(newpos, 1.0);\n }\n `,
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n varying float vProgress;\n varying float vProgress1;\n ${gt}\n varying vec3 vBary;\n\n void main()\t{\n float width = 2.5 * vProgress1;\n vec3 d;\n #ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\n d = fwidth(vBary);\n #endif\n vec3 s = smoothstep(d * (width + 0.5), d * (width - 0.5), vBary);\n float alpha = max(max(s.x, s.y), s.z);\n vec3 color = vec3(alpha);\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5)) * + vec2(0.5);\n vec4 t = texture2D(texture1, newUV);\n float opa = smoothstep(1., 0.5, vProgress);\n opa = 1. - vProgress;\n gl_FragColor = vec4(vUv, 0.0, opa);\n gl_FragColor = vec4(t.rgb + .5 * color * vProgress1, opa);\n }\n `
- },
- "polygons-morph": {
- uniforms: {},
- detail: 20,
- offsetTop: .4,
- vertex: `\n ${dt}\n ${pt}\n\n void main() {\n ${gt}\n vUv = uv;\n vBary = bary;\n\n vec3 newpos = position;\n\n float o = 1. - offset;\n float prog = clamp((progress - o * 0.6) / 0.4, 0., 1.);\n vProgress = prog;\n vProgress1 = clamp((progress - clamp(o - 0.1, -0., 1.) * 0.9) / 0.1, 0., 1.);\n gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(newpos, 1.0);\n }\n `,
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n varying float vProgress;\n varying float vProgress1;\n ${gt}\n varying vec3 vBary;\n void main()\t{\n float width = 2.5 * vProgress1;\n vec3 d;\n #ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\n d = fwidth(vBary);\n #endif\n vec3 s = smoothstep(d * (width + 0.5), d * (width - 0.5), vBary);\n float alpha = max(max(s.x, s.y), s.z);\n vec3 color = vec3(alpha);\n\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5)) * + vec2(0.5);\n vec4 t = texture2D(texture1, newUV);\n float opa = smoothstep(1., 0.5, vProgress);\n opa = 1. - vProgress;\n gl_FragColor = vec4(t.rgb + 1. * color * vProgress1, opa);\n }\n `
- },
- "polygons-wind": {
- uniforms: {},
- detail: 40,
- offsetTop: 1,
- vertex: `\n ${dt}\n attribute vec3 control0;\n attribute vec3 control1;\n\n ${pt}\n\n float easeOut(float t){\n return t * t * t;\n }\n\n vec3 bezier4(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c, vec3 d, float t) {\n return mix(mix(mix(a, b, t), mix(b, c, t), t), mix(mix(b, c, t), mix(c, d, t), t), t);\n }\n\n void main() {\n ${gt}\n vUv = uv;\n vBary = bary;\n\n vec3 newpos = position;\n\n float o = 1. - offset;\n float prog = clamp((progress - o * 0.6) / 0.4, 0., 1.);\n vProgress = prog;\n vProgress1 = clamp((progress - clamp(o - 0.2, -0., 1.) * 0.6) / 0.4, 0., 1.);\n newpos = bezier4(newpos, control0, control1, newpos, easeOut(prog));\n gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(newpos, 1.0);\n }\n `,
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n varying float vProgress;\n varying float vProgress1;\n ${gt}\n varying vec3 vBary;\n void main()\t{\n float width = 2.5 * vProgress1;\n vec3 d;\n #ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\n d = fwidth(vBary);\n #endif\n vec3 s = smoothstep(d * (width + 0.5), d * (width - 0.5), vBary);\n float alpha = max(max(s.x, s.y), s.z);\n vec3 color = vec3(alpha);\n\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5)) * + vec2(0.5);\n vec4 t = texture2D(texture1, newUV);\n float opa = smoothstep(1., 0.5, vProgress);\n opa = 1. - vProgress;\n gl_FragColor = vec4(vUv, 0.0, opa);\n opa = smoothstep(0.5, 1., opa);\n gl_FragColor = vec4(t.rgb + 1. * color * vProgress1, opa);\n }\n `
- },
- pixelize: {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n ivec2 squaresMin = ivec2(50);\n int steps = 20;\n\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n float d = min(progress, 1.0 - progress);\n float dist = steps>0 ? ceil(d * float(steps)) / float(steps) : d;\n vec2 squareSize = 2.0 * dist / vec2(squaresMin);\n\n vec2 p = dist>0.0 ? (floor(newUV / squareSize) + 0.5) * squareSize : newUV;\n\n vec2 uv1 = newUV;\n vec2 uv2 = newUV;\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1,p);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2,p);\n\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, progress);\n }\n `
