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- Subuser version: 0.5.13
- Docker info:
- NGoroutines: 47
- KernelVersion: 4.4.0-34-generic
- CPUShares: True
- ClusterStore:
- Images: 68
- Containers: 3
- SystemTime: 2016-08-11T18:17:41.868241991+02:00
- Architecture: x86_64
- BridgeNfIptables: True
- CPUSet: True
- DockerRootDir: /var/lib/docker
- OSType: linux
- ServerVersion: 1.12.0
- IndexServerAddress:
- SwapLimit: False
- ExperimentalBuild: False
- CpuCfsPeriod: True
- OperatingSystem: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
- Debug: False
- MemTotal: 8272723968
- Name: river
- OomKillDisable: True
- LoggingDriver: json-file
- Plugins: {'Volume': ['local'], 'Network': ['bridge', 'overlay', 'host', 'null'], 'Authorization': None}
- ContainersStopped: 1
- NEventsListener: 0
- MemoryLimit: True
- NFd: 26
- Labels: None
- DriverStatus: [['Root Dir', '/var/lib/docker/aufs'], ['Backing Filesystem', 'extfs'], ['Dirs', '68'], ['Dirperm1 Supported', 'true']]
- IPv4Forwarding: True
- DefaultRuntime: runc
- BridgeNfIp6tables: True
- NoProxy:
- Swarm: {'NodeID': '', 'RemoteManagers': None, 'Managers': 0, 'Cluster': {'ID': '', 'Version': {}, 'CreatedAt': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'UpdatedAt': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'Spec': {'CAConfig': {}, 'Orchestration': {}, 'Dispatcher': {}, 'TaskDefaults': {}, 'Raft': {}}}, 'Nodes': 0, 'NodeAddr': '', 'LocalNodeState': 'inactive', 'ControlAvailable': False, 'Error': ''}
- RegistryConfig: {'IndexConfigs': {'': {'Name': '', 'Official': True, 'Mirrors': None, 'Secure': True}}, 'Mirrors': None, 'InsecureRegistryCIDRs': ['']}
- ContainersPaused: 0
- ExecutionDriver:
- CpuCfsQuota: True
- ClusterAdvertise:
- SystemStatus: None
- NCPU: 4
- KernelMemory: True
- SecurityOptions: ['apparmor', 'seccomp']
- HttpsProxy:
- HttpProxy:
- CgroupDriver: cgroupfs
- ContainersRunning: 2
- Driver: aufs
- Runtimes: {'runc': {'path': 'docker-runc'}}
- LiveRestoreEnabled: False
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