

Jan 11th, 2013
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  1. Item Quality
  2. Item quality will improve with your perception skill.
  3. You may find pieces of the Golden Garden set at any skill level, but you chances to greatly increase with your skill.
  4. You may also find Perfected Clockwork Parts at any skill level, though the quantity may vary.
  5. 1 – 3999: Brown and Grey buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  6. 4000 – 5999: Brown, Grey, and Green buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  7. 6000 – 9999: Grey and Green buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  8. 10000 – 13999: Grey, Green, and Blue buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  9. 14000 – 15999: Green and Blue buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  10. 16000 – 17999: Green, Blue, and Purple buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  11. 18000 – 21999: Blue, and Purple buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  12. 22000 – 23999: Blue, Purple, and Orange buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  13. 24000 – 29999: Purple and Orange buffs and Books of Knowledge.
  14. 30000+: Orange buffs and Books of Knowledge.
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