- },
- ripple: {
- uniforms: {
- radius: {
- value: .9,
- type: "f",
- min: .1,
- max: 2
- },
- width: {
- value: .35,
- type: "f",
- min: 0,
- max: 1
- }
- },
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform float width;\n uniform float radius;\n uniform sampler2D displacement;\n float parabola( float x, float k ) {\n return pow( 4. * x * ( 1. - x ), k );\n }\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n vec2 p = newUV;\n vec2 start = vec2(0.5,0.5);\n vec2 aspect = resolution.wz;\n vec2 uv = newUV;\n float dt = parabola(progress, 1.);\n vec4 noise = texture2D(displacement, fract(vUv+time*0.04));\n float prog = progress*0.66 + noise.g * 0.04;\n float circ = 1. - smoothstep(-width, 0.0, radius * distance(start*aspect, uv*aspect) - prog*(1.+width));\n float intpl = pow(abs(circ), 1.);\n vec4 t1 = texture2D( texture1, (uv - 0.5) * (1.0 - intpl) + 0.5 ) ;\n vec4 t2 = texture2D( texture2, (uv - 0.5) * intpl + 0.5 );\n gl_FragColor = mix( t1, t2, intpl );\n }\n `
- },
- shutters: {
- uniforms: {
- intensity: {
- value: 50,
- type: "f",
- min: 1,
- max: 100
- }
- },
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform float intensity;\n mat2 rotate(float a) {\n float s = sin(a);\n float c = cos(a);\n return mat2(c, -s, s, c);\n }\n const float PI = 3.1415;\n const float angle1 = PI *0.25;\n const float angle2 = PI *0.25;\n\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n vec2 uvDivided = fract(newUV*vec2(intensity,1.));\n\n vec2 uvDisplaced1 = newUV + rotate(angle1)*uvDivided*progress*0.1;\n vec2 uvDisplaced2 = newUV + rotate(angle2)*uvDivided*(1. - progress)*0.1;\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1,uvDisplaced1);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2,uvDisplaced2);\n\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, progress);\n }\n\n `
- },
- slices: {
- uniforms: {
- size: {
- value: .25,
- type: "f",
- min: .1,
- max: 1
- }
- },
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform float size; // = 0.2\n float count = 20.; // = 10.0\n float smoothness = .5; // = 0.5\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n float pr = smoothstep(-smoothness, 0.0, newUV.x - progress * (1.0 + smoothness));\n float s = step(pr, fract(count * newUV.x));\n\n vec2 uv1 = newUV;\n vec2 uv2 = newUV;\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1,uv1);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2,uv2);\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, s);\n\n }\n `
- },
- squares: {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n ivec2 squares = ivec2(10,10);\n vec2 direction = vec2(1.0, -0.5);\n float smoothness = 1.6;\n\n const vec2 center = vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n void main() {\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n vec2 v = normalize(direction);\n v /= abs(v.x)+abs(v.y);\n float d = v.x * center.x + v.y * center.y;\n float offset = smoothness;\n float pr = smoothstep(-offset, 0.0, v.x * newUV.x + v.y * newUV.y - (d-0.5+progress*(1.+offset)));\n vec2 squarep = fract(newUV*vec2(squares));\n vec2 squaremin = vec2(pr/2.0);\n vec2 squaremax = vec2(1.0 - pr/2.0);\n float a = (1.0 - step(progress, 0.0)) * step(squaremin.x, squarep.x) * step(squaremin.y, squarep.y) * step(squarep.x, squaremax.x) * step(squarep.y, squaremax.y);\n\n vec2 uv1 = newUV;\n vec2 uv2 = newUV;\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1,newUV);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2,newUV);\n\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, a);\n }\n `
