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- Royal Name Generator v240417
- By Firelord Quality Games (c)2022
- Introduction
- Congratulations on your exceptional taste in software - you've just purchased a gem from "Firelord Quality Games"! Prepare to have your name proudly displayed on our prestigious fridge door amongst our other satisfied customers.
- This utility was created because I noticed many men attempting TO make money in order TO find a wealthy supermodel girlfriend. Making money is simple - just send me $50 AND have 5 of your friends DO the same, AND I will reveal the secret TO you! However, finding a supermodel girlfriend is where things get tricky.
- Through my research, I have discovered the secret TO attracting a super attractive woman AND it all comes down TO one thing - the size! That's right, the size of your name can determine whether you end up with a supermodel by your side or walking away empty-handed.
- Scientists AND historians have found a direct correlation between the length of a man's name and his wealth.
- You might be thinking that you already knew this, AND the explanation is quite simple: many serious men watch Spanish/Brazilian soap operas, where the characters are typically extremely wealthy. Have you noticed something ELSE? Their names are exceptionally LONG. FOR example, "Teresa García Ramírez de Arroyo" is a character who is very wealthy, but "Juan Martínez Escudero Marta Villanueva Cortés" is even wealthier!
- Certainly, you can't just come up with a long name on your own. You need assistance!
- This utility will help you generate a unique name that makes all women think that you're a royality!
- Instructions
- AS with all Firelord Quality Games products,the CODE is very well written AND the program itself is very easy TO use:
- 1.Open the tape case AND take the tape that is inside.
- 2.Put the tape in the tape player.
- 3.IF it is true that the tape.player.tape.door is closed, THEN open it. GO TO STEP 2
- 4.IF it is true that the tape.player NOT connected TO zx spectrum THEN connect it.
- 5.Press play on tape player
- 6.Type LOAD "" AND press enter in your ZX Spectrum.
- 7.IF game does NOT LOAD, THEN rewind tape AND GO TO STEP 5
- 8.IF today is birthday of a relative OR today is birthday of friend THEN PRINT a happy birthday card : Give card
- 9.Follow on-screen instructions
- Troubleshooting/FAQ
- Our organization is against shooting when there is trouble!
- Q:I can't understand how to play this game!
- A:This is NOT a game it is a utility. It is normal that you can't play it!
- Q:I tried TO use the name generated with <<insert supermodel name here>>. She told me a liar AND left!
- A:When you claim that you own 3 Ferraris you don't go everywhere carrying a bike helmet!
- Q:DO you have any proof that this piece of software works?
- A:Yes, we DO!
- Q:I liked your program very much! Will there be a sequel?
- A:Yes, we're planning to release the female version of this script. Kate, our beta tester from the middle offices, told us that she had succesfully used the female name generator and married a member of a known royal family. We can't reveal any more details about that at this point.
- Q: This utility seems that it is crap!
- A: No, it is NOT. IF it were crap, we wouldn't put the word "quality" in our company name! The "Firelord Quality Games" brand guarantees the supreme quality of the product.
- Q: IF I don't like the software can I get a refund?
- A: Yes, but you must pay travel expenses so I can come AND give you the money in person. Travel expencses include Business Class Air-Tickets, 3-day stay AT a 5-star hotel AT a city near your home address. Also,you must cover taxi expences from the airport TO the hotel AND THEN TO your home.
- Q: Your software crashed my computer! What should I DO?
- A: Please send us the pieces of your computer AND we will DO our best TO put it back together FOR you.
- 10 GO SUB 9000: REM ---Royal Name Generator For CSSCGC 2024
- 15 REM By Firelord Quality Programs Ltd - giatoula+spectrum
- 20 INK colink: PAPER colpaper: BORDER colborder: CLS
- 100 PRINT INVERSE 1;" Welcome to Royal"'" Long Name Generator"
- 110 PRINT "By Firelord Quality Programs Ltd"'';INVERSE 0
- 120 GO SUB 8000: GO SUB 7000
- 1000 STOP
- 7010 CLS : PRINT AT 10,1;"Your (new) Royal name is :"'
- 7020 PRINT AT 14,0;""; INVERSE 1;
- 7050 FOR K=1 TO d: PRINT INVERSE 1;n$(1+INT (RND*39));
- 7060 NEXT K
- 7500 RETURN
- 8010 PRINT "Please enter the number of"'"digits (zero's) after the 1000"'"that represents your fortune!"'"(Default Currency is Canadian $)"
- 8050 INPUT "Digits :";d
- 8999 RETURN
- 9000 REM --variables
- 9010 LET colpaper=5: LET colink=3: LET colborder=0
- 9020 DIM n$(41,10)
- 9030 FOR I=1 TO 39
- 9040 READ n$(I): REM PRINT I;")-";n$(I)
- 9050 NEXT I
- 9790 REM "Name list 40name "
- 9800 DATA "Hose","Alfonso","Mario","Luigi"
- 9810 DATA "Jim","Jack","Helen","Miguel"
- 9820 DATA "Charles","Philip","Arthur","George"
- 9830 DATA "Anne","Elizabeth","Alice","Louise"
- 9840 DATA "Andrew","Albert","Christian","Edward"
- 9850 DATA "Leopold","George","Duncan","Albert"
- 9860 DATA "Beatrice","Mary","Victoria","Fedore"
- 9870 DATA "Victoria","Adelaide","Mary","Louisa"
- 9880 DATA "Helena","Augusta","Victoria","Mitsaras"
- 9890 DATA "William","Arthur","Philip","Louis"
- 9900 DATA "Antony","Richard","Louis","Edward"
- 9990 RETURN
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