
CSSCGC Basic ZX _Royal Long name Generator NOT SEND

May 23rd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Royal Name Generator  v240417
  2. By Firelord Quality Games (c)2022
  4. Introduction
  5. Congratulations on your exceptional taste in software - you've just purchased a gem from "Firelord Quality Games"! Prepare to have your name proudly displayed on our prestigious fridge door amongst our other satisfied customers.
  7. This utility was created because I noticed many men attempting TO make money in order TO find a wealthy supermodel girlfriend. Making money is simple - just send me $50 AND have 5 of your friends DO the same, AND I will reveal the secret TO you! However, finding a supermodel girlfriend is where things get tricky.
  9. Through my research, I have discovered the secret TO attracting a super attractive woman AND it all comes down TO one thing - the size! That's right, the size of your name can determine whether you end up with a supermodel by your side or walking away empty-handed.
  10. Scientists AND historians have found a direct correlation between the length of a man's name and his wealth.
  12. You might be thinking that you already knew this, AND the explanation is quite simple: many serious men watch Spanish/Brazilian soap operas, where the characters are typically extremely wealthy. Have you noticed something ELSE? Their names are exceptionally LONG. FOR example, "Teresa García Ramírez de Arroyo" is a character who is very wealthy, but "Juan Martínez Escudero Marta Villanueva Cortés" is even wealthier!
  14. Certainly, you can't just come up with a long name on your own. You need assistance!
  15. This utility will help you generate a unique name that makes all women think that you're a royality!
  17. Instructions
  18. AS with all Firelord Quality Games products,the CODE is very well written AND the program itself is very easy TO use:
  19. 1.Open the tape case AND take the tape that is inside.
  20. 2.Put the tape in the tape player.
  21. 3.IF it is true that the tape.player.tape.door is closed, THEN open it. GO TO STEP 2
  22. 4.IF it is true that the tape.player NOT connected TO zx spectrum THEN connect it.
  23. 5.Press play on tape player
  24. 6.Type LOAD "" AND press enter in your ZX Spectrum.
  25. 7.IF game does NOT LOAD, THEN rewind tape AND GO TO STEP 5
  26. 8.IF today is birthday of a relative OR today is birthday of friend THEN PRINT a happy birthday card : Give card
  27. 9.Follow on-screen instructions
  29. Troubleshooting/FAQ
  30. Our organization is against shooting when there is trouble!
  31. Q:I can't understand how to play this game!
  32. A:This is NOT a game it is a utility. It is normal that you can't play it!
  34. Q:I tried TO use the name generated with <<insert supermodel name here>>. She told me a liar AND left!
  35. A:When you claim that you own 3 Ferraris you don't go everywhere carrying a bike helmet!
  37. Q:DO you have any proof that this piece of software works?
  38. A:Yes, we DO!
  40. Q:I liked your program very much! Will there be a sequel?
  41. A:Yes, we're planning to release the female version of this script. Kate, our beta tester from the middle offices, told us that she had succesfully used the female name generator and married a member of a known royal family. We can't reveal any more details about that at this point.
  43. Q: This utility seems that it is crap!
  44. A: No, it is NOT. IF it were crap, we wouldn't put the word "quality" in our company name! The "Firelord Quality Games" brand guarantees the supreme quality of the product.
  46. Q: IF I don't like the software can I get a refund?
  47. A: Yes, but you must pay travel expenses so I can come AND give you the money in person. Travel expencses include Business Class Air-Tickets, 3-day stay AT a 5-star hotel AT a city near your home address. Also,you must cover taxi expences from the airport TO the hotel AND THEN TO your home.
  49. Q: Your software crashed my computer! What should I DO?
  50. A: Please send us the pieces of your computer AND we will DO our best TO put it back together FOR you.
  53. 10 GO SUB 9000: REM ---Royal Name Generator For CSSCGC 2024
  54. 15 REM By Firelord Quality Programs Ltd - giatoula+spectrum
  55. 20 INK colink: PAPER colpaper: BORDER colborder: CLS
  56. 100 PRINT INVERSE 1;"         Welcome to Royal"'"        Long Name Generator"
  57. 110 PRINT "By Firelord Quality Programs Ltd"'';INVERSE 0
  58. 120 GO SUB 8000: GO SUB 7000
  59. 1000 STOP
  61. 7010 CLS : PRINT AT 10,1;"Your (new) Royal name is :"'
  62. 7020 PRINT AT 14,0;""; INVERSE 1;
  63. 7050 FOR K=1 TO d: PRINT INVERSE 1;n$(1+INT (RND*39));
  64. 7060 NEXT K
  65. 7500 RETURN
  67. 8010 PRINT "Please enter the number of"'"digits (zero's) after the 1000"'"that represents your fortune!"'"(Default Currency is Canadian $)"
  68. 8050 INPUT "Digits :";d
  69. 8999 RETURN
  70. 9000 REM --variables
  71. 9010 LET colpaper=5: LET colink=3: LET colborder=0
  72. 9020 DIM n$(41,10)
  73. 9030 FOR I=1 TO 39
  74. 9040 READ n$(I): REM  PRINT I;")-";n$(I)
  75. 9050 NEXT I
  76. 9790 REM "Name list 40name "
  77. 9800 DATA "Hose","Alfonso","Mario","Luigi"
  78. 9810 DATA "Jim","Jack","Helen","Miguel"
  79. 9820 DATA "Charles","Philip","Arthur","George"
  80. 9830 DATA "Anne","Elizabeth","Alice","Louise"
  81. 9840 DATA "Andrew","Albert","Christian","Edward"
  82. 9850 DATA "Leopold","George","Duncan","Albert"
  83. 9860 DATA "Beatrice","Mary","Victoria","Fedore"
  84. 9870 DATA "Victoria","Adelaide","Mary","Louisa"
  85. 9880 DATA "Helena","Augusta","Victoria","Mitsaras"
  86. 9890 DATA "William","Arthur","Philip","Louis"
  87. 9900 DATA "Antony","Richard","Louis","Edward"
  88. 9990 RETURN
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