- },
- stretch: {
- uniforms: {
- intensity: {
- value: 50,
- type: "f",
- min: 1,
- max: 100
- }
- },
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform float intensity;\n mat2 rotate(float a) {\n float s = sin(a);\n float c = cos(a);\n return mat2(c, -s, s, c);\n }\n const float PI = 3.1415;\n const float angle1 = PI *0.25;\n const float angle2 = -PI *0.75;\n const float noiseSeed = 2.;\n float random() {\n return fract(sin(noiseSeed + dot(gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy / 10.0, vec2(12.9898, 4.1414))) * 43758.5453);\n }\n float hash(float n) { return fract(sin(n) * 1e4); }\n float hash(vec2 p) { return fract(1e4 * sin(17.0 * p.x + p.y * 0.1) * (0.1 + abs(sin(p.y * 13.0 + p.x)))); }\n float hnoise(vec2 x) {\n vec2 i = floor(x);\n vec2 f = fract(x);\n float a = hash(i);\n float b = hash(i + vec2(1.0, 0.0));\n float c = hash(i + vec2(0.0, 1.0));\n float d = hash(i + vec2(1.0, 1.0));\n vec2 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);\n return mix(a, b, u.x) + (c - a) * u.y * (1.0 - u.x) + (d - b) * u.x * u.y;\n }\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n float hn = hnoise(newUV.xy * resolution.xy / 100.0);\n vec2 d = vec2(0.,normalize(vec2(0.5,0.5) - newUV.xy).y);\n vec2 uv1 = newUV + d * progress / 5.0 * (1.0 + hn / 2.0);\n vec2 uv2 = newUV - d * (1.0 - progress) / 5.0 * (1.0 + hn / 2.0);\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1,uv1);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2,uv2);\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, progress);\n }\n `
- },
- "wave-x": {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n uniform sampler2D displacement;\n vec2 mirrored(vec2 v) {\n vec2 m = mod(v,2.);\n return mix(m,2.0 - m, step(1.0 ,m));\n }\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n vec4 noise = texture2D(displacement, mirrored(newUV+time*0.04));\n float prog = (1.0 - progress)*0.8 -0.05 + noise.g * 0.06;\n float intpl = pow(abs(smoothstep(0., 1., (prog*2. - vUv.x + 0.5))), 10.);\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D( texture2, (newUV - 0.5) * (1.0 - intpl) + 0.5 ) ;\n vec4 t2 = texture2D( texture1, (newUV - 0.5) * intpl + 0.5 );\n gl_FragColor = mix( t1, t2, intpl );\n }\n `
- },
- wind: {
- uniforms: {},
- fragment: `\n ${mt}\n float size = 0.2;\n\n float rand (vec2 co) {\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n }\n\n void main()\t{\n vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))* + vec2(0.5);\n\n float r = rand(vec2(0, newUV.y));\n float m = smoothstep(0.0, -size, newUV.x*(1.0-size) + size*r - ((progress) * (1.0 + size)));\n\n vec2 uv1 = newUV;\n vec2 uv2 = newUV;\n\n vec4 t1 = texture2D(texture1,uv1);\n vec4 t2 = texture2D(texture2,uv2);\n gl_FragColor = mix(t1, t2, m);\n\n }\n `
- }
- },
- ft = "\nattribute vec2 uv;\nattribute vec3 position;\nuniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\nuniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\nvarying vec2 vUv;\n\nvoid main() {\n vUv = uv;\n gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);\n}\n",
- At = t => {
- let e = xt;
- Array.isArray(t) && t.length && (e = {}, Object.keys(xt).forEach((i => {
- t.includes(i) && (e[i] = xt[i])
- })));
- const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(e).length);
- return e[Object.keys(e)[i]]
- };
- class vt {
- constructor(t) {
- const e = "random" === t.shader || Array.isArray(t.shader) ? At(t.shader) : xt[t.shader];
- this.shader = e, this.displacement = t.displacementMap || st, this.scene = new P, this.swiper = t.swiper, this.vertex = e.vertex || ft, this.fragment = e.fragment, this.uniforms = e.uniforms || {}, this.renderer = new F({
