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Dec 22nd, 2017
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  1. Genius Bio
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  4. ** = URL/Link
  5. /\ = Italics required
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  9. Objective: to fix all mundane song bios
  11. Bio's are usually somewhere between 1-3 paragraphs. Bio's usually included the following;
  13. Song bio
  14. - Opening sentence which summarises the angle/basis of the song
  15. - The genre, description of the song (including if it differs from the usual category of music)
  16. - Any facts regarding how/when/why the song was made or intentions of said song
  17. - Where it fits in the context of an artists career. Popularity, controversy? Single song succession [include excerpts from interviews, media outlets].
  19. Additional Bio
  20. - Does the song make use of enjambment to lead up songs on the album? For example; an album which has a certain angle and each song links up to the neighbouring songs.
  22. Artist: Ghost Atlas
  23. Album: All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About"
  27. *Cry Wolf* is the introductory single of *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*. After an eleven month break, the /Ghost Atlas\ *Facebook page* announced an upcoming album and released /Ghost Atlas\ as a debut single to advertise their new album.
  29. /Cry Wolf\ adapts to a protagonist who is evidently going through a breakdown and self-harming or punishing their body in ways which are not disclosed but evidence points to alcohol [Quote 1/2]
  31. > I walk along the edge and flirt with how deep I can go
  32. > I don't think my mind survived, my spirit took a dive
  34. /Cry Wolf\ is described as experimental post-hardcore. There is a high use of electric guitars with stunning riffs which complement /Jesse's\ talented voice. The instruments in this song create a melody which catches and bonds with /Jesse's\ nonchalant vocals. /Cry Wolf\ has amassed (as of 18/12/2017) a total of 87,131 views on /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*). Making it their ~fourth~ most popular song on their *YouTube* and the most popular song from the *album*.
  38. *Vertigo* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  40. The song features someone who is being let down by someone important but keeps on returning back to them which ultimately leads to the subject being let down again. The feature of the song also begins to realise that he is better off on his own [Quote 1/2] but struggles to find the strength to remain alone [Quote 3].
  42. > Take my hand so you can drag me under
  43. > Drain my time so I can always wonder
  44. > I have trekked a long road only to turn around and discover a shortcut
  46. *Vertigo*, much like *Cry Wolf*, is described as post-hardcore. This song features more of /Jesse's\ poetic process and slightly numbs down the severity of the instrumentals until the instrumental break/solo nearing the end. /Vertigo\ has reached 5,821 views (as of 18/12/2017) on /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*). Making it the ~ninth~ most popular song from the album. /Vertigo\ was also marked as a notable track from itDjents review. It is also the ~third~ most popular song on *LAST.FM*.
  48. TRACK 3: LEGS
  50. *Legs* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  52. /Legs\ describes a protagonist and, presumably, the person he loves both in a car together where they begin to make love. The love is described in such ways of describing the personality of the woman - i.e. dangerous.
  54. > You're talking to strangers and walking on razors
  55. > Your touch growing stranger
  57. /Legs\ open's with a pleasant riff leading up to a more metal mini-solo. /Legs\ also features /Jesse's\ more aggressive screams which suit the high-bass drums and metal guitar riffs. The vocals and instrumentals help convey the seriousness of the lyrics regarding the dangerous woman.
  59. In terms of popularity, the /Legs\ is the second most popular in the album amassing a total of (as of 19/12/2017) 59,345 views on /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*). The song also the ~second~ song, from the album, to receive a *Music Video*. Legs also featured by *Alternative Press* which was included in their famous *Spotify* discover *playlist*. /Legs\ has also been streamed from the popular metal-based website, *The PRP*.
  63. *Badlands* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  65. /Badlands\ is one of the more slower songs, showing a true gift for creating post-hardcore music. The lyrics depict a narrative between someone in love with someone who doesn't feel the same. Over the course of the song, although the protagonist is aware, they keep allowing the other to take advantage. The name of the song, /Badlands\, defines the state of the love between the two mentioned in the song. It's an eroded open space of land meaning there once was an equal amount of love which has worn away over time such as plants and vegetation erodes to nothing.
  67. Although making an appearance on *itDjents* notable songs from their album *review* - and a personal favourite - it did not amass too much comparing /Badlands\ to other songs in the *album* using /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*). With the video only amassing 6,759 views (as of 19/12/2017) making /Badlands\ the sixth most popular from the album.
  69. Song notes: Define "Erode"
  73. *Fox Rain* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  75. Fox Rain is a profoundly wrote post-hardcore masterpiece. Taking place with, presumably, two relatives, one talking to the other. Both of which have experienced issues throughout their childhood that no child should have to withstand. However, the protagonist has been able to overcome the experiences whilst the other relative has not. Letting the experience control them instead of prospering from the experience.
