

Apr 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Third: ‘They also took his skull and made out of it
  2. the sky and set it up over the earth with four points, and under
  3. each corner they set a dwarf. Their names are Austri, Vestri,
  4. Nordri, Sudri. Then they took molten particles and sparks that
  5. were flying uncontrolled and had shot out of the world of Muspell
  6. and set them in the middle of the firmament of the sky both above
  7. and below to illuminate heaven and earth. They fixed all the
  8. lights, some in the sky, some moved in a wandering course
  9. beneath the sky, but they appointed them positions and ordained
  10. their courses. Thus it is said in ancient sources that by means of
  11. them days were distinguished and also the count of years, as it
  12. says in Voluspa:
  14. The sun did not know where her dwelling was. The moon
  15. did not know what power he had. The stars did not know
  16. where their places were.
  18. That is what it was like above the earth before this took place.’
  20. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘This is important information that I
  21. have just heard. That is an amazingly large construction and
  22. skilfully made. How was the earth arranged?’
  25. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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