- dpr: 2,
- webgl: 2
- }), =, this.width = window.innerWidth, this.height = window.innerHeight, this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height),, 1, 1, 1), this.opts = t, this.container = this.swiper.el, this.images = [], this.displacementTexture = null, this.container.querySelectorAll(".swiper-gl-image").forEach((t => {
- this.images.push(t.src)
- })), this.width = this.swiper.width, this.height = this.swiper.height, this.container.prepend(, = new J(, {
- fov: 45
- }),{
- aspect: /
- }),, 0, 2), this.time = 0, this.current = 0, this.textures = [], this.init((() => {
- this.addObjects(), this.resize(), this.render()
- }))
- }
- animateUniform(t, e, i) {
- const s = t.value;
- let r, n = null;
- window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.animateUniformFrame);
- const a = e > t.value ? "next" : "prev",
- o = (t, e) => "next" === a && t >= e || "prev" === a && t <= e,
- h = () => {
- if (this.destroyed) return;
- r = (new Date).getTime(), null === n && (n = r);
- const a = Math.max(Math.min((r - n) / this.swiper.params.speed, 1), 0),
- l = .5 - Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2;
- let c = s + l * (e - s);
- if (o(c, e) && (c = e), t.value = c, o(c, e)) return cancelAnimationFrame(this.animateUniformFrame), void(i && i());
- this.animateUniformFrame = requestAnimationFrame(h)
- };
- h()
- }
- init(t) {
- const e = [],
- i = this;
- this.images.forEach(((t, s) => {
- const r = new Promise((e => {
- const r = new Image;
- r.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
- const n = new tt(;
- r.onload = () => {
- n.image = r, i.textures[s] = n, e()
- }, r.src = t
- }));
- e.push(r)
- })), e.push(new Promise((t => {
- const e = new Image;
- e.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
- const s = new tt(;
- e.onload = () => {
- s.image = e, i.displacementTexture = s, t()
- }, e.src = st
- }))), Promise.all(e).then((() => {
- this.initialized = !0, this.onInit && this.onInit(), t()
- }))
- }
- resize() {
- if (!this.initialized || this.destroyed) return;
- const {
- width: t,
- height: e
- } = this.swiper;
- this.width = t, this.height = e, this.renderer.setSize(t, e);
- const i =;
- if ({
- aspect: t / e,
- fov: 180 / Math.PI * 2 * Math.atan(1 / (2 * i))
- }), !this.textures[0].image) return;
- const s = this.textures[0].image.height / this.textures[0].image.width;
- let r, n;
- e / t > s ? (r = t / e * s, n = 1) : (r = 1, n = e / t / s), this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.x = t, this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.y = e, this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.z = r, this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.w = n, this.shader.vertex && this.vertexMaterial && (this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.resolution.value.x = t, this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.resolution.value.y = e, this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.resolution.value.z = r, this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.resolution.value.w = n), this.shader.vertex ? (this.nextMesh.scale.set( / 2, .5, .5), this.currentMesh.scale.set( / 2, .5, .5)) : (this.plane.scale.x =, this.plane.scale.y = 1)
- }
- createMaterial() {
- return new A(, {
- extensions: {
- derivatives: "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable"
- },
- uniforms: {
- time: {
- type: "f",
- value: 0
- },
- progress: {
- type: "f",
- value: 0
- },
- intensity: {
- type: "f",
- value: 0
- },
- width: {
- type: "f",
- value: 0
- },
- radius: {
- type: "f",
- value: 0
- },
- size: {
- type: "f",
- value: 0
- },
- texture1: {
- type: "f",
- value: this.textures[0]
- },
- texture2: {
- type: "f",
- value: this.textures[1]
- },
- displacement: {