  77. Although written with care and understanding the song did not overcome its predecessors in terms of succession. Only ranking at the tenth most popular song - amassing 5,725 views (as of 19/12/2017 from /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*).
  79. TRACK 6: Surrogate Lover
  81. *Surrogate Lover* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  83. Surrogate Lover exceeds Jesse's talent to bring together soaring melodies with his vocal tone. The instrumentals are a little more metal but are capped perfectly to achieve a complete blend with his vocals. However, the complex lyrics describe the protagonist addressing an ex-lover who he has "foolishly" left. Numbing the pain with a substance, which is not named, to forget his actions. The protagonist wishes they can re-visit for just one night.
  85. Surrogate Lover was described, by Har-Lena Morganbesser on behalf of Bloodrock Media, during an album review;
  87. > "Surrogate Lover" is a track that will play with your emotions - from highs and the lows, faster and slower beat, vocals louder and softer.
  89. Surrogate Lover has amassed a total of 6,748 views on /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*). Which narrowly places the song behind Badlands at the seventh most popular song on the album.
  91. TRACK 7: NightDrive
  93. *NightDrive* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas'* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  95. NightDrive is perfectly placed on the album. Creating a smooth ambience of the album to prepare listeners for the rest of the album. On the contrary, the lyrics and the music video shows a woman who struggles with self-approval of her own appearance. During the video, she becomes proves as emetic. The lack of approval shows she has a lack of confidence. Which ultimately leads to showing difficulty in pursuing her dreams and ambitions. In an Interview, where Kerrang promote the song. Jesse said:
  97. > “NightDrive is meant to be a statement against vanity. It’s about pursuing a dream for the wrong reasons, and never fully reaching your goals as a result. It’s inspired by a lot of the somewhat delusional personalities you find in a place like Los Angeles.
  99. NightDrive was the second track to have a Music Video on the album. The video was a popular song on the album amassing 32,837 views on /Jesse's\ YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas or solo *segments*). This makes the song the fourth most popular song on the album. NightDrive was also featured in a post from popular rock magazine Kerrang.
  101. TRACK 8: Mirror Room
  103. *Mirror Room* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  105. Mirror Room, a person favourite of *Jesse*, is another electronic masterpiece which reflects well with angle of the song. The instruments itself are upbeat and positive. Mirror Room defines two people, who are on a holiday beside an ocean, where the protagonist begins to understand more about the subject. Knowing this the protagonist is still staying strong and providing the support by being there.
  107. > Now I see the way you step back take a look at yourself so critical
  108. Now I see the way you step back steady doubting yourself
  109. But my hand is yours for the taking
  111. In terms of succession, Ghost Atlas, in the UK, landed themselves a premiere with UK's biggest rock-based radio show, BBC's Radio 1 Rock - which has featured massive metal acts such as Bring Me The Horizon's Oliver Sykes. Mirror Room gained traction resulting in 37,526 views on *Jesse's* YouTube (where he posts all videos from Ghost Atlas' or solo *segments*). Making Mirror Room the third most popular song on their album.
  113. TRACK 9: Scouts Honor
  115. *Scouts Honor* is the subsequent song in *Ghost Atlas* third studio album, *All Is In Sync, And There's Nothing Left To Sing About*. /Ghost Atlas\ is an unsigned band which is independently run by *Jesse Cash*, who is the Soft Vocalist in popular metalcore band *ERRA*.
  117. Scouts Honor drops the electronic guitar and effects and replaces them with a calming acoustic guitar which amplifies *Jesse's* impeccable voice. Althought deemed uneccassary by reviewers as the previous song, Mirror Room, is the song which slowed down the album. It may feel like Scouts Honor was an additional which should have been released in an deluxe version of the album. However, the song eerily describes what seems like a childhood romance from his birth-town.
  120. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. Excerpts
  122. Notable songs from itDjents: Vertigo, Legs, Fox Rain, Badlands, Mirror Room and Little Shell.
  124. Last FM
  125. The PRP (Legs)
  126. Bloodrock media review
  127. Har-Lena Morganbesser BR profile
  128. Kerrang
  130. Notes for incoming songs
  131. Ghost Atlas
  132. - Legs Included in Alternative Press' Discover playlist on Spotify.
  133. - Mirror Room premiered on Radio 1 Rock, a sub-radio station by BBC Radio 1.
  134. - NightDrive video premiered on Kerrang
  135. - 1. Cry Wolf✓ | 2. Legs✓ | 3. Mirror Room✓| 4. NightDrive✓ | 5. All Is In Sync | 6. Badlands✓ | 7. Surrogate Lover✓ | 8. Little Shell
  136. 9. Vertigo✓ | 10. Fox Rain✓ | 11. Scouts Honor | 12. Rabid Dog
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