- type: "f",
- value: this.displacementTexture
- },
- resolution: {
- type: "v4",
- value: new et
- }
- },
- vertex: this.shader.vertex || ft,
- fragment: this.shader.fragment,
- ...this.shader.vertex ? {
- transparent: !0,
- depthWrite: !1
- } : {}
- })
- }
- addObjects() {
- if (this.scene.children.forEach((t => {
- this.scene.removeChild(t)
- })), this.scene.children.forEach((t => {
- this.scene.removeChild(t)
- })), this.material = this.createMaterial(), this.shader.vertex) {
- const t = function(t, e, i) {
- i = i || 0;
- const s = e,
- r = 2 / s,
- n = r * Math.sqrt(3) / 2,
- a = 2 / n,
- o = [],
- h = [],
- l = [],
- c = [],
- u = [],
- g = [],
- m = [];
- let d = 0;
- const x = [];
- let f = 0;
- for (let t = 0; t < a; t += 1) {
- f = t * n, d = t % 2 == 1 ? -r / 2 : 0;
- for (let p = 0; p <= s; p += 1) {
- const s = Math.sign(p * r + d - 1);
- h.push(p * r + d - 1, f - 1, 0), m.push((p * r + d) / 2, f / 2), h.push(p * r + r / 2 + d - 1, n + f - 1, 0), m.push((p * r + r / 2 + d) / 2, (n + f) / 2), h.push(p * r - r / 2 + d - 1, n + f - 1, 0), m.push((p * r - r / 2 + d) / 2, (n + f) / 2);
- let A = ct(p / a, t / a) + Math.random();
- const v = ut(f / 2 + 2 * A / e);
- let M = Math.random();
- o.push(v, ut(v + .1 * i), ut(v + .1 * i)), g.push(M, M, M);
- const w = [p * r + d - 1, f - 1, 0];
- l.push(...w, ...w, ...w);
- const y = [2 * s * lt(-.3, .3), -2 * lt(-.3, .3) * 1.5, -ht(.5)],
- E = [2 * s * lt(.3, .6), -2 * lt(.3, .6) * 1.5, -ht(.5)];
- c.push(...y, ...y, ...y), u.push(...E, ...E, ...E), x.push(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), h.push(p * r + d - 1, f - 1, 0), m.push((p * r + d) / 2, f / 2), h.push(p * r + r + d - 1, f - 1, 0), m.push((p * r + r + d) / 2, f / 2), h.push(p * r + r / 2 + d - 1, n + f - 1, 0), m.push((p * r + r / 2 + d) / 2, (n + f) / 2), A = ct((p + 1) / a, t / a) + Math.random();
- const U = ut(f / 2 + 2 * A / e);
- M = Math.random(), o.push(U, U, ut(U + .1 * i)), g.push(M, M, M);
- const F = [p * r + d - 1, f - 1, 0];
- c.push(...y, ...y, ...y), u.push(...E, ...E, ...E), l.push(...F, ...F, ...F), x.push(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- }
- }
- const A = new p(t);
- return A.addAttribute("position", {
- size: 3,
- data: new Float32Array(h)
- }), A.addAttribute("bary", {
- size: 3,
- data: new Float32Array(x)
- }), A.addAttribute("uv", {
- size: 2,
- data: new Float32Array(m)
- }), A.addAttribute("offset", {
- size: 1,
- data: new Float32Array(o)
- }), A.addAttribute("centroid1", {
- size: 3,
- data: new Float32Array(l)
- }), A.addAttribute("control0", {
- size: 3,
- data: new Float32Array(c)
- }), A.addAttribute("control1", {
- size: 3,
- data: new Float32Array(u)
- }), A.addAttribute("random", {
- size: 1,
- data: new Float32Array(g)
- }), A
- }(, this.shader.detail, this.shader.offsetTop),
- e = this.textures[1];
- this.vertexMaterial = this.createMaterial(), this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.texture1.value = e, this.currentMesh = new q(, {
- geometry: t,
- program: this.material
- }), this.nextMesh = new q(, {
- geometry: t,
- program: this.vertexMaterial
- }), this.nextMesh.position.z = -1e-4, this.currentMesh.setParent(this.scene), this.nextMesh.setParent(this.scene)
- } else {
- const t = new it(, {
- width: 1,
- height: 1,
- widthSegments: 2,
- heightSegments: 2
- });
- this.plane = new q(, {
- geometry: t,
- program: this.material
- }), this.plane.setParent(this.scene)
- }
- }
- replaceShader(t) {
- let e, i;
- this.shader.vertex ? (e = this.material.uniforms.texture1.value, i = this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.texture1.value) : (e = this.material.uniforms.texture1.value, i = this.material.uniforms.texture2.value);
- const s = "random" === t || Array.isArray(t) ? At(t) : xt[t],
- {
- fragment: r,
- uniforms: n,
- vertex: a
- } = s;
- this.shader = s, this.vertex = a || ft, this.fragment = r || "", this.uniforms = n || {}, this.addObjects(), this.shader.vertex ? (this.material.uniforms.texture1.value = i, this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.texture1.value = i) : (this.material.uniforms.texture1.value = e, this.material.uniforms.texture2.value = i, this.material.uniforms.progress.value = 1), this.resize(), = t
- }
- replaceRandomShader() {
- const t = At(this.opts.shader),
- {
- fragment: e,
- uniforms: i,
- vertex: s
- } = t;
- this.shader = t, this.fragment = e || "", this.uniforms = i || {}, this.vertex = s || ft, this.addObjects(), this.resize()
- }
- setProgress(t, e, i, s) {
- if (this.destroyed) return;
- if (!this.initialized) return void(this.onInit = () => {
- requestAnimationFrame((() => {
- this.setProgress(t, e, i, s)
- }))
- });
- const r = this.textures[e],
- n = this.textures[t];
- this.material.uniforms.texture1.value = n, this.shader.vertex ? this.vertexMaterial.uniforms.texture1.value = r : this.material.uniforms.texture2.value = r, s ? (0 === i && 0 === this.material.uniforms.progress.value && (this.material.uniforms.progress.value = 1), 1 === i && 1 === this.material.uniforms.progress.value && (this.material.uniforms.progress.value = 0), this.animateUniform(this.material.uniforms.progress, i, (() => {
- ("random" === || Array.isArray( && (this.replaceRandomShader(), this.material.uniforms.texture1.value = n, this.material.uniforms.texture2.value = r, this.material.uniforms.progress.value = i), 1 === i && (this.material.uniforms.texture1.value = r), this.material.uniforms.progress.value = 0
- }))) : this.material.uniforms.progress.value = Math.abs(i)
- }
- render() {
- this.swiper.destroyed || this.destroyed || (this.time += .05, this.material.uniforms.time.value = this.time, Object.keys(this.uniforms).forEach((t => {
- this.material.uniforms[t].value = this.uniforms[t].value
- })), requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this)), this.renderer.render({
- scene: this.scene,
- camera:
- }))
- }
- destroy() {
- this.initialized = !1, this.destroyed = !0, && && this.container.removeChild(
- }
- }
- return function({
- swiper: t,
- on: e,
- extendParams: i
- }) {
- = null;
- let s = !1;
- i({
- gl: {
- shader: "random",
- displacementMap: void 0
- }
- });
- const r = () => {
- = new vt({
- debug: !0,
- swiper: t,
- shader:
- })
- };
- let n, a;
- e("beforeInit", (() => {
- if ("gl" !== t.params.effect) return;
- if (! function() {
- try {
- const t = document.createElement("canvas");
- return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext && (t.getContext("webgl") || t.getContext("experimental-webgl"))
- } catch (t) {
- return !1
- }
- }()) return void(s = !0);
- t.classNames.push(`${t.params.containerModifierClass}gl`);
- const e = {
- watchSlidesProgress: !0
- };
- Object.assign(t.params, e), Object.assign(t.originalParams, e)
- })), e("init", (() => {
- "gl" !== t.params.effect || s || || r()
- })), e("resize", (() => {
- "gl" !== t.params.effect || s ||
- })), e("setTranslate", (() => {
- if ("gl" !== t.params.effect || s) return;
- let e, i, o;
- || r(), t.slides.forEach(((s, r) => {
- const n = s.progress;
- (n > 0 && n < 1 || 0 === n && t.progress < a) && (e = r, i = r + 1, o = n), (n < 0 && n > -1 || 0 === n && t.progress > a) && (e = r - 1, i = r, o = 1 + n)
- })), a = t.progress || 0, void 0 === e && void 0 === i ||, i, o, n)
- })), e("setTransition", ((e, i) => {
- "gl" !== t.params.effect || s || (n = i > 0 && !t.params.cssMode)
- })), e("destroy", (() => {
- "gl" !== t.params.effect || s || && (, = null)
- }))
- }
- }));
- //#
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